Airline codes-N

Airline codes-N


A list of all Airline codes. The table lists the IATA airline designators, the ICAO airline designators and the airline call signs (telephony designator). Historical assignments are also included for completeness.

Airline codes for airlines beginning with:


IATA airline designator

IATA airline designators, sometimes called IATA reservation codes, are two-character codes assigned by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) to the world's airlines in accordance with the provisions of IATA Resolution 762. They form the first two characters of the flight number.

Designators are used to identify an airline for all commercial purposes, including reservations, timetables, tickets, tariffs, air waybills, and in airline interline telecommunications. There are three types of designator: unique, alpha/numeric, and controlled duplicate.

IATA maintains two policies to deal with the limited number of available codes:

  1. after an airline is delisted, the code becomes available for reuse after six months;
  2. IATA issues "controlled duplicates".

Controlled duplicates are issued to regional airlines whose destinations are not likely to overlap, in such a way that the same code would be shared by two different airlines. The controlled duplicate is denoted here with an asterisk (*) following the code and in IATA literature as well.

ICAO airline designator

The ICAO airline designator is a code assigned by the International Civil Aviation Organization to aircraft operating agencies, aeronautical authorities, and services. The codes are unique by airline which is not true for the IATA airline designator codes.

Each aircraft operating agency, aeronautical authority, and services related to international aviation is allocated both a three-letter designator and a telephony designator. The designators are listed in ICAO Document 8585: Designators for Aircraft Operating Agencies, Aeronautical Authorities and Services.

An example is:

  • Three-letter designator – AAL
  • Telephony designator – AMERICAN
  • Operator – American Airlines

Certain combinations of letters are not allocated to avoid confusion with other systems (for example SOS). Other designators (particularly those starting with Y and Z) are reserved for government organizations.

Designator YYY is used for operators that do not have a code allocated.

Call signs

Most airlines employ a distinctive and internationally recognized call sign that is normally spoken during airband radio transmissions as a prefix to the flight number. The flight number is normally then published in their public timetable and appears on the arrivals and departure screens in the airport terminals served by that particular flight. In cases of emergency, the airline name and flight number, rather than the individual aircraft's registration, are normally mentioned by the main news media.

Some call signs are less obviously associated with a particular airline than others. This might be for historic reasons, or possibly to avoid confusion with a call sign used by an established airline.

Not all of these operators of aircraft are civilian and some only operate ad hoc chartered flights rather than scheduled flights; some operate both types of flights. Some cargo airlines specialize in freight transport, an emphasis that may be reflected in the company's name.

Clearly companies' names will change over time, normally due to bankruptcies or mergers occurring. Country names can also change over time and new call signs may be agreed in substitution for traditional ones. The country shown alongside an airline's call sign is that wherein most of its aircraft are believed to be registered, which may not always be the same as the country in which the firm is officially incorporated or registered. There are many other airlines in business whose radio call signs are more obviously derived from the trading name.

The callsign should normally resemble the operators name or function and not be confused with callsigns used by other operators. The callsign should be easily and phonetically pronounceable in at least English, French, Spanish or Russian.


