- Headstone
A headstone, tombstone or gravestone is a marker, normally carved from stone, placed over or next to the site of a
burial in acemetery or elsewhere.Use
stele , as they are called in an archaeological context, is one of the oldest forms offunerary art . Originally, a tombstone was the stone lid of a stonecoffin , or the coffin itself, and a gravestone was the stone slab that was laid over a grave. Now all three terms are also used for markers placed at the head of the grave. Originally graves in the 1700s also contained footstones to demarcate the foot end of the grave. Footstones were rarely carved with more than the deceased's initials and year of death, and many cemeteries andchurchyard s have removed them to make cutting the grass easier. Note however that in many UK cemeteries the principal, and indeed only, marker is placed at the "foot" of the grave.Graves and any related memorials are a focus for
mourning and remembrance. The names of relatives are often added to a gravestone over the years, so that one marker may chronicle the passing of an entire family spread over decades. Since gravestones and a plot in a cemetery or churchyard cost money, they are also a symbol of wealth or prominence in a community. Some gravestones were even commissioned and erected to their own memory by people who were still living, as a testament to their wealth and status. In a Christian context, the very wealthy often erected elaborate memorials within churches rather than having simply external gravestones.Crematoria frequently offer similar alternatives for families who do not have a grave to mark, but who want a focus for their mourning and for remembrance. Carved or cast
commemorative plaque s inside the crematorium for example may serve this purpose.Materials
Most types of
building materials have been used at some time as markers. The more usual materials include:* Fieldstones. The earliest markers for graves were natural
fieldstone , some unmarked and others decorated or incised using a metalawl . Typical motifs for the carving included a symbol and the deceased's name and age.
* Granite.Granite is a hard stone and traditionally has required great skill to carve by hand. Modern methods of carving include using computer-controlled rotary bits andsandblasting over a rubber stencil. Leaving the letters, numbers and emblems exposed on the stone, the blaster can create virtually any kind of artwork or epitaph.
* Iron.Iron grave markers and decorations were popular during theVictorian era in theUnited Kingdom and elsewhere, often being produced by specialistfoundries or the localblacksmith . Many cast iron headstones have lasted for generations while wrought ironwork often only survives in a rusted or eroded state.
* Marble and limestone. Bothlimestone andmarble take carving well. Marble is a recrystallised form of limestone. Both marble and limestone slowly dissolve when exposed to the mild acid in rainwater which can make inscriptions unreadable over time.Marble replaced sandstone as a popular material from the early 1800s.
* Sandstone.Sandstone is durable yet soft enough to carve easily. Some sandstone markers are so well preserved that individual chisel marks can be discerned in the carving, while others have delaminated and crumbled into dust. Delamination occurs when moisture gets between the layers that make up the sandstone. As it freezes and expands the layers flake off. In the 1600s sandstone replaced fieldstones inColonial America .
* Slate.Slate can have a pleasing texture but is slightly porous and prone to delamination. It takes lettering well, often highlighted with white paint orgilding .
* White Bronze. Actually sand castzinc , but called white bronze for marketing purposes. Almost all, if not all, zinc grave markers were made by the Monumental Bronze Company of Bridgeport, CT, between 1874 and 1914. They are in cemeteries of the period all across the U. S. and Canada. They were sold as more durable than marble, about 1/3 less expensive and progressive.
* Wood. This was a popular material during the Georgian andVictorian era , and almost certainly before, inGreat Britain and elsewhere. Some could be very ornate, although few survive beyond 50-100 years due to natural decomposition.
* Planting. Trees or shrubs, particularly roses, may be planted, especially to mark the location of ashes. This may be accompanied by a small inscribed metal or wooden marker.A
cemetery may follow national codes of practice or independently prescribe the size and use of certain materials, especially if in a conservation area. Some may limit the placing of a wooden memorial to 6 months after burial, after which a more permanent memorial should be placed. Others may require stones to be of a certain shape or position to facilitate grass-cutting by machines, or hand-held cutters.Cemeteries require regular inspection and maintenance, as stones may settle, topple and, on rare occasions, fall and injure people [ [http://www.hse.gov.uk/services/localgovernment/cemletter.htm Memorial safety] ] ; or graves may simply become overgrown and their markers lost or vandalised.Restoration is a specialised job for a monumental mason; even the removal of overgrowth needs care to avoid damaging the carving. For example, ivy should only be cut at the base roots and left to naturally die off, and never pulled off forcefully.Inscriptions
's inscription famously declares;
: ""'Good friend, for Jesus' sake forbear,: ""'To dig the dust enclosèd here.: ""'Blest be the man that spares these stones,: ""'And cursed be he that moves my bones.
Or a warning about Mortality, such as this Persian poetry carved on an ancient tombstone in the
Tajiki capital ofDushanbe . [ [http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article18340.htm Information Clearinghouse] ] [ [http://news.independent.co.uk/fisk/article2941871.ece Robert Fisk: "An urge to smash history into tiny pieces" Information Clearing House] The Independent, 08 September 2007 ]: ""'I heard that mighty Jamshed the King: ""'Carved on a stone near a spring of water these words::: "'"Many – like us – sat here by this spring:: ""'And left this life in the blink of an eye.:: ""'We captured the whole world through our courage and strength,:: ""'Yet could take nothing with us to our grave." Or a simpler warning of inevitability of death, such as:
:: ""'Reader beware as you pass by,:: ""'As you are, so once was I,:: ""'As I am now, so you will soon be,:: ""'Prepare for your fate and follow me.
The basic information on the headstone generally includes the name of the deceased and their date of birth and death. Such information can be useful to genealogists and local historians. Larger cemeteries may require a discrete reference code as well to help accurately fix the location for maintenance. The cemetery owner, church, or, as in the UK, national guidelines might encourage the use of 'tasteful' and accurate wording in inscriptions.
