List of universities in South America

List of universities in South America

The following list sets out a List of Universities in South America, these list includes universities and others higher education institutions from the South American Sovereign States and the Dependencies (List of South American countries):

Sovereign States


----Actually, Wikipedia have a List of Argentine universities, these followings universities are the best known and/or the ones who haves an article in this Wiki.

*National Technological University "(Spanish: Universidad Tecnológica Nacional)" [ UTN] .

*University of Buenos Aires "(Spanish: Universidad de Buenos Aires)" [ UBA] .

*Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento "(English: National University of General Sarmiento)" [ UNGS] .

*National University of La Plata "(Spanish: Universidad Nacional de La Plata)" [ UNLP] .

*Universidad Nacional del Sur "(English: National University of the South)" [ UNS] .

*Austral University "(Spanish: Universidad Austral)" [ AUSTRAL] .

*Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires "(English: Buenos Aires Technological Institute)" [ ITBA] .

*Universidad del CEMA "(English: CEMA University)" [ UCEMA] .

*IAE Universidad Austral "(English: Austral University IAE)" [ IAE] .

*Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina "(Spanish: Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina)" [ UCA] .

*Universidad Argentina John F. Kennedy "(English: John F. Kennedy Argentine University)" [ UK] .

*University of Belgrano "(Spanish: Universidad de Belgrano)" [ UB] .

*Universidad de Flores "(English: Flores University)" [ UFLO] .

*Universidad de Morón "(English: University of Moron)" [ UM] .

*Universidad de San Andrés "(English: Saint Andrew's University)" [ UDESA] .

*Universidad del Salvador "(English: Savior University)" [ USAL] .

*Universidad Torcuato Di Tella "(English: Torcuato Di Tella University)" [ UTDT] .

*Favaloro University "(Spanish:Universidad Favaloro)" [ UF] .

*Fundación Favaloro "(English: Favarolo Foundation)" [ FF] .

*Universidad Nacional de Salta "(English: National University of Salta)" [ UNSa] .

*National University of Tucumán "(Spanish: Universidad Nacional de Tucumán)" [ UNT] .

*Saint Thomas Aquinas University of the North "(Spanish: Universidad del Norte de Santo Tomás de Aquino)" [ UNSTA] .

*Universidad Nacional de Córdoba "(Spanish: Universidad Nacional de Córdoba)" [ UNC] .

*National University of the Littoral "(Spanish: Universidad Nacional del Litoral)" [ UNL] .

*National University of Rosario "(Spanish: Universidad Nacional de Rosario)" [ UNR] .

*Universidad Católica de Córdoba "(English: Catholic University of Cordoba)" [ UCC] .

*National University of Cuyo "(Spanish: Universidad Nacional de Cuyo)" [ UNCuyo] .

*Universidad de Mendoza "(English: Mendoza University)" [ UM] .

*Universidad del Aconcagua "(English: Aconcagua University)" [ UDA] .

*Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco ("English: Saint John Bosco National University of The Patagonia)" [ UNP] .

*Universidad Nacional de Misiones "(English: National University of Misiones)" [ UNaM] .

*Universidad Adventista del Plata "(English: Adventist University of Plata)" [ UAP] .


----Actually, Wikipedia have a List of universities in Bolivia, these followings universities are the best known and/or the ones who haves an article in this Wiki.

*Universidad Técnica de Oruro "(English: Oruro Technical University)" [ UTO] .

*Universidad Adventista de Bolivia "(English: Adventist University of Bolivia)" [ UAB] .

*Universidad Católica Boliviana San Pablo "(English: Bolivian Catholic University St. Paul)" [ UCB] .


----Actually, Wikipedia have a List of universities in Brazil, these followings universities are the best known and/or the ones who haves an article in this Wiki.

*Federal University of Alagoas "(Portuguese: Universidade Federal de Alagoas)" [ UFAL] .

*Universidade Federal do Amazonas "(English: Federal University of Amazonas)" [ UFAM] .

*Universidade Federal da Bahia "(English: Federal University of Bahia)" [ UFBA] .

*Universidade Estadual do Ceará "(English: State University of Ceará)" [ UECe] .

*Universidade Federal do Ceará "(English: Federal University of Ceara)" [ UFC] .

*Universidade Católica de Brasília "(English: The Catholic University of Brasília)" [ UCB] .

