Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo
Motto Non progredi regredi est(Latin)
Motto in English Not going forward, is going backwards
Established 1993
Type Private
President Dr. Carlos Ortega Maldonado
Undergraduates 5,000
Location Guayaquil, Guayas, Ecuador
Campus Suburban.
Website http://www.uees.edu.ec/

Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo (UEES) is a non-profit private university located in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Founded by Dr. Carlos Ortega Maldonado, it was accredited by CONESUP[1], then the Ecuadorian higher education governing agency. Its modern campus is located in Samborondon (Greater Guayaquil). One distinctive program of UEES is the College of International Studies, home to the International Careers Program, the School of Translation and Interpretation, the School of Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics, and the Center for International Education. The ICP allows Ecuadorian students to study their entire career program in English without leaving Ecuador. It also allows foreign students to study their subjects in both English and Spanish, as well as to get involved with Ecuadorian culture.



UEES was legally founded in 1993, approved by the Ecuadorian higher Education governing agency (CONESUP) and by then Ecuadorian President Sixto Durán-Ballén. A year later, the opening ceremony was held and UEES was officially inaugurated. Dr. Carlos Ortega Maldonado was appointed as the first Chancellor.

Initially, UEES offered career programs through its College of Economics and Business Science and its first group of students registered as full time students in 1995, some of whom were granted merit-based scholarships (Plan Talento). The College of Law, Policy, and Development was founded in 1997 and the International Degree Program was created for students wishing to study entirely in English while at UEES and to transfer credits and complete their studies at any international or English-speaking university.

As UEES moved into its new campus IN 2001, new Colleges were founded: Computer Sciences, Telecommunications, and Electronics;the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences followed by the College of Architecture and Design, the College of Communication, the College of Tourism and Hotel Management in 2003, the College of International Studies, and the College of Medical Sciences.[2]

UEES Campus

The campus is known for having the most modern and useful facilities along the Ecuadorian coast. Its specialized labs have state-of-the-art equipment, a sports center, chapel, shuttle service, limited lodging facilities for out of town students, a student-run university bistro and gourmet restaurant. The 3-story main library building has modern study rooms, labs, computer terminals and access to multiple databases . The university will soon inaugurate the Museo de la Democracia. The campus has a large free-parking area with security cameras.

At UEES campus constant evolution, growth, improvement and upgrades are the key words. An inspiring and peaceful environment provides students opportunities to excel and take advantage of international academic agreements. International students coming to UEES from North America, Europe, and Australia take part in a series of cultural seminars and service-learning opportunities that afford them a holistic view of Latin American reality. Building A: The UEES Library.

Building B: Art classrooms and special labs.

Building C: The Administration building houses the offices of the President, Vice Presidents, Boardroom, Conference Rooms, Academic Dean as well as the Marketing and Public Relations Department, and the ISD and Tech Support Lab.

Building C1: Faculty Lounge, Health Care Department, the College of Law, Policy, and Development.

Building D: Business Offices, Financial Department, Admissions, Registrar's Office, Center for International Education, and Student Affairs Department.

Building G: The College of Architecture and Design, College of Liberal Arts and Education Sciences and the Pastoral Department, which is in charge of the campus Chapel.

Building F: The College of Law, College of Economics and Business Science, The College of International Studies, the School of Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics, on the ground floor is the Auditorium and the Mock Courtroom.

Facing the Building F is the Chapel of the Holy Spirit.

New Sports Complex

On July 14, 2007 a new sports complex was opened on campus. This new facility has a soccer field, basketball, and volleyball courts; dance/aerobics studio, ping-pong tables, and a swimming pool. There is also a gym with exercise machines. Both students and alumni may use the sports center free of charge. With this annex to the campus, the University is now able offer courses that require physical training, such as boxing, yoga, and aerobics.


