List of programmes broadcast by Television Broadcasts Limited

List of programmes broadcast by Television Broadcasts Limited

Programmes broadcast by Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB) form a major part of popular culture in Hong Kong. TVB is the largest TV-station in Hong Kong. TVB programmes have major social and culture effects on the Hong Kong populace, influencing fashion, hairstyles, speech patterns and public attitudes. Its programmes have been and continue to be exported to many Chinese-speaking communities around the world; such as mainland China, Taiwan, Macau, Singapore, Malaysia, United States, Canada, Australia and most of Europe (including England), via satellite, video cassettes and now VCDs and DVDs.

TV drama series

Local dramas

This is an incomplete list of local TVB dramas since the 1970s and is arranged in English alphabetical order.

=A =

*A Change of Destiny (2007)
*A Stage of Turbulence 刀馬旦
*A Taste of Bachelorhood 1987
*A Taste of Love 美味情緣 (2000)
*A Touch of a Lady
*A Tough Side of a Lady 花木蘭 (1999)
*Against the Blade of Honour (圓月彎刀)(1994-1995)
*Aiming High 撻出愛火花 (2000)
*All About Tin 魔刀俠情
*All In A Family 四海一家(1994/1996)
*Always Ready 隨時候命 (2005)
*Amazing Story (1989)
*Amazing Tales (1988)
*Amsterdam Cafe (1993)
*Ancient Heroes 隋唐群英會 (1995) -
*And Yet We Live 當代男兒 (1988) -
*Angel's Call 他來自天堂 (1992) -
*Angels and Devils 北斗雙雄 (1983)
*Angels of Mission 無名天使3D (2004)
*Another Day (2002)
*Anti-Crime Squad 反黑先鋒 (1999) -
*Any Where But Here (1979)
*Aqua Heroes 戀愛自由式 - (2003)
*Armed Reaction 陀槍師姐 Part I (1997) **Part II (1999) ** Part III (2001) ** Part IV(2003)
*As Sure As Fate 師奶強人 (1998) -
*Astonishing (2004)
*At Home With Love 樓住有情人 (2006)
*At Point Blank 婚姻乏術 2001
*At the Threshold of An Era 創世紀
** Part I - 創世紀 (1999) -
** Part II - 創世紀 2 天地有情 (2000) -
*Au Revoir Shanghai 上海傳奇 (2005-2006)
*Award Certificate
*AV (2005)
*Ay Caramba (2005)

=B =

*Back to Square One 撲水冤家 (2003)
*Bar Bender 潮爆大狀 (2005)
*The Battlefield 楚河漢界
*Battle Against Evil 轉世驚情 (2002)
*The Battle of the Clans 大香港(1985)
*Battle of the Heart 摘星的女人 (1988)
*Be My Guest (Drama) 我愛玫瑰園 (1991)
*Before Dawn 愛在風暴的日子 (1988)
*Being Honest 雌雄大老千 (1993)
*Best Bet 迎妻接福 (2007)
*Beside the Seaside, Beside the Sea月兒彎彎照九洲(1990)
*Best Selling Secret 同事三分親 (2007)
*Bet on Fate 大賭場 (1992)
*Better Halves 金牌冰人 (2003)
*Beyond Love 破繭邊緣 (1991)
*The Big Big Boss 龍虎雙霸天
*Big Family 大家族 (1991)
*The Biter Bitten 人生馬戲團 (2005)
*The Black Sabre 邊城浪子
*Blade Heart 血薦軒轅 (2004)
*Blood and Iron 鐵血男兒
*The Blood of Good and Evil 我本善良 (1990)
*Blood Stained Intrigue 神劍魔刀
*The Book and Sword 書劍恩仇錄
*Born to be a King 大明群英 (1985)
*The Brave Young Ones 男子漢
*The Breaking Point 今生無悔 (1991)
*The Brink Of Law 突圍行動 (2007)
*Brother Cry for Me 忠奸老實人
*Brother Four 富貴榮華
*The Brothers Under The Skin 遁甲奇兵
*The Building Blocks of Life 建築有情天 (2007)
*The Buddhism Palm Strikes Back 如來神掌再戰江湖
*The Bund I, II, III 上海灘
*Burning Flame 烈火雄心* Part I (1998) ** Part II (2002) *** Part III (2008)

