- Jats in the pre-Aurangzeb period
The Jats in the pre-Aurangzeb period, according to the historian Qanungo, had little scope for their lawless activity under the strong governments of the Surs and the Mughals down to the accession of
Aurangzeb (1658 -1707 ). They remained quiet until the religious persecution by Aurangzeb and the misrule of the provincial viceroys goaded them into rebellion. [K.R.qanungo, History of the Jats, Ed. dr Vir singh, 2003, p.19]After the enchanted sleep of a century, administered successively by the hypnotic spell of
Akbar , the genial indifference ofJahangir , and the mild patting ofShah Jahan , Hindu India woke to life again in second half of theseventeenth century , being rudely shaken by the pious activity of the saintly EmperorAurangzeb (1658 -1707 ). Accustomed to look upon the occupant of the throne of Delhi, though of an alien faith, as the shadow of God on earth, the awakened Hindus found to their surprise and sorrow that the impartial ruler of Hindustan had changed into a militant missionary ofIslam . [K.R.Qanungo, History of the Jats, Ed. Dr Vir Singh, 2003, p.20]We discuss in this article about the position of Jats, Jat rulers, distribution and migration of Jats and their social conditions in
India andPakistan in the period prior to the rule ofAurangzeb (1658 -1707 ). The traditional accounts of the Jats record that on many occasions theSarva Khap Panchayat of the Jats and others met to express its deep resentment against the administrative oppression, unjust restrictions and humiliating exactions on ground of religious discrimination.Lack of records
We do not have the means to form an accurate and comprehensive view of Jats in the pre-Aurangzeb period, from the early medieval times to commencement of the reign of Aurangzeb when their brethren of
Mathura and Bharatpur step by step rose to political prominence. Our sources contain incidental and meager information about the Jats. [G.C.Dwivedi, The Jats, Their role in the Mughal Empire, Ed. Dr Vir Singh, Delhi, 2003, p. 7]It needs no stress that the mind of the people is better and more correctly revealed by their own writings. In case of the Jat people who generally do not have a respectable tradition of history writing, the paucity of any systematic and complete history from their side causes difficulties to a student of their history. The non-Jat sources do provide facts about the Jat activities. The sources consulted include such as Majmal-ut-Tawarikh, Tabkai-i-Akbari, Kamil-ut-Tawarikh, Tarikh-us-Subuktigin, Malfuzat-i-Timuri,Tarikh-i-Sher Shahi etc.
Jats in Sind
The evidences of anthropometry, linguistics, customs and institutions put together lead us to surmise that in all likelihood the Jats are the progeny of the famous republican people mainly of the Vedic stock – of the ancient
Sind and Punjab. [K.P.Jayaswal, Andhakar Yugin Bharat (trans. Ram Chandra Varma), Kashi:Samvat 2014, p.392] , [A.H. Bingley, Sikhs (Simla:1899), p. 12] , [G.C.Dwivedi, The Jats, Their role in the Mughal Empire, Ed. Dr Vir Singh, Delhi, 2003, p. 7]Sind was original home of Jats
The legendary reference about the Jats and
Med s in Majmal-ut-Tawarikh, the first Persian account of the11th century (1026 ), [Majmal-ut-Tawarikh in Elliot, I, p. 104-105] involving the mythological figures can not be regarded as a historical fact but would imply that the people designated as Jats were present in Sind at the time of war ofMahabharata . [G.C. Dwivedi, The Jats, Their role in the Mughal Empire, Delhi, EdDr Vir Singh , 2003, p. 7]Jats and
Med s have been the oldest occupants ofSind . The first Persian account of the 11th century Mujmat ut-Tawarikh (1026), originally an ancient work inSanskrit , mentions Jats and Meds as the ancient tribe of Sind and calls them the descendants of Ham, the son of Noah. [Mujmat ut-Tawarikh, Ed. Vol.I p. 104] Dr S.Jabir Raza, The Jats - Their Role and Contribution to the Socio-Economic Life and Polity of North and North West India. Vol I, 2004, Ed Dr Vir Singh] The Ghaznavid poet, Farrukhi calls the Jats (Zatt in Arabic) as the Indian race. [Ibn Hauqal, Ed. Vol.I, p.40] These Arabic/Persian accounts find support from the early fifth century inscription which documented the Indianized names of the Jat rulers, [Inscription No.1, "Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan". (1829-1832)James Tod and William Crooke, Reprint: Low Price Publications, Delhi (1990), Vol.II, Appendix. pp. 914-917.] such as Raja Jit-Jit Salindra-Devangi-Sumbooka-Degali-Vira Narindra- Vira Chandra and Sali Chandra. Furthermore, the Mujmat ut-Tawarikh also mentions the Indianized name of one of their chiefs of the Jats in remote ancient time as Judrat. [Mujmat ut-Tawarikh, Ed. Vol.I p. 104] Dr S.Jabir Raza, The Jats - Their Role and Contribution to the Socio-Economic Life and Polity of North and North West India. Vol I, 2004, Ed Dr Vir Singh] These textual references further strengthened the view of O'Brien, who opines that the names and traditions of certain Jat tribes seem to connect them more closely with Hindustan. [O'Brien, Multan Glossary, cited Ibbetson, op.cit., p. 105]According to Dr. Raza, Jats appear to be the original race of
Sind valley, stretching from the mouth ofIndus to as far as the valley ofPeshawar . Dr S.Jabir Raza, The Jats - Their Role and Contribution to the Socio-Economic Life and Polity of North and North West India. Vol I, 2004, Ed Dr Vir Singh] Traditionally Jats of Sind consider their origin from the far northwest and claimed ancient Garh Gajni (modernRawalpindi ) as their original abode. [Elliot, op. cit., Vol.I, p.133] Persian chroniclerFirishta strengthened this view and informs us that Jats were originally living near the river of the Koh-i-Jud (Salt Range) in northwest Punjab. [Muhammad Qasim Hindu Shah Firista, Gulsan-i-Ibrahimi, commonly known as Tarikh-i-Firishta, Nawal Kishore edition, (Kanpur, 1865), Vol.I, p.35] The Jats then occupied the Indus valley and settled themselves on both the banks of theIndus River . By thefourth century region ofMultan was under their control.Dr S.Jabir Raza, The Jats - Their Role and Contribution to the Socio-Economic Life and Polity of North and North West India. Vol I, 2004, Ed Dr Vir Singh] Then they rose to the sovereign power and their ruler Jit Salindra, who promoted the renown of his race, started the Jat colonisation in Punjab and fortified the town Salpur/Sorpur, near Multan. [Inscription No.1, Tod, op.cit., Vol.II, Appendix pp. 914-917.]Ibn Hauqual mentions the area of their abode in between
