

Infobox computer
Photo =
Type = Home computer
Released = 1987
Discontinued =
Processor = KR580VM80A @3 MHz
OS = Tape loader or CP/M
Memory = 64 KiB

Vector-06C ( _ru. Вектор-06Ц) is a home computer that was designed and mass produced in USSR in the late 1980s.


Vector-06C was created by Soviet engineers Donat Temirazov and Alexander Sokolov from Kishinev (presently Chişinău). On 33rd National Radio Exhibition the design was honoured with the grand prize. [cite journal | quotes=no | title=Front cover page | journal=Радио | volume = 10/1987 | issn=0033-765X] Shortly after that several factories started production of Vector-06C. In 1988 Vector was honoured a prize on
Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy.

There were modifications adopting Zilog Z80 CPU or the unique Soviet KR580VM1 CPU. A commercial project called Vector Turbo+ with a Z80 CPU, clock frequency increased to 6 or 12 MHz, RAM sized up to 2 MiB and a variety of other improvements was in development. However, according to the InVector e-zine, a prototype of this system never left the work bench due to economical reasons.cite journal
author=NPP "Intech"
title=Вектор-Турбо Плюс
journal=Vector User
] cite journal
author=V.P. Bykov

Vector has gradually become less popular with the increasing flow of IBM PC-compatible computers on Soviet and then CIS markets. Presently Vector-06C enjoys loyal following of the few remaining fans.


CPU: KR580VM80A (8080 clone), factory overclocked to 3 MHz (standard frequency was 2.5MHz);

Busses:8-bit data bus, 16-bit address bus;

Memory: 64 KiB RAM, up to 32 KiB can be used as video memory; 2048 bytes of ROM (512 bytes in earlier models);


Video system supports following modes:cite web | url= | title=Техническая информация по ПК "Вектор" | language=Russian | accessdate=2007-06-17]
* 256×256 pixels, 16 simultaneously displayed colours out of 256-colour palette
* 512×256 pixels, 4 simultaneously displayed colours out of 256-colour palette
* 256×256 or 512×256 monochrome (memory saving mode)

The frame buffer of Vector-06C is unusual for home computers. The memory is organized as 4 bit planes, palette index of each individual pixel is formed from individual bits in 4 planes. Thus the highest colour mode has 24=16 simultaneously displayed colours. The bit planes are defined as follows: a byte represents a horizontal span of 8 pixels. Next byte in video memory represents a span of 8 pixels above it and so on. Thus a bit plane in 256×256 mode can be viewed as 8-pixel wide columns, growing bottom-to-top, lef-to-right; whole screen is thus covered by 32 columns.


3-channel sound system based around KR580VI53, Soviet clone of Intel 8253 timer. Third party modifications allowed use of
General Instruments AY-3-8910 or YM-2149.


A generic household tape recorder was used for persistent data storage. There were 2 modulation methods used, FSK and PSK. Standard 60-minute cassette could hold:
* at least 512 KiB using PSK (1500-2400 bit/s data rate)
* at least 360 KiB using FSK (1200 bit/s data rate)

FSK was primarily used in compatibility modes, which allowed reading data written on Microsha, Radio-86RK and ZX Spectrum. Native tape format used by original software is PSK.


Vector-06C had no built-in software, the tiny ROM only contained a boot loader. The computer could thus only be used with external storage.Vector-06C was sold with a tape containing system utility and game programs. Third party applications could be obtained through various companies. Original software titles were games, programming languages (BASIC, Pascal, a monitor/debugger, Assembler, text and graphics editors, etc.

With optional floppy disk extension, CP/M version 2.2 was adopted. This allowed a broad range of CP/M software to be used on Vector.

It was also possible to run some Radio-86RK, Microsha, Specialist software items. Also, a method of low-level adaptation of ZX Spectrum and MSX titles was developed and some software items were ported. In particular, Vector User magazine mentions a software package consisting of a disassembler, a processor that substitutes Z80-specific instructions that 8080 was lacking with macros and a set of macros. The package was used to port several ZX Spectrum titles, namely Chess Master, West Bank, Jumping Jack [cite journal | first=Yuri | last=Makrinsky | title=Универсальный дизассемблер комманд Z80 и 8080 | journal=Vector User | volume = 20,21 | language=Russian] .

User Community

Although Vector-06C was foreshadowed by more mainstream home computers such as BK-0010, ZX Spectrum and its clones, it enjoyed a considerable loyal following of fans. Enthusiasts developed and produced software and hardware extensions for Vector. Among hardware extensions there are RAM-disk, floppy and HDD controllers, sound synthesizers, realtime clocks and others. Both commercial and public developments existed. There were electronic and hardcopy publications, most notably "Invector", "Vector User", "Coman Info"cite web | url=|title=Вектор-06Ц: Электронные издания | language=Russian | accessdate=2007-06-17] . Several software contests were held among Vector users, notably DemosFan that used to take place in St.Petersburg, Russia.cite web | url=|title=Вектор-06Ц: О главном| language=Russian | accessdate=2007-06-17]


External links

* [ The most comprehensive resource about Vector-06C: software, emulators, documentation, publications archive]
* [ Technical Description of Vector-06C by Alexander Timoshenko]
* [ FORTH Programming Language for Vector-06C]
* [ Archive of "Vector User" and "Coman Info" publications on the Emulator3000 site]
* [ vector06cc: open source Vector-06C replica in FPGA]

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