

In biochemistry, respiration may refer to:
*Cellular respiration, the process in which the chemical bonds of energy-rich molecules such as glucose are converted into energy usable for life processes
*Aerobic respiration, a process that allows respiration with use of oxygen
*Anaerobic respiration, a process that allows respiration without use of oxygen
*Plant respiration, the enzymatic oxidation of substrates in plants, leading to the release of carbon dioxide respiration.In physiology, respiration may refer to :
*Respiration (physiology), the process by which multicellular organisms capture and excrete the gaseous fuel and waste of cellular respiration, absorbing oxygen and disposing of carbon dioxide.
**Aquatic respiration, the process whereby an aquatic animal obtains oxygen from water
**External respiration, the process by which gases are exchanged between the atmosphere and the pulmonary loop of circulation
**Muscles of respiration
**Respiratory system of humans and other mammals
**Respiratory tract in humans is the part of the anatomy that has to do with the process of (physiological) respiration
**Respiratory rate
**Agonal respiration
**Apneustic respirations
**Cheyne-Stokes respiration
**Biot's respiration
**Respiratory arrest, the cessation of the normal tidal flow of the lungs due to paralysis of the diaphragm
**Hypoventilation (also known as respiratory depression) occurs when ventilation is inadequate to perform needed gas exchange
**Inspiratory paroxysmal respiration (also known as "reverse sneezing"), a phenomenon observed in dogs (Especially small dogs)

Medical devices involving respiration include:
*Respiratory therapy or Inhalation therapy, the assessment and treatment of respiratory and cardiovascular pathologies
*Artificial respiration

Other uses include:
*Carbon respiration, a phrase used in combination with carbon storage to calculate the amount of carbon (as CO2) flux occurring in the atmosphere through the various processes that add and subtract atmospheric carbon
*Respiration rate, a parameter which is used in ecological and agronomical modelling
*"Respire" (Mickey 3D song), a 2003 song by Mickey 3D

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