List of National Medal of Science laureates

List of National Medal of Science laureates

The National Medal of Science is an honor bestowed by the President of the United States to individuals in science and engineering who have made important contributions to the advancement of knowledge in the following six fields, behavioral and social sciences, biology, chemistry, engineering, mathematics and physical sciences. The Committee on the National Medal of Science under the National Science Foundation (NSF) is responsible for recommending medal candidates to the President.

Behavioral and social science

*1964 Othmar H. Ammann, Theodosius Dobzhansky, Neal Elgar Miller
*1986 Herbert A. Simon
*1987 Anne Anastasi, George J. Stigler
*1988 Milton Friedman
*1990 Leonid Hurwicz, Patrick Suppes
*1991 Robert W. Kates, George A. Miller
*1992 Eleanor J. Gibson
*1994 Robert K. Merton
*1995 Roger N. Shepard
*1996 Paul A. Samuelson
*1997 William K. Estes
*1998 William Julius Wilson
*1999 Robert M. Solow
*2000 Gary S. Becker
*2001 George F. Bass
*2003 R. Duncan Luce
*2004 Kenneth J. Arrow
*2005 Gordon H. Bower

Biological Sciences

*1963 Cornelius Van Niel
*1964 Marshall W. Nirenberg
*1965 Francis P. Rous, George G. Simpson, Donald D. Van Slyke
*1966 Edward F. Knipling, Fritz Albert Lipmann, William C. Rose, Sewall Wright
*1967 Kenneth S. Cole, Harry F. Harlow, Michael Heidelberger, Alfred H. Sturtevant
*1968 H. A. Barker, Bernard B. Brodie, Detlev W. Bronk, Jay Lush, Burrhus Frederic Skinner
*1969 Robert J. Huebner, Ernst Mayr
*1970 Barbara McClintock, Albert B. Sabin
*1973 Daniel I. Arnon, Earl W. Sutherland, Jr.
*1974 Britton Chance, Erwin Chargaff, James Van Gundia Neel, James Augustine Shannon
*1975 Hallowell Davis, Paul Gyorgy, Sterling Brown Hendricks, Orville Alvin Vogel
*1976 Roger C.L. Guillemin, Keith Roberts Porter, Efraim Racker, Edward O. Wilson
*1979 Robert H. Burris, Elizabeth C. Crosby, Arthur Kornberg, Severo Ochoa, Earl Reece Stadtman, George Ledyard Stebbins, Paul A. Weiss
*1981 Philip Handler
*1982 Seymour Benzer, Glenn W. Burton, Mildred Cohn
*1983 Howard L. Bachrach, Paul Berg, Wendell L. Roelofs, Berta Scharrer
*1986 Stanley Cohen, Donald A. Henderson, Vernon B. Mountcastle, George Emil Palade, Joan A. Steitz
*1987 Michael E. Debakey, Theodor O. Diener, Harry Eagle, Har Gobind Khorana, Rita Levi-Montalcini
*1988 Michael S. Brown, Stanley N. Cohen, Joseph L. Goldstein, Maurice R. Hilleman, Eric R. Kandel, Rosalyn S. Yalow
*1989 Katherine Esau, Viktor Hamburger, Philip Leder, Joshua Lederberg, Roger W. Sperry, Harland G. Wood
*1990 Baruj Benacerraf, Herbert W. Boyer, Daniel E. Koshland, Jr., Edward B. Lewis, David G. Nathan, E. Donnall Thomas
*1991 Mary Ellen Avery, G. Evelyn Hutchinson, Elvin A. Kabat, Salvador E. Luria, Paul A. Marks, Folke K Skoog, Paul C. Zamecnik
*1992 Maxine Singer, Howard M. Temin
*1993 Daniel Nathans, Salome G. Waelsch
*1994 Thomas Eisner, Elizabeth F. Neufeld
*1995 Alexander Rich
*1996 Ruth Patrick
*1997 James D. Watson, Robert A. Weinberg
*1998 Bruce Ames, Janet Rowley
*1999 David Baltimore, Jared Diamond, Lynn Margulis
*2000 Nancy C. Andreasen, Peter H. Raven, Carl Woese
*2001 Francisco J. Ayala, Mario R. Capecchi, Ann M. Graybiel, Gene E. Likens, Victor A. McKusick, Harold Varmus
*2002 James E. Darnell, Evelyn M. Witkin
*2003 J. Michael Bishop, Solomon H. Snyder, Charles Yanofsky
*2004 Norman E. Borlaug, Phillip A. Sharp, Thomas E. Starzl
*2005 Anthony Fauci, Torsten N. Wiesel
*2006 Rita R. Colwell, Nina Fedoroff, Lubert Stryer
*2007 Robert J. Lefkowitz, Bert W. O'Malley


