List of Pokémon (121-140)

List of Pokémon (121-140)

At the core of the multi-billion dollar is an extremely rare Pokémon with an unstable genetic code. This gives it the ability to evolve into seven different evolutions triggered by the environment, friendship, and radiation from elemental stones. It started out with Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon in the first generation ("Red", "Blue", and "Yellow"), and it gained Espeon and Umbreon in "Pokémon Gold" and "Silver", and finally and Leafeon and Glaceon in "Pokémon Diamond" and "Pearl". Choosing what to evolve it into is up to the trainers. It is a small, brown, fennec-like Pokémon with a distinct white-tipped tail and a white ring of fur around its neck.

In the "Red", "Blue", "Yellow", "FireRed", and "LeafGreen" versions, the player receives one Eevee at the Pokémon Mansion in Celadon City, and they must trade to receive the Pokédex info on the other evolutions ("Red", "Blue", and "Yellow" only). In "Pokémon Yellow", the player was to receive an Eevee from Professor Oak at the beginning of the game. However, the player's rival decides to take the Eevee before the player can obtain it. The rival evolves his Eevee into any of the three evolutions available, depending on the outcomes of the player's encounters with him in the early parts of the game. [ [ Pokémon Yellow Strategy Guide - Viridian City and Route 22] "IGN". URL Accessed 12 June 2006.] In "Gold, Silver," and "Crystal", after finding Bill in Ecruteak City, the player can go back to his house in Goldenrod City to receive an Eevee from him.

In the anime, Ash and his friends find a seemingly abandoned Eevee that belongs to a young boy, named Mikey, whose three older brothers host a party for Pokémon who evolve by evolution stones. Mikey hid Eevee because his brothers, who each have an evolution of Eevee (Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon), were pressuring him to make Eevee evolve. Eevee shows how strong it is without having to evolve by helping to defeat Team Rocket and save a group of captured Pokémon. Mikey's brothers accepted his decision and apologized for pressuring him. Ash's longtime rival Gary Oak uses an Eevee of great quality that eventually evolves into Umbreon, and May has one that hatches from an egg. May's Eevee was a participant in Pokémon Contests all across the Kanto and Johto region, and it later evolved into a Glaceon, as shown in a Diamond and Pearl episode.


number = 134
type = Water
evolvesfrom = Eevee
evolvesto =
nihongo|Vaporeon|シャワーズ|Shawāzu|Showers in original Japanese language versions is one of the evolutions of Eevee that is caused by radiation from a water stone. Upon evolving, it gains fins and gills that give it the ability to live underwater. It has small scales that are hard to see. Its finned tail is similar to a mermaid's, so it is often mistaken for one. Vaporeon's cells are similar in structure to water molecules, and this allows it to have a unique control over the water around it. This includes being able to transform itself into liquid as a form of camouflage (this being portrayed in the games as its ability to learn the attack Acid Armor), and detect rain through subtle vibrations in its fins. Its base scale color is aqua with darker aqua that makes a line along the spine from the tail to the neck where it forms into a base for its white frill. A darker-aqua patch on the head is similar in shape to a diving cap, and upon the head are three yellow fins, two resembling ears, and the middle one, a Dorsal fin. Its ability is 'Water Absorb', which allows it to gain HP when struck with a water type move.


number = 135
type = Electric
evolvesfrom = Eevee
evolvesto =
nihongo|Jolteon|サンダース|Sandāsu|Thunders in original Japanese language versions is one of the evolutions of Eevee that is caused by radiation from a thunder stone. Jolteon is covered with spiky, bright yellow fur, with white spiky fur surrounding its neck. Its fur sparks with electricity constantly; it can be soft to the touch or turn into sharp needles that can be fired when it is angered. Jolteon is able to gather negative ions from the atmosphere, using the resulting electricity to create lightning bolts of up to 10,000 volts. Its individual cells also create small electrical charges on their own, which combined with the static electricity caused by its body can result in powerful electric-type attacks. It's very sensitive which causes it to constantly charge as it quickly changes moods. It can also make lightning and cause small thunderstorms. In the Pokémon video games, Jolteon can absorb electric attacks and turn them into HP (Health Point, or Health) with the ability 'Volt Absorb'.


number = 136
type = Fire
evolvesfrom = Eevee
evolvesto =
nihongo|Flareon|ブースター|Būsutā|Booster in original Japanese language versions is one of the evolutions of Eevee that is caused by exposure to a Fire Stone. It has a red body and thick, yellow fur on its face, head, neck, and tail. Its ears are as long as the Jolteon's. It stores thermal energy from the sun, causing its body temperature to skyrocket to more than a range of 1600 degrees Celsius, releasing its flames from an internal sack. Its ability is 'Flash Fire' which negates fire-type moves against it and increases its attack by 1.5 times damage if hit by a damaging fire attack.


number = 137
type = Normal
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto = Porygon2
nihongo|Porygon|ポリゴン|Porigon| is the first man-made Pokémon, the product of extensive research by Silph Co. It consists entirely of programming code, allowing it to convert itself entirely back to program data. This allows it to move freely in cyberspace. This code is copy protected in order to prevent duplication. This code is fairly restrictive, limiting Porygon to certain pre-programmed motions, actions, and reactions. As it does not need to breathe, it is used in various environments, even some normally considered inhospitable.