The University has a small museum located in Building F with original relics from ancient Ecuadorian cultures. These ceramic artifacts belong to various cultures such as la Tolita, Jama-Coaque, Bahia, Guangala, Valdivia, Machalilla and Chorrera. The owner of this precious collection is Archaeologist Guillermo Hurel, a faculty member. The purpose of putting this collection on display is to encourage students to learn more about the ancient cultures that existed in Ecuador and their art.


UEES is a private, non-profit, nonsectarian tuition-driven university. UEES requires its students to participate in a community service project before graduating. Most of UEES courses are taught in Spanish, however, through its International Careers Program, UEES offers a variety of courses mediated entirely in English by international faculty.

Curriculum, degrees and majors

UEES students choose an academic program that requires completing 140 credits of coursework; students may earn diplomas in Bachelor of Arts, or Bachelor of Science. UEES also has research departments and a teaching faculty for most academic disciplines; as of 2007, UEES offers 28 majors.[1]

Center for International Education

The Center forInternational Education offers programs for international students. International Students can study Spanish, continue with their majors in English or Spanish, if they have an advanced level of Spanish, and also do Community Service. The Service-Learning component attracts students from different parts of the world. Programs for International students run from 4 weeks to 4 months.

Program for International Students

The UEES Program for International Students enables arriving students to discover Ecuador, study the issues and problems of the Andean Region, analyze Latin American development issues, develop their Spanish language skills, perform Community Service in Ecuador, immerse themselves in a different culture, and enroll in regular university courses (credit and non-credit courses in Spanish or English.)

International Academic Programs[1]

UEES offers a wide variety of programs for international study abroad students interested in studying in Ecuador.

The Ecology of Coastal Ecuador- Students who enjoy nature, archaeological and ecological fields, and, most importantly, who wish to learn Spanish, find this program interesting. The program analyses the exuberant ecosystem of the coastal region of Ecuador, combining academic study with hands-on experience. Students visit 3 places: Chirije, the newest and most attractive ecological and archaeological park along the Ecuadorian coast; Bahia, a culturally and historically rich city; and Galapagos Islands, which have extraordinary landscapes, exotic flora, and a large population of endemic fauna.

Community Health in a Developing Region- This program is aimed at students who want to be immersed in current economic and social issues. Participants observe alternative medical practices, which include herbal medicine and folk healing. This program is particularly beneficial, for students majoring in biology, pre-medicine, social work, or nursing.

Economics and Business Studies in Ecuador- Business students with an appropriate Spanish level enroll in UEES courses compatible with their major or minor at their home college.

Intensive Spanish Language Program- In this program, students develop their reading, speaking, listening and comprehension skills; students have 4 course hours per day.

The Ecuadorian Internship Program- Through this program, students practice their Spanish while working in agencies, organizations, and companies in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Students work from 4 to 8 hours a day.

Serve and Learn Spanish in Ecuador- Through this program, students learn and enhance their Spanish language skills in a multicultural environment. Students can have experiential learning in:

  • Community Development
  • Low-Income Housing Construction
  • Human Rights
  • Education and Special Education
  • Health
  • Recreation
  • Nurseries/Child Care
  • Nutrition
  • Poverty Reduction

Professional Development Internships

  • Park Development
  • Business
  • Education
  • Health
  • Library Development
  • Sex Education
  • Teaching English as a Second Language
  • Special Education
  • Ecology/Environment
  • Gardening/Orchards
  • Communication/Community Newsletters
  • Tourism Development

Socio-economic Development in Ecuador-In this program, students combine coursework with business internships, community service, and cultural organization activities. Students have a week of orientation, followed by 14 weeks of study. (4 to 8 hours a day)

UEES schedule for international students

  • Winter, Summer, and regular semester programs
  • Courses in Spanish, French, Japanese, Italian, and English as a Second Language
  • Coordination with students' home institution to satisfy their academic requirement; credits are fully transferable
  • Homestays, activities outside the classroom, and local trips are also available

UEES has received exchange students from the following institutions:

International Careers Program

Acknowledging the importance of the English language in our globalized world, UEES offers, through the ICP, courses mediated entirely in English thus affording students the opportunity to study their entire major in English or even transfer to another university abroad.

