List of minor Star Wars villains

List of minor Star Wars villains

This article is about minor villains in the fictional "Star Wars" universe. For Jedi characters, see List of minor Star Wars Jedi characters.

Ashgad, Seti

As a hyperdrive engineer for Incom Corporation, Seti Ashgad was best known for designing the Z-95 Headhunter. During the Clone Wars, Ashgad became a charismatic and ambitious senator. Because of his opposition to Senator Palpatine, Ashgad suddenly "vanished" and was sentenced to a prison term on Nam Chorios. There, he stepped into the power void created by Beldorion the Hutt's failure to maintain his rule over the local populace. Yet as he gained power, Ashgad became subverted by the humanoid droch Dzym, who used him as his figurehead. At Dzym's behest, Ashgad arranged a meeting with Leia Organa-Solo, setting in motion a chain of events which Dzym hoped would lead him to conquer the galaxy. Organa-Solo was captured and held in Ashgad's complex on Nam Chorios until she escaped. As Dzym's plans fell apart, he and Ashgad boarded a ship to escape the planet, but it was destroyed before it left the system. Barbara Hambly, "Planet of Twilight" (1997). ISBN 0-553-57517-1]

Baruk, Reelo

Reelo Baruk is an obese Rodian, Nar Shaddaa gangster, who was a character in the Star Wars game "". Although Baruk fronted as a legitimate garbage collector, he was really a powerful criminal kingpin who was considered untouchable by even the Hutts. Baruk's gang is made up of different alien species ranging from his fellow Rodians to Grans and Weequays. In "Jedi Outcast", his main role was smuggling cortosis (a lightsaber resistant material) through Bespin to the Cairn system for Desann and the Imperial Remnant. Reelo was eventually killed by Kyle Katarn while Katarn and Lando Calrissian were trying to escape Nar Shadda in the "Lady Luck".

Reelo also appears in the massive multiplayer role playing game Star Wars Galaxies as a minor NPC in Jabba's palace. The character in this game is physically different than in "Jedi Knight 2", as he is much more obese in JKII.

Baruk is also a playable character in the multiplayer-mode of "".

Beju, Prince

Prince Beju was the prince of the planet Gala, appearing in "The Hidden Past" and "The Mark of the Crown". Initially, he sided with the Syndicate, who offered to help Beju take over Gala in exchange for power. Beju planned on thwarting his planet's elections by cutting off the bacta supply and only reinstate it when the people started suffering, which would make the Prince look like a heroine and make the other two candidates for the elections look inferior. However, his plan backfired when Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn exposed the plot. Beju was then tested by the Mark of the Crown, which would determine if he was the rightful heir. The results turned out negative, and Beju lost all influence on Gala.

Chief Bast

SW Character
position=Aide to Grand Moff Tarkin
affiliation=Galactic Empire
portrayer=Leslie Schofield

Chief Bast (simply known as "Commander #1" in the official credits) was an Imperial Officer and a personal aide to Grand Moff Tarkin stationed aboard the first Death Star. He appeared in "". Like General Tagge, Chief Bast feared that the Rebels might find an exploitable weakness in the purloined plans for the battle station. However, he was unable to convince Grand Moff Tarkin of the danger. He died during the destruction of the Death Star.

"The Star Wars Holiday Special" features what appears to be Chief Bast serving under Darth Vader during the Imperial occupation of Kashyyyk, proving that he escaped the Death Star. This scene was actually re-used, originally cut footage from "," but that Imperial officer is not Chief Bast, but a different character just played by the same actor.

Boc Aseca

SW Character
name=Boc Aseca
height= 1.74 meters (5 ft 8.5 in)
position=Dark Jedi
weapon=Two purple lightsabers
affiliation=Dark jedi, Galactic Empire (Imperial Remnant)
portrayer=Time Winters

Boc is one of the seven Dark Jedi from the game "" that Kyle Katarn must face and defeat. [ The Dark Forces Saga, Part 4] ]

Boc is a male Twi'lek with pale skin, reddish eyes and dressed in ragged clothes. He is portrayed in cutscenes in the game as a slightly mentally deranged individual who seems to find amusement in destruction and violence.

When he fights, he madly charges and lets out strange noises.

His fighting style is described as unorthodox and unpredictable. He wields a very bulky purple lightsaber that he can change into two lightsabers in combat. Boc's attacks do not have nearly the diversity as those of Katarn's enemies in later games in the "Jedi Knight" series, such as ' and '. His main strategy in combat is jumping about incessantly.

While realized by a computer-generated imagery character in the game itself, Boc is portrayed by actor Time Winters in cutscenes after completion of certain levels.

Dellso, Gizor

SW Character
name=Gizor Dellso
position=Head Geonosian technician
affiliation=Confederacy of Independent Systems

Gizor Dellso was a "villain" that appeared in "". [ Gizor Dellso] at the Star Wars Databank"] He was a Geonosian engineer in the Confederacy of Independent Systems who had helped design and construct a signal override device for the droid army, easing the Trade Federation's fears that the army might be used against them.

When the droid deactivation signal was transmitted across the Galaxy by Darth Vader, Gizor refused to surrender. Stealing plans for an experimental droid (one with apparently a thicker armour), the Geonosian holed up on Mustafar, where he reactivated a hidden droid factory on the world and churned out his own private army of battle droids. And although not mentioned in the game, the 501st Legion runs into a blockade of Federation ships overtop of the planet. Quite possibly, Delso found a hidden shipyard or just rounded up remaining, undestroyed ships of the Federation.

Dellso was killed by the 501st Legion, which was dispatched to Mustafar in an effort to bring the fugitive to justice.

Derricote, General Evir

General Evir Derricote is an Imperial general who runs, as a personal side project, a hydroponics facility on Borleias. This planet produces Alderaanian foodstuffs. He loses the facility when the Rebel Alliance takes the planet. The current Imperial leader Ysanne Isard, recognizes his talents as a bioengineer and picks him to head the Krytos virus project. He is killed during the escape of Corran Horn, a Rebel intelligence agent, from the Imperial ship the "Lusankya".


SW Character

position= Dark Jedi Master
species= Chistori|
gender= Male
affiliation=Dark Jedi, Empire Reborn, New Jedi Order, New Republic
portrayer=Mark Klastorin (voice)

Desann is a fictional character in the "Star Wars" universe. He is the main villain in "". Desann is a 1.98 m (6 ft 6 in) tall lizard-like humanoid of the Chistori species. He is intimidating and skilled, and even having his own lightsaber hilt and a wide, 3-6 foot long lightsaber blade. Before joining Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy, the Chistori was shunned and abused by others of his race, who did not fully understand the nature of the Force and regarded it with fear.

