

Vector may refer to:

In mathematics

* Euclidean vector, a geometric entity endowed with both length and direction, an element of a Euclidean vector space
* Coordinate vector, in linear algebra, an explicit representation of an element of any abstract vector space
* Probability vector, in statistics, a vector with non-negative entries that add up to one
* Row vector or column vector, a one-dimensional matrix often representing the solution of a system of linear equations
* Tuple, an ordered list of numbers, sometimes used to represent a vector

In computer science

* A one-dimensional array
** Vector (STL), a data type in the C++ Standard Template Library
* Dope vector, a data structure used to store information about an array
* Vector processor, a computer processor which works on arrays of several numbers at once
* Vector graphics, images defined by geometric primitives as opposed to bitmaps
* Interrupt vector, the location in memory of an interrupt handling routine
* Vector (malware), methods used by computer viruses and malware to propagate themselves
* Vector-06C, a computer developed in the USSR

In biology

*Vector (biology), organism that transmits diseases, infections, or foreign living material
*Vector State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology
*Vector (molecular biology), vehicle used to transfer genetic material to a target cell
**Plasmid vector
**Viral vector, a virus modified to deliver foreign genetic material into a cell
**Cloning vector
**Expression vector, a plasmid specifically used for protein expression in the target

In business

* Vector Limited, a New Zealand gas and electricity supplier
* Vector Marketing, marketing arm of Alcas Corporation
* Vector Motors, an automobile manufacturer
** Vector W2, a concept car created by Vector Motors

In entertainment

* "Vector" (novel), a 1999 novel by Robin Cook
* Vector (band), a 1980s New Wave rock band
* Vector Prime, a "Star Wars" novel written by R. A. Salvatore
* Vectorman, a game for Sega Genesis platform

Fictional elements

* Vector the Crocodile, a character in the "Sonic the Hedgehog" video game series
* Vector ("Battle Angel Alita"), a character in the "Battle Angel Alita" manga series
* Vector Sigma, a computer in the "Transformers" universe
* Septima Vector, a character in the "Harry Potter" universe
* Vector, a location in the video game "Final Fantasy VI"
* Vector Industries, an organization in the "Xenosaga" video game series

Other uses

* Vector (food), a cereal manufactured by Kellogg's
* "Vector" (journal), the critical journal of the British Science Fiction Association
* Light verb, or "vector", in grammar, a verb participating in complex predication
* Vectors Journal of Culture and Technology in a Dynamic Vernacular, an online journal

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  • vector — VECTÓR, vectori, s.m. Mărime matematică sau fizică definită printr o valoare numerică, o unitate de măsură, o direcţie şi un punct de aplicaţie (reprezentată grafic printr un segment de dreaptă orientat). ♢ (Adjectival) Rază vectoare. – Din fr.… …   Dicționar Român

  • Vector WX-8 — Vector WX 8 …   Википедия

  • vector — m. microb. Hospedador intermediario que transporta y transmite un microorganismo patógeno productor de enfermedad. Pueden ser mamíferos, artrópodos, etc. También se denomina vehículo. ⊆ genét. Plásmido o cromosoma vírico en cuyo genoma se inserta …   Diccionario médico

  • Vector — Vec tor, n. [L., a bearer, carrier. fr. vehere, vectum, to carry.] 1. Same as {Radius vector}. [1913 Webster] 2. (Math.) A directed quantity, as a straight line, a force, or a velocity. Vectors are said to be equal when their directions are the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Vector — steht für in der Informatik ein eindimensionales Array einen Vektorprozessor den Sportwagenhersteller Vector Motors Corporation sowie dessen Fahrzeugmodelle. die Linuxdistribution VectorLinux die Vector Informatik, eine auf Software Tools und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • VECTOR — apud Treb. Pollionem, in Gallienis, c. 12. Quum taurum ingentem in arenam misisset, exîssetque ad eum feriendum vector, neque perductum decies potuisset occidere etc. venator est, sic dictus ex Graeco δ᾿έκτης, quod opuds sit viribus maximis ad… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • vector — (Del lat. vector, ōris, que conduce). 1. m. Agente que transporta algo de un lugar a otro. U. t. c. adj.) 2. Bioquím. Fragmento de ácido desoxirribonucleico que puede unir otro fragmento ajeno y transferirlo al genoma de otros organismos. 3. Fil …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • Vector — (Math.), s. Radius vector …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Vector — (Radius vector), »Fahrstrahl«, Leitstrahl; s. Radius und Kegelschnitte; vgl. Vektoranalysis …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • vector — (n.) quantity having magnitude and direction, 1704, from L. vector one who carries or conveys, carrier, from pp. stem of vehere carry, convey (see VEHICLE (Cf. vehicle)) …   Etymology dictionary

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