*1964 Roger Adams
*1982 F. Albert Cotton, Gilbert Stork
*1983 Roald Hoffmann, George C. Pimentel, Richard N. Zare
*1986 Harry Gray, Yuan Tseh Lee, Carl S. Marvel, Frank H. Westheimer
*1987 William S. Johnson, Walter H. Stockmayer, Max Tishler
*1988 William O. Baker, Konrad E. Bloch, Elias J. Corey
*1989 Richard B. Bernstein, Melvin Calvin, Rudoph A. Marcus, Harden M. McConnell
*1990 Elkan Blout, Karl Folkers, John D. Roberts
*1991 Ronald Breslow, Gertrude B. Elion, Dudley R. Herschbach, Glenn T. Seaborg
*1992 Howard E. Simmons, Jr.
*1993 Donald J. Cram, Norman Hackerman
*1994 George S. Hammond
*1995 Thomas Cech, Isabella L. Karle
*1996 Norman Davidson
*1997 Darleane C. Hoffman, Harold S. Johnston
*1998 John W. Cahn, George M. Whitesides
*1999 Stuart A. Rice, John Ross, Susan Solomon
*2000 John D. Baldeschwieler, Ralph F. Hirschmann
*2001 Ernest R. Davidson, Gabor A. Somorjai
*2002 John I. Brauman
*2004 Stephen J. Lippard
*2006 Marvin H. Caruthers, Peter B. Dervan, Robert S. Langer
*2007 Mostafa A. El-Sayed

Engineering Sciences

*1962 Theodore von Karman
*1963 Vannevar Bush, John Robinson Pierce
*1964 Charles S. Draper
*1965 Hugh L. Dryden, Clarence L. Johnson, Warren K. Lewis
*1966 Claude E. Shannon
*1967 Edwin H. Land, Igor I. Sikorsky
*1968 J. Presper Eckert, Nathan M. Newmark
*1969 Jack St. Clair Kilby
*1970 George E. Mueller
*1973 Harold E. Edgerton, Richard T. Whitcomb
*1974 Rudolf Kompfner, Ralph Brazelton Peck, Abel Wolman
*1975 Manson Benedict, William Hayward Pickering, Frederick E. Terman, Wernher Von Braun
*1976 Morris Cohen, Peter C. Goldmark, Erwin Wilhelm Müller
*1979 Emmett N. Leith, Raymond D. Mindlin, Robert N. Noyce, Earl R. Parker, Simon Ramo
*1982 Edward H. Heinemann, Donald L. Katz
*1983 William R. Hewlett, George M. Low, John G. Trump
*1986 Hans Wolfgang Liepmann, T. Y. Lin, Bernard M. Oliver
*1987 Robert B. Bird, H. Bolton Seed, Ernst Weber
*1988 Daniel C. Drucker, Willis M. Hawkins, George W. Housner
*1989 Harry George Drickamer, Herbert E. Grier
*1990 Mildred S. Dresselhaus, Nick Holonyak Jr.
*1991 George Heilmeier, Luna B. Leopold, H. Guyford Stever
*1992 Calvin F. Quate, John Roy Whinnery
*1993 Alfred Y. Cho
*1994 Ray W. Clough
*1995 Hermann A. Haus
*1996 James L. Flanagan, C. Kumar N. Patel
*1998 Eli Ruckenstein
*1999 Kenneth N. Stevens
*2000 Yuan-Cheng B. Fung
*2001 Andreas Acrivos
*2002 Leo Beranek
*2003 John M. Prausnitz
*2004 Edwin N. Lightfoot
*2005 Jan D. Achenbach, Tobin J. Marks
*2007 Andrew J. Viterbi