Once in the Academy, the alien-lizard proved to be a very powerful and successful student. However, over time he grew impatient, power hungry, condescending, aggressive, and even violent, especially in his arguments with instructors. During a training session he struck down and killed a fellow student, saying he was "too weak to be a Jedi." The dark disciple left before anyone could 'help' him.

Months later, along with Admiral Galak Fyyar, he became leader of an Imperial Remnant faction seeking to regain control of the galaxy by creating an army of Force-adept warriors feeding on the energy of the Valley of the Jedi. Since only Kyle Katarn and his partner Jan Ors knew the location of the Valley of the Jedi, Desann and his dark apprentice Tavion decided to capture Jan Ors on Artus Prime in order to trick Kyle into revealing the location of the Valley. The former Academy apprentice took a contingent of Imperial cohorts and captured Jan Ors. When Kyle Katarn arrived to free his partner, the Chistori confronted the rebel mercenary. Of course, without the power of the Force, the former Imperial soldier was no match for the Dark Jedi Master. Desann gripped Kyle and shocked him with Force Lightning.

Desann held up Katarn and berated him about losing his powers. The mercenary still tried to rescue his friend, and the Chistori commanded Tavion to kill Jan Ors as a ruse to motivate a now Force-insensitive Kyle to go to the Valley to reconnect with the Force; Jan remained secretly alive on the Remnant flagship "Doomgiver". Kyle, believing that Jan was dead, traveled to the Valley in order to avenge her death. Desann followed Kyle, using him to discover the location of the Valley, which allowed Desann to create his army of Dark Jedi warriors, called Reborns, and Shadowtroopers by infusing the Force into Artusian crystals and using them on Imperial stormtroopers, giving them the ability to use the Force. When Kyle Katarn boarded the Lenico Belt cruiser, Luke Skywalker reported to him that the New Republic and Jedi Knights were trying to hold the Remnant and the Shadowtroopers at the Valley of the Jedi. Desann engaged Luke Skywalker and wounded his former master. Of course, the Jedi Master wasn't killed but injured lightly. Desann had truly become more powerful than any of the Academy's trainers or guardians.

Some time later, he attacked the Jedi Academy, but Kyle stopped him by destroying the "Doomgiver" (after having freed Jan) and thus most of his army. On Yavin 4, Jedi Knights and New Republic forces defeated his remaining Reborns and stormtroopers. Desann escaped into the tunnels under the Massassi Temple, where he was confronted by Katarn. Each tried unsuccessfully to convert the other to their side of the Force. A battle ensued in which Desann is slashed by Katarn, and, in an alternate ending, crushed by falling debris.

Desann was also in Star Wars Jedi Academy, as a playable character in Multiplayer. Some of Desann's catch pharses are "Your efforts are in vain" "Run Katarn" "Do you dare contradict me?" "Pathetic attempt" and also "Back to formula".

Disra, Grand Moff

Having survived the fall of the Galactic Empire, Grand Moff Disra retained control of Braxant Sector, part of the Imperial Remnant. Ten years after the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn, Captain Pellaeon was appointed Supreme Commander of the remaining Imperial forces. Because of the small remaining forces Pellaeon felt that all hope was lost; he went to the remaining Moffs to debate a peace treaty with the New Republic. Most of the Moffs agreed and Pellaeon would attempt to contact the New Republic to negotiate. Moff Disra disagree with this course of action and attempted to seize power by using the con-man Flim, with the help of Major Tierce, to impersonate Grand Admiral Thrawn and consolidate the remaining Imperial forces. He also sowed discord in the New Republic by releasing information about Bothan involvement in the Caamas massacre. However, Disra's schemes were eventually uncovered, and he was arrested on charges of treason.

Doctor Evazan

Doctor Evazan appears in "" and "Tales From the Mos Eisley Cantina". He is played by Alfie Curtis.

Although no one knows if Evazan ever obtained a true medical degree, he is nonetheless remembered as a promising surgeon. His application to the Imperial Academy was rejected when his innate madness was revealed during an interview, and he was shipped off to the prison on Delrian. Evazan escapes to the Hindasar system, where he established his own "practice" specializing in cyborging and inexpensive surgery. Once the medical and law enforcement authorities catch up with him, he disappears to another system, where he began his operations anew. He would repeat this process on several worlds, with occasional forays into spice smuggling, slaving, assassination, and other crimes. He never stayed in one location too long, and his movement from planet to planet helped him gain more and more victims.

Evazan is searching for immortality, and was hoping that his experiments on his patients' insides would point him on a path to discover it. This pursuit of immortaility earns him the nickname "Doctor Death," among others.

His legacy of victims led him to be pursued by the bounty hunter Jodo Kast, who nearly catches up to him in the Corellian system. Thanks to the intervention of the Aqualish thug Ponda Baba, Evazan manages to escape, but not before one of Jodo Kast's blaster shots caught him in the face. Evazan was scarred for life, but he and Baba form a beneficial partnership.

Evazan and Ponda Baba flee Corellia to hide out on Tatooine, where he set up the Cutting Edge Boutique. Evazan uses the boutique to continue his search for immortality until he encountered Luke Skywalker in the Mos Eisley Cantina. They try to bully the youth into a fight, but found themselves on the wrong side of Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsaber. The two of them flee the scene after Baba's arm was cut off.

In Galaxy of fear, Evazan invented a formula to bring the dead back to life with the help of the "marrow worms" in the graveyard. He was later killed by Boba Fett.


Dzym began life as an ordinary droch, a semi-sentient insectoid race native to Nam Chorios. He was one of a number of drochs captured and enlarged by Beldorion the Hutt's Kubaz chef in order to satiate his lord's appetite. Over time, Dzym grew larger and more intelligent, initially using physical contact to drain the lifeforce out of people before learning how to use other drochs to do the work. Eventually, Dzym became the size of a humanoid and began laying his plans to control the galaxy by way of the Death Seed plague, which in reality was the lifeforce-draining drochs. Dzym first used Beldorion and then Seti Ashgad as figureheads, controlling the action from behind the scenes. Dzym had Ashgad arrange a meeting with Leia Organa-Solo, thus leading her into a trap where she was captured and kept in Ashgad's complex on Nam Chorios. However, Organa-Solo escaped and Dzym's plans began to unravel. Intending to carry the Death Seed to the rest of the galaxy, Dzym and Ashgad left the planet, but before they could make good their get-away, their vessel exploded under the influence of sentient tsil needles guided by Luke Skywalker.


