- List of science museums
Below is the list of science museums all over the world. See
Science museum for definitions.Europe
Ars Electronica ,Linz
* [http://www.hdm.at/ House of Music (Haus der Musik)] ,Vienna
*Technisches Museum Wien , ViennaBelgium
* [http://ecohuis.antwerpen.be/index.htm EcoHuis Antwerp] ,
*Euro Space Center ,Wallonia , Belgium
*Hidrodoe ,Herentals
* [http://www.pass.be/en/home.shtml PASS -Parc d'Aventures Scientifiques] ,Frameries
* [http://www.polarfoundation.org/ Polaris Climate Change Observatory - Brussels] ,Brussels
*Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences ,Brussels
*Technopolis (Belgium) ,Mechelen , BelgiumCroatia
* [http://www.mdc.hr/tehnicki/en/index.html Technical Museum] ,
Zagreb Czech Republic
Mendel Museum of Genetics ,Brno
*National Technical Museum (Prague) ,Prague
* [http://www.techmania.cz/ Techmania] ,Pilsen Denmark
* [http://uk.danfossuniverse.com/ Danfoss Universe] ,
* [http://www.experimentarium.dk/index.php?id=248 Experimentarium] ,Copenhagen
* [http://www.stenomuseet.dk/engelsk/mellem.htm Steno Museum] ,Arhus
* [http://www.tekniskmuseum.dk/ Danish Technical Museum (Danmarks Tekniske Museum)] ,Elsinore
* [http://www.xploorit.dk/ Xploorit] ,Kolding Estonia
* [http://www.ahhaa.ee/index.php?page=31&keel=eng AHHAA Science Centre at Tartu University] ,
Tartu ,Estonia
* [http://www.energiakeskus.ee/ Energiakeskus (Energy Center)] ,Tallin Finland
* [http://www.arcticcentre.org/?deptid=10384 Arctic Centre, University of Lapland] ,
* [http://www.gaserlachius.fi/ G.A. Serlachius Museum] ,Mänttä
*Heureka ,Vantaa ,Finland
* [http://www.tietomaa.fi/eng/index.html Science Centre Tietomaa] ,Oulu France
Agropolis ,Montpellier
* [http://www.cap-sciences.net/ Cap Sciences] ,Bordeaux
*Cité de l'espace ,Toulouse
*Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie , Paris, France
* [http://www.leradome.com/ Cité des télécoms] , also known as [http://www.group-trotter.net/france/places/radome/radome.html Radome - Musée des Télécoms] ,Pleumeur-Bodou
* [http://www.ccsti-grenoble.org/ CCSTI de Grenoble] ,Grenoble
* [http://www.espace-sciences.org/ Espace des Sciences] ,Rennes
* [http://www.exploradome.com/ Exploradome] , Paris
* [http://www.forum-des-sciences.fr/ Forum Départemental des Sciences] ,Villeneuve
* [http://www.emse.fr/larotonde/ La Rotonde] ,Saint-Etienne
*Micropolis (La Cité des Insectes) ,Millau
*Musée des Arts et Métiers , Paris, France
* [http://www.palais-decouverte.fr/index.php Palais de la Découverte] , Paris, France
* [http://www.palais-univers.org/ Palais de l'Univers] ,Cappelle la Grande
* [http://www.levaisseau.com/ Vaisseau] ,Strasbourg
* [http://www.visiatome.fr/ Visiatome] ,Marcoule
*Vulcania ,Saint-Ours-les-Roches , AuvergneGermany
* [http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://www.adam-ries-bund.de/museum.htm&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=1&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%2BAdam-Ries-Museum%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26hs%3Dxi6 Adam-Ries Museum] ,
* [http://www.bmm.charite.de/index_engl.htm Berliner Medizinhistorisches Museum der Charité] , Berlin
* [http://www.dasa-dortmund.de/nn_58210/en/Homepage.html__nnn=true DASA - German Occupational Safety and Health Exhibition] ,Dortmund
*Deutsches Museum ,Munich
*Deutsches Hygiene-Museum,Dresden
* [http://www.explo-heidelberg.de/ ExploHeidelberg] ,Heidelberg
* [http://www.dchm.de/index.php?id=uk German Chemistry Museum (Deutsches Chemie-museum)]Merseburg
*German Museum of Technology (Berlin)
* [http://en.hnf.de/default.asp Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum] ,Paderborn