Mansura andMakran . [Ibn Hauqal, Ed. Vol.I, p.40] By the end of seventh century, Jats were thickly populated in Deybal region. [Encyclopedia of Islam, vol.II, p.488] In the early eighth century, when the Arab commanderMuhammad bin Qasim came to Sind, the Jats were living along both sides of the river Indus. Their main population was settled in the lower Sind, especially in the region ofBrahmanabad (Mansura );Lohana (round the Brahmanabad) with their two territoriesLakha , to the west of Lohana andSamma , to the south of Lohana;Nerun (modern Hyderabad);Dahlilah ;Roar andDeybal . In the further east, their abode also extended in between Deybal, Kacheha (Qassa) andKathiawar inGujarat . In upper Sind they were settled inSiwistan (Schwan) and Alor/Aror region.Dr S.Jabir Raza, The Jats - Their Role and Contribution to the Socio-Economic Life and Polity of North and North West India. Vol I, 2004, Ed Dr Vir Singh] [Chachnama, pp. 165-66; Alberuni, Qanun al-Mas'udi, in Zeki Validi Togan, Sifat al-ma'mura ala'l-Biruni; Memoirs of the Archeological Survey of India No. 53, pp.16,72; Abu Abudullah Muhammad Idrisi, Kitab Nuzhat-ul-Mustaq, Engl. translation by S.Maqbul Ahmad, entitled India and the Neighbouring Territories, (I. Eiden, 1960), pp.44,145]Balhara rule in sindh
According to
Thakur Deshraj , theBalhara Jats were the rulers inSindh from8th century to10th century . In710 ADMuhammad bin Qasim occupiedSindh .Sindhu River had made them good navigators. They had fight withAlexander the great by boats.Brahman Raja Dahir was the ruler of Sindh at that time. Other Jat states in Sindh were not powerful; they were also eliminated by the year800 AD. This was the early period of Balhara Jat rulers in Sindh. Balharas ruled the area, which can be remembered asBal Division. The area fromKhambhat toSimari was under their rule andManafir was their capital. Manafir was probablyMandore orMandwagarh . It is likely that after nagas it was ruled by Balharas. The rule transferred from Balharas toMaurya s toPawar s toChauhan s toParihar s toRathore s. [Kishori Lal Faujdar: Rajasthan ke Madhyakalin Jatvans, Jat Samaj, Agra, June 2001]Sir Henry Elliot has mentioned that after defeat of Jat Raja Sahasi Rai II, RajaMatta ofShivistan attacked Alore (the capital ofChach ) with brother of Raja ofKannauj and his army. The Jat Raja Ranmal was the ruler of Kannauj at that time. He was famous as Rana. After that the other Jat rulers were eliminated except the Balharas. The Balharas were strong rulers fromKhambhat toSambhar . 'Koyala Patan' which is now known as 'Kolia ', was a single city from Kolia to 'Kalindi Katkeri ' spread over about 36 km in length. There used to be bricks of one cubit long and half cubit thick. There are seven tanks of Balharas, Banka tank in the name of Banka Balhara and Lalani tank in name of Lalaji. There is one village named Balhara inSikar district ofRajasthan . [Kishori Lal Faujdar: Rajasthan ke Madhyakalin Jatvans, Jat Samaj, Agra, June 2001]In
900 A D a King of this gotra was a powerful ruler in the Western Punjab. He has been greatly praised by historianSulaiman Nadwi , who came to India as a trader. According to him this ruler was one of the four big rulers of world at that time in857 A D. He was a friend of theArab s and his army had a large number ofelephant s andcamel s. His country was calledKokan (Kaikan ) 'near riverHerat . [Ram Swaroop Joon: History of Jats, India]The boundaries of this Kingdom extended from
China to the Sea and his neighbors were theTakshak andGujar kings. Their capital was Mankir. [Ram Swaroop Joon: History of Jats, India]Nehra Jats in Sindh
Nehra clan Jats were rulers of Nehrun state inSindh at the time of attack onSindh byMuhammad bin Qasim in710 . Present Hyderabad city was settled on the land of Nehrun. The Hyderabad city was then namedNehrun Kot and was called the heart of theMehran . Thakur Deshraj, Jat Itihas (Hindi), Maharaja Suraj Mal Smarak Shiksha Sansthan, Delhi, 1934, 2nd edition 1992 page 701. ]Other Jat rulers in Sind
Thakur Deshraj mentions about rule of other Jat named Chandra Ram ofHala clan. He was ruler ofSusthan but he lost it toMuslim s. He wandered for some time but later he attacked the fort and occupied it. WhenMuhammad bin Qasim learnt it he sent 1000 sawar and 2000 footsoldiers to suppress Chandra Ram. He fought bravely but killed. His state was known as Halakhandi. Thakur Deshraj, Jat Itihas (Hindi), Maharaja Suraj Mal Smarak Shiksha Sansthan, Delhi, 1934, 2nd edition 1992 page 702. ] , [Sindh Ka itihas, p.30]Jat rulers in Kaikan
Kaikan was a province inSind . Kikania is the name of a mountain. When the Arab invaders first time came to Kaikan mountains, the Jats repelled them. K.R.Kanungo [K.R.Qanungo, History of the Jats, Ed. dr Vir Singh, 2003, p.17] writes that whenMuhammad bin Qasim invadedSind , Kaikan country was in independent possession of Jats. The country of Kaikan was supposed to be in south-easternAfghanistan [Elliot, I, 383] , which was conquered from Jats by the Arab general Amran Bin Musa in the reign of the Khalifa Al-Mutasim-bi-llah, (833 -881 AD) [Elliot, I, 448] . During the same reign another expedition was sent against the Jats who had seized upon the roads ofHajar (?)...and spread terror over the roads and planted posts in all directions towards the desert. They were overcome after a bloody conflict of twenty five days. 27000 of them were led in captivity to grace the triumph of victor. It was a custom among these people to blow their horns when Marshalled for battle. [Elliot, II, 247] , Thakur Deshraj, Jat Itihas (Hindi), Maharaja Suraj Mal Smarak Shiksha Sansthan, Delhi, 1934, 2nd edition 1992 page 702. ] , [Sindh Ka itihas, p.30]Rai Dynasty