International Academic Agreements of UEES

United States

  • State University of New York, New Paltz. www.newpaltz.edu
  • University of Scranton, Scranton, Pennsylvania www.scranton.edu
  • Thiel College, Greenville, Pennsylvania www.thiel.edu
  • Carlos Albizu University, Miami www.albizu.edu


  • Kansai Gaidai University, Osaka www.kansaigaidai.ac.jp


  • Roehampton University, London, www.roehampton.ac.uk


  • Université de Montpellier II, Montpellier. www.univ-montp2.fr
  • Université d´Angers, Angers. www.univ-angers.fr
  • Sciences-PO, Paris www.sciences-po.fr


  • Universidad Autonoma de la Laguna, Torreón. www.ual.mx
  • Instituto Politecnico Nacional de los Estados Mexicanos (IPN) www.ipn.mx
  • Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) www.unam.mx


  • Lethbridge University. www.uleth.ca


  • Griffith University. www.griffith.edu.au
  • Deakin University, Victoria www.deakin.edu.au
  • Macquarie University, Sidney www.mq.edu.au


UEES Chamber of Commerce

The UEES Chamber for Entrepreneurs, (CEM-UEES) is a unique part of the University. It is a non-profit organization for young entrepreneurs who seeks to be the first Entrepreneurship Chamber in Ecuador integrated by college students.

Vision UEES seeks to promote and develop entrepreneurship in graduate and undergraduate students, by encouraging its principles in every level; to offer national and international links with institutions promoting cultural and academic exchange and proposing simple solutions to communities needs.

Mission The fundamental philosophy of the UEES Chamber for Entrepreneurs is to encourage, manage and focus the enterprise initiatives of UEES graduate and undergraduates students. The Chamber of Commerce seeks to reduce the failure rate of students enterprises in its first year. Also it seeks to increase the presence of new competitive managers and entrepreneurs to take advantage of synergies and become more worldwide competitive. It encourages them to generate commercial and academic alliances with other young entrepreneurs' businesses, on a national and international level.

Strategic Objectives -To promote and develop the entrepreneur vocation of the graduate and undergraduate students. -To help students with information, good advising and research that they may implement in order to create innovative enterprises with creative and achievable services with international projects. -To promote membership and participation of the young UEES entrepreneurs in organizations already constituted. -To maintain contact with the public, private and community services about topics related to the activities of the Chamber. -To serve as an organization of unity and coordination among its members promoting the spirit of solidarity among them.

Strategic Plans In order to reach the strategic objectives the Chamber expects to: -Organize conversatoriums, courses, fora or conferences that contribute to the formation of new managers and entrepreneurs. -Associate with other similar organism to exchange academic experiences and participate in national and international meetings to expand its presence in the market. -Advise students regarding technology and finance -Incorporate a virtual site of the CEM-UEES in the web page of the university. -Coordinate activities with the UEES Public Relations Department to promote entrepreneurship through different communication media. -Organize special fundraisers for special social projects.

Students services and security

Student Services[6]

UEES offers limited financial aid. It offers full scholarships to students who qualify. They must maintain a good academic standing.

UEES also offers a group health insurance that covers health[7] accident, death, or injury inside the campus.

UEES has a Learning Resource Center, a copy center and a cyber café. Through the Learning Resource Center information and check out is available on line, and students have access to audio, video and multimedia materials. In addition to WIFI, several Internet Cafés on campus allow students to check their e-mail, finish homework, and print papers.

UEES keeps students informed about the university activities and changes through electronic billboards, and e-newsbulletins. UEES offers many study abroad opportunities through several international academic agreements.

