B-52 Stratofortress survivors

B-52 Stratofortress survivors

"Main article:" B-52 Stratofortress

Boeing B-52 Survivors highlights the history of many well known static displayed B-52s in the United States. A list is also provided of other Stratofortresses on display around the world; including location, model and serial numbers, brief history, nicknames/markings, and conditions.


: "Source:" [http://www.af.mil/factsheets/factsheet.asp?fsID=83 USAF Fact Sheet] The B-52A first flew in 1954, and the B model entered service in 1955. A total of 744 B-52s were built with the last, a B-52H, delivered in October 1962. It served in the Strategic Air Command. Only the H model is still in the Air Force inventory and is assigned to Air Combat Command and the Air Force Reserve Command.

B-52 survivors

B-52A BO Boeing-Seattle

* B-52A-1BO c/n 16493 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/jetregistry/b52-520003.html "52-003"] , converted: NB-52A, ex-Air Force Flight Test Center, X-15 Launch Aircraft, " 0003 The High and the Mighty One ", [http://www.pimaair.org/collection-detail.php?cid=36&pn=1 Pima Air & Space Museum] (PASM), Tucson, Arizona (D)

B-52B BO Boeing-Seattle

* B-52B-5BO c/n 16495 "52-005", accepted: 3 March 1955, ex-6515th Maintenance Group (Air Research & Development Command) - Edwards AFB, ex-93rd BW / 330th BS - Castle AFB, ex-3415th MSG (ATC) - Lowry AFB, ex-Lowry Technical Training Center, redesignated: GB-52D, soc: April 1982, " 005 ", Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space Museum closed Lowry AFB, Denver, Colorado (D) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=52-0005 52-005 (airliners photo collection)] ] (N39 43' 12.22" W104 53' 44.73")

* B-52B-10BO c/n 16498 "52-008", redesignated: RB-52B, assigned: NASA "008", converted: NB-52B, mothership: X-15, X-38, X-43A, soc: 17 December 2004 " 0008 ", Edwards AFB Museum, California (D) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=52-0008 (airliners photo collection)] ]

* B-52B-10BO c/n 16503 "52-013", redesignated: RB-52B, ex-AF Special Weapons Center, assigned: 21 May 1956 Operation Redwing (Cherokee) / TX-15-X1 Hydrogen Bomb test - Fred Island AFB, National Atomic Museum Albuquerque, NM (D) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=52-0013 52-0013 (airliners photo collection)] ] [ [http://www.atomicmuseum.com/ The New National Atomic Museum] Official Site] [ [http://www.6v6gt.com/Atomic/index0003.html National Atomic Museum] Kirtland AFB Pictorial Web Site] (N35 03' 02.21" W106 33' 03.22"): note: One of the few B-52's to have actually dropped a nuclear weapon.

* B-52B-15BO c/n 16839 [http://www.sacmuseum.org/collections/B-52.html RB-52B 52-8711] , redesignated: RB-52B, Strategic Air & Space Museum [ [http://www.strategicairandspace.com/ Strategic Air and Space Museum] Official Site] Ashland, Nebraska (D) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=52-8711 52-8711 (airliner Photo Collection)] ]

* B-52B-30BO c/n 16858 [http://www.check-six.com/images/Crash_Sites_images/B-52-site-sm/B52-34.jpg53-379] , redesignated: RB-52D, Barrier test aircraft, Rogers Dry Lakebed, Mojave desert (W) (N34 49' 07.33" W117 51' 09.30")

* B-52B-35BO c/n 16873 "53-394", ex-Castle AFB, "Lucky Lady III", assigned: 16 January 1957 Operation Power Flight - (Pilot: Capt Charles W. Fink), ex-95th BW - Biggs AFB "City of El Paso", ex-USAFM, scrapped: 1985, " 0394 City of El Paso ", Walter Soplata collection, Newbury, OH (D) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?cnsearch=16873 53-394 El Pasco (airliners photo collection)] ] [ [http://www.angelfire.com/dc/jinxx1/95thBW/95th_BW.html 53-394( 95th BW History)] ] : note: nose section only

B-52D BO Boeing-Seattle

* B-52D-55BO c/n 17184 "55-0068", History and Traditions Museum, Lackland AFB Texas (D) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=55-0068 55-0068 (airliners photo collection)] ] (N29 23' 01.37" W98 38' 00.75")