Thakur Deshraj mentions about theBuddhist Mauryan Jats rulers’Rai Dynasty . He says thatRai was their title and their capital was atAror which used to lie on the banks of theIndus River . Rai Meharsan II had a war with Badshah Nimroz ofIran in which he was killed. After himRai Sahasi II became the king. When Rai Sahasi II fell ill, he called his minister to see the letters. The minister sent his "munshi"Chach for this purpose. The wisdom of Chach influenced the king and he appointed Chach to look after the palace. This way he got free entry into the palace. Chach developed illegal relations with the queen Suhanadi. Chach conspired with the Rani Suhanadi and killed Raja Sahsi Rai II and married with the queen and became ruler ofSindh starting a line ofBrahmin ruler ship in samvat 689 (632 AD). Thakur Deshraj, Jat Itihas (Hindi), Maharaja Suraj Mal Smarak Shiksha Sansthan, Delhi, 1934, 2nd edition 1992, p.700-701 ]Panwar rulers in Omarkot
Umerkot or Omarkot (Urdu: عمرکوٹ) is town in the province ofSindh , Pakistan. It is also referred to as Amar Kot as per old histories, "Amar Kot Itehas" by Tej Singh Solanki. Once, it has been Capital of Greater Sindh Province, including some parts of presentRajasthan state of India. According toThakur Deshraj ,Panwar clan Jats were rulers here prior to Mughal rulerHumayun . Jame Todd tells it to be a Rajput state confusing Panwar with Rajputs, but it was denied byCunningham , who wrote it to be aPanwar Jat state referring to the author of 'Humayun Nama '. [Memoirs of Humayun, p. 45] , [Thakur Deshraj , Jat Itihas, p.705]Migration from Sind
As for the migration of Jats from
Sind , it may be assumed that natural calamity and increase in population compelled them to migrate from their original abode in search of livelihood.Dr S.Jabir Raza, The Jats - Their Role and Contribution to the Socio-Economic Life and Polity of North and North West India. Vol I, 2004, Ed Dr Vir Singh] Hoernle has propounded the 'wedge theory' for the migration of most of the ancient tribes. This wedge theory tends us to believe that the Jats were among the first wave of theAryans , and their first southeast migration took place from the Nort-West, and established their rule at Sorpur inMultan regions. Further they migrated towards east and stretched their abode fromBrahmanabad (Mansura) toKathiawar . As Jataki, the peculiar dialect of the Jats, also proves that the Jats must have come from the NW Punjab and from other districts (e.g. Multan) dependent upon the great country of the Five rivers. [Richard F. Burton, op. cit., p.246] By the end of fifth and the beginning of the sixth century, their southward migration, second in line, took place and they reached Kota inRajasthan , probably viaBikaner regions. FromKota they migrated further east and established their rule atMalwa under the rule of Salichandra, son of Vira Chandra. Salichandra erected a minster (mindra) on banks of the river Taveli inMalwa . [Inscription No.1, Tod, op.cit., Vol.II, Appendix pp. 914-917.] Probably after their defeat by Sultan Mahmud in 1027 AD, and later hard pressed by theGhaznavi Turkish Commander, the Jats of Sind again migrated toRajasthan and settled themselves inBundi regions.Dr S.Jabir Raza, The Jats - Their Role and Contribution to the Socio-Economic Life and Polity of North and North West India. Vol I, 2004, Ed Dr Vir Singh] The second inscription found atBundi probably dates from "circa" samvat 1191 (1135 AD) possibly refers to the Jats as opponents of theParmara rulers of Rajasthan. [Inscription No.II, Tod, op.cit., Vol.II, Appendix, pp. 917-919 and n. 13]When
Muhammad bin Qasim attackedDahlilah , a fortified town in betweenRoar andBrahmanabad , most of the inhabitants (the Jats) had abandoned the place and migrated toRajasthan via desert and took shelter in the country of Siru (modernSirohi ) which was then ruled by King Deva Raj, a cousin of Rai Dahir. [Chachnama, p.166] However, the third migration took place in early eighth century and Jats of lower Sind migrated to Rajasthan, probably viaBarmer regions. By the twelfth century, the Jats settled in western Punjab, as the native poet Abul Farj Runi mentions them along with the Afghans.Dr S.Jabir Raza, The Jats - Their Role and Contribution to the Socio-Economic Life and Polity of North and North West India. Vol I, 2004, Ed Dr Vir Singh] Meanwhile, they also extended their abode in the eastern part of the Punjab (nowHaryana ), as in the end of thetwelfth century they resistedQutb-ud-din Aybak in the region ofHansi . [Hasan Nizami, Tajul-ma'asir, Fascimile translation in ED, Vol. II, p.218]Jats in Chachnama
Chachnama gives us comparative detailed information about the Jats of lowerSind (especially ofBrahmanabad ) in relation to Rai Chach and Muhamad bin Qasim. It says that after the subjugation of the fort of Brahmanabad Rai Chach humiliated the Jats and the Lohanas and punished their chiefs. He imposed stern and disgraceful regulations on them. [Chachnama in Elliot, I, 150-151] , [G.C. Dwivedi, The Jats, Their role in the Mughal Empire, Delhi, EdDr Vir Singh , 2003, p. 8]Chachnama does not specify the causes of this unusual treatment but it is not difficult to surmise them. Resentful of loss of their state, external interference, and sensitive to autocracy the self-governing Jats have, from earliest times, mostly showed an instinctive attachment to democratic ways. [ Bingley’s (Sikhs 11-12)] , [U.N.Sharma, Jaton Ka Navin Itihas (Jaipur: 1977), 38] , [G.C. Dwivedi, The Jats, Their role in the Mughal Empire, Delhi, EdDr Vir Singh , 2003, p. 8] They were indifferent to the rigidity and exclusiveness in socio-religious structure and generally had a natural apathy to the monarchical form of the government, facts which gradually came to the forefront in the Hindu society under the hegemony of the Gupta Kings and thereafter. [K.P.Jayaswal, Andhakar Yugin Bharat (trans. Ram Chandra Varma), Kashi:Samvat 2014, p.391] , [R.C.Majumdar, Corporate life in India, 165-167] , [G.C. Dwivedi, The Jats, Their role in the Mughal Empire, Delhi, EdDr Vir Singh , 2003, p. 8] In such a state of affairs, Chach, a high caste Brahman might have harboured a feeling of abhorrence for the defiant unorthodox Jats. [G.C. Dwivedi, The Jats, Their role in the Mughal Empire, Delhi, EdDr Vir Singh , 2003, p. 8]We have a positive knowledge about the prevalence of Buddhism at that period in the
