Prussia — • The Kingdom of Prussia covers 134,616 square miles and includes about 64.8 per cent of the area of the German Empire. Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Prussia Prussia … Catholic encyclopedia
PRUSSIA — (Ger. Preussen), former dukedom and kingdom, the nucleus and dominant part of modern united germany (1870). The name came to signify a conglomerate of territories whose core was the electorate of brandenburg , ruled by the Hohenzollern dynast… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Prussia — steht für Altertumsgesellschaft Prussia, ostpreußischer Geschichtsverein Prussia Sammlung, archäologische Sammlung zur Vor und Frühgeschichte Ostpreußens Prussia Museum, Königsberg (Preußen), vorgeschichtliche Abteilung der Prussia Gesellschaft… … Deutsch Wikipedia
PRUSSIA — sive BORUSSIA, regio ampla Germaniae: Poloniae Baudrand. cum titulo Ducatus ac fertilissima. Nomen eius a Bructeris populis derivatum creditur, voce nonnihil corruptâ ac fractâ: Bructeri enim ex Westphalia a Chama vis et Angrivariis eiecti,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Prussia — (neulat.), so v.w. Preußen … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Prussĭa — (neulat.), Preußen … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Prussia — Prussĭa, neulat. Name für Preußen … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Prussia — from M.L. Borussi, Prusi, Latinized forms of the native name of the Lithuanian people who lived there before being conquered 12c. and exterminated by German crusaders who replaced them. Perhaps from Slavic *Po Rus (The Land) Near the Rusi… … Etymology dictionary
Prussia — [prush′ə] 1. historical region of N Germany, on the Baltic 2. former kingdom in N Europe (1701 1871) & the dominant state of the German Empire (1871 1919): formally dissolved in 1947 … English World dictionary
Prussia — /prush euh/, n. a former state in N Europe: became a military power in the 18th century and in 1871 led the formation of the German empire; formally abolished as an administrative unit in 1947. German, Preussen. Cf. East Prussia, West Prussia. *… … Universalium
Prussia — Germany s most important Land, Prussia dominated German poli tics from 1871 until Hitler* seized power. Inclusive of Germany north of Thu ringia,* Bavaria,* Hesse, Württemberg, Baden, and the Land of Saxony* (excepting Mecklenburg, Oldenburg,… … Historical dictionary of Weimar Republik