*Hermann Oberth Space Travel Museum ,Feucht ,Bavaria
* [http://www.landesmuseum-mannheim.de/ Landesmuseum für Technik und Arbeit] ,Mannheim
* [http://www.liebig-museum.de/ Liebig-Museum] ,Gießen
*Mathematikum ,Gießen
* [http://www.odysseum.de ODYSSEUM Koln (Cologne Science Center)] ,Cologne
*Otto-Lilienthal-Museum ,Anklam
* [http://www.phaenomenta-bremerhaven.de/ Phanomenta] ,Bremerhaven [http://www.bremerhaven-touristik.de/bremerhaven-tourism/englisch/Sehenswuerdigkeiten/b_erlebnisausstellung_phaenomenta.html?DisplayBack=true]
* [http://www.phaenomenta.com/flensburg/ Phanomenta] ,Flensburg
* [http://phaenomenta.de/Luedenscheid/ Phanomenta] ,Ludenscheid
* [http://www.phaenomenta-peenemuende.de/ Phanomenta] ,Peenemünde
*Phaeno Science Center ,Wolfsburg
*Rheinisches Industriemuseum ,Oberhausen ,Ratingen ,Solingen ,Bergisch Gladbach ,Engelskirchen ,Euskirchen
*Sinsheim Auto & Technik Museum
*Technikmuseum Speyer
*Spectrum - German Museum of Technology (Berlin), Berlin
* [http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://www.technikmuseum-magdeburg.de/&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=1&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%2BTechnikmuseum%2BMagdeburg%2B(%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26hs%3DNo7 Technik Museum Magdeburg] ,Magdeburg
* [http://www.turmdersinne.de/index.html Turm der Sinne (Tower of Senses)] ,Nuernberg
*Völklinger Hütte (Völklingen Ironworks),Völklingen
* [http://www.x-world.de/ X-World Science Center] ,Rust
*Universum Science Center ,Bremen Greece
Thessaloniki Science Center & Technology Museum - NOESIS , GreeceHungary
* [http://www.csodapalota.hu Palace of Miracles] ,
* [http://www.chemonet.hu/hun/mvm/mvm1e.html Hungarian Chemistry Museum] ,Várpalota ,Thury Castle Monaco
Oceanographic Museum ,Monaco Italy
* [http://www.cittadellascienza.it/ Citta della Scienza] ,
* [http://www.centrofermi.it/index.php?pageId=1 Enrico Fermi Center] , Rome
* [http://www.immaginarioscientifico.it/ Immaginario Scientifico] ,Trieste
*Institute and Museum of the History of Science (Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza),Florence , Italy.
Many ofGalileo Galilei 's original instruments are housed in this museum.
* [http://www.museodelbali.org/ Museo del Balì] ,Saltara
*Museo della Scienza e della Tecnologia "Leonardo da Vinci" ,Milan , Italy
* [http://www.museodifisica.it/ Museo di Fisica di Sardegna (Physics Museum of Sardinia)] ,University of Cagliari
* [http://www.museocaproni.it/ Museo Gianni Caproni] ,Trento
* [http://www.perugiapost.it/default_en.aspx Post Science Center (Perugia Officina per la Scienza e la Tecnologia )] ,Perugia Latvia
* [http://www.pagrabi.lv/ Children's Science Centre, "Tehnoannas pagrabi" (Cellars of the TechnoAnn)] ,
Riga Netherlands
Museon ,The Hague , Netherlands
*NEMO (museum) ,Amsterdam , Netherlands [http://www.e-nemo.nl/index.cfm?&lang=EN]
* [http://www.museum.tudelft.nl/index.html Techniek Museum Delft (Delft Technical Museum) official site] , [http://www.delft.nl/webEN/content.jsp?objectid=33550 Description in English]Delft
*Teylers Museum inHaarlem , Netherlands
*Boerhaave Museum inLeiden , NetherlandsNorway
* [http://www.jaermuseet.no/jaermuseet/english Jærmuseet]
** [http://www.jaermuseet.no/english/vitengarden Vitengarden (the Science Farm)] ,Nærbø
** [http://www.jaermuseet.no/jaermuseet/english/vitenfabrikken Vitenfabrikken (the Science Factory)] ,Sandnes
*Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology ,Oslo ,Norway
* [http://nordnorsk.vitensenter.no/ Nordnorsk vitensenter (Northern Norwegian Science center)] ,Tromsø
*Trondheim Science Museum ,Trondheim