=C =

*Catch Me Now 原來愛上賊 (2008)
* [ A Case of Misadventure] 騎呢大狀 (2002)
* [ The Challenge of Life] 人在邊緣 (1991)
*The Chateau (1981)
* [ A Change of Fate]
*Changing Partners 執位夫妻 (1985)
*The Charm Beneath 胭脂水粉 (2005)
* [ Cherished Moments] 回到未嫁時 (1990)
*Chiang Nan Yin Yu (2000)
*Child (1995)
*Chinese Folklore 梁山伯與祝英台
*Cherished Moments 回到未嫁时
*The Ching Emperor 天子屠龍
*Chut Toi Sheung Kiu 绝代双骄
*Chor Lou Hung 楚留香 (1979, 1984
* [ Chut Toi Sheung Kiu] 絕代雙驕
*CIB Files 刑事情報科 (2006)
* [ Class of Distinction] 阿SIR早晨 (1995)
*Clones 再版人 (1984)
*Cold Blood Warm Heart 天地男兒 (1996)
* [ Colourful Life] 錦銹良緣 (2001)
*Come to my Place (1992)
*Come Rain Come Shine 風雨晴 (1981)
*Conflicts 奮鬥 (1978)
*The Conquest 爭霸 (2005)
*The Commandments 武林幸運星 (1991)
*Conscience 第三類法庭 (1993)
*The Cope Story 零點出擊 (1990)
*Commander and Conqueror (1985)
*Corruption Doesn't Pay (1993)
*The Criminal Investigator O記實錄 *Part I (1994) *Part II (1996)
*Crimson Sabre 碧血劍 (2000)
*Crime Fighters (1999)
*Crime of Passion (1988)
*Crossing Boundaries 盞鬼老豆
*Country Spirit 酒是故鄉醇 (2001)
*The Conqueror's Story 楚漢驕雄 (2004)
*The Conspiracy (1994)

=D =

*The Dance of Passion 火舞黃沙 (2006)
*Dark Tales 聊齋
** Dark Tales I 聊齋之流光情劫 (1997)
** Dark Tales II 聊齋之秋月還陽 (1998)
** Dark Tales III 聊齋之俠女田郎
*Deadly Protection 保護證人組 (1997)
*Destiny 荊途 (1982)
*The Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils 天龍八部 *1982 version *1997 version
*Detective Investigation Files 刑事偵緝檔案 *Part I (1994) *Part II (1995) *Part III (1997) *Part IV (1999)
*Devil's Disciples 強劍 (2007)
*D.I.E. 古靈精探 (2008)
*Dharma- 達摩 (1987) Starring: Jimmy Au and Amy Chan
*Dicey Business 賭場風雲 (2006)
*The Disappearance 隱形怪傑
*Down Memory Lane 萬里長情 (1996)
*Doomed to Oblivion 鄭板橋 (2002)
*Double Fantasies 無雙譜 (1981)
*Dragon Love 人龍傳說 (1999)
*Dream of Colours 下一站彩虹 (2003)
*Drifters 怒海孤鴻 (1992)
*The Driving Power 非常外父 (2003)
*The Drive of Life 歲月風雲 (2007)
*Drunken Angels 男人四十打功夫 (1997)
*The Duke of Mount Deer 鹿鼎記 *1985 version *1998 version *2000 version

=E =

*Eastern Hero 龍影俠 (1992)
*The Edge of Righteousness 追日者 (1993) -
*Encounter With Fortune 鬼咁夠運
*Eternal Happiness 再生緣 (2002)
*Eternity 千歲情人 (1994)

=F =

*The Fallen Family 武林世家 (1985)
*Fatal Irony 啼笑因緣 (1974)
*Fantasy Hotel 開心賓館 (2005)
*The Fate 火鳳凰
*Fate Cast in the Wind 大茶園
*Face to Face 雙面伊人 (1999)
*Face to Fate 布衣神相 (2006)
*Fate in our Hands 香港雲起時
*Fate of the Clairvoyant再見亦是老婆 (1994)
*Fate of the Last Empire 清宮氣數錄(1994)
*Fate Twisters 黑夜彩虹(2003)
*Father Knows Best 老爺大過天
* Fathers and Sons 爸爸閉翳
*The Feud of Two Brothers 流氓大亨 (1986)
*Family勢不兩立 (1980)
*Family Man 絕世好爸 (2002)
*Family Squad 卡拉屋企 ( 1992)
*Feminine Masculinity 先生貴性 (1999)
*The Final Combat - 蓋世豪俠
*Fight for Love 談談情, 練練武 (2002)
*The File of Justice 壹號皇庭 *Part I (1992) *Part II (1993) *Part III (1994) *Part IV (1995) *Part V (1997)
*Find the Light (2003)
*The Fist of Power (1998)
*The Final Hero
*The Final Verdict 誓不低頭
*The Fist of Law
*Five Easy Pieces 輪流轉
*Five Knights from Shanghai
*The Fearless Duo 天師執位
*Flame of Fury 無名火 (1988)
*The Flying Fox of Snowy Mountain 雪山飛狐 *1986 version *1999 version
*Forensic Heroes 法證先鋒 (2006)
*Forensic Heroes II 法證先鋒II (2008)
*Food of Love 闔府統請 (1996)
*For Once in a Lifetime 富貴流氓 (2005)
*The Fortune Teller 賴布衣妙算玄機 I and II
*The Foundation 決戰玄武門 (1984)
*The Four
*The Four Marshals
*The Foxy Girl
*From Act To Act