Security Security in Ecuador is a very important matter. Guayaquil is a large city where residents and visitors alike must take precautions to be safe. The University has a security system in place. The UEES ID is needed to enter campus and video cameras are installed throughout campus. Campus is an alcohol and drug-free environment.

Graduate degree programs

The Graduate School offers several master's degree programs for business executives which are conducted on special weekend-long sessions.


Masters in Business Administration


  1. Graduate Certificate Program in Management of Marketing and Sales
  2. Graduate Certificate Program in Higher Education

UEES media center

UEES has a broadcasting media center which includes a radio station and a TV studio. It is of great use for those students who are pursuing a degree in Communication studies. Here they can practice how to construct a TV or radio shows.

Students can go to the radio station and record shows which are later edited on 2 computers that have specialized editing programs and also on other electronic editing devices.

The radio station has everything students need to develop their skills, not only as radio broadcasters, but as editors as well. UEES has 2 editing rooms, with a macro computer on both equipped with state-of-the-art technology for editing.

They also have a TV studio, which has all the electronic devices to edit video and audio. This studio has 2 high-tech cameras with prompters, and a green or blue screen so that students can put any background they like to the recordings.

Here, students can practice T.V. production. They learn everything that really happens in a TV studio like: camera coordination, editing, lights and the like.

UEES also has a magazine called "Campus". This magazine has information about the university; and it also has interesting articles on different subjects which are written by students to improve their communication skills and allow them to express themselves.

Besides "Campus" there is another magazine called "Podium". This magazine is issued every month and its director is Carlos Calderón along with several members of the editorial council. They are in charge of editing the articles to be published.

Dr. Carlos Ortega Maldonado, as chancellor of the University, writes the editorial every month. The magazine features articles about education, society, law and politics, economy, science and technology, tourism, journalism, literature, history, art, culture, external politics, movies, and more. These articles are written by people with experience in their field in order to keep the magazine interesting.
Overall, the university gives its students all the media tools in order for them to practice and be prepared for their future.

Communication Related Degrees


  • Major in Print Press: graduates from this major are able to analyze and evaluate information, reason with logic using a historical current and global perspective; as well as understand and apply the principles, laws and concepts of social communication.
  • Major in Audiovisual Journalism: graduates from this major are able to analyze and evaluate information, reason with logic using a historical current and global perspective; as well as understand and apply the principles, laws and concepts of social communication. Graduates also will value the social responsibility of the means of communication and prepare efficient audiovisual messages thanks to the knowledge of the value and the importance of the language of the image and its combination and articulation of the natural tongue.
  • Major in International Journalism: The graduate from this major can evaluate the information, reason logically inside an international historical perspective, prepare visual messages and effective graphs, understand the law of communication and value the responsibility of the means of communication.

Communicational Organization:

  • Major in Public Relationship and Events: The graduate from this major can create, execute and evaluate permanent plans of public relations, with ethical criteria and communicational efficiency.
  • Major in Corporative Communication: The graduate from this major can analyze and evaluate the necessities of an organization.
  • Major in Human and Organizational Development: The graduate from this major can take decisions at a managerial level, by the analysis and control of the indicators of management analyzing the labour environment from a more objective and creative view.

Clubs and activities

UEES [8] sponsors activities such as an Ecuadorian cultural week, a day of cultural diversity, and a University Queen contest. UEES has clubs that are integrated into different departments, such as the juridical club, technology club, journalism club, economic club, ecology club, leadership club, reading club, cinema club, travel club, international club, executives club, and the English club. A new club is the Dinamika Marketing Club By the Class room of Professor Abdul. Butt. ¨Photos

Noted faculty

-Martha Chávez [9]

M.D. Universidad Catolica de Guayaquil. Bilingual Professor of English and writer of fiction. Author of Precisando el sentido (Guayaquil, 1999). Coauthor of Consta en la muestra: Entre el cero y la unidad (Guayaquil, 1994). Has written stories for Eskeletra, published in Quito.