Flim is a con-artist who acted as Grand Admiral Thrawn in the scheme set up by Grand Moff Disra and Major Tierce in Timothy Zahn's Hand of Thrawn Duology. With blue make-up, red eye lenses, and a white admiral's uniform, he was able to look just like the part he played, and his experience and skill in acting and deception enabled him to seem just like Thrawn to those who met him. Disra and Tierce also had Thrawn's records altered to match Flim's skin sample, in case any suspicious parties decided to investigate. At the end of the story when Admiral Pellaeon exposes the scandal, Flim admits that he is glad to be relieved from the stress of being Grand Admiral Thrawn.

Fyyar, Galak

Admiral Galak Fyyar is a fictional character and secondary villain in the Star Wars Expanded Universe. He appears in the computer game "".

Galak Fyyar is a military scientist, admiral, and leader of the Imperial Remnant. Fyyar was behind Desann's attempts to gain access to the Valley of the Jedi. He wanted the Valley's power for his own experiments, artificially imbuing the Force into selected Reborn, although he never exposed himself to his process. He also mined and processed a rare, lightsaber-resistant mineral known as cortosis ore, making armor out of it and arming certain Reborn with them, turning them into Shadowtroopers. Also appearing in a cutscene in the beginning of the game, his other appearance is in one of the "Doomgiver" levels, wearing a tough suit of powered armor with an inbuilt shield generator.

Ghintee, Meeko

Meeko Ghintee is a Muttani alien and appears only once, in the multi-platform video game Star Wars: Bounty Hunter. Meeko Ghintee is a notorious criminal, involved in theft, hijacking, assault, illegal gambling, smuggling, and the like. He is a small crime lord, and employs several hundred beings from a variety of species to do his dirty work - which is nearly anything illegal.

Meeko Ghintee is the objective in the first chapter of Star Wars: Bounty Hunter. After he is captured at the closing of the third mission, he appears again in the third chapter as a prisoner on the asteroid prison of Oovo IV.

The actual history of Meeko is largely unknown, though his criminal influence barely extended outside Outland Station. Meeko was killed by Jango Fett on Oovo IV, after a bounty for 10,000 credits "Dead" had been placed. There are no other references to Meeko in the Star Wars Universe (officially).


SW Character
position Dark Master
species=Mutated Gammorean| gender=Male hair=None
weapon=Orange lightclub
eyes=Blueplanet Gammorria
affiliation=Galactic Empire
portrayer=None (voiceless computer-generated imagery character)

Gorc, and his "brother" Pic, appear in the computer game "". He is one of the seven Dark Jedi that Kyle Katarn must defeat.

Gorc is huge, slow and heavy, preferring not to engage in conversation, which he leaves to his brother. He is the less aggressive of the pair, but that does not make him any less dangerous.

While different in every sense, Gorc and Pic form a symbiotic relationship in combat, in which Gorc relies on brute force and immobilizing Force powers so that Pic may rush to attack their opponent, which the player will experience when they attack him simultaneously in the same level.

Gorc is realized by a computer-generated imagery character in the game itself as well as in cutscenes.

Gorga the Hutt

Gorga Desilijic Glooma, better known as Gorga the Hutt, is a fictional character in the Star Wars Expanded Universe. The nephew of Jabba the Hutt.


Jerec is a dark Jedi who appears as the main antagonist in the video game "". He is the leader of the Seven Dark Jedi who wants to gain control of The Valley of the Jedi.

Joris, Rax

Rax Joris was a corpulent Imperial Remnant officer after the Battle of Endor, who created a prison compound on Dosuun. Stationed in a backwater region of space, he was frequently bored, and often passed the time by hunting his own inmates for sport. He was killed by the Apprentice Jaden Korr, who was sent to Dosuun on a mission.

Karath, Admiral Saul

SW Character
name=Saul Karath
position=Sith Admiral
affiliation=Galactic Republic, Sith
portrayer=Robin Sachs (Voice)

Admiral Saul Karath was an Admiral of the Galactic Republic and a hero of the Mandalorian War, as well as a mentor to Carth Onasi. However, in the beginning of the Jedi Civil War he betrayed the Republic and joined the Sith ranks with the Sith flagship, the "Leviathan". Both the ship and the Admiral himself proved to be a worthy addition to the Sith fleet.

Although Saul sometimes disagreed with Darth Malak's harsh actions, such as the destruction of Taris, he was wise enough not to question the Dark Lord's orders, fearing the fate of his predecessor. Nevertheless, he remained loyal to the Sith, ruthlessly exterminating their enemies. His most successful operation was the capture of the "Ebon Hawk" during Darth Revan's second search for the Star Forge. During his questioning he repeatedly shocked Bastila Shan, a Jedi Sentinel companion of Revan's to get his answers. This operation, however, was also his undoing.

Revan and his companions were imprisoned on the "Leviathan", and during interrogations Saul was able to learn the location of the hidden Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. However, they were soon liberated by a member of the "Ebon Hawk" crew who managed to escape the prison cell. After a short battle at the "Leviathan"'s bridge, Saul Karath ended up dying at the hands of his former friend, Carth Onasi. However, he was still able to strike a final blow against his old friend; with his last breath, Karath revealed to Carth that Revan was not dead, but was in fact the mysterious hero that he had fought alongside with since the Endar Spire incident.

Admiral Ozzel

SW Character
name=Kendal Ozzel
position=Admiral,commander of the Executor
height=1.7 meters
affiliation=Galactic Empire
portrayer=Micheal Sheard |

Admiral Kendal Ozzel 43 BBY-3 ABY is a fictional character from the "Star Wars" universe. In "" he was portrayed by Scottish actor Michael Sheard.

Ozzel was born on the planet Carida. Because he was clumsy, many fellow officers are puzzled by how he became an admiral. For a short time, Captain Ozzel served as an instructor at the Imperial Academy on Coruscant. He was the presiding officer at Han Solo's court-martial for saving Chewbacca.

Captain Ozzel became the commander of the Super Star Destroyer "Executor" when it was launched, with Firmus Piett as his second-in-command. A massive power vacuum was created after the destruction of the Death Star and the death of Admiral Griff six months later. When Griff was killed, Ozzel was promoted to admiral and commander of the Death Squadron, despite whispered rumors that he had Rebel sympathies. Piett became the captain of the "Executor".