*Universidade de Brasília "(English: University of Brasília)" [ UnB] .

*Universidade Federal de Goiás "(English: Federal University of Goiás)" [ UFG] .

*Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso "(English: Federal University of Mato Grosso)" [ UFMT] .

*Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso "(English: University of Mato Grosso State)" [ UNEMAT] .

*Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul "(English: Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul)" [ UFMS] .

*Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais "(English: Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais)" [ PUC-MG] .

*Universidade Federal de Itajubá "(English: Itajubá Federal University)" [ UNIFEI] .

*Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora "(English: Federal University of Juiz de Fora)" [ UFJF] .

*Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais "(English: Federal University of Minas Gerais)" [ UFMG] .

*Universidade Federal de Viçosa "(English: Federal University of Viçosa)" [ UFV] .

*Federal University of Paraíba "(Portuguese: Universidade Federal da Paraíba)" [ UFPB] .

*Universidade Estadual de Londrina "(English: State University of Londrina)" [ UEL] .

*Universidade Estadual de Maringá "(English: State University of Maringá)" [ UEM] .

*Universidade Federal do Paraná "(English: Federal University of Paraná)" [ UFPR] .

*Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná "(English: University of Technology - Paraná)" [ UTFPR] .

*Universidade Federal de Pernambuco "(English: Federal University of Pernambuco)" [ UFPE] .

*Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco "(English: Federal Rural University of Pernanmbuco)" [ UFRPE] .

*Universidade de Pernambuco "(English: University of Pernambuco)" [ UPE] .

*Instituto Militar de Engenharia "(English: Military Institute of Engeneering)" [ IME] .

*Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro "(English: Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro)" [ PUC-Rio] .

*Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro "(English: Rio de Janeiro State University)" [ UERJ] .

*Universidade Estácio de "(English: Estácio de University)" [ ESTÁCIO] .

*Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro "(English: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)" [ UFRJ] .

*Fluminense Federal University "(Portuguese: Universidade Federal Fluminense)" [ UFF] .

*Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte "(English: Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte)" [ UFRN] .

*Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul "(English: Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul") [ PUCRS] .

*Universidade Católica de Pelotas "(English: Catholic University of Pelotas)" [ UCPel] .

*Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos "(English: University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos)" [ UNISINOS] .

*Universidade Federal de Pelotas "(English: Federal University of Pelotas)" [ UFPEL] .

*Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (English: Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul) [ UFRGS] .

*Universidade Federal de Santa Maria "(English: Federal University of Santa Maria)" [ UFSM] .

*Universidade Luterana do Brasil "(English: Lutheran University of Brazil)" [ ULBRA] .

*Fundação Universidade Federal do Rio Grande "(English: Foundation Federal University of Rio Grande)" [ FURG] .

*Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre "(English: Health Sciences Federal University of Porto Alegre)" [ UFCSPA] .

*Centro Universitário Franciscano "(English: Franciscan University Center)" [ UNIFRA] .

*Universidade Federal de Rondônia "(English: Federal University of Rondônia)" [ UNIR] .

*Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina "(English: Federal University of Santa Catarina)" [ UFSC] .

*Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado "(English: Armando Alvares Penteado Foundation)" [ FAAP] .

*Fundação Getulio Vargas "(English: Getulio Vargas Foundation)" [ FGV] .

*Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas "(English: Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas)" [ PUCCAMP] .

*Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo "(English: Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo)" [ PUC-SP] .

*Universidade Metodista de São Paulo "(English: Methodist University of São Paulo)" [ METODISTA] .

*Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie "(English: Mackenzie Presbyterian University)" [ MACKENZIE] .

*University of São Paulo "(Portuguese: Universidade de São Paulo)" [ USP] .

*Universidade Estadual de Campinas "(English: State University of Campinas)" [ UNICAMP] .

*Unesp (Universidade Estadual Paulista) "(English: São Paulo State University)" [ UNESP] .

*Universidade Federal de São Carlos "(English: Federal University of São Carlos)" [ UFSCar] .

*Universidade Federal de São Paulo "(English: Federal University of São Paulo)" [ UNIFESP] .

*Universidade Federal do ABC "(English: Federal University of ABC)" [ UFABC] .

*Universidade de Taubaté "(English: University of Taubaté)" [ UNITAU] .


----Actually, Wikipedia have a List of universities in Chile, these followings universities are the best known and/or the ones who haves an article in this Wiki.

*Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez "(English: Adolfo Ibañez University)" [ UAI] .

*Universidad Alberto Hurtado "(English: Alberto Hurtado University)" [ UAHURTADO] .

*Universidad Arturo Prat "(English: Arturo Prat University)" [ UNAP] .

*Universidad Austral de Chile "(English: Austral University of Chile)" [ UACH] .

*Pontifical Catholic University of Chile "(Spanish: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)" [ PUC] .

*Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso "(Spanish: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso)" [ PUCV] .

*Universidad Católica del Norte "(English: Catholic University of the North)" [ UCN] .

*Universidad Católica de Temuco "(English: Temuco Catholic University)" [ UCT] .

*Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción "(English: Catholic University of the Holy Conception)" [ UCSC] .

*Universidad Católica del Maule "(English: Catholic University of Maule)" [ UCM] .

*Universidad Diego Portales "(English: Diego Portales University)" [ UDP] .

*Universidad Gabriela Mistral "(English: Gabriela Mistral University)" [ UGM] .

*Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación "(English: Metropolitan University of Educational Sciences)" [ UMCE]

*Universidad San Sebastián "(English: Saint Sebastian University)" [ USS] .

*Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María "(English: Federico Santa María Technical University)" [ UTFSM] .

*Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana "(English: Metropolitan University of Technology)" [ UTEM] .

*Universidad de Antofagasta "(English: University of Antofagasta)" [ UA] .

*Universidad de Artes, Ciencias y Comunicación "(English: University for the Arts, Sciences, and Communication)" [ UNIACC] .

*Universidad de Atacama "(English: Atacama University)" [ UDA] .

*University of Chile "(Spanish: Universidad de Chile)" [ UCHILE] .

*Universidad de Concepción "(English: University of Concepción)" [ UDEC] .

*Universidad de La Frontera "(English: University of the Frontier)" [ UFRO] .

*Universidad de La Serena "(English: University of La Serena)" [ USERENA] .

*University of the Andes, Chile "(Spanish: Universidad de Los Andes)" [ UANDES] .

*Universidad de Los Lagos "(English: Los Lagos University)" [ ULAGOS] .

*Universidad de Magallanes "(English: Magellan University)" [ UMAG] .

*Universidad de Playa Ancha de Ciencias de la Educación "(English: University of Wide Beach of Education Sciences)" [ UPA] .

*University of Santiago de Chile "(Spanish: Universidad de Santiago de Chile)" [ USACH] .

*Universidad de Talca "(English: Talca University)" [ UTALCA] .

*Universidad de Tarapacá "(English: Tarapacá University)" [ UTA] .

*Universidad de Valparaíso "(English: Valparaíso University)" [ UV] .

*Viña del Mar University "(Spanish: Universidad de Viña del Mar)" [ UVM] .

*Universidad de las Américas (Chile) "(English: University of the Americas)" [ UAMERICAS] .

*Universidad del Bío-Bío "(English: Bío-Bío University)" [ UBÍOBÍO] .


----Actually, Wikipedia have a List of universities in Colombia, these followings universities are the best known and/or the ones who haves an article in this Wiki.

*Autonomous University of Bucaramanga "(Spanish: Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga)" [,1&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL UNAB] .

*University of America "(Spanish: Universidad de America)" [ UA] .

*Universidad El Bosque"(Spanish: Universidad El Bosque )" [] .

*University of Nariño "(Spanish: Universidad de Nariño)" [ UDENAR] .

*Universidad del Atlántico "(English: University of the Atlantic)" [ UNIALTANTICO]

*Universidad del Norte, Colombia "(English: University of North)" [ UN] .

*University of the Andes, Colombia "(Spanish: Universidad de los Andes)" [ UNIANDES] .

*University of Antioquia "(Spanish: Universidad de Antioquia)" [ UDEA]

*Our Lady of the Rosary University "(Spanish: Universidad Nuestra Señora del Rosario)" [ UROSARIO] .

*Universidad del Valle (Colombia) "(English: University of Valle)" [ UV] .

*University of the Savannah "(Spanish: Universidad de la Sabana)" [ UNISABANA] .

*District University of Bogotá "(Spanish: Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas)" [ UDISTRITAL] .

*Universidad EAFIT "(English: EAFIT University)" [ EAFIT] .