Indus Valley , [M.Habib, “The Arab Conquest of Sind”, Islamic Culture Jan,1929] , in which the Jats formed the bulk of the population. Hence it is not unlikely, that the Jats had definite leanings towardsBuddhism , which was more agreeable to their ways and practices, which are reflected in the book by Dr. Dharma Kirti, a modern Buddhist. [Dr. Dharma Kirti , Jat Jati prachhanna Baudh hai, 1999 ed. New Delhi] , [G.C. Dwivedi, The Jats, Their role in the Mughal Empire, Delhi, EdDr Vir Singh , 2003, p. 8, f.n.]It is also likely that the years long [Chachnama in Elliot, I, 147] stubborn resistance by Jats and others to Chach during the latter’s siege of
Brahmanabad provided him the immediate provocation for adopting the repressive measures. [G.C. Dwivedi, The Jats, Their role in the Mughal Empire, Delhi, EdDr Vir Singh , 2003, p. 9]Chachnama refers to the Jats again at the time ofMuhammad bin Qasim ’s invasion ofSind . Following a query from the conqueror about the position of the Jats under Chach andDahir , Sisakar, the minister of the fallen King, apprised him of the restrictions imposed upon them. The minister added that it was incumbent upon them to supply escorts and conduct parties and serve as guides. If any injury befell a person on the road they had to answer for it. The minister went on that these people have the disposition of savages and always rebelled against their sovereign....Having heard this, Qasim retained the same regulations against the Jats [Ibid.,187] of the eastern areas but not against those of western, who probably as mercenaries, had joined the invader against the oppressive Dahir. [Mirza Kalich Beg’s translation of Chachnams quoted by Qanungo, Jats, 28] , [G.C. Dwivedi, The Jats, Their role in the Mughal Empire, Delhi, EdDr Vir Singh , 2003, p. 9]Jats in Kamil-ut-Tawarikh
Kamil-ut-Tawarikh notices the Jats seizing upon the roads of
Hajar and plundering the corn ofKaskar . They had planted posts in all directions towards the desert. At the orders of the reigning Khalifa, Alif bin Isa marched against them (219 A.H. –834 AD). He was busy suppressing their chief Muhammad bin Usman for seven months. After killing many of the Jats, Ajif is said to have carried twenty seven thousand of them (including women and children) toBaghdad . [Kamil-ut-Tawarikh in Elliot, II, 247-248] , [G.C. Dwivedi, The Jats, Their role in the Mughal Empire, Delhi, EdDr Vir Singh , 2003, p. 10]Jats in Fatuh-ul-Buldan
Fatuh-ul-Buldan alludes to the Jats having sway over the territory of
Kikan . Amran, the governor ofSind , (sometimes after 221 A.H. –836 AD) attacked and subjugated them. [Fatuh-ul-Buldan in Elliot, I, 128] , [G.C. Dwivedi, The Jats, Their role in the Mughal Empire, Delhi, EdDr Vir Singh , 2003, p. 10]Mahmud of Ghazni (977-1030) and Jats
Mahmud of Ghazni (977-1030) was a Turk. The original rulers ofTurkistan were Jats. Then the Mongols ousted them and Turk tribes were gradually compelled to leave Turkistan. Mahmud's ancestors had thus come and settled inZabulistan andAfghanistan . Alpatgin of this tribe established his kingdom inGhazni . Subkutgin (977-997), who was born in the third generation of Alpatgin, invaded India many times but was vigorously repulsed by the Jat King, Jai Pal, at Frontier Provinces. His son Sultan Mahmud was aware of his father's battles with Raja Jaipal and India's weaknesses.It has been mentioned in Indian History that Mahmud Ghazni had given a vow to the Khalifa to invade India every year, demolish the idols they worshiped and spread
Islam . Every time he came like a hurricane looted, and returned but only to create a large Army with that wealth, and invade again. Two of his invasions were purely against Jats and these proved the costliest.In
1001 ADMahmud of Ghazni defeated Jay Pal and occupied the state of Bhati Rajputs,Bhatinda . He capturedMultan and levied tax on acts of worship. Anand Pal, son of Jay Pal, took with him the rulers ofKannauj and Jujhauti and attacked Mahmud. In this war Gakkhar Jats were also with Anand Pal. Mahmud had come this time with a huge army and camped for 40 days. At last the army of Gakkhars attacked Mahmud at place calledChhachh nearAttock . The Turk army could not sustain war before Gakkhars. Mahmud was about to withdraw from the war, But unfortunately at the same time the elephant of Anand Pal got angry, which sent the signals as a defeat and the army got demoralized. This led to the victory of Mahmud. [Dr Natthan Singh , Itihas, 123-124]James Todd 'sRajasthan mentions that while the Army ofMahmud of Ghazni , with the booty obtained from the loot ofSomnath , was passing through the Jat territory ofMultan , they were ambushed by Jats in1025 AD, and all the wealth was recovered. SultanMahmud of Ghazni collected the remnants of his force, and managed to slip away with it. This was the first occasion when he met defeat in India. He did not have the courage to invade India for two years. During this period he prepared to take revenge from the Jats and crush them. [Ram Swarup Joon , Ch. 9]Tabkai-i-Akbari writes that
Mahmud of Ghazni undertook his seventeenth expedition in 417 A.H. against the Jats (of the region of the Jud hills) who had molested his army on its return from Somnath. Mahmud is said to have organized a fleet of 1400 boats, while Jats could gather 4000 boats (or 8000 according to some). A naval fight ensued between the two atMultan , in which the Jats were drowned. The rest were slain. [Tabkai-i-Akbari quoted in Elliot, II, Note D 477-478] Jats were thus defeated in naval battle in1027 AD by Mahmood Ghazni and their territory ransacked. There areTak andDagar gotras inHaryana , whose forefathers migrated fromMultan during that Period. [Ram Swarup Joon , Ch. 9]Tarikh-us-Subuktigin describes that two or three thousand mounted Jats attacked the Ghazanvid commander Tilak (425 A.H. –