=G =

*Game of Deceit 騙中傳奇 (1999)
*Games People Play 檸檬丈夫 (1988)
*The Gâteau Affairs 情迷黑森林 (2005)
*The Gem Of Life 珠光寶氣 (2008)
*General Father, General Son 薛丁山征西 (1985)
*Genghis Khan 成吉思汗 (1987)
*The Gentle Crackdown 秀才遇著兵 (2005)
*The Gentle Crackdown II 秀才愛上兵 (2008)
*The Giants 強人
*Girl with a Suitcase 過埠新娘 (1979)
*Gods of Honour 封神榜 (2001)
*God Of Sabre 刀神 (1979)
*The Gods And Demons Of Zu Mountain 蜀山奇俠 (1990)
*Golden Faith 流金歲月 (2002)
*The Golden Snake Sword 金蛇郎君 (1992)
*The Good Girl (2003)
*A Good Match from Heaven 天降奇緣 (1995)
*Glittering Days (2006) Dong Fong Zi Zhu
*Good Against Evil 點指賊賊賊捉賊 (2002)
*Good Morning Mother In-Law 奶奶早晨 (1983)
*The Good Old Times 鱷魚潭 (1981)
*The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly 網中人
*The Grand Canal 大運河 (1987)
*The Greed of Man 大時代 (1992)
*Green Hope 新鮮人 (2000)
*Greed Mask 謎情家族/推理家族 (2003)
*Guts of Man 肝膽崑崙 (2005)
*God of War (2006)

=H =

*Hap Hak Hang 侠客行
*Hand of Hope 边缘故事
*A Handful of Love 一屋兩家三姓人 (2004)
*Hand of Truth
*Happy Ever After 金玉滿堂 (1999)
*Happy Hour
*Happy Return
*Happy Spirit 開心女鬼 (1985) - 鄭裕玲鄧萃雯呂良偉張衛健吳鎮宇邵美琪
*The Hawk
*Hard Fate 翡翠戀曲 (2004)
*Healing Hands 妙手仁心 *Part I (1998) *Part II (2000) *Part III (2004)
*Hearts of Fencing (2003)-
*Heart of Greed 溏心風暴 (2007)
*Heartstrings 烈火狂奔 (1994)
*Heavenly in Laws 我外母唔係人 (2006)
*The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber 倚天屠龍記 *1978 version: *1986 version: *2000 version
*A Herbalist Affair
*Heir to the Throne is 真命天子 (1986)
*The Herbalist's Manual 本草藥王 (2005)
*Heroes from Shaolin 武尊少林 (1993)
*Heroes from Shanghai (2005)
*The Holy Dragon Saga (2005)
*Hotel 狂潮 (1979)
*Hotel Affairs
*The Hunter's Prey 烏金血劍 (1990)
*Hidden Treasures 翻新大少/鴨寮街的金蛋 (2004)

=I =

*I Can't Accept Corruption 廉政追緝令(1997)
*The ICAC Investigators series 廉政行動 (1996, 1998, 2001, 2004)
*I Love Amy (1989)我愛俏冤家
*In Love and War 烽火飛花(1981)
*In Search 離別釣
*Instinct 笑看風雲 (1994)
*In the Realms of Joy 天上凡間(1990)
*In the Realm of Fancy 繾綣仙凡間 - Starring:
*In the Realm of Success 公司戀事多 (2001)
*Incurable Traits 醫神華佗 (1999)
*Into Thin Air 人間蒸發 (2005)
*Invisible Journey 彩色世界 (2001) -
*The Intangible Truth生死訟(1994)
*The Invincible Medic 仁者無敵
*It Runs in the Family 孖仔孖心肝(1990)
*It's a Long Way to Home 家有嬌妻(1984)

=J =

*A Journey Called Life 金石良緣 (2008)
*Journey to the West 西遊記 (1996)
*Journey to the West II 西遊記貳 (1998)
*Just Love 老婆大人 (2004)
*Justice of Life 他來自江湖 (1989)
*Justice Bao 包青天 (1993)
*Justice Pao I and II 包青天 (mid 1980s)
*Justice Sung 狀王宋世傑 *Part I (1997) *Part II (1998)

=K =

*The Key Man (1995)
*Kim Mo Tuk Ku Kao Pai 劍魔獨孤求敗 (1990)
*A Kindred Spirit 真情 (1994-1999)
*King of Fighters
*Knot to Treasure
*Kung Fu Hustler (1988)
*The Kung Fu Master (1997)
*Kung Fu Master from Guangdong 南龍北鳳 (2001)
*The King of Yesterday and Tomorrow 九五至尊 (2003)