* B-52D-55BO c/n 17187 [http://aeroweb.brooklyn.cuny.edu/database/museums/getimage.htm?id=4613 "55-0071"] , " 0071 Calamity Jane ", USS Alabama (BB-60) Battleship Memorial Park [ [http://www.ussalabama.com/ USS Alabama Memorial Park] Official Site] Mobile, Alabama (D) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=55-0071 55-0071 Calamity Jane (airliners photo collection)] ] (N30 40' 58.99" W88 00' 59.19")

* B-52D-55BO c/n 17199 "55-0083", ex-7th BW, ex-??BW, participated: Linebacker II, Mig 21 Kill (Tail Gunner: A1C Albert E. Moore) (24 December 1972) , ex-96BW, " 083 Diamond Lil ", USAF Academy Colorado (D) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=55-0083 55-0083 Diamond Lil (airliners photo collection)] ] (N39 01' 16.44" W104 51' 01.82")
* B-52D-55BO c/n 17201 [http://www.museumofaviation.com/aircraftCollection/bombers/04-b52d.htm "55-0085"] , ex-99th BW - Anderson AFB, ex-7th BW - Carswell AFB, [http://www.museumofaviation.org/aircraft_collection/bombers/boeingb52.htm Museum of Aviation] (MoA) Robins AFB, GA (D)

* B-52D-60BO c/n 17210 [http://www.kansasaviationmuseum.org/b52.php "55-0094"] , accepted: 30 April 1957, Participated: Arclight, Kansas Aviation Museum [ [http://www.kansasaviationmuseum.org/ Kansas Aviation Museum] Official Site] Wichita, Kansas

* B-52D-60BO c/n 17211 "55-0095", [http://www.aeromuseum.org/aircraft_b52.html Octave Chanute Aerospace Museum] , IL (D): note: cockpit section only

* B-52D-60BO c/n 17216 [http://www.strategic-air-command.com/aircraft/B-52/B-52_Gallery-100.htm "55-0100"] lies abandoned on the island of Guam (W)

* B-52D-65BO c/n 17221 "55-0105", ex-4258 Sw - U-Tapao, ex-96BW - Dyess, [http://warmemo.co.kr/ War Service Memorial] Seoul South Korea (D) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=55-0105&distinct_entry=true "55-0105"] ]

* B-52D-70BO c/n 17268 "56-585", Air Force Flight Test Center Museum Edwards AFB CA (D)

* B-52D-70BO c/n 17269 "56-586"," 55-0100 ", Arc Light Memorial, Andersen AFB Guam (D)

* B-52D-70BO c/n 17272 "56-589", converted: GB-52D, Sheppard AFB Texas (D)

* B-52D-80BO c/n 17295 [http://www.elite.net/castle-air/boeingb52.html "56-612"] , ex-93rd BW - Castle AFB, Castle Air Museum, Atwater, California (D)

* B-52D-80BO c/n 17312 "56-629", accepted: October 1957, ex-4258SW - U-Tapao, " 0629 ", Eighth Air Force Museum, Barksdale AFB Louisiana (D) (N32 30' 54.61" W93 41' 03.05")

B-52D BW Boeing-Witicha

* B-52D-10BW c/n 464009 [http://aeroweb.brooklyn.cuny.edu/database/museums/getimage.htm?id=5202 "55-057"] , ex-7th BW, Maxwell AFB Alabama (D) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=55-0057 55-0057 (airliners photo collection)] ]

* B-52D-15BW c/n 464014 [http://www.kishamuseum.org/B52.htm B-52D "55-062"] , accepted: February 1957, K.I. Sawyer Heritage Air Museum [ [http://www.kishamuseum.org/ K.I. Sawyer Heritage Air Museum] Official Site] former K.I. Sawyer AFB Michigan

* B-52D-20BW c/n 464019 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/jetregistry/b52-550067.html "55-067"] , ex-7th BW - Carswell AFB, soc: 5 November 1982, " 067 The Lone Star Lady ", [http://www.pimaair.org/collection-detail.php?cid=28&pn=1 Pima Air & Space Museum] (PASM), Tucson, Arizona (D) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?cnsearch=464019 55-0067 The Lone Star Lady (airliners photo collection)] ]