1034 AD) “chiefly for the purpose of seizing his property and money”, when he was perusing the rebel, Ahmad Nialtigin in the lower Punjab. They carried away his son and subsequently killed Ahmad also. The Jats returned his son and the head of the deceased only after getting a portion of the promised reward. [Tarikh-us-Subuktigin in Elliot, II, 132-133] , [G.C. Dwivedi, The Jats, Their role in the Mughal Empire, Delhi, EdDr Vir Singh , 2003, p. 10]Muhammad Ghori (
1173 -1206 ) and JatsIn
zabulistan there is a big 'Khap ' ofGaurzai (derivative ofGaur ).Ghazni 's old name was Gazni and was founded by theMadrak Jat RajaGaj . After the death ofMahmud of Ghazni , Gaurs again came into power. Their capable ruler planned to extend his empire into India to revive the ancient glory ofGaur s who had earlier ruledHissar andAjmer Areas. The ancestors of Gaj had also ruledSialkot and Quetta. Ruins of a fort Bala-e-Hissar still exist inAfghanistan .The King
Jai Chandra was at daggers drawn withPrithvi Raj Chauhan . He continued a clash betweenMuhammad Ghori andPrithvi Raj Chauhan , and promised to support Mohammed Gauri with men and material. Muhammad Ghori jumped at the proposal. UnlikeMahmud of Ghazni his aim was not more plunder. He wanted to capture the throne ofDelhi and to establish his empire there.Muhammad Ghori (1173 -1205 ) invaded in1191 and facedPrithvi Raj Chauhan atTarain nearDelhi . Jats fought along with Rajputs. Prithvi Raj's commander-in-chief wasChand Ram ,Dahima Jat.Ghori was defeated and wounded and his troops were looted by Jats while retreating.It has been mentioned in the chronicles of Jat '
Sarv Khap ', which are still reserved with Chaudhry Qabul Singh Shorom inMuzaffarnagar district ,Uttar Pradesh , that the JatSarv Khap , reinforced Prithvi Raj with 22,000 brave Jats, who contributed a great deal for Prithvi Raj to win the day.To avenge his humiliation and defeat he attacked again and won atTarain (1192 ).Ghori madeQutb-ud-Din his regent atDelhi .Taj-ul-Maasir refers to the rising of the Jats of
Haryana (588 A.H.1192 AD) under their leaderJatwan , following the defeat ofPrithvi Raj Chauhan . Jatwan besieged theMuslim garrison atHansi . Hearing about it,Qutb-ud-Din hurriedly moved against the Jats. Jatwan raised the siege to confrontQutb-ud-Din , but was beaten after a sanguinary fight. We are told that in samvat 1252 (1195 AD) a meeting ofSarva Khap Panchayat (Federal clan council of the Jats and other kindred people of Upper Doab, Haryana and neighbourng areas) was held in a forest between the villages of Bhoju and Banera under the chairmanship of Rao Vijay Rao of the village,Sisauli . This meeting decided among others to raise a big militia “to defend theSarva Khap area against a suspected attack byMuhammad Ghori and to protect the area from loot and plunder. [Kanha Ram (Hindi Ms.) in possession of Chaudhary Qabul Singh of Shoram Muzaffarnagar] ] , [Habibullah, Foundation of Muslim rule in India, 62,81 (footnote)] , [G.C. Dwivedi, The Jats, Their role in the Mughal Empire, Delhi, EdDr Vir Singh , 2003, p. 11]Muhammad Ghori returned to Lahore after 1200 to deal with a revolt of theKhokhar Jats in the Punjab, who had rebelled under their leader Raisal. He suppressed the revolt but was killed in a fierce battle byKhokhar Jats while he was returning toGhazni at his camp at Dhamyak near Lahore on theJhelum River in1206 . After this incidence the Mughal rulers of Delhi could not win these Khokhar Jats till the end offifteenth century . [Dr Natthan Singh , Jat Itihas, p.128]Ala ud din Khilji (
1296 -1316 ) and JatsAla ud din Khilji was a religious bigot and was deadly against Hindus. He had a trusted chief named Malik Kafur, a Hindu (Saini) convertFact|date=September 2008 , and ex-wrestler. He had married a sweeper womenFact|date=September 2008 .Ala ud din Khilji ruinedChittorgarh in his effort to get Rani Padamni. He leviedJazia on the Hindus and placed restrictions on marriages, restricted horse ride by Hindu zamindars, put a ban on creatng assets by Hindus etc. These acts were worse that death to Hindus. [Dr Natthan Singh, Jat Itihas, p.132-133] , [Ram Swarup Joon: History of the Jats, Rohtak, India (1938, 1967)]The Jat
Sarv Khap meeting was held in samvat 1354 (1295 AD) in protest against these 'Firmans' at villageShikarpur inMeerut District . It was unanimously decided that the king should be given an ultimatum on a fixed date on which all able bodied men from 18 to 40 years of age should be ready to sacrifice themselves. They assembled at the confluence of theKali (Nadi) andHindaun River s. The remaining men and women were detailed on administrative duties. [Dr Natthan Singh, Jat Itihas, p.132-133] , [Ram Swarup Joon: History of the Jats, Rohtak, India (1938, 1967)]The king was infuriated on - receipt of this ultimatum and at once sent Malik Kafur with 25,000 men, to deal with them. A fierce battle-took place. Malik Kafur was defeated. The Jats gave a severe blow to the royal army which was forced to run away from the battle field. He never attacked the Jats of the
Sarv Khap again. [ Ram Swarup Joon: History of the Jats, Rohtak, India (1938, 1967)]During his period it was rumored that
Mongol invasion was imminent in Punjab.Ala ud din Khilji thought it better to reconcile with the Jats at this crucial moment. He negotiated a truce with them by canceling his repugnant firmans. He paid a huge remuneration and compensation to the Jats and got their promise to help him in the event of foreign aggression. [Dr Natthan Singh, Jat Itihas, p.132-133] , [Ram Swarup Joon: History of the Jats, Rohtak, India (1938, 1967)]
= Jat republic at Pirana =Pirana was a republic of
Jats inTonk infourteenth century . It was a well-organized state. They used to collect taxes from traders and rich travelers through passing their state. They used to collect one fourth of the goods as tax. There was a system of equal right of all the brothers and castes on the land under their occupation. But in return they used to select 9 soldiers from their people for war. Every child, youth and elderly persons were committed to protect their state and sacrifice their lives.Once a caravan of Begams of Badsah
