List of freshwater fish of Korea

List of freshwater fish of Korea

This is a list of species of fish found in the rivers and lakes of the Korean Peninsula.


# Arctic lamprey, "Lampetra japonica" (Martens, 1868) - korlink|칠성장어
# Far Eastern brook lamprey, "Lampetra reissneri" (Dybowski, 1869) - korlink|다묵장어
# Korean lamprey, "Lampetra morii" (Berg, 1931) - korlink|칠성말배꼽

turgeons and paddlefish

# Chinese sturgeon, "Acipenser sinensis" (Gray, 1834) - korlink|철갑상어
# Yangtze sturgeon, "Acipenser dabryanus" (Dumeril, 1868) - korlink|칼상어
# green sturgeon, "Acipenser medirostris" (Ayres, 1854) - korlink|용상어


# Japanese eel, "Anguilla japonica" (Schlegel, 1846) - korlink|뱀장어
# marbled eel, "Anguilla marmorata" (Quoy and Gaiamard, 1824) - korlink|무태장어


# Japanese grenadier anchovy, "Coilia nasus" (Temminck et Schlegel, 1846) - korlink|웅어
# tapertail anchovy, "Coilia mystus" (Linnaeus, 1758) - korlink|싱어
# big-eye herring, "Sardinella zunasi" (Bleeker, 1854) - korlink|밴댕이
# hickory shad, "Konosirus punctatus" (Temminck et Schlegel, 1846) - korlink|전어