Shortly before the Battle of Hoth, Piett and his staff received a transmission from a probe droid that suggested the new Rebel base was located on Hoth. While Ozzel dismissed it, Darth Vader ordered his fleet to the Hoth system on that information.

A miscalculation brought the Imperial fleet out of hyperspace too close to Hoth, alerting the Rebels and giving them time to activate a planetary defense shield. A simple bombardment from space was thus useless against the Rebel's energy field and the operation became a costly surface invasion led by General Maximilian Veers. Ozzel was swiftly choked to death by Vader for incompetence and being (as Vader declared) "as clumsy as he is stupid." Piett was in turn, promoted commander of the fleet.

George Lucas remarked that Sheard produced "the best screen death I've ever seen" [] .

Some Star Wars fans interpret Ozzel as a capable man on the side of the Rebels. In "", both his actions and Michael Sheard's emotional interpretation can be read as intending to thwart Vader. When Vader orders the fleet to Hoth, Sheard-Ozzel looks upset, like something very bad has just happened. Sheard-Ozzel then gives Piett - who had brought the Hoth probe to Vader's attention - a strangely angry look.

;External links
* [ Star Wars Databank] entry
*sww|Kendal Ozzel

Lomi Plo

Lomi Plo was a Nightsister. She received an apprentice named Welk, a Dark Jedi from the Shadow Academy. Both were captured during the Yuuzhan Vong war and imprisoned on the worldship "Baanu Raas", but were found by Anakin Solo and his strike team while on a mission to destroy the Voxyn Queen. The duo joined Solo, who helped them escape. Plo and Welk stole a ship, the "Tachyon Flier", and escaped to the Unknown Regions. Unbeknownst to them, a Jedi Knight, Raynar Thul, was unconscious in the back of the ship.

The ship crashed on a world inhabited by the Killiks, who absorbed Thul and became the Colony. Lomi and Welk made a nest of their own, Gorog, also known as the Dark Nest. Gorog was hidden from the other nests, and Raynar, now UnuThul, denied that the pair were still alive. Lomi convinced the Killiks to move along their border, angering the Chiss. Luke Skywalker and his team came to solve the dispute. Saba Sebatyne encountered Welk in a cave underneath the Killik's nest. She fought Welk and lost, due to his increased strength from joining the Killiks. He escaped, and the war almost began. Welk dueled Luke Skywalker on the moon of Kr, while the Dark Nest prepared to attack. Welk was slain in the fighting and the Gorog failed in their attempts. But Lomi didn't give up; she began to influence the Colony to do her bidding. Finally, the Killiks began the Swarm War. The entire Colony was under her control. Every Killik nest was given its own worldship. The Galactic Alliance engaged the Killik's in a large-scale conflict. Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Jae Juun, and Tarfang landed on Gorog's worldship. The Alliance's Jedi pilots began to destroy the hyperdrives to the worldships, forcing Lomi out of hiding. She faced Skywalker down on the surface of her worldship. Mara Jade Skywalker destroyed the hyperdrive and Lomi was knocked away. She survived and escaped to lead the Killiks in the Swarm War.

Lomi was killed on board the "Admiral Ackbar", a Star Destroyer captured by the Killiks. She dueled with Luke Skywalker after he put Raynar Thul out of the fight. She was not able to achieve dominance over Luke, because he had removed the doubt from his mind, which Lomi had used in her last battle to subvert him. Luke easily held her off, and killed her by slicing her into four pieces. She wielded dual lightsabers in the fight in the Gorog flagship.


SW Character
position=|dark jedi
weapon=Lightsaber (red/yellow)
affiliation=Jedi, Galactic Empire
portrayer=Morgan Hunter

Maw was one of the seven Dark Jedi in the game "" who served under Jerec. He is short-tempered and tends to go berserk if facing too much pressure. Maw relies solely on his strength and aggression rather than any technique, and he tends not to block opponents' attacks; but when he manages to do it, his blocks are almost impenetrable.

In a duel with Jedi Master Qu Rahn, Maw was severely injured after Rahn slashed him in half. The lower part of his torso was replaced with a mechanical floating device that enables him to use a devastating spinning lightsaber attack when his anger reaches an all time high.

When he was defeated by Kyle Katarn, Maw taunted him with detailed remarks on Katarn's father's death, telling him that he grabbed Morgan's head and threw it on a spike for all to see. This caused Kyle to give in to his anger and kill the injured, immobilized and unarmed Maw, an action which brought Kyle Katarn perilously close to the Dark side.

Maw was depicted by a computer-generated imagery character in the game itself, but was portrayed by actor Morgan Hunter in the filmed sequences that appear between levels.

When beginning the duel against Maw, Rahn says the following phrase describing him: "To the one called Maw: a bitter individual that loathes all and holds loyalty to few. A strong and formidable foe. For every quart of muscle, there is hatred. It is this hate that keeps his aging body strong."


Seen in the game "", these soldiers are deadly foes. They carry either an E-ll blaster rifle, a Tenloss Disruptor rifle, a wookie bowcaster or a Strouker Concussion rifle. Tavion Axmis, a dark jedi, hired them to be part of her cult. They played an enormous part in it too, assisting the saber wielders to do their job. Like Imperial Stormtroopers, they feel no grief or emotional distress. All they do is guard secret areas or go on a mission to kill someone in cold blood. Luckily, these hitmen were all wiped out by Jaden Korr in Chandrila. This planet being the only planet that the cult failed to drain force powers from. For more information, see Sith Cultists.

Mohc, Rom

SW Character
name=Rom Mohc
hair= Brown/Grey
eyes= Unknown
weapon=Dark Trooper suit, Heavy Dark Trooper rifle
vehicle=Arc Hammer
affiliation= Galactic Empire
portrayer= Jack Angel (voice)

General Rom Mohc was a veteran of the Clone Wars who became an Imperial General. Mohc, like Tarkin and others, had a private scheme for crushing the Rebel Alliance and gaining favor with Emperor Palpatine. Mohc opposed the creation of the Death Star, believing it took away from skill in one-on-one combat. Mohc's plan called for the creation of the Dark Troopers, a group of specially-enhanced stormtroopers. His plans were thwarted, however, when Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors, as part of Evir Tempel, discovered Mohc's plans and destroyed his factory, the Arc Hammer. Mohc, in an attempt to stop Katarn, entered a Dark Trooper Phase 3 suit. A short battle ensued, but the aged general and droid suit were no match for the mercenary; Mohc was soon killed by Kyle Katarn.