Jahangir happened to pass through their state. Jat chieftain stopped the caravan and allowed to pass only when they paid taxes. Jahangir when came to know about this incidence he sent his subedar Malook khan to suppress these Jats. Malook khan knew the powers and strategy of Jat rulers so he did not attack them directly. He camped at a village called Sherpur nearRanthambore and started his planning. He allured one Doom and asked details about how he could defeat these Jat rulers. The Doom told him that on "bhadwa badi 12" the Jats celebrate ‘Bachchh baras’ when all are armless. Malook khan attacked on this very date when the Jats were celebrating ‘Bachchh baras’. Jats being unarmed, many of them were killed. This way a Jat republic was destroyed.Jiwan Singh and Raimal in Pirana were two chieftains who were killed in above attack. The pregnant ladies at the time of above attack got escaped and sent to
Sanganer where they founded a town near Sanganer. The boys on their birth were named Jiwan and Raimal as decided prior to war on the name of above warriors killed. Jiwan later chose to live at a place of his ancestors and founded a new village ‘Pirana’ in the name of old village of same name.Some ladies were killed or chose to become
sati after the death of their husbands. There are terraces constructed in the memory of these ladies at Pirana locally known as ‘Satiyon ke chabutre’. The inscriptions on this site bear years up to samvat 1478 (1421 AD). These inscriptions indicate the period of war of Malook khan with Jats was infourteenth century whenKhilji was ruler atDelhi . [Thakur Deshraj: Jat Itihas (Hindi), Maharaja Suraj Mal Smarak Shiksha Sansthan, Delhi, 1934, 2nd edition 1992, pp. 604-605]Attack of Timur (1370 – 1405) and Jats
Th Jats rose again when
Timur invaded India. Malfuzat-i-Timuri testifies to his satisfaction over killing 2000 Jats of village Tohna near Sarsuti. He found them “demon like”, “robust”, “marauding” and “as numerous as ants, and locusts”. [Malfuzat-i-Timuri and following it Zafarnama in Elliot, III, 248-249, 491] , [ G.C. Dwivedi, The Jats, Their role in the Mughal Empire, Delhi, EdDr Vir Singh , 2003, p. 11] We learn that in order to hold deliberations over the problem of his invasion, aSarva Khap Panchayat meeting was held in samvat 1455 (1398 AD) in forest ofChaugama under the president ship of Dev PalRana . It passed the resolutions that they should “vacate the villages, sending the children and women to the forests and that the able-bodied persons should take up arms and destroy the army of Timur. [Kanha Ram (Hindi Ms),13] , [ G.C. Dwivedi, The Jats, Their role in the Mughal Empire, Delhi, EdDr Vir Singh , 2003, p. 11] The Panchayat militia harassed the forces of Timur, while they were advancing from Meerut towards Haridwar. In the process the former lost 6000 men. [Ibid.] , [ G.C. Dwivedi, The Jats, Their role in the Mughal Empire, Delhi, EdDr Vir Singh , 2003, p. 11]In
1398 ADTimur made a ferocious attack on India with 92,000 horsemen. On receiving the news of Timur's total and open looting and destruction, in Vikram Samvat 1455 (1398 AD), kartick badi 5, Raja Dev Pal Rana (who was born in the village of Nirpradha, DistrictMeerut in a Jat family), who was in charge of the of theHaryana Sarv Khap Panchayat, called a Mahapanchayat in the jungles in the middle of the villages of Tikri, Doghat, and Daha. The chief committee passed the following resolutions: Dr Natthan Singh, Uttar Bharat ke Jaton ki Shasan Vyavastha, page 222]
* All villages would be emptied.
* The elders and women, and children would be taken to safe places
* All able-bodied men would join the army of the SarvKhap
* The young women would also take up arms like the men.
* The army ofTimur , which was advancing fromDelhi toHaridwar , would be fought withGuerilla warfare , and the water in his way would be poisoned.
* 500 young horsemen would follow Timur and report his whereabouts to theSarv Khap army.The Panchayat Army
The Panchayat Army: Under the flag of the panchayat, 80,000 warrior soldiers (Mulls) and 40,000 young women joined together. These heroes also handled all the arrangements of the war material. From hundreds of miles around Delhi Heroic warriors came to the battlefield ready to sacrifice their lives. All the young men and women took up arms. Dharampal Dev, a Jat warrior, who was 95 years old, played a great part in gathering together this army. He traveled day and night on horseback to encourage men and women and gather the army. His brother Karan Pal helped arrange money, grain, and clothing for the army. The choosing of the Supreme General, the deputy general and the other generals. In this endeavor of the
Sarv Khap , the hero warrior Jograj SinghGujar was chosen Supreme General. He was of the Clan Khubar Parmar, and hailed from a village near Haridwar called Kunja. The general chosen from among the heroic maidens were
* RampiariGujar ,
* Hardai Jat,
* DeviKaurRajput ,
* Chandro Brahmin, and
* Ramdai Tyagi.All of them took a vow to lay down their lives in defence of their nation. Two Deputy Generals were chosen -
* Dhula Bhangi (Valmiki),
* Harveer Singh Gulia Jat,Dhula Bhangi was a resident of the Village of
Hansi , near Hissar. He was a strong and powerful brave warrior. The second deputy general was Harveer Singh Gulia Jat, of theGulia Clan. He was from the villageBadli inRohtak district ,Haryana . He was 22 years old. He weighed 53 Dharis (approx. 160 kilograms). He was strong and brave warrior.The names of the generals were :
* Gaje Singh Jat Gatwala,
* Tuhiram Rajput,
* Nedha Rawa,
* Sarju Brahmin,
* Umra Taga (Tyagi), and
* Durjanpal Ahir.The names of deputy generals were :
* Kundan Jat,
* Dhari Gadariya, who was a Dhari,
* Bhondhu Saini,
* Hulla Nai (barber),
* Bhana Julaha (dhanak)
* Aman Singh Pundir, Rajput
* Nathu Pardar, Rajput
* Dhulla (Dhandi) Jat, who would lead raids fromHissar , toDadri , toMultan .
