- Timeline of 16th century Muslim history
16th Century (1501-1600) (906 AH – 1009 AH)
* 1501:
Ismail I establishes theSafavid dynasty in Persia and the Twelve-Imam Shi'ism becomes the state religion.
* 1502: Final destruction of theGolden Horde byMenli I Giray of Crimea .
* 1507: The Portuguese underAlfonso d'Albuquerque establish strongholds in thePersian Gulf .
* 1508: End of the Turkoman's White Sheep dynasty and the annexation of their territories by theSafavid s.
* 1511: D'Albuquerque conquersMalacca from the Muslims.
* 1514: TheOttoman Sultan Selim I ("the Grim") defeats theSafavid s,Ismail I ,Battle of Chaldiran .
* 1516: TheOttoman Sultan Selim I ("the Grim") defeats theMamluk s at the Battle of Merc-i Dabik with theMamluk Sultan Kansu Gavri killed in this battle and conquers Syria at last by defeating theMamluk at Khan Yunus Battle.
*1517: The Ottoman army crosses the Sinai Dessert, defeats the newMamluk Sultan Tomanbai at the Battle of Ridaniye and Battle of Cairo and conquersEgypt . THe Sharif Of Mecca presented keys of the holy cities of Mecca and Medina to Selim I and was declared the hereditary ruler of the vassal state there. Al-Mutawakkil, the lastAbbasid caliph at Cairo, formally surrenders the title of caliph to Selim I.
* 1520: InOttoman Empire Selim I dies and the reign of Suleiman I, the Magnificent begins.
* 1521: InOttoman Empire Suleiman I conquers Belgrade.
* 1522: InOttoman Empire Suleiman I conquers the Island ofRhodes and the rule of piraticalKnights Hospitallers is ended.
* 1526: InOttoman Empire Suleiman I defeats the Hungarian army at theBattle of Mohacs and Louis of Hungary dies at this battle.Buda and Pest are taken by Ottomans and Hungary is declares a vassal state ofOttoman Empire . The Battle of Panipat inIndia , and the Moghul conquest;Babur makes his capital atDelhi andAgra .
* 1528: The Ottomans retakeBuda inHungary .
* 1529: Unsuccessful Ottomansiege of Vienna .
* 1534: InOttoman Empire Suleiman I conducts a military campaign againstSafavid Shah Tahsmab and conquers the castles of Van andBaghdad and the city of Tabriz.
* 1533: The corsair Ruler of AlgeriaBarbarossa Khayreddin brings his fleet toIstanbul and is appointed the Admiral of the Ottoman fleet and the governor of the vassal state ofAlgeria .
* 1538: The Ottoman Navy under the command ofBarbarossa Khayreddin wins a naval victory against a combined Christian fleet at the Battle of Preveza.
* 1550: The architectSinan builds theSuleiman Mosque inIstanbul . The rise of the Muslim kingdom ofAceh inSumatra . Islam spreads to Java, theMaluku Islands , andBorneo .
* 1565:Knights Hospitaller protect Malta from control by Ottoman forces.
* 1566: Ottoman naval forces gain control of Aegean Islands, such as Chios and many islands under Venetian rule until then are taken over by the Ottoman forces.
* 1566: The death of Suleiman I the Magnificent.Selim II becomes theOttoman Sultan .
* 1568:Alpujarra uprising of theMoriscos (Muslims forcibly converted toCatholicism ) inSpain .
* 1571: The Ottomans are defeated at the naval Battle of Lepanto, and their dominance in the Mediterranean is brought to a close.
* 1578: TheBattle of Alcazarquivir atAlcazarquivir inMorocco . KingSebastian of Portugal is killed.
* 1588: Reign ofAbbas I of Safavid begins.
* 1591:Mustaali Ismaili s split intoSulaymanis andDaudis .
* 1600:Sind annexed by the Mughals. End of theArghun rule inSindh . By the end of this century, global Muslim population had grown to 10 per cent of the total.ee also
Timeline of Muslim history
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