- Karloo, Western Australia
Infobox Australian Place | type = suburb
name = Karloo
city = Geraldton
state = wa
caption =
lga = City of Geraldton-Greenough
postcode = 6530
pop = 695 (2001 census)
area = 2.4
est =
stategov = Geraldton
fedgov = O'Connor
dist1 = 5 | dir1 = SE
location1= Geraldton
near-nw = Rangeway
near-n = Utakarra
near-ne = Utakarra
near-w = Mount Tarcoola
near-e = Narngulu
near-sw = Wandina
near-s = Rudds Gully
near-se = Narngulucoord|-28.806|114.634|type:city(641)_region:AU-WA_scale:50000|format=dms|display=titleKarloo is a locality southeast of Geraldton,
Western Australia . Its Local Government Area is theCity of Geraldton-Greenough .The locality was gazetted in 1979. [Gazette WA | title = Naming of Localities - Shire of Greenough | file = 3231/71 | page = 1979:431 | date = 16 February 1979]
Karloo is located convert|5|km|mi|1|lk=on southeast of Geraldton's
central business district , extending southeast from the suburb of Rangeway. Much of Karloo is still in its native state, and the route of the proposedGeraldton Southern Transport Corridor passes through the locality.Streetsmart WA|maps=Maps G3, G5]Demographics
At the 2006 census, Karloo had a population of 641.Census 2006 AUS|id=SSC54281|name=Karloo (State Suburb)|accessdate=2007-06-27|
] The median age of Karloo residents was 24 - significantly higher than the regional average of 35 - and median incomes were below-average for the region — $316 per week compared with $461 per week. 32.1% of the population were identified as Aboriginal, while 4.4% identified as
Malay .The most popular religious affiliations in descending order in the 2001 census were Roman Catholic, no religion, Anglican and Islam.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.