Italian Peruvian

Italian Peruvian

Infobox Ethnic group
group = Italian Peruvian

caption = Notable Italian Peruvians Francisco Bolognesi Antonio Raimondi

flagicon|Italy flagicon|Peru
poptime = About 200,000 of mixed blood and around 1000 of direct Italian descent.
popplace = Arequipa, Callao (La Punta District), Lima, Tacna, Trujillo, Ica
langs = Spanish, Italian
rels = Roman Catholic
related =

An Italian Peruvian is a Peruvian citizen of Italian descent. The phrase may refer to someone born in Peru of Italian descent or to someone who has immigrated to Peru from Italy. Among European Peruvians, Italians were one of the largest groups of immigrants to settle in the country.


In 1872, the "Sociedad de Inmigración Europea" ("European Immigration Society") was founded in Peru. Its objective was promoting Old World immigration by covering the costs of their journeys and financially supporting them during their first settler years in Peru. A massive influx of immigrants was expected, as had happened in the United States (3.5 million), Argentina (2 million)and Brazil (1.5 million); However, the results were disappointing as only 313,000 Italians arrived during the 20th century.

The regions where most of the Italian immigrants originated from were Piedmont, Lombardy, and LiguriaFact|date=April 2008. They worked at small family-run business (such as grocery stores) or in larger enterprises along with their fellow Italians, as they were relatively skilled. Most of the Italo-peruvians came during or immediately after World War II. Most were not mainstream Italians, but they came from the small fascist elite that had been displacedFact|date=April 2008. Many Italian Peruvians intermarried and many Italian Peruvian families are relatedFact|date=April 2008. Most Italian Peruvians live in Lima. As time passes on, the number of Italian Peruvians is decreasing and the culture diminishes. Fact|date=April 2008

Italian Peruvian institutions and associations

* Colegio Antonio Raimondi
* Asociación de descendientes de Italianos en el Perú
* Instituto Cultural Italo-Peruano
* Società Italiana d'IStruzione "Scuola Santa Margherita".
* Associazione Lombardi del Peru
* Associazione Liguri del Peru
* Associazione Siciliani del Peru

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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