Motti, Conan Antonio

SW Character
name=Conan Antonio Motti
position= Imperial Navy Admiral, Imperial Moff
hair= Brown
eyes= Blue-Grey
height=1.80 m (5'11")
weapon=blaster pistol
vehicle=Death Star
planet= Phelarion
affiliation= Galactic Empire
portrayer= Richard LeParmentier

Admiral Conan Antonio Motti [George Lucas' comments on the May 1, 2007 episode of "Late Night with Conan O'Brien"] is one of the high ranking officers aboard the first Death Star. Extremely arrogant, he is one of many officers who were overconfident of the station's invulnerability, thinking that, even if the Rebels did obtain the complete schematics of the station, any assault will be completely futile. Motti does not believe in the true power of the Force, proclaiming the Death Star to be "the ultimate power in the Universe". Motti is a flat character, as is his affiliation working for the empire as an Imperial Officer

He dares to make his opinions known in front of Darth Vader during a meeting aboard the Death Star, sneeringly referring to the Force as "that ancient religion". Darth Vader briefly uses a Force chokehold on him, dryly commenting "I find your lack of faith disturbing", and releasing him only at the order of Grand Moff Tarkin.

In the "Star Wars" radio dramatization, Motti's role is expanded somewhat. The Admiral tries on two occasions to convince Grand Moff Tarkin that the ultimate power of the Death Star rests in his hands, not Vader's or the Emperor's. Tarkin could essentially share dominion of the galaxy, with Motti at his right hand, once the rebels are dealt with. It is not mentioned however, if Grand Moff Tarkin agreed with his second officer. In the Star Wars radio dramatization, Motti is played by David Clennon.

It is Motti who convinces Tarkin to stay on the Death Star during the rebels' attack from Yavin 4, pointing out that were he to evacuate his source of power, he would be seen as weak in his efforts to rule the galaxy.

Both Motti and Tarkin were killed when the Death Star was destroyed during the Rebel attack in the Battle of Yavin.

Early scripts of "" shuffled the names of Admiral Motti and General Tagge. One draft describes Motti as being wounded and battle-scarred. He is curiously absent from the novelization of "A New Hope", and there it's General Tagge who's the victim of Vader's telekinetic stranglehold.

He was given the full name Conan Antonio Motti on May 1, 2007 on Late Night with Conan O'Brian where George Lucas was a guest. A superfan asked Lucas what is the name of the admiral Vader force chokes and after a few seconds of thought Lucas came up with the full name, making it Conan Antonio Motti. Motti's full name was later used in the Expanded Universe literature.

Needa, Lorth

SW Character
name=Lorth Needa
position=Captain of the "Avenger"
height=1.75 meters
hair= Brown
eyes= Bluish-green
planet= Unknown
vehicle=Star Destroyer "Avenger"
affiliation= Galactic Republic, Galactic Empire
portrayer= Michael Culver

Captain Lorth Needa was the commander of the Star Destroyer "Avenger" during the Battle of Hoth. There was a miscalculation by Admiral Ozzel which brought the Imperial fleet out of hyperspace too close to Hoth, alerting the rebels and giving them time to activate a defense shield. In Vader's anger, he kills Ozzel and replaces him with Captain Piett in charge of the Super Star Destroyer "Executor", promoting him to Admiral. He informs Darth Vader that the "Millennium Falcon" has not appeared on their sensors for hours and tells him to consider the damage the Imperial fleet had sustained. Earlier, the "Avenger" had pursued the "Falcon" from Hoth. However, the "Falcon" outmaneuvered the Star Destroyer and caused it to collide with another ship. Both ships escaped with minimal damage.

While pursuing the "Millennium Falcon" out of the asteroid field near Hoth, the Rebel ship vanishes (Han Solo actually cuts power and lands on a blind spot on the Imperial ship's conning tower). Seconds later, Vader demands an update on the pursuit. Needa orders his ship to rendezvous with the Super Star Destroyer "Executor" in order to apologize to the Dark Lord personally. On the bridge of the "Executor", Vader swiftly kills him with a Force chokehold, after which Vader coldly replies, "Apology accepted, Captain Needa." Needa's death causes great fear in Admiral Piett, who recently watched his own commander, Admiral Ozzel die at Vader's hand.

Needa is survived by his first cousin Virar Needa despite the fact many of Lorth Needa's relatives are purged from the Imperial military following his execution, allegedly due to Needa's Rebel sympathies.

In "", twenty-two years before his death, Lieutenant Commander Needa, then a Galactic Republican military officer, parleys with General Grievous after Count Dooku's death, granting Grievous an opportunity to surrender, an opportunity the general refused. He was one of the Republic commanders during the Battle of Coruscant. These scenes are in the novelization of "Revenge of the Sith", but were cut from the film.

Needa is portrayed in the movie "" by actor Michael Culver.

Olan, Firith

SW Character
name=Firith Olan
position=Minor Crimelord
height=1.8 meters
hair= None
portrayer= none

Firith Olan was a criminal that used Jabba the Hutt's old palace as his headquarters. He often teased the bodiless Bo'marr Monks and he also teased Bib Fortuna who had his brain removed by the monks after the events at the Great Pit of Carkoon. Fortuna had his revenge on him by defeating him, although bodiless, and got his brain into Firith Olan's body.


SW Character
name=Picaroon C. Boodle
species=mutated Kowakian monkey-lizard
height=4 feet.
weapon=Small yellow/red lightsaber, Sith dagger
affiliation=Galactic Empire
portrayer=Denny Delk

Picaroon C. Boodle, or "Pic," is one of the seven Dark Jedi that Kyle Katarn must face in the game "", and the older "brother" of Gorc. [ The Dark Forces Saga, Part 5] ]

Unlike Gorc, Pic is small, fast, and mobile as well as immensely aggressive. It is Pic that takes care of all conversation and other tasks that require some intelligence. Most of the time, he sits on Gorc's shoulder, using him as a means of transportation.

In combat, Pic relies on his mobility and Force powers of cunning and prefers to attack opponents immobilized by Gorc. Pic also has the ability to vibrate his body to the point of being invisible to aid in his attacks against his foes.

Pic is killed along with Gorc in a fierce duel against Kyle Katarn.

Pic is realized by a CGI-character in the game and cutscenes and voiced by actor Denny Delk.

Ponda Baba

Ponda Baba (also known as Walrus Man) is an Aqualish mercenary. He is a good friend of the mad Doctor Evazan. He hails from the planet of Ando, the Aqualish homeworld.Ponda Baba attacks Luke Skywalker at the Chalmun's Cantina in Mos Eisley (portrayed in ""). This action causes Obi-Wan Kenobi, who is traveling along with Skywalker, to sever the Aqualish's arm with his lightsaber.