Airline codes
IATA ICAO Airline Call Sign Country Comments
NLG NEL Cargo NELCARGO Ivory Coast
NHG NHT Linhas Aéreas HELGA Brazil
WAR NZ Warbirds Association WARBIRDS New Zealand
ANL Nacoia Lda AIR NACOIA Angola
NHZ Nada Air Service NADA AIR Chad
BFN Compangnie Nationale Naganagani Burkina Faso
NAH Nahanni Air Services Ltd NAHANNI Canada
NKL Nakheel Aviation NAKHEEL United Arab Emirates
MRE Namibia Commercial Aviation MED RESCUE Namibia
NDF Namibian Defence Force NAMIBIAN AIR FORCE Namibia
CNJ Nanjing Airlines NINGHANG China
DV ACK Nantucket Airlines ACK AIR United States WAS 9k
NYA Nanyah Aviation NANYAH Israel
NAP Napier Air Service Inc NAPIER United States
NCM Nas Air AIR BANE Angola
P9 Nas Air Mali
Nas Air Saudi Arabia
NJC Nashville Jet Charters NASHVILLE JET United States
NCO Natalco Air Lines NATALCO São Tomé and Príncipe
NTK National Air Traffic Controllers Association NATCA United States
NSR National Air Charter NASAIR Indonesia
RFI National Air Traffic Services SHERLOCK United Kingdom
NAN National Airlines NATION AIR United States defunct
N4 NCN National Airlines Chile
N7 ROK National Airlines RED ROCK United States defunct
NA NAL National Airlines NATIONAL United States defunct
KUS National Airlines KUSWAG South Africa
9O National Airways Cameroon Cameroon
LFI National Airways Corporation AEROMED South Africa
GTY National Aviation Company Egypt
TNC National Aviation Consultants NATCOM Canada
NXT National Express NATIONAL FREIGHT United States Texas Air Charters
GRD National Grid plc GRID United Kingdom
JTE National Jet Express JETEX Australia
AND National Jet Service AIR INDIANA United States
NC NJS National Jet Systems NATIONAL JET Australia
NAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA United States
NOL National Overseas Airlines Company NAT AIRLINE Egypt
NLS Nationale Luchtvaartschool PANDER Netherlands
NAE Nations Air Express Inc NATIONS EXPRESS United States
CE NTW Nationwide Airlines NATIONWIDE South Africa
NWZ Nationwide Airlines (Zambia) ZAMNAT Zambia
EVM Natural Environment Research Council SCIENCE United Kingdom
NRR Natureair NATUREAIR Costa Rica
NRK Naturelink Charter NATURELINK South Africa
ON RON Nauru Air Corporation AIR NAURU Nauru
NAV Nav Flight Planning NAV DISPATCH Czech Republic
NVP Navegacao Aérea De Portugal Portugal
NAY Navegación Servicios Aéreos Canarios S.A. NAYSA Spain
IRI Navid NAVID Iran
NVM Naviera Mexicana NAVIERA Mexico
NVL Navigator Airlines NAVLINES Armenia
XNV Navinc Airlines Services United States Tigin Limited
1N Navitaire United States
XNS Navtech System Support Canada
NZA Nayzak Air Transport Libya
NEB State of Nebraska NEBRASKA United States
NEC Necon Air NECON AIR Nepal
NCG Nederlandse Kustwacht NETHERLANDS COASTGUARD Netherlands
NFT Nefteyugansk Aviation Division NEFTEAVIA Russia
NLA Neiltown Air NEILTOWN AIR Canada
NLC Nelair Charters NELAIR South Africa
CGE Nelson Aviation College COLLEGE New Zealand
RA RNA Nepal Airlines ROYAL NEPAL Nepal was Royal Nepal Airlines
TOX Neosiam Airways SKY KINGDOM Thailand
NSL Neric NERICAIR United Kingdom
1I EJA NetJets EXECJET United States
NET Network Aviation Services NETWORK Nigeria
NEZ New England Air Express ENGAIR United States
EJ NEA New England Airlines NEW ENGLAND United States
NHT New Heights 291 NEWHEIGHTS South Africa
NWD New World Jet Corporation NEW WORLD United States
NYH New York Helicopter NEW YORK United States
GRY New York State Police GRAY RIDER United States
KRC New Zealand Air Defence Force KIWI RESCUE New Zealand
HVA Newair HAVEN-AIR United States
NLT Newfoundland Labrador Air Transport NALAIR Canada
2N NTJ NextJet NEXTJET Sweden
NXF Nextflight Aviation NEXTFLIGHT United States
NXS Nexus Aviation NEXUS AVIATION Nigeria
NIS Nicaragüense de Aviación NICA Nicaragua
NCN Nicon Airways NICON AIRWAYS Nigeria
NGA Nigeria Airways NIGERIA Nigeria
NGR Nigerian Air Force NIGERIAN AIRFORCE Nigeria
NGX Nigerian Global AIR GLOBAL Nigeria
EXT Night Express EXECUTIVE Germany
NKV Nikolaev-Air AIR NIKOLAEV Ukraine Airline of Special Purpose
NSA Nile Safaris Aviation NILE SAFARIS Sudan
NVA Nile Valley Aviation Company Egypt
NLW Nile Wings Aviation Services NILE WINGS Sudan
NBS Nimbus Aviation NIMBUS United Kingdom
KZ NCA Nippon Cargo Airlines NIPPON CARGO Japan
NVK Nizhnevartovskavia VARTOSKAVIA Russia
