- Timeline of 9th century Muslim history
9th century (801-900) (184 AH – 288 AH)
* 803: Downfall of the
Barmakids . Execution ofJafar Barmki .
* 805: Campaigns against theByzantines . Capture of the islands ofRhodes andCyprus .
* 809: Death ofHarun al-Rashid . Accession ofal-Amin .
* 810:Muhammad al-Taqi , the 9thShia Imam was born.
* 811:Battle of Rayy in Persia.
* 814: Civil war between Amin andal-Ma'mun . Amin killed and Ma'mun becomes theCaliph .
* 815:Shi'a revolt underIbn Tuba Tabs .
* 816: Shi'a revolt inMecca ;Harsama quells the revolt. InSpain theUmayyads capture the island ofCorsica .
* 817:Harthama killed.
* 818:Ali al-Rida is poisoned inMashhad .Muhammad al-Taqi becomesImam . The Umayyads of Spain capture the islands ofIbiza ,Majorca , andSardinia .
* 820:Tahir ibn Husayn establishes the rule of theTahirids inKhurasan .
* 822: Death ofal-Hakam I in Spain; accession ofAbd-ar-rahman II .
* 823: Death of Tahir in Khurasan. Accession of Talha and his deposition. Accession ofAbdullah ibn Tahir al-Khurasani .
* 827:Ali al-Hadi , the 10thShia Imam is born. Ma'mun declares theMu'tazili creed as the state religion.
* 833: Death of Ma'mun. Accession ofal-Mutasim .
* 835:Muhammad al-Taqi is poisoned.Ali al-Hadi becomesImam .
* 836: Mutasim moves the capital toSamarra .
* 837: Revolt of theJats .
* 838: Revolt ofBabak inAzarbaijan suppressed.
* 839: Revolt ofMaziar inTabaristan . The Muslims occupy SouthItaly . Capture of the city ofMessina inSicily .
* 842: Death of Mutasim, accession ofal-Wathiq .
* 843: Revolts of the Arabs.
* 846:Hasan al-Askari , the 11thShia Imam is born.
* 847: Death of Wathiq, accession ofal-Mutawakkil .
* 850: Al-Mutawakkil restores orthodoxy.
* 849: Death of the Tahirid rulerAbdullah ibn Tahir al-Khurasani ; accession of Tahir II.
* 852: Death ofAbd-ar-rahman II of Spain;. accession of Muhammad I.
* 856:Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz founds theHabbarid rule in Sind.
* 858: Al-Mutawakkil founds the town ofJafariya .
* 860: Ahmad founds theSamanid rule inTransoxiana .
* 861: Murder of the Abbasid Caliph al-Mutawakkil; accession ofal-Muntasir .
* 862: Muntasir poisoned to death; accession ofal-Musta'in .
* 864:Zaidi state established inTabaristan byHasan ibn Zayd .
* 866: Al-Musta'in flees from Samarra, his deposition and accession ofal-Mu'tazz ; Muhammad ibn Yusuf Al-Ukhaidhir, a descendent of Ali, establishes an independent kingdom inYamamah .
* 867:Ya'qub-i Laith Saffari founds theSaffarid rule inSistan .
* 868:Ali al-Hadi is poisoned.Hasan al-Askari becomesImam .Muhammad al-Mahdi , the lastImam ofshiite is born.Ahmad ibn Tulun finds theTulunid rule inEgypt .
* 869: The Abbasid Caliph Mu'tazz forced to abdicate, his death and accession ofal-Muhtadi . Beginning ofZanj Revolt inBasra .
* 870: Turks revolt against Muhtadi, his death and accession ofal-Mu'tamid .
* 873:Tahirid rule extinguished.
* 874:Hasan al-Askari is poisoned.Muhammad al-Mahdi becomesImam . He has gone into hiding by the order of Allmighty Allah and will emerge to save mankind and establish Islamic Law all over the world asshiite and muslims believe. Up to 939 only 4 men could communicate with him. Zanji state established at al-Muktara duringZanj revolt in South Iraq. Death of theSamanid ruler Ahmad, accession of Nasr I.
* 877: Death ofYa'qub-i Laith Saffari inSistan , accession ofAmr bin Layth .
* 883: End ofZanj Revolt
* 885: Death ofAhmad ibn Tulun in Egypt, accession ofKhumarawaih ibn Ahmad ibn Tulun .
* 886: Death of Muhammad I the Umayyad ruler of Spain, accession ofal-Mundhir . Death of Abdullah ibn Umar theHabbari ruler ofSind .
* 888: Death of Mundhir the Umayyad ruler of Spain, accession ofAbdullah ibn Muhammad al-Umawi .
* 891: TheQarmatian state established atBahrain .
* 892: Abbasid Caliph al-Mu'tamid death.al-Mu'tadid becomes Caliph. Death of the Samanid ruler Nasr, accession of Ismail I.
* 893: Zaidi Imamate is established in Yemen by al-Hadi Yahya bin al-Husayn ibn al-Qasim
* 894: TheRustamids become the vassals of Spain.
* 896: Death ofKhumarawaih ibn Ahmad ibn Tulun ; accession ofAbul Asakir Jaish .
* 897: Assassination of Abul Asakir Jaish; accession ofAbu Musa Harun .
* 898: Qarmatians sackBasra . By the end of this century, global Muslim population had grown to 3 per cent of the total.ee also
Timeline of Muslim history heyyyy!!!!
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