* [http://www2.vitensenteret.no Vitensenteret Innlandet (Science Center Innlandet)] ,Gjoevik Poland
* [http://www.kopernik.org.pl/home.php Copernicus Science Centre (Centrum Nauki Kopernik)] ,
* [http://www.hewelianum.pl/ Hewelianum] ,Gdańsk Portugal
* [http://www.madeira-island.com/museums/electricity_museum/electricity_museum.html "Casa da Luz" Electricity Museum] ,
Funchal ,Madeira Island
* [http://www.amadora.cienciaviva.pt/home/index.asp?accao=changelang&lang=en Centro Ciência Viva da Amadora (Interactive Science Center of Amadora)] ,Amadora
* [http://www.floresta.cienciaviva.pt/index.php?lang=pt_en Centro Ciência Viva da Floresta (Science Center of Forest Life)] ,Proença-a-nova
* [http://www.tavira.cienciaviva.pt/home/ Centro Ciência Viva de Tavira] ,Tavira
* [http://viladoconde.cienciaviva.pt/home/index.asp?accao=changelang&lang=en Centro Ciência Viva de Vila do Conde ("Ciência Viva" Science Centre)] ,Vila do Conde
* [http://www.alviela.cienciaviva.pt/home/ Centro Ciência Viva do Alviela] ,Alcanena
* [http://www.estremoz.cienciaviva.pt/home/ Centro Ciência Viva de Estremoz] ,Estremoz
* [http://www.ccvalg.pt/entrada.php Centro Ciencia Viva do Algarve] ,Faro
* [http://www.braganca.cienciaviva.pt/home/index.asp?accao=changelang&lang=en Centro Ciência Viva de Bragança] ,Bragança
* [http://sintra.cienciaviva.pt/home/index.asp?accao=changelang&lang=en Centro Ciência Viva de Sintra] ,Sintra
* [http://www.ccvportomoniz.com/en/default.asp?l=en Centro Ciência Viva do Porto Moniz] ,Porto Moniz
* [http://constancia.cienciaviva.pt/home/ Centro Ciência Viva de Constância]
* [http://www.exploratorio.pt/ Exploratorio - Centro Ciência Viva]
* [http://www.pavconhecimento.pt/home/index.asp?accao=changelang&lang=en Pavilion of Knowledge - Ciência Viva (Pavilhão do Conhecimento)] ,Lisbon, Portugal
* [http://planetario.online.pt/ Planetário Calouste Gulbenkian - Centro Ciência Viva] ,Lisbon
*Science Museum of the University of Coimbra ,Coimbra
*Visionarium (Portugal) ,Santa Maria da Feira erbia
Nikola Tesla Museum ,Belgrade , Serbia
* [http://www.psc.ac.yu/ Petnica Science Center] ,Valjevo ,Serbia lovenia
* [http://www2.pfmb.uni-mb.si/tms/index.php?lang=en Technical Museum of Slovenia] ,
* [http://www.h-e.si/index_e.htm Ustanova Hisa Eksperimentov - The House of Experiments] , Ljubljanapain
Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències , Valencia
* [http://obrasocial.lacaixa.es/centros/cosmocaixabcn_es.html CosmoCaixa Barcelona] ,Barcelona
* [http://obrasocial.lacaixa.es/centros/cosmocaixamadrid_es.html CosmoCaixa Madrid] ,Madrid
* [http://www.miramon.org/kutxaesp.nsf/fwHome?OpenForm Kutxaespacio de la Ciencia] ,Donostia-San Sebastian
* [http://www.museuagbar.com/index_museu.html Museu Agbar] ,Cornellà de Llobregat
* [http://www.museoelder.org/microsite/index.php Museo Elder] ,Las Palmas
* [http://www.casaciencias.org/ Museos Científicos Coruñeses (=mc2)] ,A Coruña
* [http://www.museosdetenerife.com/index.php?al_id_mus=6 Museo de la Ciencia y El Cosmos] ,La Laguna ,Tenerife
* [http://www.mnactec.cat/ Museu de la Ciència i de la Tècnica de Catalunya] ,Terrassa
* [http://www.cienciayagua.org Museo de la Ciencia y el Agua] ,Murcia
* [http://www.jccm.es/museociencias/ Museo de las Ciencias de Castilla-La Mancha] ,Cuenca
*Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales ,Madrid , Spain
* [http://www.mec.es/mnct/ Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología] ,Madrid
* [http://www.dinopolis.com/ Paleontological Park Dinopolis] ,Teruel
* [http://www.parqueciencias.com/eng/ Parque de las Ciencias] ,Granada weden
* [http://www.framtidsmuseet.se/ Framtidsmuseet (Future Museum)] ,