Carp and minnows

# common carp, "Cyprinus carpio carpio" (Linnaeus, 1758) - korlink|잉어
# crucian carp, "Carassius carassius" (Linnaeus, 1758) - korlink|붕어
# Japanese crucian carp, "Carassius cuvieri" (Temminck et Schlegel, 1846) - korlink|떡붕어
# grass carp, "Ctenopharyngodon idella" (Cuvier et Valenciennes) - korlink|초어
# rose bitterling, "Rhodeus ocellatus" (Kner, 1867) - korlink|흰줄납줄개
# Han River bitterling, "Rhodeus pseudosericeus" (Arai, Jeon, et Ueda) - korlink|한강납줄개
# "Rhodeus notatus" (Nichols, 1929) - korlink|떡납줄갱이
# Korean rose bitterling, "Rhodeus uyekii" (Mori, 1935) - korlink|각시붕어
# Seoho bitterling, "Acheilognathus hondae" (Jordan et Metz, 1913) - korlink|서호납줄갱이
# slender bitterling, "Tanakia lanceolata" (Temminck et Schlegel, 1846) - korlink|납자루
# Korean bitterling, "Acheilognathus signifer" (Berg, 1907) - korlink|묵납자루
# oily bitterling, "Acheilognathus koreensis" (Kim et Kim, 1990) - korlink|칼납자루
# Seomjin bitterling, "Acheilognathus somjinensis" (Kim et Kim, 1991) - korlink|임실납자루
# Korean striped bitterling, "Acheilognathus yamatsutae" (Mori, 1928) - korlink|줄납자루
# large striped bitterling, "Acheilognathus majusculus" (Kim et Yang, 1998) - korlink|큰줄납자루
# flat bitterling, "Acheilognathus rhombeus" (Temminck et Schlegel, 1846) - korlink|납지리
# deep body bitterling, " Acheilognathus macropterus" (Bleeker, 1871) - korlink|큰납지리
# Korean spined bitterling, "Acanthorhodeus gracilis" (Regan, 1890) - korlink|가시납지리
# false dace, "Pseudorasbora parva" (Temminck et Schlegel, 1846) - korlink|참붕어
# striped shiner, "Pungtungia herzi" (Herzenstein, 1892) - korlink|돌고기
# black shiner, "Pseudopungtungia nigra" (Mori, 1935) - korlink|감돌고기
# slender shiner, "Pseudopungtungia tenuicorpus" (Jeon et Choi, 1980) - korlink|가는돌고기
# Korean splendid dace, "Coreoleuciscus splendidus" (Mori, 1935) - korlink|쉬리
# Tachanovsky's gudgeon, "Ladislavia taczanowskii" (Dybowski, 1869) - korlink|새미
# oily shiner, " Sarcocheilichthys variegatus microoculus" (Mori, 1927) - korlink|참중고기
# Cherskii's thicklip gudgeon, "Sarcocheilichthys czerskii " (Berg, 1914) - korlink|북방중고기
# Korean oily shiner, "Sarcocheilichthys nigripinnus morii" (Jordan et Hubbs, 1925) - korlink|중고기
# striped false gudgeon, "Gnathopogon strigatus" (Regan, 1908) - korlink|줄몰개
# Korean slender gudgeon, "Squalidus gracilis majimae" (Jordan et Hubbs, 1925) - korlink|긴몰개
# short barbel gudgeon, " Squalidus japonicus coreanus" (Berg, 1906) - korlink|몰개
# Korean gudgeon, "Squalidus chankaensis tsuchigae" (Jordan et Hubbs, 1925) - korlink|참몰개
# spotted-barbel gudgeon, "Squalidus multimaculatus" (Hosoya et Jeon, 1984) - korlink|점몰개
# gudgeon, "Gobio cynocephalus" (Dybowski, 1869) - korlink|모샘치
# brass gudgeon, "Coreius heterodon" (Bleeker, 1865) - korlink|게톱치
# steed barbel, "Hemibarbus labeo" (Pallas, 1707FIXME) - korlink|누치
# long-nosed barbel, "Hemibarbus longirostris" (Regan, 1908) - korlink|참마자
# Korean barbel, "Hemibarbus mylodon" (Berg, 1907) - korlink|어름치
# goby minnow, "Pseudogobio esocinus" (Temminck et Schlegel, 1846) - korlink|모래무지
# Chinese false gudgeon, "Abbottina rivularis" (Basilewsky, 1855) - korlink|버들매치
# Korean dwarf gudgeon, "Abbottina springeri" (Banarescu et Nalbant, 1973) - korlink|왜매치
# "Gobiobotia macrocephala" (Mori, 1935) - korlink|꾸구리
# "Gobiobotia brevibarba" (Mori, 1935) - korlink|돌상어
# "Gobiobotia naktongensis" (Mori, 1935) - korlink|흰수마자
# "Mesogobio lachneri" (Banarescu et Nalbant, 1973) - korlink|압록자그사니
# "Mesogobio tumensis" (Chang, 1979) - korlink|두만강자그사니
# "Microphysogobio koreensis" (Mori, 1935) - korlink|모래주사
# "Microphysogobio yaluensis" (Mori, 1928) - korlink|돌마자
# "Microphysogobio rapidus" (Chae et Yang, 1999) - korlink|여울마자
# "Microphysogobio jeoni" (Kim et Yang, 1999) - korlink|됭경모치
# "Microphysogobio longidorsalis" (Mori, 1935) - korlink|배가사리
# Chinese gudgeon, "Saurogobio dabryi" (Bleeker, 1871) - korlink|두우쟁이