=L =

*Lady Fan 烽火奇遇結良緣 (2003)
*Lady Flower Fist 苗翠花(1997)
*Land of the Condors 大地飛鷹(1992)
*Land of Wealth 匯通天下 (2005)
*The Last Breakthrough 天涯俠醫 (2004)
*The Last Conquest (1999)
*The Last Emperor (2000)
*The Last Grandmaster (2003)
*Last Hero in Shanghai 梟情(1992)
*La Femme Desperado 女人唔易做 (2005)
*Legal Entanglement 法網伊人 (2002) -
*Let's Face It 無考不成冤家/愛情試金石 (2002)
*The Legend of The Condor Heroes 射鵰英雄傳
** 1983 version - Starring: Felix Wong, Barbara Yung
*** Part I - 射鵰英雄傳之"鐵血丹心" - (Iron Blood, Loyal Heart)
*** Part II - 射鵰英雄傳之"東邪西毒" - (The Wicked East and the Poisonous West)
*** Part III - 射鵰英雄傳之"華山論劍" - (Debating With Swords On Wah Shan)
** 1994 version - Starring: Julian Cheung, Athena Chu
*The Legend of the Dragon Pearl 走路新郎哥 (1990)
*Legend of A Ching Lady呂四娘(1985)
*Legend of Golden Lion 金毛獅王(1993)
*The Legend of Lady Yang 杨贵妃
*The Legend of Love 牛郎織女 (2003)
*The Legend of Master Bao
*The Legend of Master Chai 濟公 (1996)
*The Legend of Master So
*The Legend of the Dragon Pearl
*The Legend Four Aces 金裝四大才子 (2000)
*THe Legend of the White Eagle 白眉英王 (1985)
*The Legendary Ranger 原振俠 (1993)
*The Legendary Siblings
*Lethal Weapons of Love and Passion 覆雨翻雲 (2005)
*A Life of His Own 浪族闊少爺
*Life Art 寫意人生
*Life Begins at Forty 花樣中年 (2003)
*Life for Life 命轉情真 (1999)
*Life Made Simple 阿旺新傳 (2005)
*Lin Shing Kuet連城訣(1989)
*The Liar
*The Link 天倫 (1993)
*The Lone Star Swordsman
*The Lonely Hunter 過客 (1981)
*Lofty Waters Verdant Bow 雲海玉弓緣(2002)
*Looking Back in Anger 義不容情(1989)
*Lost in the Chamber of Love 西廂奇緣 (2004)
*Lost in Love
*Lost in Space
*Love and Passion
*Love Guaranteed 愛情全保 (2006)
*Love in a Decadent City錯愛(1987)
*Love is Arrogant
*Love is Blind成日受傷的男人(1994)
*Love is Beautiful 無頭東宮(2001)
*A Loving Spirit 全院滿座 (1999)
*Loving You I and II (1990s)
*Love and Again 駁命老公追老婆 (2002)
*Love Bond 心花放 (2004)
*To Love With No Regrets 足秤老婆八両夫 (2004)
*Lin Sin Lang, Legend of a Ching Lady
*Luk Siu Fung 陆小凤 (1979)

=M =

*The Maestro (1999)
*Maidens' Vow 鳳凰四重奏 (2006)
*Man of Wisdom 金牙大狀 *Part I - Starring *Part II
*Man's Best Friend 宠物情缘 (1999)
*The Mark of Triumph 92鍾無艷 (1992)
*Marriage of Inconvenience 兩妻時代 (2007)
*Master of Martial Arts 黃飛鴻之鐵膽梁寬 (1994)
*The Master of Tai Chi 太極 (2008)
*A Matter of Customs 雷霆第一關 (2000)
*Men Don't Cry 奸人堅 (2007)
*Men in Pain 男人之苦 (2006)
*Mind Our Own Business 開心華之里
*Misleading Track 奪命真夫/叠影危情 (2004)
*The Misadventure Of Zoo 流氓皇帝 (1981)
*The Mission (1983)
*Moments of Endearment 外父唔怕做 (1998)
*Money Just Can't Buy 天降財神 (1995)
*Money and Fame 拳賭雙至尊 (1992)
*Moonlight Resonance 溏心風暴之家好月圓 (2008)
*Mutual Affection 河東獅吼 (1996)
*Mystery FilesStarred
*Mystery of the Twin Swords 日月神劍 *Part I (1990) *Part II (1991)
*My Family 甜孫爺爺 (2004)
*My Father's Son 鬥氣一族 (1988)
*My Father is a Hero
*My Way 奔向太陽 (1983)
*The Mystery of Condor Hero 射雕英雄傳之九陰真經 (1993)

=N =

*The New Adventures of Chor Lau Heung 1984 楚留香之蝙蝠傳奇 (1984)
*Night Journey 殭屍福星 (1996)
*Nothing to Declare
*Not Just a Pretty Face 美麗在望 (2003)
*Net Deception 追魂交易 (2004)
*Network Love Story

=O =

*The Old Miao Myth 老洞
*Old Time Buddy 難兄難弟 * Part I (1997) * Part II (1998)
*On the Edge 灰網 (1991)
*On the Track or Off 勇往直前 (2001)
*Once Upon a Time in China (1990)
*Once Upon a Time in Hong Kong 血濺塘西 (1992)
*Once Upon a Time in Shanghai 新上海灘 (1996)
*Once Upon An Ordinary Girl 儂本多情
*One Good Turn Deserves Another 地獄天使 (1996)
*One Step Beyond 老友鬼鬼 (1991)
*One Sword 一劍鎮神州 (1979)
*The Ordeal Before The Revolution 賊公阿牛
*Over The Rainbow 天虹