In the Pokémon world, Porygon is only available as a prize from slot machines. As a result, a large number of people have taken to playing the slots seeking to win a Porygon. These gamblers are especially visible in the towns of Kanto and Johto, although they are not in Hoenn, and Porygon actually run wild in Sinnoh. Porygon is cheaper to obtain in some Pokémon versions than in others.

Porygon makes several cameo appearances in the Super Smash Bros. series of crossover fighting games. Porygon first appears in "Super Smash Bros." as one of the five Pokémon that appears from the door on the Saffron City stage, and later appears in one stage of "Super Smash Bros. Melee" as a moving platform. Porygon's most significant appearance in the Pokémon Anime to date is Dennō Senshi Porygon, an episode notorious for having caused hundreds of children to have epileptic seizurescite web|url=|title=Juicy Studio: Photsensitove Epilepsy|publisher=Juicy Studio|accessdate=2006-02-05] during its broadcast in Japan. Even though Pikachu caused the 'seizure attack', it was Porygon (and its evolved forms) who were banned from the Pokemon anime. Aside from that, Porygon has had only a few minor cameo appearances.


number = 138
type = Rock/Water
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto = Omastar
nihongo|Omanyte|オムナイト|Omunaito|Omnite in original Japanese language versions is a prehistoric Pokémon that is long extinct. Some can be revived using helix fossils, and a small number have been shown to be in deep hibernation. It lives in the deep in the primordial sea where it navigates by twisting its ten tentacles, and uses air in its shell to rise and sink. It eats plankton off of the sea floor, and withdraws into its shell to escape harm. Omanyte is based on the ammonite a creature which resembles it, and sounds similar in name.


number = 139
type = Rock/Water
evolvesfrom = Omanyte
evolvesto =
nihongo|Omastar|オムスター|Omusutā|Omstar in original Japanese language versions is the evolution of Omanyte. Omastar went extinct due to its heavy shell making it too sluggish to capture prey despite the fact that its ability is "swift swim". When it does capture prey, it uses its tentacles, which developed similarly to hands and feet, to hold its prey, and tear at it with its fangs within the mouth. If met with mollusks, such as Shellder, it cracks the shell and sucks out the insides. Its appearance seems to be based on the ammonite, an extinct cephalapod that resembles a Chambered Nautilus.


number = 140
type = Rock/Water
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto = Kabutops
nihongo|Kabuto|カブト is an extinct Pokémon that can be revived through dome fossils, though some living examples have been found. Remaining unchanged for 300 million years, it is an aquatic Pokémon that hides on the sea floor, which is how some Kabuto became fossils in the first place. While concealed, Kabuto leaves exposed only its hard shell, which protects it from any attacks, while the glowing eyes on its back allow it to continue monitoring its surroundings. If it is flipped upside down, it becomes helpless and defenseless as it is unable to flip over on its own. According to the anime, oil extracted from a Kabuto is rumored to have interesting medical properties, longevity being one of them.


* The following games and their instruction manuals: "Pokémon Red", "Green", and "Blue"; "Pokémon Yellow"; "Pokémon Stadium" and "Pokémon Stadium 2"; "Pokémon Gold", "Silver", and "Crystal"; "Pokémon Ruby", "Sapphire", and "Emerald"; "Pokémon FireRed" and "LeafGreen"; "Pokémon Colosseum" and "";Publications
* Barbo, Maria. "The Official Pokémon Handbook". Scholastic Publishing, 1999. ISBN 0-439-15404-9.
* Loe, Casey, ed. "Pokémon Special Pikachu Edition Official Perfect Guide". Sunnydale, CA: Empire 21 Publishing, 1999. ISBN 1-930206-15-1.
* Nintendo Power. "Official Nintendo Pokémon FireRed & Pokémon LeafGreen Player’s Guide". Nintendo of America Inc., August 2004. ISBN 1-930206-50-X
* Mylonas, Eric. "Pokémon Pokédex Collector’s Edition: Prima’s Official Pokémon Guide". Prima Games, September 21, 2004. ISBN 0-7615-4761-4
* Nintendo Power. "Official Nintendo Pokémon Emerald Version Player’s Guide". Nintendo of America Inc., April 2005. ISBN 1-930206-58-5

External links

* [ Bulbapedia] - The Pokémon encyclopedia

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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