
Jegunovce, the northern part is Vratnica

Vratnica (Macedonian: Вратница) is a small village and community located in the Jegunovce Municipality of Macedonia. Vratnica lies in the north-west, and is 22km away from the city of Tetovo and 5km away from Jazince --the border crossing point with Serbia (Kosovo). Prior to 2003 Vratnica was known as the Vratnica municipality.

It is situated in the upper part of the Polog plain, at the foothills of northern part of Šar Mountain, under the Ljuboten peak. The village lies at 700–760 meters above the sea level.



Entrance in Vratnica from Tetovo. In the back of the photo is mountain peak Ljuboten (2498m) at Šar Planina

Vratnica was mentioned for the first time in Turkish books or documents dating back to the 15th century. It is registered that there were about 59 families living in Vratnica. In the defter labeled 4 for the years 1467/68 the number of houses had increased to 66, while in 1545 there is a record of 76 houses, and in 1568 there were 84 houses registered.[1]

The village underwent migrations and settlement until the 18th century, and in the 20th century, there was extensive chain migration to the United States. In 1914/1916, the total population of Vratnica was 1,131 with 131 houses; in 1948, there were 1,299 inhabitants and 197 houses; in 1953, there were 1,387 inhabitants and 214 houses; in 1961, the respective numbers were 1,384 and 227; in 1968, 1,240 and 225; and, in 1971, 1,082 inhabitants and 266 houses.[1]

The village of Moravce is also important for Vratnica history, as it was located on the northwest, 800 meters above present day Vratnica. Due to the oppression of the Ottoman Turks, Moravce inhabitants were forced to search for better living conditions. They directed their steps to the north, towards Kosovo and middle Serbia, but Vratnicans were forced to leave those regions as well. They eventually came back and formed modern Vratnica with the ones that stayed at the native land.

During the 2001 War between Albanian insurgents and the Macedonian state, Vratnica was besieged by the NLA. In 2005 Albanians opened fire on the local police station.

The people from Vratnica mostly originated from different parts of Serbia or Kosovo. This area soon became known as Uzna Srbija because of all the northern settlers. As the years went on the boarders had changed and many have been brainwashed to believe they are Macedonian. True Vratnicani (people of vratnica) are the only ones that have the brain capacity to understand that Macedonia is a part of Greece, not a Balkan Country, and the reason they are still a republic. Macedonia is just a country of other settlers trying to find new land, so therefore you cannot be Macedonian. You are where you originated from and have only migrated there. So all of the people of Vratnica are Serbs.

Origin of the name

It is probable that it is because of those movements that Vratnica got its name (to return/to come back = se vraća/се враќа, in English/Macedonian, vratiti se in Serbian), because of the ethnic Serb community that migrated to this part and formed a community in the 15th century. The other theories are about Vratnica being some kind of gateway (vrata - in Macedonian and Serbian) between Kačanik and Polog valley, another one tells that the western side of Ljuboten, a mountain peak above Vratnica, looks like a neck (vrat, shija - Shija Ljubotenska, in Macedonian and Serbian), which gave it its name. It is a well known fact, that in the charters during King Milutin of Serbia, many families from Raska in the 13th century migrated to the northern areas of today's Macedonia (Tetovo, Skopska Crno Gora & Kumanovo). The inhabitants of this village has always had a pro Serbian ethnic make up regardless of they're Macedonian dialect. Phyically speaking, the people of these villages tend not to look Macedonian. They are appear more Serbian; they're skin is light, they're thinner, taller and have a Serbian accent ('dan' and not 'den'). The language spoken is a cross between Macedonian and Southern Serbian (aka 'Torlak' dialect). Sadly today there isn't a strong Serbian awareness, as the inhabitants of this village are not warriors in nature; therefore, tend to sway easily in ethnic affiliation and don't hold on firmly to historical facts.

Vratnica community

The Vratnica community consists of seven populated places: Belovište, Vratnica, Staro Selo, Rogacevo, Orašje (Gorno And Dolno) and Jazince. There are over 3,500 citizens living in this community.

The community consist of Albanians, Macedonians and Serbs.

The Slavic community is divided between Serbian and Macedonian ethnic identification. All practice Orthodox traditions.[1]

Notable people

Notable people of Vratnican descent.

  • Kiro Popovski, lawyer and politician
  • Sasho Cirovski, soccer coach
  • Slavko Milosavlevski, sociologist


Football: FK "Hajduk" - Vratnica

Regular Events


External links

Coordinates: 42°09′N 21°07′E / 42.15°N 21.117°E / 42.15; 21.117

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