* Mamchand Gujar
* Phalwa Kahaar.Assistant generals, 20 assistant's generals, were chosen from the various castes. The hero
Bard : the Eminent Scholar Poet Chandrabhutt (Bhat) as chosen as the official Bard. He wrote an eyewitness account of the war with Timur.Some excerpts of Jograj Singh's speech
:"Heroes, reflect on the sermon given by
Lord Krishna toArjuna in theGita . For us the door to heaven (moksha ) has been opened. That moksha, which the Rishi Munis achieve by doingYoga , the hero warriors achieve by sacrificing their lives on the battlefield. Save the nation, that is- sacrifice yourselves, the world will honor you. You have chosen me leader. To my last breath I will not withdraw. I salute thePanchayat , and take oath that until my last breath I will defend the soil ofBharat . Our nation has been shaken by the crimes and attacks ofTimur . Warriors arise and do not delay. Fight the enemy army and throw them out of the nation."On hearing this speech a wave of heroism ran through the assembly. 80, 000 warriors and 40,000 maiden warriors kissed their swords and took an oath, ' O General, while we breathe we will obey your orders, and sacrifice our lives for our country'. The Troops. - The Panchayat Army, spread out from
Delhi toMeerut ,Muzzafarnagar ,Saharanpur , andHaridwar . On reaching these places they tangled with the armies ofTimur , and usingGuerilla warfare , they did not let them sit still. The enemy army had to escape by the route of the hills and the enemy was chased up toAmbala , and expelled out from the land ofHaryana .The battle of Delhi
At the time
Timur was lootingDelhi , and putting the population to the sword 20,000 warriors of the Panchayat army, made a surprise attack on the 52,000 strong army of Timur in the middle of the night, and killed 9,000 of them, and let their corpses be swept away in the riverYamuna . As soon as dawn came these heroic soldiers of thePanchayat returned to outside the city walls. The battle carried on like this for three days. Timur Lung got frustrated, leftDelhi and advanced toward Meerut.The battle of Meerut
Timur, with his numerous and powerful army, with much weaponry, advanced towards
Meerut . In this land, Timur's army was given no space to breathe. The battles continued all through the day. Wherever the Army ofTimur would stop for the night, thePanchayat army would attack, and uproot them. The heroic Devis (goddesses- women) would deliver food and war material to their soldiers wherever they were. The warrior maidens would attack and loot the supplies of the enemy. The 500 horsemen were doing their duty by keeping everyone together and bearing information. As supplies were not reaching them, the army of Timur started to go hungry. Whichever village came in its path would be destroyed. Becoming frustratedTimur advanced towardsHaridwar .The battle of Haridwar
Meerut , toMuzzafarnagar andSaharanpur , the Panchayat armies fought fiercely with Timur and did not let his army take hold (grip). The Supreme General, the Deputy Generals and the Generals were handling their armies well. The army of Timur reachedTuglaqpur -Pathrigarh , which is 15 km south ofHaridwar . In this land the army of the Panchayat fought three major battles with the army of Timur.Harveer Singh Gulia attacked Timur
The Deputy Commander Harveer Singh Gulia (
1376 -1398 ), a Jat ofGulia clan of village Badli, along with 25,000 warriors of the Panchayat army, made a fierce attack on a big group ofTimur 's horsemen, and a fierce battle ensued where arrows and spears were used. There over 2, 000 hill archers joined the Panchayat Army. One arrow piercedTimur 's hand. Timur was in the army of horsemen. Harveer Singh Gulia charged ahead like a lion, and hitTimur on his chest with a spear, and he was about to fall under his horse, when his commander Khijra, saved him and separated him from the horse. Dr Natthan Singh">Dr Natthan Singh ,"Jat-Itihas", (Jat History),Jat Samaj Kalyan Parishad , F-13, Dr Rajendra Prasad Colony, Tansen marg, Gwalior, M.P, India 474 002 2004 page-137] (Timur eventually died from this wound when he reachedSamarkhand ). The spear men and swordsmen of the enemy leap on the Harveer SinghGulia , and he fainted from the wounds he received and fell. At that very time, the Supreme Commander Jograj SinghGujar , with 22,000 Mulls (warriors) attacked the enemy and killed 5000 horsemen. Jograj Singh himself with his own hands lifted the unconscious Harveer Singh Gulia and brought him to the camp. But a few hours later, the hero warrior Harveer Singh achieved martyrdom. (See -Harveer Gulia )Timur after sackingDelhi on his way toHaridwar was confronted, harassed and plundered on his way retreat so much by the Jat Panchayat armies that he retreated viaSaharanpur to avoidMuzaffarnagar .Invasion of Babar (
1483 –1530 ) and JatsBābur (1483 – 1530) founded the Mughal dynasty of India. He was a direct descendant of
Timur , and believed himself to be a descendant also ofGenghis Khan through his mother. Following a series of set-backs he succeeded in laying the basis for theMughal Empire in India. Babur after crossing theSindh River faces the opposition ofGakkhar s and theKhokhar Jats in the salt range. There were skirmishes but the Jats being equipped only with bows and arrows could not face the strong artillery of Babur. Even after defeat they rebelled immediately after Babur left the area. [Dr Natthan Singh , Jat Itihas, p.139]The invader
Babar found the Jats inhabiting a tract betweenMil-ab andBhera mountains. He remarks:: “If one goes into Hindustan the Jats and