*Universidad Externado de Colombia "(English: Externado University of Colombia)" [ UEXTERNADO] .

*Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander "(English: University Francisco de Paula Santander)" [ UFPS] .

*Industrial University of Santander "(Spanish: Universidad Industrial de Santander)" [ UIS] .

*Universidad Icesi "(English: Icesi University)" [ ICESI] .

*National University of Colombia "(Spanish: Universidad Nacional de Colombia)" [ UN] .

*Pontifical Bolivarian University "(Spanish: Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana)" [,1&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL UPB] .

*Pontifical Xavierian University "(Spanish: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana)" [ JAVERIANA] .

*Saint Thomas Aquinas University "(Spanish: Universidad Santo Tomás de Aquino)" [ USTA] .

*La Gran Colombia University "(Spanish: Universidad La Gran Colombia)" [ ULGC] .

*Jorge Tadeo Lozano University "(Spanish: Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano)" [ UTADEO] .

*Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar "(English: Bolívar Technological University)" [ UTB] .

*The Liberators University "(Spanish: Universidad Los Libertadores)" [ ULIBERTADORES] .

*South Colombian University "(Spanish: Universidad SurColombiana)" [ USCO] .

*Sergio Arboleda University "(Spanish: Universidad Sergio Arboleda)" [ USERGIOARBOLEDA] .

*Pilot University of Colombia "(Spanish: Universidad Piloto de Colombia)" [ UPC] .

*La Salle University, Colombia "(Spanish: Universidad de la Salle)" [ LA SALLE] .

*Instituto Caro y Cuervo "(English: Caro and Cuervo Institute)" [ ICYC] .

*Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería "(English: Colombian School of engineering)" [ ECI] .


*Universidad Central del Ecuador "(English: Central University of Ecuador)" [ UCE] .

*Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador "(English: Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador)" [ PUCE] .

*Universidad de Cuenca "(English: University of Cuenca)" [ UC] .

*Universidad San Francisco de Quito "(English: San Francisco de Quito University)" [ USFQ] .

*Universidad Internacional SEK (Ecuador) "(English: International University SEK (Ecuador))" [ UISEK] .

*Universidad Agraria del Ecuador "(English: Agrarian University of Ecuador)" [ UAGRARIA] .

*Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar "(English: Simon Bolivar Andean University)" [ UASB] .

*Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil "(English: Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil)" [ UCSG] .

*Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo "(English: Holy Spirit University of Specialties)" [ UEES] .

*Universidad del Azuay "(English: University of Azuay)" [ UAZUAY] .

*Universidad del Pacifico (Ecuador) "(English: University Of Pacific (Ecuador))" [ UP] .

*Universidad Internacional del Ecuador "(English: International University of Ecuador)" [ UI] .

*Universidad Nacional de Loja "(English: National University of Loja)" [ UNL] .

*Universidad Tecnológica América "(English: America Technological University)" [ UNITA] .

*Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja "(English: Particular Technical University of Loja)" [ UTPL] .

"CONESUP (Consejo Nacional de Educacion Superior, National Council of Higher Education), is the highest authority in matters of university studies in Ecuador [ CONESUP] ."


*University of Guyana [ UOG] .

*Cyril Potter College of Education [ CPCE] .

*Guyana School of Agriculture [ GSA] .


----Actually, Wikipedia have a List of universities in Paraguay, these followings universities are the best known and/or the ones who haves an article in this Wiki.

*Universidad Americana "(English: American University)" [ UA] .

*Universidad Autónoma de Asunción "(English: Autonomous University of Asuncion)" [ UAA] .

*Universidad Autónoma del Paraguay "(English: Paraguay Autonomous University)" [ UAP] .

*Universidad Católica Nuestra Señora de la Asunción "(English: Catholic University of Our Lady of the Assumption)" [ UC] .
*Universidad Columbia del Paraguay "(English: Columbia University of Paraguay)" [ UCP] .

*Universidad Nacional de Asunción "(English: National University of Asuncion)" [ UNA] .


----Actually, Wikipedia have a List of universities in Peru, these followings universities are the best known and/or the ones who haves an article in this Wiki.

*Major National University of San Marcos "(Spanish: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos)" [ UNMSM] .

*National University of Engineering "(Spanish: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería)" [ UNI] .

*La Molina National Agrarian University "(Spanish: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina)" [ UNALM] .

