Local Government Areas of Western Australia
- Local Government Areas of Western Australia
The Australian state of Western Australia is divided into 142 Local Government Areas (including Christmas Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands). Their mandate and operations are governed by the Local Government Act 1995. [cite web |url= http://www.dlgrd.wa.gov.au/Legislation/ActsRegs/Acts.asp|title= Local Government Act 1995 |accessdate=2008-04-08 |author= Department of Local Government and Regional Development]
There are three classifications of local government in Western Australia:
*City (predominantly urban, some larger regional centres)
*Town (predominantly inner urban and three medium sized rural centres)
*Shire (predominantly rural or outer suburban areas)
Historically, two types of local government existed - municipalities, which represented towns or condensed urban areas, and road boards, which represented all other regions. The Perth Road Board, for instance, was the precursor to the City of Stirling. Only a few cities - Perth, Fremantle, Subiaco, South Perth and Nedlands - existed prior to 1961. On 1 July 1961, all road boards became shires, and all municipalities became towns.
Table of areas
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Local Government Areas in Western Australia — Es gibt 144 selbstständige Verwaltungsbezirke (Local Government Areas) in Western Australia, einschließlich der Weihnachtsinsel und den Kokosinseln. Sie sind in dem Dachverband Western Australian Local Government Association organisiert, der ihre … Deutsch Wikipedia
Local Government Areas in South Australia — Der Bundesstaat South Australia im Süden des australischen Kontinents Der australische Bundesstaat South Australia ist unterteilt in 68 lokale Verwaltungsgebiete, die Local Government Areas (LGA). Es bestehen drei Klassifikationen von LGA: City… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Local Government Areas of Australia — Local Government Area (abbreviated LGA) is a term used in Australia (and especially by the Australian Bureau of Statistics) to refer to areas controlled by each individual Local Government. The generic names of Local Governments vary from state… … Wikipedia
Local Government Areas in New South Wales — Der Bundesstaat New South Wales im Südosten des australischen Kontinents Der australische Bundesstaat New South Wales ist unterteilt in 152 lokale Verwaltungsgebiete, die Local Government Areas (LGA). Es bestehen vier Klassifikationen von LGA:… … Deutsch Wikipedia
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Local Government Areas in Tasmanien — Der australische Bundesstaat Tasmanien ist in 29 lokale Selbstverwaltungsgebiete, so genannte Local Government Areas (LGA), eingeteilt (Stand August 2006). Sie tragen jeweils zusätzlich die formelle Bezeichnung City oder Municipality. Diese… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Local Government Areas of New South Wales — The Local Government Areas of New South Wales, Australia have been subject to periodic bouts of restructuring and rationalisation by the State Government, involving voluntary and involuntary amalgamation of areas. This list is therefore subject… … Wikipedia
Local Government Areas in Victoria — Der Bundesstaat Victoria im Südosten Australiens Der australische Bundesstaat Victoria ist unterteilt in 79 lokale Verwaltungsgebiete, die Local Government Areas (LGA), sowie 11 unincorporated areas (gemeindefreie Gebiete). Die Gebiete tragen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Local Government Areas in Queensland — Karte der Verwaltungsgebiete in Queensland nach März 2008 Der australische Bundesstaat Queensland ist seit 17. März 2008 nur noch in 53 lokale Verwaltungsgebiete (Local Government Areas) unterteilt. Inhaltsverzeic … Deutsch Wikipedia
Western Australia — Coordinates: 26°0′S 121°0′E / 26°S 121°E / 26; 121 … Wikipedia