São Bento do Sul

São Bento do Sul

São Bento do Sul is a small town, pop. 75.543 (2008) located in southern Brazil, in the northeast part of the state of Santa Catarina, just south of the state of Paraná.


São Bento do Sul is considered an industrialzied city by all accounts and as such that is considered an integral part of the local social identity.

There are a many strong industries active in the region but the municipality is most wellknown for its production of furniture and textiles. For example, the city is home of the successful "Buddemeyer" textile company [ [http://www.buddemeyer.com.br Buddmeyer S/A. Headquarters at Rua João Hoffmann, #142, São Bento do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil.] ] .

Pioneer days

São Bento do Sul was first settled by the "Kolonisations Verein von 1849, in Hamburg", a 'for profit' colonization enterprise (as opposed to the State of provincial colonization efforts that were also taking place at that time) established in Hamburg, Germany.

Today there are different festivals celebrating the local population's immigrant roots: German, Italian, Polish, Czech, and others.

See also

* Czech Brazilian
* Telephone booth


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