* B-52D-25BW c/n 464026 "55-677", ex-43rd BW - Anderson AFB, participated: Linebacker II, ex-96th BW - Dyess AFB, " 677 ", Yankee Air Museum, Willow Run Airport, Ypsilanti, Michigan (D) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=55-0677 55-0677 (airliners photo collection)] ]

* B-52D-25BW c/n 464026 "55-679", accepted: 5 June 1957, ex-92nd BW - Ellsworth AFB, ex- 494th BW - Sheppard AFB, ex-509th BW - Pease AFB / Anderson AFB, ex-454th BWMarch AFB, ex-22nd BW - Anderson AFB,, ex-99th BWAnderson AFB / U-Tapao, ex-43rd SW - U-Tapao, ex-7th BW - Carswell AFB, ex-99th BW - Anderson AFB / U-Tapao, ex-22th BWMarch AFB, ex- 43rd SW - Anderson AFB, participated: Linebacker II, ex-7th BWCarswell AFB, ex- 22nd BWMarch AFB, 175 combat missions, converted: GB-52D, SOC: 1992, " 679 " [http://www.marchfield.org/gb52d.htm March Field Museum] (MFM), Riverside, California (D)

* B-52D-30BW c/n 464028 "56-657", South Dakota Air & Space Museum Ellsworth AFB, Rapid City, South Dakota (D) (N44 07' 59.81" W103 04' 25.52")

* B-52D-30BW c/n 464030 "56-659", Davis-Monthan AFB Arizona (D)

* B-52D-30BW c/n 464036 [http://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=294 "56-665"] , ex-97th BW, Blytheville AFB, National Museum of the United States Air Force Dayton, Ohio (D) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=56-0665 56-0665 (airliners photo collection)] ]

* B-52D-30BW c/n 464037 "56-666", 8th Air Force Museum (D): note: Verticle Fin only

* B-52D-35BW c/n 464047 [http://www.armedforces-aerospacemus.org/AA_Profile_52D.htm "56-676"] , MiG Killer, Armed Forces & Aerospace Museum Fairchild AFB Washington

* B-52D-40BW c/n 464054 "56-683", Whiteman AFB Missouri (D)

* B-52D-40BW c/n 464052 "56-685", Dyess AFB Texas (D) (N32 25' 59.92" W99 48' 54.26")

* B-52D-40BW c/n 464054 "56-687", Orlando International Airport (Former McCoy AFB)- B-52 Memorial Park, Orlando, Florida (D) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=56-0687 56-687 (airliners photo collection)] ] (N28 26' 58.72" W81 18' 46.07")

* B-52D-40BW c/n 464056 "56-689", ex-28th BW, ex-7th BW - Carswell AFB, Imperial War Museum Duxford, Duxford, England

* B-52D-40BW c/n 464059 "56-692" Kelly Field Heritage Museum - Static display Kelley AFB Texas

* B-52D-40BW c/n 464062 "56-695" Static display Tinker AFB Oklahoma

* B-52D-40BW c/n 464063 [http://www.travisairmuseum.org/html/b-52.html "56-696"] Travis Air Museum [ [http://www.travisairmuseum.org/ Travis Air Museum] Official Site] , "Twilight D'Lite" Travis AFB California

B-52E BW Boeing-Wichita

* B-52E-55BW c/n 464109 [http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/62/Boeing_JB-52E_(SN_57-0119)_in_flight_061127-F-1234S-026.jpg/800px-Boeing_JB-52E_(SN_57-0119)_in_flight_061127-F-1234S-026.jpg "57-119"] , " 0119 ", Rogers Dry Lake - Mojave desert (W) (N34 49' 09.75" W117 51' 06.70W)

B-52F BO Boeing-Seattle

* B-52F-105BO c/n 17432 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/jetregistry/b52-570038.html "57-038"] , ex-Oklahoma City State Fairground, Being relocated to Palmdale Airpark, Palmdale, California [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=57-0038 57-038 (airliners photo collection)] ]

B-52G BW Boeing-Wichita

* B-52G-75BW "57-6468", Offutt AFB NE (D) (N41 08' 05.50" W95 55' 29.83")

* B-52G-90BW c/n 464214 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/jetregistry/b52-576509.html "57-6509"] , ex-2nd BW, ex-801st BW(P) - Moron AB, " 6509 Nine O Nine II ", [http://www.8afmuseum.net/the_aircraft/Boeing%20B-52G.jpgEighth Air Force Museum] (8AFM)Barksdale AFB Louisiana (D) [ [http://www.primeportal.net/hangar/bill_spidle2/b-52g_57-6509/index.php?Page=1 57-6509 Nine O Nine II (Aircraft Walk About)] ] (N32 30' 56.38" W93 41' 05.49")

