- List of companies listed on Bovespa
In January,
2006 , more than 500 companies were listed onBovespa according to Bovespa's website.The following is a list of the components of Ibovespa, Bovespa's index, in the period January - April 2008, their
Bovespa ticker, industry and headquarter location.Note: not all companies are listed. See complete list here [http://www.bovespa.com.br/empresabov/ListaEmpresa.asp?]
Acesita (ACES4) - siderurgy and metallurgy; HQ:Belo Horizonte
*América Latina Logística (ALLL11) - logistics; HQ:São Paulo
*AmBev (AMBV4) - food and beverages; HQ:São Paulo
*Aracruz (ARCZ6) - pulp and paper; HQ:São Paulo
*B2W Varejo (BTOW3) - eletronic sales; HQ:Rio de Janeiro
*Banco do Brasil (BBAS3) - finance and insurance; HQ:Brasília
*Banco Nossa Caixa (BNCA3)
*Bradesco (BBDC4) - finance and insurance; HQ:Osasco
*Bradespar (BRAP4) - other / holding company; HQ:São Paulo
*Brasil Telecom (BRTO4) - telecommunications; HQ:Brasília
*Brasil Telecom Participações (BRTP3; BRTP4) - telecommunications; HQ:Brasília
*Braskem (BRKM5) - chemicals; HQ:São Paulo
*CCR Rodovias (CCRO3) - highways; HQ:São Paulo
*Celesc (CLSC6) - energy; HQ:Florianópolis
*Cemig (CMIG4) - energy; HQ:Belo Horizonte
*CESP (CESP6) - energy; HQ:São Paulo
*Comgás (CGAS5) - oil and gas; HQ:São Paulo
*Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (CSNA3) -siderurgy andmetallurgy ; HQ:Rio de Janeiro
*Copel (CPLE6) - energy; HQ:Curitiba
*Cosan (CSAN3) - etanol and sugar; HQ:São Paulo
*CPFL Energia (CPFE3) - energy; HQ:São Paulo
*Cyrela Commercial Property (CCPR3)
*Cyrela Brazil Realty (CYRE3)
*Duratex (DURA4)
*Eletrobrás (ELET3; ELET6) - energy; HQ:Rio de Janeiro
*Eletropaulo (ELPL6) - energy; HQ:São Paulo
*Embraer (EMBR3) - vehicles and parts; HQ:São José dos Campos
*Gafisa (GFSA3)
*Gerdau (GGBR4) - siderurgy and metallurgy; HQ:Porto Alegre
*Gerdau Met (GOAU4) - siderurgy and metallurgy; HQ:Porto Alegre
*Gol Transportes Aéreos (GOLL4) - transportation
*Pão de Açucar (PCAR4)
*Perdigão (PRGA3)
*Ipiranga Petróleo (PTIP4) - oil and gas; HQ:Porto Alegre
*Itaubanco (ITAU4) - finance and insurance; HQ:São Paulo
*Itausa (ITSA4) - other / holding company; HQ:São Paulo
*JBS S.A. (JBSS3) - food and beverages; HQ:São Paulo
*Klabin (KLBN4) - paper and pulp; HQ:São Paulo
*Light (LIGH3) - energy; HQ:Rio de Janeiro
*Lojas Americanas (LAME4)
*Lojas Renner (LREN3)
*Net (NETC4) - other / cable TV; HQ:São Paulo
*Natura (NATU3) - cosmetics; HQ:São Paulo
*Oi (TMAR5; TNLP3; TNLP4) - telecommunications; HQ:Rio de Janeiro
*Petrobras (PETR3; PETR4) - oil and gas; HQ:Rio de Janeiro
*Sadia (SDIA3)
*Sabesp (SBSP3) - other / sanitation; HQ:São Paulo
*Souza Cruz (CRUZ3) - other / tobacco; HQ:Rio de Janeiro
*TAM Airlines (TAMM4) - transportation
*Telemig Celular Participações (TMCP4) - telecommunications; HQ:Brasília
*TIM Participações (TCSL3; TCSL4)) - telecommunications; HQ:Rio de Janeiro
*Telesp (TLPP4) - telecommunications
*Transmissão Paulista (TRPL4) - energy; HQ:São Paulo
*Ultrapar (UGPA3; UGPA4) - other / holding company; HQ:São Paulo
*Unibanco (UBBR1) - finance and insurance; HQ:São Paulo
*Usiminas (USIM5) - siderurgy and metallurgy; HQ:Belo Horizonte
*Vale do Rio Doce (VALE3; VALE5) - mining; HQ:Rio de Janeiro
*Vivo Participações (VIVO4) - telecommunications; HQ:São Paulo
*Votorantim Celulose e Papel (VCPA4) - paper and pulp; HQ:São Paulo External links
* [http://www.bovespa.com.br/Mercado/RendaVariavel/Indices/FormConsultaCarteiraP.asp?Indice=Ibovespa Bovespa Index]
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