=P =

*The Partner
*A Place of One's Own (1998)大澳的天空
*Perish in the Name of Love (2003) 帝女花
*A Pillow Case of Mystery 施公奇案 (2005)
*Phoenix Rising (2007)
*Plain Love I and II 情濃大地(1995), 荼是故鄉濃(1999)
*Place of My Own
*Placebo Cure 心理心裏有個謎 (2004)
*The Prince's Shadow 御用閒人 (2004)
*Point of No Return 西關大少 (2003)
*Police Cadet 新紮師兄 * Part I (1984) * Part II (1985) * Part III (1988)
*Police Station No. 7 七號差館
*Police on the Road 皇家鐵馬 (1991)
*Priceless Adventure香港蛙人/走為下著
*Pro Fighter (1999) -

=Q =

Quest for Eternal Treasure

=R =

*Radio Tycoon 播音人 (1983)
*Rain in the Heart 成功路上 (1990)
*Rage and Passion 中神通王重陽 (1992)
*Racing Peak 馬場大亨 (1993)
*Reaching Out
*Real Kung Fu 佛山贊師父 (2005)
*A Recipe for the Heart 美味天王 (1997)
*Reincarnated Princess
*Real-bout Fatal Fury
*The Revelation of the Last Hero 風之刀 (1992)
*Remembrance 黃浦傾情 (1994)
*The Return of the Condor Heroes 神鵰俠侶 *1983 version *1995 version
*The Return of Luk Siu Fung
*Return of the Cuckoo澳門街 (2000)
*The Return of Wong Fei Hung 寶芝林 (1984)
*Revolving Doors of Vengeance 酒店風雲 (2005)
*Riches and Stitches 凤舞香罗 (2004)
*The Rise and Fall of a Stand-In
*The Rise of a Kung Fu Master 南拳蔡李佛 (1988)
*Rise of the Taiji Master 武當張三豐 (1996)
*A Road and A Will 香港人在廣州 (1997)
*Road for the Heroes 出位江湖 (1992)
*Road to Eternity (1999)
*Romance Beyond 都市的童話 (1991)
*The Romance
*The Romance of the White Hair Maiden
*The Romantic Swordsman
*The Rough Ride 挑戰 (1985)
*Rural Hero 離島特警 (1998)
*Riches and Stitches 鳳舞香羅 (2003)

=S =

*Shades of Truth 水滸無間道 (2004)
*Safe Guards 鐵血保鑣 (2005)
*Screen Play 娛樂反斗星
*Scavengers' Paradise 同撈同煲 (2004)
*Secret of the Heart 天地豪情 (1998)
*Seed of Hope俗世情真(2003)
*The Serpentine Romance
*Seven Sisters 七姊妹 (2000)
*The Seventh Day 最美麗的第七天 (2008)
*The Self Within 失職丈夫 (1990)
*Shades Of Truth 水浒无间道 (2005)
*The Shell Game
** Part I - 千王之王 (1980)
** Part II - 千王群英會 (1981)
*Simply Ordinary 林世荣 (1998)
*Silken Hands 自梳女 (1990)
*A Smiling Ghost Story 衝上人間 (1999)
*The Smiling Proud Wanderer 笑傲江湖 (1984)
*Shine on You 青出於藍 (2004)
*Show Time Blues 樂壇插班生(1997)
*The Silver Chamber of Sorrows 銀樓金粉 (2008)
*The Sky is the Limit 緣分無邊界 (2000)
*Slim Chances 我要Fit-Fit (2002)
*Soldier of Fortune 香城浪子 (1982)
*Songbird 天涯歌女 (1991)
*Source of Evil我為錢狂 (1992)
*The Spirt of Love
*Split Second爭分奪秒(2004)
*Square Pegs 戇夫成龍 (2002)
*A Stamp of Love
*Starry Kitchen (2006-present)
*Stars Wars
*State of Divinity 笑傲江湖 (1996)
*A Step into the Past 尋秦記 (2001)
*Street Fighters 庙街··兄弟(2004)
*Strike at Heart 驚艷一槍 (2004)
*Street Fighters 廟街 · ·兄弟
*Summer Heat 心慌心郁逐個捉 (2004)
*Summer of 1988 不再少年時
*Sunday Battle 1973
*Sunshine Heartbeat 赤沙印記@四葉草.2 (2004)
*Superlative Affections
*The Sword of Conquest 怒劍嘯狂沙 (1992)
*The Survivor 藍色風暴 (1991)
*Survivor's Law 律政新人王 (2003)
*Survivor's Law II 律政新人王II (2007)