* [http://www.malmo.se/turist/inenglish/toseedo/museumsandexhibitions.4.33aee30d103b8f15916800022277.html Malmö Museums - Technology & Maritime House] ,Malmö
* [http://www.molekylverkstan.com/ Molekylverkstan] ,Stenungsund
*Museum of Ethnography [] , Stockholm
* [http://www.tekniskamuseet.se/templates/StartPage.aspx?id=13327 National Museum of Science and Technology (Tekniska Museet)] ,Stockholm
* [http://www.nobelmuseum.se/zino.aspx?lan=en-us Nobel Museum] , Stockholm
*Stockholm Observatory , Stockholm
* [http://www.technichus.se/ Technichus] ,Harnosand
* [http://www.teknikenshus.se/english/index.html Teknikens Hus] ,Lulea
* [http://en.tomtit.se/ Tom Tits Experiment] ,Sodertalje
*Universeum ,Gothenburg witzerland
* [http://www.alimentarium.ch/en_/index.asp Alimentarium] ,
*Microcosm (CERN) ,Meyrin
* [http://www.mfk.ch/index.html?&L=2 Museum für Kommunikation] ,Bern
* [http://www.technorama.ch/index.php?id=2&L=1 Techorama, The Swiss Science Center] ,Winterthur, Switzerland Turkey
* [http://www.bilimmerkezi.org.tr Bilim Merkezi] ,
*Rahmi M. Koç Museum ,Istanbul
*Silahtarağa Power Station Energy Museum,Istanbul
* [http://www.turkeyodyssey.com/articles/state-meteorological-services-museum.html State Meteorological Service's Museum] ,Ankara United Kingdom
Army Medical Services Museum ,Mytchett ,Surrey
* Anaesthesia Heritage Centre, London
*At-Bristol ,Bristol , England
*Benjamin Franklin House , London
*Bletchley Park ,Bletchley , England
*British Dental Association Museum , London
*British Optical Association Museum , London
* British Red Cross Museum, London
* [http://www.brooklandsmuseum.com/education_discovery.cfm Brooklands Museum Discovery Zone] ,Weybridge
* [http://www.buildingexploratory.org.uk/ Building Exploratory] , London
* Catalyst,Cheshire, England
*Centre for Life ,Newcastle upon Tyne , England
* [http://www.centreofthecell.org/ Centre of the Cell] ,Queen Mary, University of London , London
* [http://www.discoverdiscovery.co.uk/ Discovery] ,Weymouth , England
*The Discovery Museum ,Newcastle upon Tyne
*Enginuity ,Shropshire , England
*Fleming Museum , London
*Florence Nightingale Museum , London
* [http://www.foredown.virtualmuseum.info/ Foredown Tower Countryside Centre] ,Portslade
*Glenside Museum ,Bristol
* [http://www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/sitemap/greensmill.htm Green's Windmill and Science Centre] ,Sneinton
* Hunterian Museum at Royal College of Surgeons, London
* [http://www.inspirediscoverycentre.com/ Inspire Discovery Centre] ,Norwich, England
*INTECH ,Winchester
* [http://www.jb.man.ac.uk/contact/map.html Jodrell Bank Visitor Centre] ,Macclesfield
* [http://www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk/leisure/leis-leisure-sports-centres/lookout Look Out Discovery Centre, Bracknell Forest] ,Bracknell
* [http://www.visitmagna.co.uk/index.html Magna Science Adventure] ,Rotherham
* [http://www.makingit.org.uk/ Making It! Discovery Centre] ,Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
*Michael Faraday Museum , London
*Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester ,Manchester , England
*Museum of the History of Science ,University of Oxford ,Oxford , England
*National Conservation Centre ,Liverpool
*National Maritime Museum ,Greenwich , England
*National Space Centre ,Leicester , England
* [http://www.nationalstonecentre.org.uk/ National Stone Centre] ,Matlock, Derbyshire , England
* [http://www.the-observatory.org/ Observatory Science Centre] ,Hailsham
*Old Operating Theatre , London
*Porthcurno Telegraph Museum ,Porthcurno ,Cornwall
*REME Museum of Technology ,Arborfield