Publications by UEES faculty

  • Cuaderno de Investigación Vol.- 1 Teorías Económicas del empleo y desempleo. By Dr. Fidel Márquez and B.A Edwin Ulloa Arellano
  • Cuaderno de Investigación Vol. 2 Historia Económica: El caso del Banco Central del Ecuador by: Dr. Fidel Márquez, Dr. Melva Lozano Veliz
  • Cuaderno de Investigación Vol. 3 Desarrollo Humano del Ecuador by: Dr. Fidel Márquez, Ms. Cecilia Carriel de Márquez, Dr. Econ. Ernesto Arroba Salvador, Dr. Melva Lozano Veliz
  • Cuaderno de Investigación No. 4 Autonomía Guayas by: Dr. Melva Lozano Veliz and Dr. Fidel Márquez
  • Cuaderno de Investigación Vol. 5 Estudios Monetarios en Dolarización y desempleo 2000 en Guayaquil by: José Ortíz, Rosa Segarra, Dennis Marín Lavayen, Omar Guerrero
  • Cuaderno de Investigación No. 6 Ecuador apuesta al Turismo by: B.S Solange Gracés Aguilar
  • Cuaderno de Investigación No. 7 Expansión económica vía equilibrio fiscal descendente by: Econ. Sara Tamayo Insuaste
  • Cuaderno de Investigación Vol. 8 La competitividad en la Industria Bananera by: Econ. Ernesto Arroba Salvador
  • Cuaderno de Investigación Vol. 9 Nuestro comercio exterior en la última década by: Dr. Econ. Ernesto Arroba Salvador
  • Cuaderno de Investigación Vol. 10 Apuntes sobre pensamiento económico by: Dr. Econ. Ernesto Arroba Salvador
  • Cuaderno de Investigación Vol. 11 Análisis sobre la seguridad social by: Dr. Fidel Márquez Sánchez, Econ. Rodrigo Calderón Valdez, Econ. Víctor Alvarado Ferrín, Sr. Enrique Ampuero Pareja, MBA. Enrique Armendariz Lasso y Mede. Sara Tamayo Insuaste. (mayo 2004)
  • Cuaderno de Investigación Vol. 12 Las Remesas Móvil de la Migración Ecuatoriana by: Dr. Fidel Márquez Sánchez, Ing. Carlos Morlás Molina, Ing. Carlos Morlás Espinoza, Ing. René Fernández Aráuz. (junio 2004)
  • Cuaderno de Investigación Vol. 13 Pasantías universitariasExperiencias de la UEES-Metodología aplicada en entornos sociales y comunitarios
  • Cuaderno de Investigación Vol. 14Análisis de Riesgo País: Ecuador y Costa Ricaby los Exalumnos de la Escuela de Postgrado y Educación Continua de la UEES.
  • Folletos de Investigación Publicación Interinstitucional Las Autonomías: Algunas estadísticas básicas by: Universidad de Guayaquil, Espol, Laica Vicente Rocafuerte, Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil, UEES.
  • Folletos de Investigación No. 1 Comentarios a la ley de transformación económica del Ecuador by: Dr. Santiago Velázquez
  • Folletos de Investigación No. 2 El Oleoducto de Crudos Pesados by: Dr. Econ. Ernesto Arroba Salvador
  • Folletos de Investigación No. 3 Autonomía estrategia de Desarrollo by: Dr. Econ. Ernesto Arroba Salvador
  • Folletos de Investigación No. 4 Análisis sectorial de la industria bananera by: UEES, CORPEI
  • Folleto de Investigación No. 5 Liderazgo by: Ing. León Febres Cordero Rivadeneira. (junio 2004)
  • Folleto de Investigación Mensaje a García by: UEES.
  • Publicación Interinstitucional: Violencia intrafamiliar enfoques psicológico y jurídico by: IECAIM - UEES. (2004)