Headstone engravers faced their own "
Year 2000 problem " when still-living people, as many as 500,000 the United States alone, pre-purchased headstones with pre-carved death dates beginning 19–. [ [http://reason.com/9907/ci.ml.grave.shtml Grave Problem] ]Bas-relief carvings of a religious nature or of a profile of the deceased can be seen on headstones dating from before the 1800s. Since the invention of photography, a gravestone might include a framedphotograph orcameo of the deceased; photographic images or artwork (showing the loved one, or some other image relevant to their life, interests or achievements) are sometimes now engraved onto smooth stone surfaces.Some headstones use lettering made of white metal fixed into the stone, which is easy to read but can be damaged by ivy or frost. Deep carvings on a hard-wearing stone may weather many centuries exposed in graveyards and still remain legible. Those which are fixed on the inside of churches, on the walls or on the floor (frequently as near to the
altar as possible) may last much longer: such memorials were often embellished with amonumental brass .Marker inscriptions have also been used for political purposes, such as the grave marker installed in January 2008 at
Cave Hill Cemetery inLouisville, Kentucky by Mathew Prescott, an employee ofPETA . The grave marker is located near the grave ofKFC founderHarland Sanders and bears the acrostic message “KFC tortures birds.” [ [http://www.usnews.com/blogs/washington-whispers/2008/01/10/peta-takes-fight-to-col-sanderss-grave.html PETA Takes Fight to Col. Sanders's Grave] ] The group placed its grave marker to promote its contention that KFC is cruel to chickens.Form and decoration
Gravestones may be simple upright slabs with semi-circular, rounded, gabled, pointed-arched, pedimental, square or other shaped tops. During the 18th century, they were often decorated with "
memento mori " (symbolic reminders ofdeath ) such asskull s or winged skulls, winged cherub heads, heavenly crowns, urns or the picks and shovels of the grave digger. Somewhat unusual were more elaborate allegorical figures, such as OldFather Time , oremblem s oftrade or status, or even some event from the life of the deceased (particularly how they died). Later in the same century, large tomb chests or smaller coped chests were commonly used by thegentry as a means of commemorating a number of members of the same family. In the 19th century, headstone styles became very diverse, ranging from plain to highly decorated. They might be replaced by more elaborately carved markers, such ascross es orangels . Simple curb surrounds, sometimes filled with glass chippings, were popular during the mid-20th century.Some form of simple decoration is once more popular. Special emblems on tombstones indicate several familiar themes in many faiths. Some examples are:
Anchor - Steadfast hope
*Arch - Rejoined with partner inHeaven
*Birds - Thesoul
*Book - Faith, wisdom
*Cherub - Divinewisdom orjustice
*Column - Noble life
* Brokencolumn - Earlydeath
*Conch shell -Wisdom
*Cross ,anchor andBible - Trials, victory and reward
* Crown - Reward and glory
*Dolphin - Salvation, bearer of souls to Heaven
*Dove - Purity, love andHoly Spirit
*Evergreen - Eternal life
*Garland - Victory over death
*Gourd s - Deliverance from grief
*Hands - A relation or partnership (see Reference 3)
*Heart -Devotion
*Horseshoe - Protection againstevil
*Hourglass - Time and its swift flight
*Ivy - Faithfulness, memory, and undying friendship
* Lamb -Innocence
*Lamp -Immortality
* Laurel - Victory, fame
*Lily - Purity andresurrection
*Lion - Strength,resurrection
*Mermaid - Dualism ofChrist - fullyGod , fullyman
*Oak - Strength
*Olive branch - Forgiveness, and peace
* Palms -Martyr dom, or victory over death
*Peacock - Eternal life
*Pillow - a deathbed, eternal sleep
*Poppy - Eternal sleep
*Rooster - Awakening, courage and vigilance
* Shell - Birth andresurrection
*Star of David - TheGod
*Skeleton - Life's brevity
*Snake in a circle - Everlasting life in Heaven
*Swallow -Motherhood
* Brokensword - Life cut short
* Crossed swords - Life lost in battle
*Torch - Eternal life if upturned, death if extinguished
*Tree trunk - The beauty of life
*Triangle - Truth, equality and the trinity
* Shatteredurn - Old age, mourning if draped
* Weepingwillow -Mourning , griefGreek letters might also be used:
* alpha omega (alpha and
omega ) - The beginning and the end
* chi ho (chi rho) - The first letters spelling the name of Christ
* IHS - Stylised version ofiota -eta -sigma , a Greek abbreviation of JesusImage Gallery
See also
*Scottish gravestones
*Stećak External links
* [http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/12978 In Search Of Gravestones Old And Curious] by W.T. (William Thomas) Vincent, 1896, from
Project Gutenberg * [http://www.worldburialindex.com/of_interest.php World Burial Index] Photographs of memorial inscriptions plus free surname search
* [http://www.gravematter.com A Very Grave Matter] Old New England gravestones
* [http://www.historicheadstones.com Historic Headstones Online] Project to transcribe content from historic headstones
* [http://www.pagstones.com Pennsylvania German tombstones]
* [http://www.spiritedghosthunting.com/GravestoneSymbols-ArgentMoon.htm Gravestone symbols] from [http://www.spiritedghosthunting.com/index.html Spirited ghost hunting]
* [http://www.oldheadstones.com Old Headstones and Tombs] displays a scattergram of the distribution of hands sculptures on headstones, and some remarkable tombstones
* [http://www.ettc.net/njarts/details.cfm?ID=956 The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey] includes gravestone imagery in the state of New JerseyReferences
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.