Christian Wernicke

Christian Wernicke

Christian Wernicke (January 16615 September 1725) was a German epigramist and diplomat. His surname has also been spelled Wernigke, Warneck, and Werneke.

Wernicke was born in Elbing (Elbląg) in the Polish province of Royal Prussia. After attending school in Elbing and Thorn (Thorn), Wernicke studied philosophy and poetry under Daniel Georg Morhof at the University of Kiel in Holstein. He then spent three years at the court of Mecklenburg and took educational trips to Holland, France, and England, before settling in Hamburg in 1696, where he worked as a private scholar. From 1714-1723 he worked as an ambassador for the court of Denmark.

Wernicke's clear and rationale diction stands in contrast to that of his contemporaries Christian Hoffmann von Hoffmannswaldau and Christian Heinrich Postel. Wernicke was openly hostile to Christian Friedrich Hunold. He died in Copenhagen in 1725.

Wernicke's satirical writings were rediscovered by Johann Jakob Bodmer and were praised by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing and Johann Gottfried Herder in 1749.


This article incorporates information from the revision as of July 8, 2006 of the equivalent article on the German Wikipedia.

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