* , London, England
* Royal London Hospital Museum and Archives, London
*Royal Pharmaceutical Society Museum , London
* [http://www.chelmsford.gov.uk/index.cfm?articleid=6790 Sanford Mill] ,Chelmsford
* Science Museum, London, England
*Science Oxford ,Oxford , England
*Snibston Discovery Park ,Coalville ,Leicestershire
*Thackray Museum ,Leeds
*Thinktank, Birmingham ,Birmingham
*Whipple Museum of the History of Science ,University of Cambridge ,Cambridge , England
*Whitby Wizard ,Whitby ,Yorkshire , England
*Woolsthorpe Manor ,Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth *
Glasgow Science Centre ,Glasgow ,Scotland
*Mills Observatory ,Dundee , Scotland
*Our Dynamic Earth inEdinburgh , Scotland, focuses especially onearth science
*Satrosphere Science Centre ,Aberdeen , Scotland
* [http://www.sensation.org.uk/ Sensation Dundee] ,Dundee , Scotland
*Surgeons' Hall ,Edinburgh , Scotland
* [http://www.cat.org.uk/index.tmpl Center for Alternative Technology] ,Powys ,Wales
*Techniquest ,Cardiff Bay , Wales
* [http://www.techniquest-newi.org/ Techiquest@NEWI] ,Wrexham , Wales*
Armagh Planetarium ,Armagh ,Northern Ireland
* [http://www.w5online.co.uk/ W5-whowhatwherewhenwhy] ,Belfast , Northern Ireland
*,Birr , Ireland
* [http://www.explorationstation.ie/ Exploration Station] ,Dublin , Ireland, under construction near Heuston Station, planned opening in 2009Latin America
* [http://www.exploratorio.com/ Exploratorio] ,
Buenos Aires
* [http://www.mpc.org.ar/ Museo Participativo de Ciencias] , Buenos Aires
* [http://www.bioingenieria.edu.ar/grupos/puertociencia/ PUERTOCIENCIA, Museo Interactivo de Ciencias] ,Entre Ríos Brazil
* [http://www.eciencia.usp.br/ ESTAÇÃO CIÊNCIA] ,
Sao Paulo
* [http://www.rio.rj.gov.br/planetario/ Fundação Planetário da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro] ,Rio de Janeiro
* [http://www.mc.unicamp.br/ Museu Exploratório de Ciências da UNICAMP] ,Campinas
* [http://www.museudavida.fiocruz.br/pub01/cgi/cgilua.exe/sys/start.htm?tpl=mvida Museu da Vida (Museum of Life)] , Rio de Janeiro
*National Museum of Brazil , Rio de JaneiroChile
* [http://www.explora.cl/exec/index.e3 Explora] , Santiago
* [http://www.mim.cl/index0.htm Museo Interactivo Mirador – MIM] , SantiagoColombia
* [http://www.maloka.org Maloka, Centro Interactivo de Ciencia y Tecnologia] ,
Bogotá Mexico
Alfa Planetarium ,Monterrey
* [http://www.museosemilla.com.mx/ Semilla, Museo-Centro de Ciencia y Tecnologia] ,Chihuahua
* [http://www.astrosen.unam.mx/~museo_en/mus-0.html Caracol, Museo de Ciencias de Ensenada] ,Ensenada
* [http://www.ccs.net.mx/ Centro de Ciencias de Sinaloa] ,Culiacán ,Sinaloa
* [http://www.explora.edu.mx/web/index.html Centro de Ciencias EXPLORA] ,León, Guanajuato
* [http://www.cedicyt.ipn.mx/ Centro de Difusión de Ciencia y Tecnología] ,Azcapotzalco
* [http://www.descubre.org.mx/home.html Descubre, Museo Interactivo de Ciencia y Tecnología] ,Aguascalientes
* [http://www.luz.unam.mx/ Museo de la Luz (Museum of Light)] ,Chilpancingo ,Guerrero
* [http://www.museoelrehilete.org.mx Museo El Rehilete] ,Pachuca ,Hidalgo
* [http://www.museolaavispa.org/ Museo Interactivo “ La Avispa”] ,Chilpancingo ,Guerrero
* [http://www.mix.org.mx/ Museo Interactivo de Xalapa - MIX] ,Xalapa ,Veracruz
* [http://www.cfe.gob.mx/mutec Museo Tecnologico de la CFE (MUTEC)]
* [http://www.papalote.org.mx/papalotemuseo/ Papalote, Museo del Niño]
* [http://www.sol.org.mx/ Sol del Niño, Science and Technology Center] ,Baja California
* [http://www.trompomagico.com.mx/ Trompo Magico] ,Zapopan
* [http://www.universum.unam.mx/ Universum, Museum of Science (UNIVERSUM Museo de las Ciencias)] ,Mexico City, Mexico