When the original Kenner action figure for Baba was released, the then-unnamed alien was called simply "Walrus Man". His proper name (as well as the name of his species) was given in 1989 for his appearance in a Star Wars role-playing game. Ponda Baba "behind the scenes" at [ Star Wars databank] ]

Racto, Lannik

Lannik Racto was a small time crimelord who had a base of operation from Coruscant. Several years after the Battle of Endor, Racto started to manufacture illegal Assassin Droids from a secret factory on Nar Shaddaa.

The New Republic discovered this and asked the new Jedi Order to find Racto and to have him disclose the location of his factory. The Jedi sent young Jaden Korr, an apprentice to Coruscant to do just that. When Jaden Korr arrived, Lannik Racto destroyed the bridge that connected the landing platform to Racto's office building. Jaden found an alternative route to Lannik Racto's office and confronted him. Racto released several Assassin droids on Jaden, but Jaden defeated the droids. Lannik then disclosed the location of the droid factory.

There is some speculation that Lannik Racto was tied to the religious order the Disciples of Ragnos. This is due to the fact that Lannik Racto's office was guarded by members of the Disciples of Ragnos. Also, in Lannik's office was a statue of Marka Ragnos, though it could just be for aesthetic reasons."'

Rem, Batu

Batu Rem is a character in Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. He was a Telos officer that was on leave while The Exile arrived at Telos. An imposter used his name to try and kill The Exile but failed. Later the real Batu Rem arrived to help the others in the sith attack. While the Jedi Exile, Kreia and Atton were framed for the destruction of Peragus, they were in prison force cages. The imposter Batu Rem tried to kill the Jedi and take him to Goto, but was killed after he turned off the force cages.


SW Character
vehicle=Republic gunship
affiliation=Rebel Alliance, Galactic Empire
portrayer= Robin Atkin Downes

Sarkli is a hero-turned villain who first appeared as a background character in "Return of the Jedi", who was given backstories by the Star Wars Customizable Card Game and "". He served the Rebels until his defection at Ralltiir, where he crossed to the Empire and became a storm commando. He faced Wedge Antilles on Geonosis in an old Republic Gunship and was shot down, but survived. He was killed by Han Solo on Endor.

Admiral Sarn

SW Character
hair= Unknown
eyes= Unknown
position= Imperial Navy Admiral, and Rebel Navigatorplanet= Unknown
affiliation= Galactic Empire
portrayer= Gary Martinez

Admiral Sarn was in command of the Super Star Destroyer "Terror" after the Battle of Yavin, as part of Darth Vader's Phantom TIE plan. Sarn supervised several research projects, hoping of winning the Emperor's favor. When Sarn's crews failed to stop Rookie One and Ru Murleen, Vader executed Sarn with a Force Choke before leaving the Terror. His army troops lead the empire into a more powerful lead as a boss. This also led into the battle of Hoth three years later in 3 ABY. Admiral Sarn or as addressed as also "Captain Sarn" was one of the excellent Imperial officers in the light before he was shattered and killed during the battle of Yavin. He worked as the Supreme Navigator under Darth Vader's Flagship or destroyer. Sarn tracked down many hunted rebels in the Rebel Alliance. Sarn's portrayer in "Rebel Assault II" was Gary Martinez.


Sebolto was a Dug crime lord appearing in the game .

Sebolto was a native of Malastare, home to both the Dug and Gran species. About 10 years before the Battle of Geonosis, he ran a Death stick manufacturing facility underneath Dug territory.

After being hired by Darth Tyranus to find and kill Komari Vosa, Jango Fett started a line of inquiry which led him to Sebolto.

In order to get close to the Dug kingpin, Jango had to capture one of Sebolto's bounties, Bendix Fust, an inmate on the asteroid prison Oovo IV. On the way, he met Zam Wesell and acquired "Slave 1", destroying the complex in the process.

After infiltrating Sebolto's Malastare stronghold, Jango chases Sebolto through his throne room and, in the end, Sebolto runs through a pipe that leads into a bottomless drop, killing him.

eerdon, Kohl

SW Character
name=Moff Seerdon
position=Imperial Moff
hair= Unknown
eyes= Unknown
planet= Unknown
affiliation= Galactic Empire

Moff Kohl Seerdon was the Imperial Moff in the video game "".

In the time of the Old Republic, Seerdon was a military officer. When the Galactic Empire formed, Palpatine made Seerdon governor of the Taloraan. During the Galactic Civil War, Seerdon was one of the most dangerous enemies of Rogue Squadron. His ruthless strategies and well known ambition to control bacta supplies made him one of the first targets in Star Wars. His anger was well known and Kasan Moor, a former Imperial commander, claimed that the man in charge of Taloraan at the time of the attack would wind up dead. When Rogue Squadron attacked the snow planet Fest and destroyed his Imperial weapons research facility, Seerdon attacked Chandrila, homeworld of the Rebel Alliance supreme commander-in-chief of state, Mon Mothma. Rogue Squadron stopped his attack, but Seerdon invaded Thyferra and took control of the bacta supply. Without bacta fluid, the Rebel Alliance couldn't heal wounded troops. Rogue Squadron attacked Thyferra and destroyed the Imperial forces of Seerdon. Seerdon attacked Luke Skywalker with his "Sentinel"-class shuttle, but Luke destroyed the shuttle and killed Seerdon.

kywalker, Luuke

SW Character
name=Luuke Skywalker
species=Human clone
height= 1.72 meters (5 ft 7.75 in)
position=Dark Jedi
weapon=Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber
affiliation= Dark Jedi (Loyal to Joruus C'baoth)

"For the rapper with a similarly duplicated letter, see Luke Skyywalker."

Luuke Skywalker is the clone of Luke Skywalker that appears in Timothy Zahn's novel "The Last Command". He was created by Joruus C'baoth to turn Skywalker to the Dark side; instead Luuke provided the means by which Mara Jade could finally let go of her anger, and join the Light side.

During their duel on Bespin in "", Darth Vader sliced off Luke Skywalker's right hand, sending it and his lightsaber into the depths of Cloud City. Believed to be lost by Skywalker, the hand and its weapon were eventually found. The hand was stored along with the lightsaber in the Emperor's private storehouse in Mt. Tantiss. When C'baoth, the Guardian of Wayland, found the storehouse and Luke's hand, a cell sample was taken from the hand, and became the basis for the clone of Luke Skywalker.