=T =

*Tai Chi (2006) - 太极 Raymond Lam, Vincent Zhao, Myolie Wu, Melissa Ng (releases in 2008)
*Take Care Your Highness 皇上保重 (1985)
*Take My Word for It 談判專家 (2002)
*Taming of the Princess 醉打金枝 (1997)
*The Academy 學警雄心 (2004)
*The Adventurer's 衝擊
*The Attractive One (2004)
*The Awakening Story婚前昏後(2001)
*The Brink Of Law 突圍行動 (2007)
*Ten Brothers 十兄弟 (2004)
*The Family Link (2007)
*The King of Yesterday and Tomorrow九五至尊
*The Slicing of the Demon 凶城计中计 (2007)
*The Trail of Love
*The Twins
*The Twins of Love
*The Price of Greed 千謊百計 (2006)
*Three to Dance (1989)
*Thief of Honor 血玺金刀 (1991)
*Time of the Tiger
*Till When Do Us Part
*Time Before Time
*Time Off 明天不一樣
*Tough Men
*Tin Long Kip 天狼劫 (1988) - 劉德華邵美琪
*Triangular Entanglement
*Trimming Success 飛短留長父子兵 (2005)
*To Get Unstuck in Time 隔世追兇 (2005)
*To Grow With Love 肥田囍事 (2006)
*To Love With No Regrets (2003)
*To Catch the Uncatchable 棟篤神探 (2004)
*Treasure Raiders 蕭十一郎 (2002)
*Tribute to Life 阿德也瘋狂 (1988)
*Triumph in the Skies 衝上雲霄 (2003)
*Triumph of a Life Time
*Twin of Brothers 大唐雙龍傳 (2004)
*Two of a Kind -
*The Most Beautiful Seventh Day 最美麗的第七天 (2007)

=U =

*The Ultimate Crime Fighter 通天幹探 (2007)
*Ultra Protection 非常保鑣 (1999)
*Under the Canopy of Love 天幕下的戀人 (2005)
*The Unexpected 一切從失蹤開始 (1995)
*United We Stand 生锈桥王 (1985)
*Untraceable Evidence 鑑證實錄 *Part I (1997) *Part II (1999)
*The Upheaval 1998
*The Uppercut 1995
*Ups And Downs 無業樓民 (2000)
*Ups and Downs in the Sea of Love 十萬噸情緣 (2003)

=V =

*Vagabond Vigilante 游劍江湖 (2005)
*Vigilante Force 智勇新警界 (2003)
*The Vigilante in The Mask 怪俠一枝梅 (2003)
*Virtues of Harmony 皆大歡喜 *Part I (2001-2002) *Modern Version (II) (2003-2005)
*The Vampire Returns 大頭綠衣鬥殭屍
*Vengeance 火玫瑰 (1992)

=W =

*The War Heroes 天變(1989)
*War and Beauty 金枝慾孽 (2004)
*War and Destiny 亂世佳人 (2006)
*The Wars of Bribery
*War of the Genders 男親女愛 (2000)
*War and Remembrance
*Wars of In-laws 我的野蠻奶奶 (2005)
*Wars of In-Laws II 野蠻奶奶大戰戈師奶 (2008)
*Wasabi Mon Amour 和味濃情 (2008)
*Welcome to the House 高朋滿座 (2006)
*Whatever It Takes 天子尋龍 (2002)
*When Dreams Come True
*When Rules Turn Loose 識法代言人 (2005)
*When The Sun Shines
*Where the Legend Begins 洛神 (2002)
*Why, Why Tell Me Why
*Web of Love (2000)
*White Flame, The 紅衣手記 (2002)
*Witness to a Prosecution 洗冤錄 * Part I (1999) * Part II (2002) *Part III (2005)
*The Wild Bunch 十三太保 (1982)
*Wind And Cloud Conquer The World
*Woman on the Beat
*Women on the Run 窈窕熟女 (2005)
*Wong Fei Hung Returns
*Wong Fei Hung - Master of Kung Fu 我師傅係黃飛鴻 (2004)
*Word Twisters' Adventures 鐵咀銀牙 (2007)
*Working Women
*The W Files 衛斯理 (2003)
*Wu-Tang Soccer (2006)

=X =


=Y =

*Yang's Women Warriors
*Yankie Boy 回到唐山 (1991)
*The Yang's Saga 楊家將 (1985)
*Yesterday Glitter
*Young Beat
*The Young Heroes of Shaolin 英雄出少年 (1981)
*The Young Wanderer 江湖浪子(1985)
*Yummy Yummy Food for Life (2005)

=Z =

*The Zu Mountain Saga 蜀山奇俠之仙侶奇緣 (1991

Foreign dramas

*Jewel in the Palace 大長今 (A Korean TV drama from MBC Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation popular in ROK, Japan, Taiwan and Chicago.)
*Jur Hun ; translated to English: The Way of Medicine 醫道 (A Korean drama from Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation (MBC).)
*Oooku 大奧 (A Japanese drama from Fuji Television Network.)
*Full House 浪漫滿屋 (A Korean drama)
*Woman's World (A Korean drama)
*1 Litre of Tears (Japanese drama)
*Galileo (Japanese drama)
*Great Teacher Onizuka (Japanese drama - live version)
*Chibi Maruko Chan


