- Tribenoside
IUPAC_name = (3R,4R,5R)-5- [1,2-bis(phenylmethoxy)ethyl] - 2-ethoxy-4-(phenylmethoxy) oxolan-3-ol
CAS_number = 10310-32-4
ATC_prefix = C05
ATC_suffix = AX05
PubChem = 25145
DrugBank =
molecular_weight = 478.57666 g/mol
bioavailability =
protein_bound =
metabolism =
elimination_half-life =
excretion =
pregnancy_AU =
pregnancy_US =
legal_AU =
legal_CA =
legal_UK =
legal_US =
legal_status =
routes_of_administration =Tribenoside is a vasoprotective.
Induction of
hypersensitivity has been reported.cite journal |author=Hashizume H, Takigawa M |title=Drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome associated with cytomegalovirus reactivation: immunological characterization of pathogenic T cells |journal=Acta Derm. Venereol. |volume=85 |issue=1 |pages=47–50 |year=2005 |pmid=15848991 |doi=10.1080/00015550410024094 |url=http://adv.medicaljournals.se/article/full/10.1080/00015550410024094]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.