The mad Jedi C'baoth maintained a series of working spaarti cloning cylinders in Mt. Tantiss, and it was within one of these that Luuke Skywalker was grown. Though cloning technology had advanced since the days of the Clone Wars, the process was not perfected. The creation and growth acceleration of Luuke was rushed, meaning the clone became mentally unstable. Luuke was given little independence, and was largely controlled by the mental influence of Joruus himself. The fact that C'baoth was also insane did not improve Luuke's chances.

Luuke was created as nothing more than a mindless killer, and he was tasked with the destruction of Luke Skywalker, should the Jedi refuse to join Joruus. Then, C'baoth would at least have one version of Skywalker as his apprentice. Luke faced the clone in the Mount Tantiss throne room, where the Rebels sought to activate the self-destruct system, when he, Mara Jade and the heroes of the Alliance staged an attack on Wayland. Using the lightsaber that was once Anakin Skywalker's, Luuke fought his "parent" in a vicious battle across the throne room. C'baoth was simultaneously able to control and empower Luuke, and battle his other enemiesa testament to his dark powers.

However, Joruus could not stop the intervention of luck. Though C'baoth was able to disarm Han and Leia Organa Solo, Mara Jade managed to grab Leia's lightsaber. Confused, C'baoth let his guard down, and Mara launched into action, loosing Talon Karrde's pet vornskrs on Joruus. Luke had led his clone towards a panel of viewscreens, and baited Luuke into slicing one with his lightsaber. Sparks flew into the clone's face, causing him to cry outthe first sound he made during the entire battle. Turning in confusion with C'baoth distracted, Luuke was killed by Mara. With the Emperor's last command—"Kill Luke Skywalker"—now fulfilled, Mara was free to, from a kneeling stance, kill Joruus C'baoth. Luuke's lightsaber was recovered by Luke and presented to Mara as a gift as part of her complete reconciliation with Skywalker.

uba, Lieutenant

SW Character
name=Lieutenant Suba
position="Executor"s security chief and political officer
hair= Unknown
eyes= Unknown
planet= Unknown
vehicle=Super Star Destroyer "Executor"
affiliation= Imperial Navy

Lieutenant Suba was the security chief and political officer aboard the "Executor". He disapproved of Darth Vader's unwillingness to kill Luke Skywalker.

Tavira, Leonia

SW Character
name=Leonia Tavira
planet=Eiattu VI
affiliation=Galactic Empire, Invids

Leonia Tavira is a minor villain in the fictional Star Wars Expanded Universe. Her most notable claim to fame is being the youngest moff in Imperial history, as well as one of the few female moffs. She ruled Eiattu IV until she was chased from the system by Rogue Squadron. Tavira achieved her position by becoming the mistress of the former moff, who married her after the accidental but suspicious death of his wife. He later committed suicide, although some believe that Tavira killed him.

After fleeing Eiattu IV, Tavira later resurfaced as the leader of the Invids, a vicious pirate gang whose flagship was the Star Destroyer "Invidious".

Tavira's most important appearance was in the novel "I, Jedi" by Michael A. Stackpole.

Thyne, Zekka

Zekka Thyne, also known as Patches, is one of the most dangerous criminals that Corran Horn was ever tasked to capture. However, Horn had one advantage in that Thyne was a human/alien crossbreed and was afflicted with blue patches on his face. But his most haunting feature was that his eyes were cat shaped and flecked with gold spots that glint whenever light hits them just right. It was this trait that got him caught and sent to Kessel. Thyne was later freed as part of the rebel mission to retake Coruscant. However he turned treacherous and betrayed the others in the mission, such as Fliry Vorru who was supposed to be the only person that could control him, and was shot for it.

Tierce, Major

A former stormtrooper and Imperial guard, Major Grodin Tierce was part of Grand Moff Disra's scheme to revitalize and control the Empire in Timothy Zahn's Hand of Thrawn Duology. The apparent return of Grand Admiral Thrawn ten years after his death was actually a facade in which the con artist Flim pretended to be Thrawn, while Disra and Tierce advised him and controlled him from behind the scenes, Disra controlling the political aspects of the Empire's new leadership and Tierce handling military action. At the end of the duology, however, it was revealed by Admiral Gilad Pellaeon through a datacard which Talon Karrde had brought back from Jorj Car'das that the real Grodin Tierce had died years before, and that the one standing before them was a clone. The clone of Tierce admitted to this and explained that he had been an experiment by Thrawn, and had had a part of Thrawn's own military genius and strategical expertise put into his brain as part of his accelerated learning process. Tierce met his downfall soon after when Pellaeon, the acting commander of Imperial forces, wanted to make peace with the New Republic and Tierce himself was still bent on vengeance and victory. He could not accept the fact that he had been a failed experiment and was unfit to play the leader Thrawn had created him to be.

Venka, Lieutenant

SW Character
name=Lieutenant Venka
position=Imperial Navy Lieutenant
hair= Unknown
eyes= Unknown
planet= Unknown
vehicle=Super Star Destroyer "Executor"
affiliation= Imperial Navy
portrayer= Renel Kerrybaker

Lieutenant Venka was a crewpit officer aboard the "Executor". In "", he informs Admiral Piett of a priority signal from the "Avenger". He briefly served as captain of the "Executor", and had a certain distaste for bounty hunters.


Welk was a Shadow Academy student and a Dark Jedi apprenticed to the Nightsister Lomi Plo. He and Plo were captured during the Yuuzhan Vong war and imprisoned on the worldship "Baanu Raas". During the events of the Dark Nest trilogy, Welk became a member of the Gorog (Dark Nest) after crash landing on a Killik world. He was later killed by Luke Skywalker in a lightsaber battle and presented as proof of the Dark Nest's existence.


In Jude Watsons Jedi Apprentice series, Xanatos is the former padawan of Qui-Gon Jinn who has turned to the dark side of the Force. He is first introduced to the reader, and to Qui-Gons current padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, in book #2, "The Dark Rival". The full details of Xanatosfall to the dark side are not explained, but he seeks vengeance on Qui-Gon and the Jedi for some sort of alleged betrayal. Xanatos returns in book #7, "The Captive Temple", and succeeds in infiltrating the Jedi Temple, setting a bomb that is meant to destroy the temple, and swaying Obi-Wans rival padawan Bruck Chun to his own evil ways. The bomb is disarmed and Bruck falls to his death in a fight with Obi-Wan, but Xanatos escapes from Qui-Gon. In the next book, "The Day of Reckoning", Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan track Xanatos down and eventually corner him, but he kills himself to prevent his enemies from gaining a victory over him.