(This is a complete list)
*A Secret Mission 熱浪迷情
*A Story of Two Drifters 末路危情
*The Bird of Prey 天降橫財心驚驚
*Behind the Mask 後窗驚魂
*Behind the Beauty 孽海狂花
*The Black Bird 黑鳥
*Burden of Proof 天涯追兇
*Can't Stop Loving You 愛到盡頭
*Class of Disobedience 飛越校園
*Cul-De-Sac 親子大綁架
*The Dare Devils 特技雙雄
*Dark Shadow 懸案追兇
*Death Trap 咫尺疑魂
*Dead End
*Deadly Lovers 奪命情人
*Deadly Showdown 滅罪先鋒
*Deadly String 妒火線
*Dismayed Patriot - The Qu Tuan 屈原
*Double Crossing 親密殺機
*Double or Nothing 千影神偷
*Edge of Justice 律政皇庭
*Fatal Assignment
*The Final Shot 熱血狙擊
*The Fugitives 末路狂奔
*The Healing Spirit 冥約
*The Heavenly Swordsman And The Spoiled 聖劍天嬌
*Iron Butterfly I, II 特警 90
*Killer's Code 殺手風雷
*The Last Conflict 刑警本色
*Left Alone 歷劫驚濤
*Mary's Choice 瑪莉的抉擇
*The Mamasan 霓紅姊妹花
*Man on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown 都市風暴
*Out on a Limb 殺之戀
*The Quick Step Of Passion 紅杏劫
*The Set Up 越柙飛龍
*Sharpshooters 廉政英雌
*Special Duties Unit 1996 飛虎雄風 II 之搶灘行動
*Taxi 810 的士810 I, II, III
*Those Were the Days 歲月情真
*The Threat 血殺
*The Thief 賊至尊
*The Thief of Time 群星會
*Till Death, Us Do Part 魅影迷情
*The Undercover 越柙飛龍II - 虎穴潛龍
*Unbearable Heights 鐵翼驚情
*Unusual Revenge 殲滅行動
*Where's my Gun? 失鎗四十八小時
*The Knight And The Concubine


Local anime

*My life as McDull 麥兜故事
*The Olympic Adventures of Fuwa
*Xianqi Master

Cooperative anime

*Cartoon The Return of the Condor Heroes (卡通) 神鵰俠侶 part I (26 episodes) and part II (26 episodes).
*William Joyce's George Shrinks - aired only on PBS Kids (USA), educational kids programme in English. TVB parent company Jade Animation (Shenzhen) Company made this anime.

Japanese anime and Science-fiction

*Slam Dunk
*Dr. Slump IQ博士
*Doraemon 多啦A夢 (Originally named 叮噹)
*Captain Tsubasa 足球小將
*Saint Seiya Series 聖鬥士星矢系列
*Gundam Series 機動戰士高達系列
*Dragonball Z Series 龍珠系列
*City Hunter 城市獵人
* 冒險少女娜汀亞
*Mitsume ga Toru 三眼小子
*Goldfish Warning! 娛樂金魚眼
*Rainbow Fantasia Series 魔神英雄傳系列
*Sailor Moon Series 美少女戰士系列
*Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne 神風怪盜
*Wedding Peach 婚紗小天使
*Pokémon 寵物小精靈
*You're Under Arrest Series 皇家雙妹嘜系列
*Sonic X Series 超音鼠X
*YuYu Hakusho 幽遊白書
*Detective Conan 名偵探柯南
*Digimon Series 數碼暴龍系列
*Hunter × Hunter 全職獵人
*Chuka Ichiban 中華一番
*Naruto 火影忍者 (tvbQ)
*Fullmetal Alchemist 鋼之鍊金術師
*Black Jack 怪醫黑傑克
*Macross 7
*Samurai 7 七武士
*Futari wa Pretty Cure 光之美少女
*Hamtaro 哈姆太郎
*Keroro Keroro 軍曹
*Ultraman Series 超人系列
*Kamen Rider Series 幪面超人系列
**Kamen Rider Hibiki
*Seven of Seven 七小花
*Rockman.EXE 網路英雄洛克人
*Rockman.EXE Axess 熱斗洛克人
*Rockman.EXE Stream 洛克人網路保衛戰
*Sugar Sugar Rune 魔界女王候補生
*Animal Yokocho 動物橫町
*Viewtiful Joe
*Virtua Fighter
*Chibi Maruko Chan

Jamboree shows

TV charity shows

*Golden Star Anniversary
*Gala Spectacular 星光熠熠耀保良 (A charity show for Po Leung Kuk, shows in September every year.)
*Pok Oi Charity Show 博愛歡樂傳萬家 (A charity show for Pok Oi Hospitals' Group, shows in March every year.)
*SuperStar Charity Concert
*Tung Wah Charity Show 歡樂滿東華 (A charity show for Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, shows in December every year.)
*TVB Benefit Variety show for New York University (NYU) Downtown Hospital - New York, USA
*Yan Chai Charity Show 慈善星輝仁濟夜 (A charity show for Yan Chai Hospitals' Group, shows in January every year.)

