136 (number)

136 (number)

136 (one hundred [and] thirty six) is the natural number following 135 and preceding 137.

Number|number = 136
range = 130s
cardinal = one hundred [and] thirty-six
ordinal = th
ordinal text = one hundredth [and] thirty-sixth
numeral = 136
factorization = 2^3 imes 17
prime =
divisor = 1, 2, 4, 8, 17, 34, 68, 136
roman = CXXXVI
unicode =
greek prefix =
latin prefix =
bin = 10001000
oct = 210
duo =
hex = 88
misc =

In mathematics

136 is itself a factor of the Eddington number. With a total of 8 divisors, 8 among them, 136 is a refactorable number.

136 is a triangular number, a centered triangular number and a centered nonagonal number.

The sum of the ninth row of Lozanić's triangle is 136.

136 is a self-descriptive number in base 4. In base 10, the sum of the cubes of its digits is 1^3 + 3^3 + 6^3 = 244. The sum of the cubes of the digits of 244 is 2^3 + 4^3 + 4^3 = 136.

136 is the sum of the first 16 positive integers.

In the military

* Force 136 branch of the British organization, the Special Operations Executive (SOE), in the South-East Asian Theatre of World War II
* USNS Mission Soledad (T-AO-136) was a United States Navy Mission Buenaventura class fleet oiler during World War II
* USS Admirable (AM-136) was a United States Navy her class of minesweeper
* USS Ara (AK-136) was a United States Navycrater cargo ship during World War II
* USS Boggs (DD-136) was a United States Navy Wickes class destroyer during World War II
* USS Botetourt (APA-136) was a United States Navy Haskell-class attack transport during World War II and the Korean War
* USS Carondelet (IX-136) was a United States Navy tanker during World War II
* USS Carpellotti (APD-136) was a United States Navy Crosley-class high-speed transport during World War II
* USS Chicago (CA-136) was a United States Navy heavy cruiser during World War II
* USS Frederick C. Davis (DE-136) was a United States Navy Edsall-class destroyer escort during World War II
* USS General H. L. Scott (AP-136) was a United States Navy General G. O. Squier transport ship during World War II
* Electronic Attack Squadron 136 (VAQ-136) also known as "The Gauntlets" is a United States Navy attack squadron at Naval Air Station Atsugi, Japan
* Strike Fighter Squadron 136 (VFA-136) is a United States Navy strike fighter squadron based at Naval Air Station Oceana, Virginia

In sports

* The 136th Belmont Stakes was won by Birdstone on June 5, 2004
* MLB players who had 136 home runs in a career include:
** Jack Fournier
** Davey Johnson
** Hector Lopez
** Trot Nixon
** Matt Nokes

In transportation

* U.S. Route 136 is a spur of U.S. Highway 36 from Edison, Nebraska to Indianapolis, Indiana
* M-136 is a state highway route in Michigan
* Peel Regional Road 136, formerly Highway 136, is a former provincial highway of Ontario
* London Buses route 136 is a Transport for London contracted bus route in London
* Route 136 is a bus route in Bucharest, run by RATB

In TV and Radio

* The TV series That Girl ran on ABC from 1966 to 1971 with 136 episodes
* The TV series Fame ran on NBC and syndication from 1982 to 1987 with 136 episodes
* The TV series Whose Line Is It Anyway? ran on Britain's [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Channel_4_News|Channel 4] from 1988 to 1998 with 136 episodes
* Channel 136 on the Dish Network is FX
* Sirius Satellite Radio has 136 full-time channels
* 136 kHz band is the lowest frequency band amateur radio operators are allowed to transmit

In other fields

* The year AD 136 or 136 BC
* 136 AH is a year in the Islamic calendar that corresponds to 753 – 754 CE
* 136 Austria is a main belt asteroid discovered in 1874
* WR 136 is a Wolf-Rayet red supergiant star
* 136P/Mueller, or Mueller 3, is a periodic comet in our solar system
* The hottest temperature ever recorded was 136 F at Al 'Aziziyah, Libya in September, 1922
* [http://www.angeltherapy.com Doreen Virtue PhD] , renowned angel therapist and clairvoyant, said the number 136 mystically relates to "the ascended masters and goddesses ensuring that your needs are continuously met. You help with this manifestation by keeping your thoughts attuned to the positive."
*Section 136 of the Mental Health Act 1983 (UK law) details removing a mentally ill person from a public place to a place of safety. It details police powers and the rights of someone in this position.
* Sonnet 136 by William Shakespeare
* Kuwait ranks #136 in world population

See also

* List of highways numbered 136
* United Nations Security Council Resolution 136

External links

* [http://www.anthonymcg.com/archives/2008/02/03/one-hundred-and-thirty-six-cats 136 cats] (video)

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