Xendor was the first Dark Jedi and general of the Legions of Lettow. The Force was strong with him and he used that power for evil.

Xendor was the first Jedi Knight to fall to the dark side of the Force (called the Bogan during that time) in the early years of the Old Republic and the Jedi Order. Xendor succeeded in turning many other Jedi to his cause, and the first Dark Jedi, called the Legions of Lettow, were born. Tension between the Jedi and the Lettow Legions grew until conflict erupted, 25,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. This conflict, called the "First Great Schism", led to the Dark Jedi being banished by the Old Republic.

Xendor was killed during the First Great Schism, but his lover, the future Emperor's Hand Arden Lyn, entered a Force-induced trance that would keep her in hibernation until the reign of the Galactic Empire.

"Minions of Xendor" would become a popular expletive in future millennia.

Xendor is often counted as the first Dark Lord of the Sith, but he was in fact never a Sith Lord.


SW Character
position=Dark Jedi Knight
species=Epicanthix (near-Human)
height= 1.80 meters (5 ft 11 in)
affiliation=List of Star Wars Dark Jedi, Galactic Empire (Imperial Remnant)
portrayer=Rafer Weigel

Yun is the youngest, newest and most inexperienced of the seven Dark Jedi in the computer game Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II, which means that he is also the "noblest", since he has not yet been fully twisted to the dark side. Yun is very eager to learn and to apply his knowledge of the Force and his Force skills in combat. He is a skilled fencer and has almost learned to master the skill of Force jumping.

He was the first to be confronted and he was humiliated by Kyle Katarn, who defeating him soundly. Katarn brought a humbled Yun to his knees and choked him unconscious, placing a foot on his head in victory. Yun was picked up by his fellow Dark Jedi, but the memory of the experience and the lesson about mercy he learned marked him for the remainder of his short life.

Much later, Yun, Sariss and Boc discovered Katarn unconscious after his ship, the Moldy Crow, crash-landed; Boc destroyed Kyle's lightsaber and then left Sariss to deal with him. She attempted to kill Katarn, but Yun, remembering how Kyle had once spared his life, and racked with guilt over the execution of the Jedi Master Rahn, blocked Sariss' blow. Sariss instinctively redirected her lightsaber against Yun, mortally wounding him. As Yun lay dying, he told Sariss that Katarn was a Jedi, that he deserved to die in battle. For his deed, Yun was possibly redeemed and returned to the light side before he drew his final breath. Kyle, having lost his lightsaber, retrieved Yun's, which was lying nearby, in order to defend himself from Sariss' attack. He carried it for a time until he constructed his own lightsaber as part of the remainder of his Jedi training.

In the non-canonical ending where Kyle Katarn chooses the Dark side, he faces Yun again, killing him instead of Sariss, who goes on to serve Katarn instead of .

Yun was originally a son of a Panathan businessman who made his fortune in minerals before Yun was born. Thus, Yun was spared all his childhood from struggle or want. Just before he attained his majority, he was sent to the planet Bunduki, home of the monks of Followers of Palawa, otherwise known as the masters of Teräs Käsi. A full year passed, but the monks felt that Yun was no more ready to learn their martial art than he was when he arrived; deeply frustrated and angry, Yun returned home. His father in his absence had become engaged; his new fiancée was Sarisshe insisted that Yun and Sariss get to know each other. Sariss was a devotee of the Church of the Dark Sidetheir time together was spent inducting Yun into the Dark side. Eventually, Sariss' beauties and seduction techniques proved too much for Yun's chastity. But Sariss, at the moment of truth, demurred, claiming to be bound to Yun's father. Yun did not need a second hintthe father was quickly slain, and now deep into the Dark side, Yun was one of Jerec's.

While realized by a computer-generated imagery character in the game itself, Yun is portrayed by German-American actor Rafer Weigel in cutscenes in between levels.

Zan Arbor, Jenna

Jenna Zan Arbor is a scientist from the planet of Ventrux. Prior to the Clone Wars, she was an independent scientist who studied Force powers. After being arrested for her crimes, she jumped ship to the Separatists and helped them develop new technology and other scientific assets.

Zan Arbor started Arbor Industries when she was a young scientist. As she became interested in the powers of the Force, she started to capture Jedi. One of her friends, Senator Uta S'orn of Belasco, had a Jedi son by the name of Ren. She was allowed to experiment with Ren; unfortunately, the tests failed and Ren was killed. Zan Arbor looked for a new guinea pig: Qui-Gon Jinn. Zan Arbor managed to capture Qui-Gon with the help of bounty hunter Ona Nobis. However, several Jedi, including Obi-Wan Kenobi, broke into her lair on Simpla-12 and rescued Qui-Gon. Zan Arbor quickly fled to Belasco, where she had a deal with S'orn to seed the planet with a virus so that Arbor Industries could make a profit on the disease's cure. This operation was quickly discovered and thwarted by Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Siri Tachi, and Adi Gallia.

Zan Arbor was sent to a prison colony, but she escaped several years prior to the Clone Wars. Her new experiments included the Zone of Self-Containment drug, which allowed her to capture Anakin Skywalker. Before she could perform her new experiments on Skywalker, Obi-Wan, Siri, and several other Jedi rescued him. Zan Arbor was not finished; she used Falleen technology with the hopes of spreading the Zone drug, though this also failed. During this time, Zan Arbor was being funded by Xanatos' son, Granta Omega. Omega was killed by the Jedi, and Zan Arbor fled.

Zan Arbor was hired by Count Dooku during the Clone Wars to create biological weapons. After the Clone Wars, Zan Arbor was still at large. Jude Watson, "The Dangerous Rescue" (2001). ISBN 0-439-13932-5]

Zorba the Hutt

Zorba the Hutt is a fictional character in the Star Wars universe. He is the father of Jabba the Hutt. [ [ Hutt! Hutt! Hutt! ] ] He did not immediately learn of his son's death because he was imprisoned on the planet Kip. Zorba resembled his son, though he had long, white hair braids and a white beard. All of Jabba's possessions were bequeathed to Zorba, including the desert palace on Tatooine. He blamed Princess Leia Organa for the murder of his son Jabba. Zorba then challenged Lando in a game of sabacc and won Cloud City. Lando soon won back Cloud City in a future game. In one instance Zorba was referred to as 'Koztas'.

External links

*Sww|Zorba the Hutt


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