# "Leuciscus waleckii" (Dybowski, 1869) - korlink|야레
# silver carp, "Hypophthalmichthys molitrix" (Cuvier et Valenciennes) - korlink|백련어
# bighead carp, "Aristichthys nobilis" (Richardson) - korlink|대두어
# sea rundace, "Tribolodon hakonensis" (Günther, 1880) - korlink|황어
# "Tribolodon brandtii" (Dybowski, 1872) - korlink|대황어
# common minnow, "Phoxinus phoxinus" (Linnaeus, 1758) - korlink|연준모치
# Chinese minnow, "Rhynchocypris oxycephalus" (Sauvage et Darby, 1874) - korlink|버들치
# Amur minnow, "Rhynchocypris steindachneri" (Dybowski, 1869) - korlink|버들개
# "Rhynchocypris percnurus" (Pallas, 1811) - korlink|동버들개
# Kumgang fat minnow, "Rhynchocypris kumgangensis" (Kim, 1980) - korlink|금강모치
# black star fat minnow, "Rhynchocypris semotilus" (Jordan et Starks, 1905) - korlink|버들가지
# Venus fish, "Aphyocypris chinensis" (Günther, 1868) - korlink|왜몰개
# dark chub, "Zacco temminckii" (Temminck et Schlegel, 1846) - korlink|갈견이
# pale chub, "Zacco platypus" (Temminck et Schlegel, 1846) - korlink|피라미
# Korean piscivorous chub, "Opsariichthys uncirostris amurensis" (Berg, 1940) - korlink|끄리
# barbel chub, "Squaliobarbus curriculus" (Richardson, 1846) - korlink|눈불개
# skygazer, "Erythroculter erythropterus" (Basilewsky, 1855) - korlink|강준치
# redfin culter, "Culter brevicauda" (Günther, 1868) - korlink|백조어
# Korean sharpbelly, "Hemiculter eigenmanni" (Jordan et Metz, 1913) - korlink|치리
# sharpbelly, "Hemiculter leucisculus" (Basilewsky, 1855) - korlink|살치
# Siberian stone loach, "Orthrias toni" (Dybowsky, 1869) - korlink|종개
# continental stone loach, "Orthrias nudus" (Bleeker, 1865) - korlink|대륙종개
# eight-barbel loach, "Lefua costata" (Kessler, 1876) - korlink|쌀미꾸리
# muddy loach, "Misgurnus anguillicaudatus" (Cantor, 1842) - korlink|미꾸리
# Chinese muddy loach, "Misgurnus mizolepis" (Günther, 1888) - korlink|미꾸라지
# white-nose loach, "Koreocobitis rotundicaudata" (Wakiya et Mori, 1929) - korlink|새코미꾸리
# Nakdong nose loach, "Koreocobitis naktongensis" (Kim, Park, et Nalbant, 2000) - korlink|얼룩새코미꾸리
# Korean spine loach, "Iksookimia koreensis" (Kim, 1975) - korlink|참종개
# Buan spine loach, "Iksookimia pumila" (Kim et Lee, 1987) - korlink|부안종개
# Miho spine loach, "Iksookimia choii" (Kim et Son, 1984) - korlink|미호종개
# king spine loach, "Iksookimia longicorpa" (Kim, Choi, et Nalbant, 1976) - korlink|왕종개
# southern king spine loach, "Iksookimia huwowolfedi" (Nalbant, 1993) - korlink|남방종개
# eastern spine loach, "Iksookimia yongdokensis" (Kim et Park, 1997) - korlink|동방종개
# spine loach, "Cobitis sinensis" (Sauvage et Dabryi, 1874) - korlink|기름종개
# sand spine loach, "Cobitis lutheri" (Rendahl, 1935) - korlink|점줄종개
# striped spine loach, "Cobitis tetralineata" (Kim, Park, et Nalbant, 1999) - korlink|줄종개
# northern loach, "Cobitis pacifica" (Kim, Park, et Nalbant, 1999) - korlink|북방종개
# "Niwaella multifasciata" (Wakiya et Mori, 1929) - korlink|수수미꾸리
# dwarf loach, "Kichulchoia brevifasciata" (Kim et Lee, 1996) - korlink|좀수수치
# Korean bullhead, "Pseudobagrus fulvidraco" (Richardson, 1846) - korlink|동자개
# black bullhead, "Pseudobagrus koreanus" (Uchida, 1990) - korlink|눈동자개
# Korean stumpy bullhead, "Pseudobagrus brevicorpus" (Mori, 1936) - korlink|꼬치동자개
# Ussurian bullhead, "Leiocassis ussuriensis" (Dybowski, 1871) - korlink|대농갱이
# light bullhead, "Leiocassis nitidus" (Sauvage et Dabryi, 1874) - korlink|밀자개
# long-snout bullhead, "Leiocassis longirostris" (Günther, 1864) - korlink|종어
# Far Eastern catfish, "Silurus asotus" (Linnaeus, 1758) - korlink|메기
# slender catfish, "Silurus microdorsalis" (Mori, 1936) - korlink|미유기
# channel catfish, "Ictalurus punctatus" (Rafinesque) - korlink|찬넬동자개
# south torrent catfish, "Liobagrus mediadiposalis" (Mori, 1936) - korlink|자가사리
# Korean torrent catfish, "Liobagrus andersoni" (Regan, 1908) - korlink|통가리
# bullhead torrent catfish, "Liobagrus obesus" (Son, Kim, et Choo, 1987) - korlink|통사리


