Aucoumea klaineana

Aucoumea klaineana
Aucoumea klaineana
Conservation status
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Rosids
Order: Sapindales
Family: Burseraceae
Genus: Aucoumea
Species: A. klaineana
Binomial name
Aucoumea klaineana

Aucoumea klaineana (Angouma, Gaboon, or Okoumé) is a tree in the family Burseraceae, native to equatorial west Africa in Gabon, the Republic of the Congo, and Rio Muni. It is a medium-sized hardwood tree growing to 30-40 m tall, rarely larger, with a trunk 1-2.5 m diameter above the often large basal buttresses. The tree generally grows in small stands, the roots of the trees intertwined with neighboring trees. In Gabon it is the primary timber species.


It is a weak wood with low decay resistance and moderate dimensional stability, the major use of Gaboon is in the manufacture of plywood. Its attractive appearance means that it is often used decoratively as the top surface veneer in panelling and furniture or, in solid form in luxury items such as boxes for cigars or other high value items (e.g. audio equipment).

Gaboon plywood is also used in the French aircraft industry to make light aeroplanes, such as those built by Avions Robin. It was used extensively to manufacture the Jodel range of aircraft, which are popular throughout Europe but no longer factory-built. However, the wood's open grain, flexibility and light weight make it a popular choice for amateur builders of Jodel aircraft to this day.

In the form known as okoume marine grade plywood, it is considered perhaps the finest construction plywood now available for boats. It is widely available manufactured and certified to British Standard 1088. Its users range from individual hobbyist kayak builders to some of the world's largest boat builders. Most often it is used in combination with epoxy and fiberglass, the combination giving a structure that can be stronger and lighter than plastic or fiberglass, rivaling the performance characteristics of more advanced composites such as carbon fiber. The grain appearance is prized, likened to that of mahogany and is often varnished for a decorative appearance.

When used for the backs and sides of high-end acoustic guitars Okoume (or as it is known in the trade, Akoumé) exhibits many of the tonal properties of maple. Guitars made with Akoumé are noticeably lighter in weight than those made with mahogany or rosewood.


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