Gujar s always pour down in countless hordes from hill and plain for loot in bullock and buffalo…When we reachedSialkot , they fell in tumult on poor and needy folks who were coming out of the town to our camp, and stripped them bare. I had the silly thieves sought for, and ordered two or three of them cur to pieces”. [Memoieres of Babar, qaoted by Qanungo, Jats,33] , [ G.C. Dwivedi, The Jats, Their role in the Mughal Empire, Delhi, EdDr Vir Singh , 2003, p. 11]Jat militia for Rana Sanga
Although master of Delhi and Agra,
Babur records in his memoirs that he had sleepless nights because of continuing worries overRana Sanga , the Rajput ruler of Mewar. Babur was convinced he could overcome the Rajputs and gain complete control over Hindustan.The two armies fought each other forty miles west of Agra at
Khanwa . In a possibly apocryphal tale referred to in Tod's Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, Babur is supposed to have sent about 1,500 choice cavalry as an advance guard to attack Sanga. These were heavily defeated by Sanga's army. Babur then wanted to discuss peace terms. Sanga sent his general Silhadi (Shiladitya) to the parley. Babur is said to have won over this general by promising him an independent kingdom. Silhadi came back and reported that Babur did not want peace and preferred to fight. TheBattle of Khanwa began on17 March 1527 and, as Tod puts it, "While the issue was still doubtful" Silhadi and his army left the field. Whatever the truth of this tale, it seems plausible that a treacherousTomara who led the vanguard of Sanga's army at Khanwa went over to Babur, causing Sanga to retreat and costing him a likely victory.In response to
Rana Sanga ’s call of support fromPanchayat army, a meeting of JatSarva Khap Panchayat, Saurom was held atSisauli village ofBalyan Khap in samvat 1584 (1527 AD) and a resolution was passed to send an army 25000 soldiers under the leadership of Maharana ofDholpur to helpRana Sanga in war againstBabur . The records of Panchayat reveal that this army was sent, which fought in favour of Rana Sanga and thousands of soldiers were killed in the war. [Kanha Ram (Hindi Ms),15] , [Dr Natthan Singh , Jat Itihas, p.140] G.C. Dwivedi writes that a Jat militia of 5000 from the upperDoab and another from theBrij participated in thebattle of Khanwa againstBabar . [, G.C. Dwivedi, The Jats, Their role in the Mughal Empire, Delhi, EdDr Vir Singh , 2003, p. 11]Sikandar Lodhi (
1489 -1517 ) and JatsIt is said that land taxes on the farmers were increased during the period of
Sikandar Lodhi (1489 - 1517) and Jajiya tax was imposed. He demolished Hindu temples atMathura . "Sarays" were built in place of new temples. The sculptures were given to butchers who used them as weights to weigh meat. Masjids and shops were constructed on the banks ofYamuna River . To oppose these farmans a meeting of Deshkhap,Sarv Khap Panchayat ofTomara s, was held in1490 AD at villageBaraut under the chairmanship of Ramdev. It was decided not to pay the increased land-tax and the jajiya tax. The records of Panchayat reveal that if the Emperor tried to recover the increased taxes, a Panchayat army of 50000 soldiers would be raised to rebel against the rule.Sikandar Lodhi did not press to recover the taxes in view of fear of rebellion. [Dr Natthan Singh , Jat Itihas, p.141]Sher Shah Suri (
1486 –1545 ) and JatsDuring the period of confusion intervening between the death of Babur and accession of Sher Shah Suri (1486 – 1545) to the throne of Delhi, Tarikh-i-Sher Shahi speaks of one redoubted Jat chief named Fateh Khan of Kot Kobulah devastated the whole country of Lakhi Jungle and kept in ferment the road from
Lahore toPanipat . Haibat Khan Niazi, the governor of the Punjab on behalf of Sher Shah Suri, crushed Fateh Khan and his associates after a severe campaign. [Tarikh-i-Sher Shahi in Elliotr, IV, 398-399] , [ G.C. Dwivedi, The Jats, Their role in the Mughal Empire, Delhi, EdDr Vir Singh , 2003, p. 11] , [Qanungo, SAher Shah, p. 308-311]According to the historian Qanungo, Jats had little scope for their lawless activity under the strong governments of the Surs and the Mughals down to the accession of
Aurangzeb . They remained quite till the religious persecution of that Emperor and the misrule of the provincial viceroys goaded them into rebellion. [K.R.qanungo, History of the Jats, Ed. dr Vir singh, 2003, p.19]The tendency to oppose the foreign invaders
The Jats later opposed, to their worth,
Nadir shah (atKarnal ) andAhmad Shah Abdali (atManupur ). These examples suffice to show their tendency of opposing the foreign invaders. K.R.Kanungo rightly remarks::"They (the Jats) have shown in all times – whether against Sultan
Mahmud of Ghazni , or againstNadir Shah andAhmad Shah Abdali – the same propensity to fall upon the rear of a retreating army undeterred by the heaviest odds, or the terror-inspiring fame of great conquerors. When encountered they showed the same obstinate and steady courage unmindful of the carnage on the field or of the miseries that were in store for them after defeat". [Qanungo, Jats,30] , [G.C.Dwivedi, The Jats, Their role in the Mughal Empire, Ed. Dr Vir Singh, Delhi, 2003, p.11-12]The traditional accounts of the Jats record that on many occasions the
Sarva Khap Panchayat of the Jats and others met to express its deep resentment against the administrative oppression, unjust restrictions and humiliating exactions on ground of religious discrimination. In some cases they reportedly resolved to oppose the Muslim administration in case the oppressive measures were not withdrawn. [Kanha Ram (Hindi Ms.), 6,8-9,12,14] , [G.C.Dwivedi, The Jats, Their role in the Mughal Empire, Ed. Dr Vir Singh, Delhi, 2003, p.11-12]See also
The rise of Jat power
*The Jat Uprising of 1669
*Maharaja Suraj Mal
*Jats in the pre-Aurangzeb period References
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