# pond smelt, "Hypomesus nipponensis" (McAllister, 1963) - korlink|빙어
# sweet smelt, "Plecoglossus altivelis" (Temminck et Schlegel, 1846) - korlink|은어
# ariake ice fish, "Salanx ariakensis" (Kishinouye, 1901) - korlink|국수뱅어
# cherry ice fish, "Hemisalanx prognathus" (Regan, 1908) - korlink|벚꽃뱅어
# flower ice fish, "Neosalanx andersoni" (Rendahl, 1923) - korlink|도화뱅어
# "Neosalanx jordani" (Wakiya et Takahashi, 1937) - korlink|젓뱅어
# short ice fish, "Neosalanx hubbsi" (Wakiya et Takahashi, 1937) - korlink|실뱅어
# king ice fish, "Protosalanx chinensis" (Basilewsky, 1855) - korlink|붕퉁뱅어
# ice fish, "Salangichthys microdon" (Bleeker, 1860) - korlink|뱅어


# grayling, "Thymallus articus jaluensis" (Mori, 1928) - korlink|사루기
# Manchurian trout, "Brachymystax lenk tsinlingensis" (Li, 1966) - korlink|열목어
# chum salmon, "Onchorhynchus keta" (Walbaum, 1792) - korlink|연어
# Sakhalin salmon, "Onchorhynchus gorbuscha" (Walbaum, 1792) - korlink|곱사연어
# river salmon, "Onchorhynchus masou masou" (Brevoort, 1856) - korlink|송어
# coho salmon, "Onchorhynchus kisutch" (Walbaum, 1792) - korlink|은연어
# rainbow trout, "Onchorhynchus mykiss" (Walbaum, 1792) - korlink|무지개송어
# Korean taimen, "Hucho ishakawai" (Mori, 1928) - korlink|자치
# white-spotted char, "Salvelinus leucomaenis" (Pallas, 1811) - korlink|홍송어
# malma trout, "Salvelinus malmus" (Walbaum, 1792) - korlink|곤들매기


# burbot, "Lota lota" (Linnaeus, 1758) - korlink|모오캐

Perch-like fish

# striped mullet, "Mugil cephalus" (Linnaeus, 1758) - korlink|숭어
# liza, "Chelon affinis" (Günther, 1861) - korlink|등줄숭어
# redlip mullet, "Chelon haematocheilus" (Temminck et Schlegel, 1845) - korlink|가숭어
# temperate sea bass, "Lateolabrax japonicus" (Cuvier, 1828) - korlink|농어
# mandarin fish, "Siniperca scherzeri" (Steindachner, 1892) - korlink|쏘가리
# Japanese aucha perch, "Coreoperca kawamebari" (Temminck et Schlegel, 1842) - korlink|꺽저기
# Korean aucha perch, "Coreoperca herzi" (Herzenstein, 1896) - korlink|꺽지
# bluegill, "Lepomis macrochirus" (Rafinesque, 1819) - korlink|블루길
# largemouth bass, "Micropterus salmoides" (Lacepede) - korlink|베스
# Nile tilapia, "Oreochromis niloticus" (Linnaeus, 1758) - korlink|나일틸라피아
# spotnape pony fish, "Leiognathus nuchalis" (Temminck et Schlegel, 1845) - korlink|주둥치
# dragonet fish, "Repomucenus olidus" (Gunther, 1873) - korlink|강주걱양태
# spined sleeper, "Eleotris oxycephala" (Temminck et Schlegel, 1845) - korlink|구굴무치
# Korean dark sleeper, "Odontobutis platycephala" (Iwata et Jeon, 1985) - korlink|동사리
# dark sleeper, "Odontobutis interrupta" (Iwata et Jeon, 1985) - korlink|얼룩동사리
# dark sleeper, "Odontobutis obscura" (Temminck et Schlegel, 1845) - korlink|남방동사리

