omega_{k}=omega_{0}+2kpimbox{, where } -pileomega_{0}lepi
Anysinusoidwithanangularfrequencythatfallsoutsidetheintervalpimbox{ to }piisidenticaltoasinusoidalfrequencythatfallswithinthefundamentalinterval. Thisiscalledaliasingoffrequency; anyfrequencyoutsidetheaboveperiodisanaliasofsomefrequencyinsidetheperiod. Thuspileomegalepiisregardedastheperiodofuniquefrequencies, andissaidtocontain "allthediscretefrequencies" incontrasttothecontinuoustimefrequencieswhichrangefrominftymbox{ to }infty. Asaconsequence, thehighestrateofoscillationinadiscretetimesinusoidoccurswhenomega=pmpimbox{ or }f=pmfrac{1}{2}.
ampling & DiscreteFrequencies
Theapparentprobleminthisregardsisthefactthatthehighestoscillationindiscretetimeoccurswhenfrequencyis0.5or -0.5. Howthencandiscretetimesystemsbeused (andarebeingused) toprocesseventhelowestfrequencieslikeaudio, letaloneworkwithsatellitecommunicationreceiversatfrequenciesintheGHz (1,000,000,000Hz) range? Theanswertothequestionliesinvisualizingtheconceptofdiscretetimeasaphysicalphenomenonandnotjustamathematicalconstraint. The 'time' operator "n" isnottobevisualizedasadiscretenumberthatcantakeonvaluesinseconds, butasanumberthatcantakediscretevaluesinanytimeunit:seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds, picosecondsetc. Thusitcanbeunderstoodhowdiscretewaveformscanattainhigherfrequency.
Discrete frequency domain — A discrete frequency domain is a frequency domain that is discrete rather than continuous. For example, the discrete Fourier transform maps a function having a discrete time domain into one having a discrete frequency domain. The discrete time… … Wikipedia
discrete frequency — i. A separate radio frequency for use in direct pilot controller communications in ATC (air traffic control) that reduces frequency congestion by controlling the number of aircraft operating on a particular frequency at one time. Discrete… … Aviation dictionary
Frequency domain — In electronics, control systems engineering, and statistics, frequency domain is a term used to describe the domain for analysis of mathematical functions or signals with respect to frequency, rather than time.[1] Speaking non technically, a time … Wikipedia
Discrete transform — In signal processing, discrete transforms are mathematical transforms, often linear transforms, of signals between discrete domains, such as between discrete time and discrete frequency.[1] Many common integral transforms used in signal… … Wikipedia
Frequency-shift keying — Passband modulation v · d · e Analog modulation AM · … Wikipedia
Discrete signal — Discrete sampled signal Digital signal (Discrete here … Wikipedia
Discrete — in science is the opposite of continuous: something that is separate; distinct; individual. This article is about the possible uses of the word discrete . For a definition of the word discreet , see the Wiktionary entry discreet. Discrete may… … Wikipedia
Frequency-division multiplexing — (FDM) is a form of signal multiplexing where multiple baseband signals are modulated on different frequency carrier waves and added together to create a composite signal. Non telephoneFDM can also be used to combine multiple signals before final… … Wikipedia
Discrete Compounding — refers to the method by which interest is calculated and added to the principal at certain set points in time. For example, interest may be compounded daily, weekly, monthly or even yearly. Discrete compounding is the opposite of continuous… … Investment dictionary