Telecom Italia Mobile

Telecom Italia Mobile

company_name = TIM (Telecom Italia Mobile)
company_type = Subsidiary of Telecom Italia
foundation = 1995
2005 owned by Telecom Italia
company_slogan = "Tu, senza confini"
("You, without borders")
location = Milan, Italy
key_people = • Roberto Junior, presidente
Marco De Benedetti, amministratore delegato
Gianni Mion, vicepresidente
industry = Mobile telecommunications
products = i.TIM, TIM Turbo, FreeMove, i.Music store, GSM on the ship, Internet Mobile etc
homepage =

TIM (Telecom Italia Mobile) is Telecom Italia's mobile phone brand, and runs a GSM, EDGE, UMTS and HSDPA network in Italy and Brazil.In Europe, TIM is part of the FreeMove alliance.TIM Peru was sold to América Móvil and rebranded Claro. TIM sold its share in the Venezuelan mobile operator Digitel TIM to Televenco, a company owned by the Cisneros Group, since then the company's name has been Digitel. The agreement was approved by the Venezuelan regulatory authority Conatel.
TIM Hellas, the Greek operator owned by Telecom Italia and previously known as STET Hellas (Telestet), was sold in 2005 to Apax Partners and Texas Pacific Group. In 2007 the company was sold to Orascom Telecom and TIM Hellas, Q-Telecom and also Tellas (a fixed phone/ADSL provider whose 50%+1 share is owned by Orascom's Italian Wind) renamed to Wind on 5th of June 2007.

TIM is the default network for T-Mobile and Orange customers entering Italy as part of the FreeMove alliance.

Telecom Italia Mobile Group

* TIM (Italy) (TIM owns 100%) (35,300,000 subscribers)at 30 September 2007
* TIM Brazil (Brazil) (TIM owns 100%) (29,200,000 subscribers)at 30 September 2007
* TIM Turkey (Avea) (Turkey) (TIM owns 10%) (9,600,000 subscribers)at 30 November 2007

External links

* [ TIM's website] (in English)
* [ TIM's website] (in Italian)
* [ TIM Brasil's website] (in Portuguese)
* [ Telecom Italia' s website] (in Italian)
* [ TIM Turkey (Avea-Aria) (Aria %40, Avea %10 Telecom Italia) website] (in English)

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