* [http://www.cozcyt.gob.mx/zigzag/ Zig Zag Centro Interactivo de Ciencias Zacatecas] ,Zacatecas Panama
* [http://www.explorapanama.org/articulos/viewen/18 Explora Panama] ,
Panama Trinidad & Tobago
* [http://www.niherst.gov.tt/scipop/nsc/index.htm National Science Centre] ,
D'Abadie Uruguay
* [http://cienciaviva.fcien.edu.uy/ Ciencia Viva (Science Alive)] ,
Montevideo Venezuela
* [http://www.venaventours.com/merida/mct/default.asp Museo de Ciencia y Tecnología del Estado Mérida] , Merida
North America
"(listed by province)"
* [http://www.oilsandsdiscovery.com/ Oil Sands Discovery Centre] ,
Fort McMurray
*Telus World of Science, Calgary ,Alberta
*Telus World of Science, Edmonton , AlbertaBritish Columbia
* [http://www.biglittlesciencecentre.org/ BIG Little Science Centre] ,
* [http://www.hia-iha.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/cu/ Centre of the Universe] , Victoria
* [http://www.theexplorationplace.com/ The Exploration Place (Fraser Fort George Regional Museum)] , Prince George
*H. R. MacMillan Space Centre ,Vancouver, British Columbia
* [http://www.okscience.ca/ Okanagan Science Centre] , Vernon
*Royal British Columbia Museum , Victoria
*Science World at Telus World of Science , VancouverManitoba
Manitoba Museum ,Winnipeg ,Manitoba New Brunswick
* [http://www.scienceeast.nb.ca/Science East] ,
Fredericton Newfoundland
* [http://www.nlsciencecentre.com/ Newfoundland Science Centre] , St. John's
Nova Scotia
* [http://www.discoverycentre.ns.ca/ Discovery Centre] , Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canadian Museum of Nature ,Ottawa , Ontario
*Canada Science and Technology Museum , Ottawa, Ontario
*Ontario Science Centre ,Toronto , Ontario
*Personal Computer Museum , Brantford
* [http://www.cssciencecity.com/ Science City South] ,Windsor, Ontario
*Science North andDynamic Earth in Sudbury, OntarioQuebec
* [http://www.musee-afrappier.qc.ca/1000_e.html Armand Frappier Museum] ,
Laval, Quebec
*Cosmodome (Laval) ,Quebec
*Mont Mégantic Observatory ,Notre-Dame des Bois
* [http://www.centredessciencesdemontreal.com/csm/index.html?lang=en Montréal Science Centre] ,Montreal , Quebecaskatchewan
* [http://www.sasksciencecentre.com Saskatchewan Science Centre] ,
Regina, Saskatchewan Yukon
* [http://www.northernlightscentre.ca/ Northern Lights Centre] , Watson Lake
United States
Asia and Oceania
* [http://www.icom.azeurotel.com/en/profiles04en.html Museum of Azerbaijan Medicine] ,
* [http://www.cec.az/default.asp?lang=en Caspian Energy Centre] , BP operatedSangachal Terminal , Salyan highway,Azerbaijan Australia
* [http://www.discovery.asn.au/ Discovery Science & Technology Centre] ,
Bendigo , Victoria
* [http://www.lightandsound.net.au/ Fremantle Light and Sound Discovery Center] ,Fremantle
* [http://www.hydro.com.au/handson/ Hands On Energy Discovery Centre] ,Hydro Tasmania ,Hobart, Tasmania
* [http://www.devonport.tas.gov.au/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=65&Itemid=74 Imaginarium Science Centre] ,Devonport, Tasmania
*Melbourne Museum ,Melbourne
* [http://www.sci.monash.edu.au/msc/ Monash Science Centre] , Clayton,Melbourne
* [http://www.newcastle.nsw.gov.au/discover_newcastle/regional_museum Newcastle Museum] ,Newcastle, New South Wales
* [http://www.physics.uq.edu.au/physics_museum/ Physics Museum of the University of Queensland] ,Brisbane
*Powerhouse Museum ,Sydney , Australia
*Queensland Museum ,Brisbane
*Questacon – The National Science and Technology Centre,Canberra , Australia
* Scienceworks Museum,Melbourne , Australia
*Scitech , Perth
*South Australian Museum ,Adelaide
