List of home computers

List of home computers

This is a list of home computers, sorted alphanumerically by manufacturer's name and chronologically by computer model. Note: in cases of manufacturers who have made both home and business-oriented personal computers, only machines fitting into the home [ In this list a "home" computer is a factory-assembled consumer product, mass-marketed for general consumer use, usually at significantly lower cost than contemporary business computers, with an alphabetic keyboard, the ability to run both games software as well as application software and user-written programs, some external removable mass storage device (cassette or diskette), and excludes PDAs, laptop computers, and pure video game consoles. Single-board development or evaluation boards, intended to demonstrate a microprocessor, are excluded since these were not marketed to general consumers. This list also excludes the pioneering kit and assembled hobby microcomputers which generally required electronics skills to build or operate. ] computer category are listed.

For a home computer list categorized by wordlength and CPU, see the list of home computers by category. For a home computer list categorized by Video Hardware capabilities , see the List of home computers by video hardware. For a list of microcomputers of the pre-home computer era, see the list of early microcomputers.


*Acorn Computers Ltd:
**Acorn System 1
**Acorn System 2
**Acorn System 3
**Acorn System 4
**Acorn Atom
**BBC Micro
**Acorn Electron
**BBC Master
**Acorn Archimedes
**Acorn A7000

**Amstrad CPC 464, 664, 6128 (incl. the Plus models)

*APF Electronics, Inc.:
**Imagination Machine

*Apple Computer:
**Apple II family
***Apple IIe
***Apple IIc
***Apple IIc Plus
***Apple IIGS
**See also List of Apple II clones

*Apricot Computers/Applied Computer Technology
** Apricot F1

*Aster Computers:
**Aster CT-80 (TRS-80 compatible)

**Atari 400, 600,800, XL, and XE
**Atari ST


* Bally Consumer Products
** Bally Brain video game/home computer, 1979 [ "What's New", "BYTE Magazine" July 1979 pg. 240 ]
**Bally Astrocade

*BBC: see Acorn



**MSX 1 and MSX 2 standard computers

**MSX 1 standard computers

*Castle Technology

*CGL Home Computers
**CGL M5

**Coleco Adam

**Commodore PET
**MAX Machine
**Commodore 64, Commodore Executive 64
**Commodore 16 and 116
**Commodore Plus/4
**Commodore 128
**Commodore VIC-20


*Comx World Operations, Hong Kong


*D4 Enterprise

**Daewoo CPC-300

*Data Applications International:
**DAI Personal Computer

*Dick Smith
** VZ200 (rebadged VTech Laser 200)
** VZ300 (rebadged VTech Laser 310)
** System 80

** Alpha, Beta, Gama

*Dragon Data:
**Dragon 32
**Dragon 64
**Dragon MSX ( MSX prototype )

* Dubna
**Dubna 48K


**Video Genie
**Colour Genie

**Elektor Junior Computer
**Elektor TV Games Computer


*Elektronska Industrija Niš
**Pecom 32
**Pecom 64

*Enterprise 64 and 128

**Exidy Sorcerer


* Facit

*Franklin Computer Corporation:
**Franklin ACE series (Apple II compatibles)

* Fujicomp
**Fujicomp PC 1000
**Fujicomp PC 5500 (Apple II compatible)
**FM Towns


**MSX 1 standard computers
** See also List of MSX compatible computers

**MSX 1 standard computers

**MSX 1 standard computers

*Grundy Business Systems, Ltd:
**Grundy NewBrain

*Galaksija, a build-it-yourself home computer that created a wave of enthusiasts


* Heathkit
** Z-100
* Hitachi:
** MSX 1 standard computers
* Honeywell
** Honeywell 316#Kitchen Computer


**IBM PS/1

*Intelligent Systems Corporation
**Compucolor II


* Ivasim
** Ivel Ultra
** Ivel Z3


*Jupiter Cantab:
**Jupiter ACE

**MSX 2 standard computers


**ABC 80
*Laser: See Vtech



**Matra Alice

*Music print Computer Product (MCP): see Aster Computers

**Memotech MTX500, MTX512, RS128

* Mihajlo Pupin Institute

*Microbee Systems, Australia:

*Miles Gordon Technology:
**SAM Coupé (ZX Spectrum successor)

**MSX 1 and MSX 2 standard computers

* Multitech
** MPF III Apple II near-compatible


**Nascom 1
**Nascom 2

**MSX 1 and MSX 2 standard computers

**NEC PC-8801
**NEC PC-9801
**NEC PC-100
**NEC PC-6001
**NEC PC-8001


**Prodest PC128S
**Prodest PC128

*Oric Int'l/Tangerine:
**Oric 1
**Oric Atmos
**Oric Telestrat

*Orion Electronics
** Orion III Apple II compatible


**Panasonic JR-200
**MSX 1, MSX 2, and MSX 2+ standard computers

* Peach Microsystems
** Peach IV Apple II compatible

*PEL Varaždin
** Galeb
** Orao

**MSX 1 and MSX 2 standard computers

*Pioneer Electronics:
**MSX 1 standard computers

**Pravetz series 8, including -83, -83, -84, -8M/E/A/D/S.


* Qcal International
** QCAL 600 Apple II compatible
** QCAL 980
** QCAL 1000


*Radio Shack:
**TRS-80 Model I,III,4
**TRS-80 Color Computer (CoCo), Coco 2, Coco 3
**TRS-80 MC-10
**Tandy 1000
** See also List of TRS-80 clones

*Research Machines (RM plc):
**RM 380Z
**Link 480Z
**Nimbus PC-186

**KC 85/1

**Fellow (rebadged VTech Laser 200)

**MSX 1, MSX 2, and MSX 2+ standard computers


**MZ series

**X series
***Sharp X1
***Sharp X68000

*Sinclair Research:
**ZX Spectrum
**Sinclair QL
** See also List of ZX80/81 clones

**MSX 1, MSX 2, and MSX 2+ standard computers

**Sony SMC-777

**Sord M5
**Sord M68

**MSX 1 standard computers, among these:


*Tatung Company:
**Tatung Einstein

*Texas Instruments:

**PMD 85

**Texet TX8000 (rebadged VTech Laser 200)


*Tiki Data:
**Tiki 100
* Timex Sinclair
** Timex Sinclar 1000 and 1500
** Timex Sinclair 2048
** Timex Sinclair 2068
** Komputer 2086

* Tomy
** Tomy Tutor (US) /Grandstand Tutor (UK), a Texas Instruments TI-99/4A near-compatible
**MSX 1 standard computers


* Unitron (Apple II compatible)


*VEB Mikroelektronik "Wilhelm Pieck" Mühlhausen:
**KC 85/2
**KC 85/3
**KC 85/4

* Vector (USSR)

* Videobrain
**VideoBrain Family Computer

** TVC

*Video Technology (AKA VTech):

Note: The VTech Lasers were rebadged under several different names.


**MSX 1 standard computers

**MSX 1 standard computers

**MSX 1 standard computers

See also

*List of early microcomputers
*List of home computers by category
*List of home computers by video hardware


* "Survey of 150 Computers", "Computing Now!", ISSN 0823-6437, Vol. 2 No. 1 April 1984 pgs. 8-35

External links

* [ Obsolete technology website] — Information about many old computers.
* [] — Web Site dedicated to old computers.

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