Saesee Tiin

Saesee Tiin

SW Character

name=Saesee Tiin
position= Jedi Master/ Council Member
height= 1.88 meters
hair= None
eyes= Blue-Grey
weapon= Lightsaber
vehicle= SoroSuub Cutless-9 Sharp Spiral, Jedi Starfighter
planet= Iktotch
affiliation= Jedi, Galactic Republic
portrayer= Khan Bonfils

Saesee Tiin is a fictional character from the "Star Wars" universe. He appears in ', ', the animated ' series, and in '. In the live action films, he is portrayed by Khan Bonfils.


Saesee Tiin appears as a tall, peach-skinned Jedi Master with long, inwardly curved horns on each side of his head. In the Expanded Universe, Tiin is identified as a member of the Iktotchi race with telepathic abilities and superb Force-enhanced piloting skills.

In ', Saesee Tiin is seen with the Jedi Council and as a mourner at Qui-Gon Jinn's funeral on Naboo. In ', he fights in the Battle of Geonosis, the opening battle of the Clone Wars. Saesee Tiin also appears in the second volume of the "Clone Wars" cartoon, where upon Master Mace Windu's orders, he leads a battalion of clone troopers into the heated space battle above Coruscant with Kel Dor Jedi Master and Council member Plo Koon. He boards a Separatist cruiser and seizes it with his troops.

In "Revenge of the Sith", Saesee Tiin is one of four Jedi Masters who attempts to arrest Chancellor Palpatine after learning that he is actually a Sith Lord. In the ensuing struggle, the Chancellor first stabs Agen Kolar with his lightsaber, then moves to slash Saesee. Kit Fisto was quickly downed afterwards.

Behind the scenes

An issue of "Star Wars Insider" explained that costume designers for "Attack of the Clones" made Tiin's costume in anticipation of the battle scene at the end of the film and didn't know whether he'd appear in "Revenge of the Sith", and so made the damaged aspect, a missing horn from his head, a highlight of the character. To establish a canonical explanation for why the horn returns in the next film, it was established that his species has regenerative abilities.

In the , Saesee Tiin is killed by Palpatine "before" Agen Kolar, after being tricked by the Chancellor. According to the novelization, Tiin has some telepathic abilities, which would - if Tiin were close enough - indicate to him whether Palpatine was hiding treachery. Unfortunately for Tiin, getting close enough happened to bring him within stabbing range of Palpatines' hidden lightsaber (which he had tucked into his sleeve) and Tiin is killed almost before he knows what is happening. This version would make Tiin the first victim of the Great Jedi Purge. However, the movie canon would probably take precedence in this matter and so it is likely that Kolar, not Tiin, is the first victim of the Purge.

External links

* [ Star Wars: Databank: Saesee Tiin]

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