* [http://sciencecentre.uow.edu.au/ Wollongong Science Centre and Planetarium] ,Fairy Meadow, New South Wales Bangladesh
* [http://www.nmst.gov.bd/ National Museum of Science & Technology] , Agargaaon,
Dhaka China
Beijing Museum of Natural History
* [http://www.cstm.org.cn/ China Science and Technology Centre] , [http://www.china.org.cn/english/features/museums/128862.htm Description in English]Beijing
*Fanling Environmental Resource Centre ,Fanling ,Hong Kong
*Haier Science and Technology Gallery ,Laoshan
*Health Education Exhibition and Resources Centre ,Kowloon Park , Hong Kong
*Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences , Hong Kong
*Hong Kong Science Museum , Hong Kong, China
*Hong Kong Space Museum ,Tsim Sha Tsui , Hong Kong
* [http://www.msc.org.mo/en/main_cn.html Macao Science Center] ,Macau
*Shanghai Science and Technology Museum ,Pudong ,Shanghai
*Sichuan Science and Technology Museum ,Sichuan
* [http://www.chinats.com/tianjin/tianjin1710.htm Tianjin Museum of Science and Technology] ,Tianjin India
* [http://www.bitmcal.org/ Birla Industrial & Technological Museum] ,
* [http://www.goasciencecentre.org/ Goa Science Centre] ,Goa
* [http://dhenkanal.nic.in/Science%20Centre.htm Kapila Science Park] , (scroll down the page)Kapila
* [http://www.nscdelhi.org/ National Science Centre] ,New Delhi
*Nehru Museum of Science and Technology ,Kharagpur
* [http://wikimapia.org/134384/ Raman Science Center] ,Nagpur
* [http://www.rsclucknow.org/ Regional Science Centre] ,Lucknow
* [http://www.rscpcalicut.8m.com/ Regional Science Centre and Planetarium Calicut] ,Calicut
* [http://dhenkanal.nic.in/Science%20Centre.htm Science Center] ,Dhenkanal
* [http://www.sciencecitykolkata.org.in/ Science City] ,Kolkota
*Visvesvaraya Industrial and Technological Museum ,Bangalore
* [http://www.bitmcal.org/bitm's_family/shrikrishna_sc_centre/shrikrishna_sc_centre_page.htm Shrikrishna Science Centre] ,Patna
* [http://www.ncsm.gov.in National Council of Science Museums (NCSM), India]Indonesia
* [http://www.aspacnet.org/members/STCI.html Pusat Peragaan IPTEK - Science and Technology Centre of Indonesia] ,
Jakarta Japan
Gifu City Science Museum , Gifu,Gifu Prefecture
* [http://www.pref.ehime.jp/izanai/english/route/route5.htm Ehime Prefectural Science Museum] , Niihama,Ehime Prefecture
*Hiroshima Children's Museum ,Hiroshima
*Miraikan , Tokyo
* [http://www.ncsm.city.nagoya.jp/index.htm Nagoya City Science Museum] ,Nagoya
*National Science Museum of Japan , Tokyo, Japan
* [http://www.miraikan.jst.go.jp/index_e.html National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation] ,Odaiba , Tokyo, Japan
* [http://www.jsf.or.jp/eng/ Science Museum] , Tokyo, Japan
*Osaka Science Museum ,Osaka , Japan
*Science Museum of Map and Survey ,Tsukuba City
* [http://www.aist.go.jp/aist_e/museum/science/index.html Science Square Tsukuba] , Tsukuba City
* [http://tsukubainfo.jp/Directory/TsukubaExpoCenter Tsukuba Expo Center] , Tsukuba CityMalaysia
*Pusat Sains Negara (National Science Centre),
Kuala Lumpur
* [http://www.petrosains.com.my/ Petrosains Discovery Centre] ,Suria KLCC ,Kuala Lumpur City Centre New Zealand
Exscite ,Hamilton, New Zealand
*Museum of Transport and Technology ,Western Springs ,Auckland
* [http://www.sciencealive.co.nz/ Science Alive! - The New Zealand Science Centre] ,Christchurch
* [http://www.temanawa.co.nz/ Te Manawa: Museum, Gallery, Science Centre] ,Palmerston North Pakistan
* [http://www.nmst.org.pk/ National Museum of Science & Technology] ,
Lahore Philippines
* [http://www.science-centrum.ph/ Philippine Science Centrum] ,
Marikina City ,Manila
*SM Science Discovery Center,Pasay City ,Manila Russia