SRG Search and Rescue 202 United Kingdom
SRD Search and Rescue 22 United Kingdom
NOH No. 32 (The Royal) Squadron RAF NORTHOLT United Kingdom
AKG 84 Squadron Royal Air Force @ RAF Akrotiri GRIFTER United Kingdom
NBL Nobil Air NOBIL AIR Moldova
DD NOK Nok Air NOK AIR Thailand
NRL Nolinor Aviation NOLINOR Canada
NMD Nomad Aviation NOMAD AIR Namibia
NOC Norcopter Norway
NEF Nord-Flyg NORDEX Sweden
JH NES Nordeste Linhas Aéreas Regionais NORDESTE Brazil
6N NRD Nordic Regional NORTH RIDER Sweden
NVD Nordic Solutions NORDVIND Lithuania
NDS Nordstree (Australia) Australia
NRT Norestair NORESTAIR Spain
N5 Norfolk Air Norfolk Island
NCF Norfolk County Flight College COUNTY United Kingdom
FNA Norlandair NORLAND Iceland
NOA Norontair NORONTAIR Canada
HMF Norrlandsflyg LIFEGUARD SWEDEN Sweden
NRX Norse Air Charter NORSE AIR South Africa
NIR Norsk Flytjeneste NORSEMAN Norway
NOR Norsk Helikopter NORSKE Norway
DOC Norsk Luftambulanse HELIDOC Norway
RTV Nortavia TIC-TAC Portugal
NAI North Adria Aviation NORTH-ADRIA Croatia
NTM North American Airlines NORTHAM United States
HMR North American Charters HAMMER Canada
NAJ North American Jet Charter Group JET GROUP United States
NAT North Atlantic Air Inc MASS AIR United States
NFC North Atlantic Cargo NORTH ATLANTIC Norway
NBN North British Airlines TEESAIR United Kingdom
NCB North Caribou Flying Service Ltd NORTH CARIBOU Canada
NCC North Coast Air Services Ltd NORTH COAST Canada
N9 North Coast Aviation Papua New Guinea
M3 NFA North Flying NORTH FLYING Denmark
NRC North Sea Airways NORTH SEA Netherlands
SBX North Star Air Cargo SKY BOX United States
NRV North Vancouver Airlines NORVAN Canada
NWW North West Airlines HALANT Australia
PTO North West Geomatics PHOTO Canada
NEN North-East Airlines NORTHEAST SWAN Nigeria
VBG North-West Air Transport Company - Vyborg VYBORG AIR Russia
HW NWL North-Wright Airways NORTHWRIGHT Canada
NLL Northafrican Air Transport NORTHAFRICAN AIR Libya
NFL Northaire Feight Lines GREAT LAKES United States
NSF Northamptonshire School of Flying NORTON United Kingdom
NCE Northcoast Executive Airlines TOP HAT United States
NEE Northeast Airlines NORTHEAST United States
NPX Northeast Aviation NORTHEAST EXPRESS United States
NC NAC Northern Air Cargo YUKON United States
BYC Northern Airlines Sanya BEIYA China
NDA Northern Airways NORTHERN DAKOTA United States
CMU Northern Aviation Service LANNA AIR Thailand
U7 Northern Dene Airways Canada
NEX Northern Executive Aviation NEATAX United Kingdom
NIC Northern Illinois Commuter ILLINOIS COMMUTER United States
NTX Northern Jet Management NORTAX United States
NTA Northern Thunderbird Air THUNDERBIRD Canada
KOE Northland Aviation KOKEE United States
NSS Northstar Aviation NORTHSTAR United States
NHL Northumbria Helicopters NORTHUMBRIA United Kingdom
NAL Northway Aviation Ltd NORTHWAY Canada
NWE Northwest Aero Associates United States
NW NWA Northwest Airlines NORTHWEST United States defunct
merged with Delta Air Lines
FY NWR Northwest Regional Airlines Australia
NWT Northwest Territorial Airways TERRITORIAL Canada
J3 PLR Northwestern Air POLARIS Canada
NWN Northwinds Northern NORTHWINDS Canada
NAM Nortland Air Manitoba MANITOBA Canada
DY NAX Norwegian Air Shuttle NOR SHUTTLE Norway
TFN Norwegian Aviation College SPIRIT Norway
XNT Notams International United States
BJ LBT Nouvel Air Tunisie NOUVELAIR Tunisia
M4 NOV Nova Airline NOVANILE Sudan
PTR Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forests PATROL Canada
1I NVR Novair NAVIGATOR Sweden
NVG Novogorod Air Enterprise SADKO AVIA Russia
NSP Novosibirsk Aircraft Repairing Plant NARPAIR Russia
NBE Novosibirsk Aviaenterprise NAKAIR Russia
NPO Novosibirsk Aviation Production Association NOVSIB Russia
NOY Noy Aviation NOY AVIATION Israel
N6 ACQ Nuevo Continente AERO CONTINENTE Peru Operating license revoked by Chile 10/06/2002; former name: Aero Continente
NHR Nuevo Horizonte Internacional NUEVO HORIZONTE Mexico
NUN Nunasi-Central Airlines NUNASI Canada
NIN Nurman Avia Indopura NURVINDO Indonesia
NYS Nyasa Express NYASA Malawi

* on IATA code indicates a controlled duplicate.

italics indicates a defunct airline.

See also

  • IATA airport code
  • ICAO airport code

External links


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