Mathematical, Statistical, and Computer Sciences

*1963 Norbert Wiener
*1964 Solomon Lefschetz, H. Marston Morse
*1965 Oscar Zariski
*1966 John Milnor
*1967 Paul Cohen
*1968 Jerzy Neyman
*1969 William Feller
*1970 Richard Brauer
*1973 John Tukey
*1974 Kurt Gödel
*1975 John W. Backus, Shiing-Shen Chern, George B. Dantzig
*1976 Kurt Otto Friedrichs, Hassler Whitney
*1979 Joseph L. Doob, Donald E. Knuth
*1982 Marshall Harvey Stone
*1983 Herman Goldstine, Isadore Singer
*1986 Peter Lax, Antoni Zygmund
*1987 Raoul Bott, Michael Freedman
*1988 Ralph E. Gomory, Joseph B. Keller
*1989 Samuel Karlin, Saunders MacLane, Donald C. Spencer
*1990 George F. Carrier, Stephen Cole Kleene, John McCarthy
*1991 Alberto Calderón
*1992 Allen Newell
*1993 Martin Kruskal
*1994 John Cocke
*1995 Louis Nirenberg
*1996 Richard M. Karp, Stephen Smale
*1997 Shing-Tung Yau
*1998 Cathleen Synge Morawetz
*1999 Felix Browder, Ronald R. Coifman
*2000 John Griggs Thompson, Karen K. Uhlenbeck
*2001 Calyampudi R. Rao, Elias M. Stein
*2002 James G. Glimm
*2003 Carl R. de Boor
*2004 Dennis P. Sullivan
*2005 Bradley Efron
*2006 Hyman Bass
*2007 Leonard Kleinrock

Physical Sciences

*1963 Luis W. Alvarez
*1964 Julian Schwinger, Harold Clayton Urey, Robert Burns Woodward
*1965 John Bardeen, Peter Debye, Leon M. Lederman, William Rubey
*1966 Jacob Bjerknes, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, Henry Eyring, John H. Van Vleck, Vladimir K. Zworykin
*1967 Jesse Beams, Francis Birch, Gregory Breit, Louis Hammett, George Kistiakowsky
*1968 Paul Bartlett, Herbert Friedman, Lars Onsager, Eugene Wigner
*1969 Herbert C. Brown, Wolfgang Panofsky
*1970 Robert H. Dicke, Allan R. Sandage, John C. Slater, John A. Wheeler, Saul Winstein
*1973 Carl Djerassi, Maurice Ewing, Arie Jan Haagen-Smit, Vladimir Haensel, Frederick Seitz, Robert Rathbun Wilson
*1974 Nicolaas Bloembergen, Paul Flory, William Alfred Fowler, Linus Carl Pauling, Kenneth Sanborn Pitzer
*1975 Hans A. Bethe, Joseph Hirschfelder, Lewis Sarett, E. Bright Wilson, Chien-Shiung Wu
*1976 Samuel Goudsmit, Herbert S. Gutowsky, Frederick Rossini, Verner Suomi, Henry Taube, George Uhlenbeck
*1979 Richard P. Feynman, Herman Mark, Edward M. Purcell, John Sinfelt, Lyman Spitzer, Victor F. Weisskopf
*1982 Philip W. Anderson, Yoichiro Nambu, Edward Teller, Charles H. Townes
*1983 E. Margaret Burbidge, Maurice Goldhaber, Helmut Landsberg, Walter Munk, Frederick Reines, Bruno B. Rossi, J. Robert Schrieffer
*1986 Solomon Buchsbaum, Horace Crane, Herman Feshbach, Robert Hofstadter, Chen Ning Yang
*1987 Philip Abelson, Walter Elsasser, Paul C. Lauterbur, George Pake, James A. Van Allen
*1988 D. Allan Bromley, Paul (Ching-Wu) Chu, Walter Kohn, Norman F. Ramsey, Jack Steinberger
*1989 Arnold O. Beckman, Eugene Parker, Robert Sharp, Henry Stommel
*1990 Allan M. Cormack, Edwin M. McMillan, Robert Pound, Roger Revelle
*1991 Arthur L. Schawlow, Ed Stone, Steven Weinberg
*1992 Eugene M. Shoemaker
*1993 Val Fitch, Vera Rubin
*1994 Albert Overhauser, Frank Press
*1995 Hans Dehmelt, Peter Goldreich
*1996 Wallace S. Broecker
*1997 Marshall Rosenbluth, Martin Schwarzschild, George Wetherill
*1998 Don L. Anderson, John N. Bahcall
*1999 James Cronin, Leo Kadanoff
*2000 Willis E. Lamb, Jeremiah P. Ostriker, Gilbert F. White
*2001 Marvin L. Cohen, Raymond Davis Jr., Charles Keeling
*2002 Richard Garwin, W. Jason Morgan, Edward Witten
*2003 G. Brent Dalrymple, Riccardo Giacconi
*2004 Robert N. Clayton
*2005 Ralph A. Alpher, Lonnie Thompson
*2006 Daniel Kleppner
*2007 Fay Ajzenberg-Selove, Charles P. Slichter, David J. Wineland


* [ National Medal of Science - Recipient Search]

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