  • Folleto de Investigación No. 6 Derecho Internacional Americano y la Carta Democrática Interamericana by: Dr. Juan Carlos Faidutti (2005)
  • Documento de Trabajo: Manual de Fundamentos del Derecho by: Dr. Santiago Velázquez
  • Documento de Trabajo: EL Proyecto de Ley de la Fiducia y los costos de exportación en la industria bananera by: Dr. Econ. Ernesto Arroba Salvador
  • Documento de Trabajo: Combinación de Sociedades by: Dr. Nicolás Cassis Martínez
  • Cuaderno de Investigación Sectorial No. 1 El Arroz by: Dr. Econ. Ernesto Arroba Salvador, Econ. Galo Cabanilla Guerra, Ing. Eduardo Cisneros
  • Cuaderno de Investigación Sectorial No. 2 La industria bananera: La dolarización y su impacto en la estructura de costos by: Ing. Santiago Jaramillo Dávalos, Ing. Nicolás Romero Ordeñana, Dr. Econ. Ernesto Arroba Salvador
  • Cuaderno de Investigación Sectorial No. 3 Proyectos de economía agrícola by Estudiantes de la Universidad Técnica de Machala: Kelly Torres, Patricia Espinoza, Jorge Vega, Mauricio Criollo Moscoso, Joseph Valarezo, Jessenia Aguirre, Priscila Morales.
  • Cuaderno de Docencia # 1 tituladoConflictos regionales y poder central en los países andinos (los casos de Ayacucho Perú y de Guayaquil en Ecuador) by: Abg. Francisco Jiménez.
  • Cuaderno de Docente #. 2 titulado:El ABC de la Bancaby: Ing. Carlos Morlás Molina
  • Desarme y corrupción by: Dr. Oscar Arias, Dra. Rosalía Artega y Gral. Paco Moncayo.
  • De Maestro a Maestros by: Dr. David Samaniego Torres
  • ¿Qué haría yo si fuera elegido? By:UEES
  • Un hombre para recordar by: Dr. Leonidas Ortega Moreira
  • Prehorizontalidad by: Dr. Carlos E. Ortega Maldonado
  • La Magia del cuento by: Lcda. Lorena Ovendaño de Castro
  • Misión Cumplida by Dr. Enrique Ortega Moreira
  • Retazos de historia by: Dr. David Samaniego Torres
  • Coyuntura Económica by: Dr. Ernesto Arroba Salvador
  • Cuaderno titulado: Derecho Internacional del Mar by: Dr. Juan Carlos Faidutti
  • Guía Ciudadana del Ecuador by: Dra. Melva Lozano Veliz
  • Cuaderno titulado: Carlos Arroyo Del Río -Martir o Traidor by: Sr. Efrén Avilés Pino
  • Las más bellas canciones del Ecuador by: Dr. Francisco Correa Bustamante
  • Cantares Inolvidables del Ecuador by: Dr. Francisco Correa Bustamante
  • Todo Guayas en sus manos by: Dr. Francisco Correa Bustamante
  • Antología Musical by: Dr. Francisco Correa Bustamante
  • A mi manera...Los años de Carondelet by: Arq. Sixto Durán-Ballén Cordovez
  • Dos simones en una democracia de muchos jóvenes by: Lorena Aguayo, Ana López, Paola Echeverría, Malka San Lucas, Hugo Herrera, Estefanía Proaño, Yael Latorre, Joaquin Larriva y Carlos A. Arosemena.
  • La palabra: En ejercicio exigente
  • Perfiles del Ecuador por. Econ. Leonardo Vicuña Izquierdo
  • El Mundo de Ayer visto por mis ojosby: Dr- Francisco Boloña Rodríguez

Noted Alumni

- Luis Ernesto Perez[10]

- Kathy Lopez[11]

Miss Ecuador 2006

External links


Coordinates: 2°0757S 79°5205W / 2.13256°S 79.86817°W / -2.13256; -79.86817

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