* B-52G-95BW c/n 464226 [http://www.airliners.net/open.file?id=0996499&photo_nr=13&prev_id=1187750&next_id=0407752 "58-0158"] In storage behind Fairchild AFB museum.: note: nose section only

* B-52G-95BW c/n 464251 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/jetregistry/b52-580183.html "58-0183"] , ex-2nd BW / 596th BS - Barksdale AFB, assigned: January 1991 Operation Secret Squirrel (Pilot: Capt: Alan Moe) soc: July 1991, " 0183 Valkyrie ", [http://www.pimaair.org/collection-detail.php?cid=29&pn=1 Pima Air & Space Museum] (PASM), Tucson, Arizona (D)

* B-52G-95BW c/n 464253 [http://www.coastcomp.com/av/pres/misc2003/58-0185-2.jpg"58-0185"] Air Force Armament Museum Eglin AFB Florida

* B-52G-100BW c/n 464259 [http://www.warbirdregistry.org/jetregistry/b52-580191.html "58-0191"] , accepted: 16 October 1959, ex- 72nd BW - Ramey AFB, ex-456th BW - Beale AFB/ Anderson AB, ex-17th BW - Anderson AB/ Robins AFB, ex-2nd BG - Barksdale AFB, ex-320th BW - Mather AFB, ex-97th BW - Blytheville AFB/ Edwards AFB, ex-62nd BW - Fairchild AFB, ex-93rd BW - Castle AFB, ex-2nd BW - Barksdale AFB, ex-93rd BW - Castle AFB, soc: August 1991, " 0191 Bearin' Arms ", [http://www.hill.af.mil/library/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=5714 Hill Aerospace Museum] (HAM) Hill AFB UT (D) [ [http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.search?regsearch=58-0191 58-0191 Bearin' Arms (airliners photo collection)] ]

* B-52G-105BW c/n 464293 [http://www.philippecolin.net/MohawkValley.html "58-0225"] , ex-416th BW, " 0225 Mohawk Valley " Griffiss AFB Museum, " Mohawk Valley " Rome, New York (D)

* B-52G-105BW c/n 464300 "58-0232", soc: 3 April 1990, Offutt AFB Nebraska (D) : note: nose section only

* B-52G-125BW c/n 464342 "59-2577", soc: 12 November 1991, Heritage Center Grand Forks AFB North Dakota: note: nose section only

* B-52G-125BW c/n 464347 [http://www.museumofflight.org/Collection/Aircraft.asp?RecordKey=21358DFF-20B4-4448-A0AB-921B1E7F152E "59-2584"] Museum of Flight Seattle, Washington

* B-52G-130BW c/n 464359 "59-2596", [http://darwinsairwar.com.au/home.html Australian Aviation Heritage Center] (AAHC) Darwin, Australia (D)

* B-52G-130BW c/n 464364 "59-2601", Langley AFB Virginia (D)

B-52H BW Boeing-Wichita

* B-52H-135-BW c/n 464368 "60-0003", ex-917th BW/ 93rd BS, Hangar 25 Museum, Big Spring, TX (D): note: nose section only

* B-52H-170BW c/n 464452 "61-0025", Assigned: NASA " 025 ", Dryden Flight Research Center (F)


External links

* [http://www.stratofortress.org/preservation.htm B-52 Stratofortress Association] Official Site
* [http://nuclearweaponarchive.org/Usa/Tests/Redwing.html 52-013 nuclear testing / Operation Redwing]
* [http://www.wingnet.org/rtw/rtw004d.htm 53-0394 Operation Power Flite]
* [http://www.flugzeugforum.de/forum/archive/index.php?t-34361.html German archive for B-52 history]
* [http://www.dstorm.eu/pages/en/usa/b-52.html B-52 history / Nose art directory]
* [http://marvellouswings.com/Aircraft/Bomber/B-52/B-52.html Marvellous Wings - B-52 preserved]
* [bbs.keyhole.com/ubb/placemarks/296560-B-52s-WorkinProgress.kmz Preserved B-52s on Google earth]

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