Major jamboree shows

*TVB All Star Challenge 星光熠熠勁爭輝
*TVB Anniversary Special 萬千星輝賀台慶 (A show celebrating the establishment of TVB, shows on November 19 each year.)
*TVB Anniversary Awards 萬千星輝頒獎典禮 (An awards show celebrating the year's best in TVB programming.)
*Miss Hong Kong Pageant 香港小姐競選 (An annual beauty pageant that crowns Miss Hong Kong, who will then represent Hong Kong to compete in Miss World and Miss Chinese International.)
*New Talent Singing Awards International Finals 全球華人新秀歌唱大賽 (An annual singing contest with contestants around the world vying for first place to win a record contract.)
*Miss Chinese International Pageant 國際中華小姐競選 (An annual beauty pageant with delegates of Chinese descent from around the world competing for the title of Miss Chinese International.)
*Mr. Hong Kong Contest 香港先生選舉 (The male counterpart of Miss Hong Kong, this contest chooses a male contestant to crown as Mr. Hong Kong.)

Variety shows

*Enjoy Yourself Tonight (E.Y.T.) 歡樂今宵 (1967)
*Super Trio Series 獎門人系列, Long running game show since 1994. Hosted by Eric Tsang, Jerry Lamb (Season 1-7), Jordan Chan (First season only) and Chin Kar Lok (Second season onwards). The eighth season had Jerry Lamb replaced by Wong Cho Lam and Louis Yuen, because he went to seek a career opportunity at a rival network, CTV Atlantic.
*Beautiful Cooking (2006)

Game shows

*The Weakest Link 一筆 OUT (Cantonese version of the quiz programme asking knowledge questions to participants, with their majority evicting themselves out one by one until two are left to answer questions, determining who's the winner out of the two, hosted by Dodo Cheng.)
*Minutes to Fame 殘酷一叮 (A game show that give time to the participants for their show, the longer time they keep, more chance to win. This game is similar to Pop Idol and American Idol. Hosted by Hacken Lee and Joey Leung.)
*Justice For All 百法百眾 (A game show that give two documents about the laws of Hong Kong to the participants, and ask them questions about the document, they can choose in two answers. Hosted by Dodo Cheng
*Deal or No Deal 一擲千金

News programmes

*Hong Kong and World News
**Good Morning Hong Kong (香港早晨) at TVB Jade & TVB Pearl
**TVB Noon News (午間新聞) at TVB Jade & TVB Pearl
**News At Six Thirty (六點半新聞報導) at TVB Jade
**News At Seven Thirty (七點半新聞報導) at TVB Pearl
**TVB News Roundup (晚間新聞) at TVB Jade & TVB Pearl
*The Pearl Report 明珠檔案
*Pearl News Magazine 國際視線
*Finance Magazine 財經透視 (TVB Jade)
*Money Magazine 財經雜誌 Hong Kong and World Financial News report outlook (TVB Pearl)
*Sunday Report 星期日檔案 features stories from Chinese and Hong Kong societies affecting people today
*News Magazine 新聞透視 Hong Kong Political News round table

Information programmes

*Hong Kong Live 香港直播
*Be My Guest 志雲飯局 (2006)
*Dolce Vita
*So Good
*Pleasure and Leisure

ports programmes

*Sports World 體育世界 (TVB Jade)

Entertainment programmes

Discontinued/cancelled programmes::*K-100:*Jade Starbiz 娛樂大搜查:*Entertainment News Watch 娛樂新聞眼

Currently on-air programmes::*E-Buzz 娛樂直播:*Scoop 東張西望

Music shows

* 360 Boundless Music (360º 音樂無邊)
* Global Rhythm (無間音樂)
* Jade Solid Gold (勁歌金曲) - Features live performance from various artist and the countdown of the top 25 or 20 albums sold during the week.
* Jade Solid Gold Top 10 Awards (十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮)
* Minutes to Fame - A show where people sing to get money. They can get HK$100 every second.
* Music@GIV (音樂潮@giv) - Music Videos, Live performance from various artist and viewer shoutouts and feedback in a half hour live programme.

Kids shows

*430 Shuttle 430 穿梭機
*Dungeons & Dragons (2004) (U.S. version without English subtitles)
*Flash Fax 閃電傳真機
*Kids Click 至NET小人類
*After School ICU 放學ICU
*DaDa DeDe Melody DaDa DeDe 精靈樂園
*DaDa DeDe Petit Chefs DaDa DeDe 小名廚
*Zap Rap (TVB Pearl - early 1990s)

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