* [http://www.spbu.ru/e/Culture/Museums/mineralmuseum.html Mineralogical Museum] ,
Saint Petersburg State University ,Saint Petersburg
* [http://www.spbu.ru/Structure/Culture/Museums/Mendeleev/enmuseum.html Dmitry Mendeleev Museum & Archives] ,Saint Petersburg State University , Saint Petersburg
*Museum of Military Medicine , Saint Petersburg
*Kunstkamera , Saint Petersburg
*Polytechnical Museum , Moscowingapore
Science Centre, Singapore ,Jurong East outh Korea
* [http://www.science.go.kr/index_eng.html National Science Museum] ,
Daejeon Taiwan
* [http://www.nmns.edu.tw/index_eng.html National Museum of Natural Science, Taiwan] ,
* [http://www.nstm.gov.tw/english/index.asp National Science and Technology Museum] ,Kaohsiung
* [http://www.ntsec.gov.tw/ National Taiwan Science Education Center] ,Taipei Thailand
*National Science Museum, Pathum Thani
Rahmi M. Koç Museum ,Istanbul
*Silahtarağa Power Station Energy Museum, IstanbulMiddle East
* [http://www.bsp.com.bn/ogdc/ Oil & Gas Discovery Center] ,
Seria Egypt
* [http://www.bibalex.org/English/psc/about/overview.htm Planetarium Science Center (PSC)] ,
Bibliotheca Alexandrina ,Alexandria Israel
* [http://www.mada.org.il/english/index.html Bloomfield Science Museum] ,
*Israel National Museum of Science, Technology, and Space ,Haifa Kuwait
* [http://www.tsck.org.kw/en/index.asp The Scientific Center of Kuwait] ,
Salmiya audi Arabia
* [http://www.scitech.com.sa/ SciTech - Sultan Bin Abdulaziz Science and Technology Center] ,
Al Khobar United Arab Emirates
* [http://www.shjmuseum.gov.ae/museums/science/Default.htm Sharjah Science Museum] , Sharjah
* [http://www.gov.mu/portal/site/rajiv Rajiv Gandhi Science Centre] ,
Bell Village outh Africa
* [http://www.saastec.co.za/centres/giyani.html Giyani Science Centre] ,
*MTN Sciencentre ,Cape Town
* [http://www.gatewaysciencecentre.co.za/ Old Mutual-MTN ScienCentre] ,Umhlanga Rocks
* [http://www.goldenhorsecasino.co.za/page.asp?Id=48 Olwazini Discovery Centre] ,Pietermaritzburg
* [http://www.sci-bono.co.za Sci-Bono] ,Johannesburg
*Sci-Enza,University of Pretoria ,Pretoria
* [http://scictr.uzulu.ac.za/ Unizul Science Centre] ,University of Zululand ,Richards Bay
* [http://www.eskom.co.za/live/content.php?Item_ID=148 Visitor Center at Lethabo Power Station] ,Lethabo ,Deneysville
* [http://www.eskom.co.za/live/content.php?Item_ID=144 Visitor Center at Koeberg Power Station] ,Koeberg ,Melkbosstrand See also
* [http://www.astc.org/ Association of Science-Technology Centers]
* [http://www.aspacnet.org/ Asia Pacific Network of Science and Technology Centres]
* [http://www.saastec.co.za/ SAASTEC - Southern African Association of Science & Technology Centers]
* [http://www.astenetwork.net/ Australasian Science and Technology Exhibitors Network]
* [http://canadiansciencecentres.ca/ Canadian Association of Science Centres]
* [http://www.ecsite.net/new/ ECSITE - European Collaborative for Science, Industry and Technology Exhibitions]
* [http://www.ecsite-uk.net/index.php ECSITE-UK - British branch of ECSITE]
* [http://www.big.uk.com BIG - British Interactive Group, for individuals working in the sector]
* [http://www.iscan.ie/ Irish Science Centres Association Network (iSCAN)]
* [http://ncsm.gov.in/ NCSM - National Council of Science Museums in India]
* [http://www.ammccyt.org.mx/ AMMCCyT (Mexican Association of Science and Technology Museums and Centers)]
* [http://www.nordicscience.org/ Nordisk Science Center Forbund (Nordic Science Center Association)]
* [http://www.redpop.org/ REDPOP - Interactive Science Centres in South America]References
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