

Infobox German Location
Art = Stadt
image_photo =
Wappen = Wappen_Pinneberg.svg
lat_deg = 53 |lat_min = 38
lon_deg = 9 |lon_min = 48
Bundesland = Schleswig-Holstein
Kreis = Pinneberg
Höhe = 9
Fläche = 21.54
Einwohner = 41289
Stand = 2005-09-30
PLZ = 2540125421
Vorwahl = 04101
Kfz = PI
Gemeindeschlüssel = 01 0 56 039
Adresse = Bismarckstraße 8
25421 Pinneberg
Website = []
Bürgermeister = Horst-Werner Nitt

Pinneberg (IPA2|ˈpɪnəbɛʁk) is a town in Schleswig-Holstein, capital of the district Pinneberg in Germany. The city has about 41,000 inhabitants.

Near Pinneberg there is the transmission site for the maritime weather fax service DDH47, working on 147.3 kHz. A T-aerial is used, which is spun between two guyed masts.


When a castle was first built in Pinneberg around the year 1200, the site had already been used as a Germanic ‚Thing-Stätte for several centuries. In 1370 the castle was captured by Count Adolf VIII of Schauenburg.

In 1397 Pinneberg was first mentioned in official documents as a seat of courts.

In 1472 a Renaissance castle was built in place of the old castle. It was heavily damaged in the years 1627 and 1657 and was finally torn down in 1720. between 1765 and 1767 the Drostei was built for the Drots Hans von Ahlfeldt. This brick building, which was probably erected by Ernst Georg Sonnin, is the most important example of Baroque architecture in the district of Pinneberg.

After some servants and craftsmen had settled in the vicinity of the castle, the settlement expanded slowly, only receiving municipal rights in 1875, although it had been the seat of the DanishLanddrostsince 1640 and seat of the Prussian district administrator since 1866 within the Province of Schleswig-Holstein.

In 1905 the settlement ofPinneberger Dorfwas incorporated and in 1927 the villages of Thesdorf and Waldenau followed. After World War II the number of inhabitants of Pinneberg doubled because of the immigration of displaced people, predominantly from East Prussia. In contrast to many other cities in Schleswig-Holstein, Pinneberg was able to keep the number of inhabitants stable.


The Hamburg S-Bahn and regional trains are calling the Pinneberg railway station. The S-Bahn stops also at the Thesdorf railway station.

ister cities


Notable residents

*Michael Stich, tennis player born 1968
*Michael Westphal, tennis player (1965 - 1991)

External links

* [ Official Pinneberg website]

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