Prime constant

Prime constant

The prime constant is the number ho whose nth binary digit is 1 if n is prime and 0 if it is composite.

In other words, ho is simply the number whose binary expansion corresponds to the indicator function of the set of prime numbers. That is, : ho = sum_{p} frac{1}{2^p} = sum_{n=1}^infty frac{chi_{mathbb{P(n)}{2^n}where p indicates a prime and chi_{mathbb{P is the characteristic function of the primes.

The beginning of the decimal expansion of "ρ" is: ho = 0.414682509851111660248109622...


The number ho is easily shown to be irrational. To see why, suppose it were rational.

Denote the kth digit of the binary expansion of ho by r_k. Then, since ho is assumed rational, there must exist N, k positive integers such thatr_n=r_{n+ik} for all n > N and all i in mathbb{N}.

Since there are an infinite number of primes, we may choose a prime p > N. By definition we see that r_p=1. As noted, we have r_p=r_{p+ik} for all i in mathbb{N}. Now consider the case i=p. We have r_{p+i cdot k}=r_{p+p cdot k}=r_{p(k+1)}=0, since p(k+1) is composite because k+1 geq 2. Since r_p eq r_{p(k+1)} we see that ho is irrational.

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