- Premature convergence
genetic algorithm s, the term of premature convergence means that a population for anoptimization problem converged too early, resulting in beingsuboptimal . In this context, the parental solutions, through the aid of genetic operators, are not able to generate offspring that are superior to their parents. Premature Convergence can happen in case of loss of genetic variation (every individual in the population is identical, see convergence).trategies for preventing premature convergence
Strategies to regain genetic variation can be:
* a mating strategy called "incest prevention"cite book
author = Michalewicz, Zbigniew
title = Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = Evolution Programs, 3rd Edition
year = 1996
publisher = Springer-Verlag
isbn = 3-540-60676-9
page 58] ,
* uniform crossover,
* favored replacement of similar individuals ("preselection" or "crowding"),
* segmentation of individuals of similar fitness ("Fitness sharing"),
* increasing population size.The genetic variation can also be regained by
Mutation though this process is highly random.References
ee also
Evolutionary computation
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