*Pontifical Catholic University of Peru "(Spanish: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú)" [ PUCP] .

*University of Lima "(Spanish: Universidad de Lima)" [ ULIMA] .

*University of the Pacific (Peru) "(Spanish: Universidad del Pacífico (Peru))" [ UP] .

*Cayetano Heredia University "(Spanish: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia)" [ UPCH] .

*University of Piura "(Spanish: Universidad de Piura)" [ UDEP] .

*Scientific University of the South "(Spanish: Universidad Científica del Sur)" [ UCSUR] .

*Universidad Peruana Unión "(English: Union Peruvian University)" [ UPeU] .

*National University of San Antonio Abad in Cuzco "(Spanish: Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco)" [ UNSAAC] .

*Universidad Católica de Santa María "(English: Catholic University of Santa María)" [ UCSM] .

*National University of St Augustin of Arequipa "(Spanish: Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa)" [ UNSA] .

*San Cristóbal of Huamanga University "(Spanish: Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga)" [ UNSCH] .

*National University of Callao "(Spanish: Universidad Nacional del Callao)" [ UNAC] .

*Los Andes Peruvian University "(Spanish: Universidad Peruana Los Andes)" [ UPLA] .

*Universidad Nacional de Trujillo "(English: National University of Trujillo)" [ UNT] .

*Universidad Privada del Norte "(English: Northern Private University)" [ UPN] .

*National University of Education Enrique Guzmán and Valle "(Spanish: Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle)" [ UNE] .


*Anton de Kom University "(Dutch: Anton de Kom Universiteit van Suriname)" [ UVS] . (This is the only legal University in this country).

Trinidad and Tobago

----Actually, Wikipedia have a List of universities in Trinidad and Tobago, these followings universities are the best known and/or the ones who haves an article in this Wiki.

*School of Business and Computer Science [ SBCS] .

*University of Trinidad and Tobago [ UTT] .

*University of the West Indies [ UWI] .


----Actually, Wikipedia have a List of universities in Uruguay, these followings universities are the best known and/or the ones who haves an article in this Wiki.

*Universidad Católica del Uruguay Dámaso Antonio Larrañaga "(English: Catholic university of Uruguay)" [ UCU] .

*Universidad de Montevideo "(English: University of Montevideo)" [ UM] .

*ORT Uruguay "(Spanish: Universidad ORT Uruguay)" [ ORTU] .

*University of the Republic, Uruguay "(Spanish: Universidad de la República)" [ UR] .


----Actually, Wikipedia have a List of universities in Venezuela, these followings universities are the best known and/or the ones who haves an article in this Wiki.

*Bolivarian University of Venezuela "(Spanish: Universidad Bolivariana de Venezuela)" [ UBV] .

*Central University of Venezuela ("Spanish: Universidad Central de Venezuela)" [ UCV] .

*Universidad Católica Andrés Bello "(English: Andres Bello Catholic University)" [ UCAB] .

*Universidad de Oriente "(English: University of East)" [ UDO] .

*Universidad José Antonio Páez (English: José Antonio Páez University) [ UJAP] .

*Universidad Metropolitana (English: Metropolitan University) [ UNIMET] .

*University of the Andes, Venezuela "(Spanish: "Universidad de los Andes")" [ ULA] .

*University of Zulia "(Spanish: La Universidad del Zulia)" [ LUZ] .

*Universidad Simón Bolívar "(English: Simón Bolívar University)" [ USB] .



*University of Aruba [ UA] .

*All Saints University of Medicine [ ASUMA] .

*Xavier University School of Medicine [ XUSOM] .

French Guiana

*Université des Antilles et de la Guyane "(English: University of the French Antilles and Guyana)" [ UAG] .

Netherlands Antilles

*American University of the Caribbean [ AUC] .

* Caribbean Medical University [ CMU ] .

*Saba University School of Medicine [ SABA] .

*Saint James School of Medicine [ SJSM] .

*University of the Netherlands Antilles "(Dutch: Universiteit van de Nederlandse Antillen)" [ UNA] .

*University of Sint Eustatius School of Medicine [ USESOM]

*University of St. Martin [ USM] .


Argentine Universities

Aruban Universities

*All Saints University of Medicine

Brazilian Universities

Chilean Universities

Colombian Universities

Ecuadorian Universities

Guyanese Universities

Universities from the Netherlands Antilles

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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