- Frank Lowy
nationality = AustralianFrank Lowy AC (born
22 October ,1930 inFiľakovo (Hungarian: "Fülek"),Slovakia ) is anAustralia n businessman and the second richest person inAustralia . He is known for his co-founding and continuing involvement with TheWestfield Group , a retail giant that owns dozens of shopping centres in Australia,New Zealand , theUnited States andGreat Britain . [cite news|url= http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1148482069344&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull|title=Frank Lowy: From Hagana to $3.8 billion magnate|publisher=The Jerusalem Post ]Lowy is Jewish and although born in
Czechoslovakia , he lived inBudapest ,Hungary duringWorld War II . He made his way to France in 1946, where he left on the ship Yagur but was caught en route to Palestine by the British and deported to the detention camp in Cyprus. After a few months, Lowy was allowed into Palestine and was brought to the detention camp in Atlit. Eventually he joined the Hagana and then the Golani Brigade, fighting during the War of Independence in the Galilee and in Gaza. In 1952 Lowy left Israel and joined his family, who had left Europe for Australia and started a business delivering small goods. In 1953, he met fellow Hungarian immigrant John Saunders (born Jenö Schwarcz). The pair became business partners, eventually creating Westfield (Saunders left the company in 1987). Business Review Weekly measures Lowy's wealth at A$6.3 billion, making him Australia's richest person, taking over fromAndrew Forrest .In May 2001, Westfield paid $US127 million for a 99-year lease on the retail area beneath the New YorkWorld Trade Center . In September 2003 it received $US17.3 million as a party in the insurance claim following the terrorist attack on the twin towers. [cite news|url=http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/09/04/1062548970248.html?from=storyrhs|title=Westfield wants out of World Trade Centre site|publisher=Sydney Morning Herald ] OnFebruary 18 ,2006 , theLos Angeles Times reported that Westfield, "the largest owner of shopping centres in California and the world", had agreed to acquire 15 stores from Federated Department Stores, all but three in southernCalifornia . [cite news|url=http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-mall18feb18,0,305706.story?track=tothtml|title=Deal to Open Up Shopping Malls|author=Roger Vincent|publisher=Los Angeles Times ]In 2003 Frank Lowy set up the
Lowy Institute for International Policy , an international policythink tank devoted to foreign affairs. [ cite web |url= http://www.lowyinstitute.org |title=About the Lowy Institute |accessdate=2006-12-04 | ] This has led to Lowy being awarded the Woodrow Wilson Award for Corporate Citizenship in 2005 by theWoodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars . [cite news
author= AAP
publisher=Sydney Morning Herald
title=Howard gets award amid anti-US concern]Lowy has become involved with the newly created
Football Federation Australia , which has replaced the now defunct Soccer Australia. Many observers credit him and John O'Neill, a formerrugby union executive, with resurrectingfootball (soccer) in Australia . A well structuredA-League is now in place, and the country has become a member of theAsian Football Confederation .In September 2008 he was announced as a part of theFIFA board.Lowy was a board member of the
Reserve Bank of Australia and has been awarded aCompanion of the Order of Australia .In May 2007 it was reported that Lowy faced Israeli police investigation over a corruption scandal involving
Israel i Prime MinisterEhud Olmert , however, all charges were dropped. [cite news
title=Frank Lowy to face Israeli police]On
October 2 ,2007 , Lowy received the Henni Friedlander Award for the Common Good atBowdoin College inBrunswick, Maine ,United States . [cite news
publisher=Bowdoin College
title=Business Leader/Philanthropist Frank Lowy to Receive Henni Friedlander Award for the Common Good]In 2008, Frank Lowy and related interests were mentioned in documents stolen from the LGT Bank of Lichtenstein by a former employee. This is now subject to a US Senate probe and an ATO audit. Frank Lowy maintains he hasn't done anything wrong and both cases are progressing. [cite news
title=Probe into lowys offshore banking]References
*cite news|url=http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2004/09/23/1095651469397.html?oneclick=true|title=Frank Lowy gives himself a $1.3m pay rise|publisher=
Sydney Morning Herald |date=2004-09-24 External links
* [http://www.westfield.com.au Westfield Group]
* [http://www.lowyinstitute.org Lowy Institute]
* [http://www.footballaustralia.com.au Football Federation Australia]
* [http://www.ioadmin.unsw.edu.au/agsm/web.nsf/Content/AGSMMagazine-LearningTheValueInEducation Australian Graduate School of Management]
* [http://www.jewishtimes.com.au/content/view/303/190/ Australian Jewish Times]
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