# Taiwanese fire-bellied gudgeon, "Micropercops swinhonis" (Gunther, 1873) - korlink|좀구굴치
# chestnut goby, "Chaenogobius castaneus" (O'Shaughnessy, 1875) - korlink|날망둑
# floating goby, "Chaenogobius urotaenia" (Hilgendorf, 1879) - korlink|꾹저구
# bigjaw goby, "Chaenogobius macrognathus" (Bleeker, 1860) - korlink|왜꾹저구
# oriental goby, "Acanthogobius flavimanus" (Temminck et Schlegel, 1845) - korlink|문절망둑
# "Acanthogobius elongata" (Ni et Wu, 1985) - korlink|왜풀망둑
# white ventral goby, "Acanthogobius lactipes" (Hilgendorf, 1879) - korlink|흰발망둑
# "Acanthogobius luridus" (Ni et Wu, 1985) - korlink|비늘흰발망둑
# "Synechogobius hasta" (Temminck et Schlegel, 1845) - korlink|풀망둑
# parrot goby, "Sicyopterus japonicus" (Tanaka, 1909) - korlink|열동갈문절
# "Pseudogobius masago" (Tomiyama, 1936) - korlink|애기망둑
# brown goby, "Bathygobius fuscus" (Ruppel, 1830) - korlink|무늬망둑
# paradise goby, "Rhinogobius giurinus" (Rutter, 1897) - korlink|갈문망둑
# common freshwater goby, "Rhinogobius brunneus" (Temminck et Schlegel, 1845) - korlink|밀어
# "Tridentiger bifasciatus" (Steindachner, 1881) - korlink|민물두줄망둑
# bare-naped goby, "Tridentiger nudicervicus" (Tomiyama, 1934) - korlink|황줄망둑
# trident goby, "Tridentiger obscurus" (Temminck et Schlegel, 1845) - korlink|검정망둑
# trident goby, "Tridentiger brevispinis" (Katsuyama, Arai, et Nakamura, 1972) - korlink|민물검정망둑
# striped goby, "Acentrogobius pflaumi" (Bleeker, 1853) - korlink|줄망둑
# spotted goby, "Acentrogobius pellidebilis" (Lee et Kim, 1992) - korlink|점줄망둑
# "Favonigobius gymnauchen" (Bleeker, 1860) - korlink|날개망둑
# estuarine goby, "Mugilogobius abei" (Jordan et Snyder, 1901) - korlink|모치망둑
# "Mugilogobius fontinalis" (Jordan et Seale, 1906) - korlink|제주모치망둑
# "Parioglossus dotui" (Tomiyama, 1958) - korlink|꼬마청황
# blue-spotted mud hopper, "Boleophthalmus pectinirostris" (Linnaeus, 1758) - korlink|짱뚱어
# mud hopper, "Periopthalmus modestus" (Cantor, 1842) - korlink|말뚝망둥어
# "Periopthalmus magnuspinnatus" (Lee, Choi, et Ryu, 1995) - korlink|큰볏말뚝망둥어
# flat-head goby, "Luciogobius guttatus" (Gill, 1859) - korlink|미끈망둑
# ice goby, "Leucopsarion petersii" (Hilgendorf, 1880) - korlink|서백어
# red eel goby, "Ctenotrypauchen microcephalus" (Bleeker, 1860) - korlink|빨갱이
# eel goby, "Odontamblyopus lacepedii" (Temminck et Schlegel, 1845) - korlink|개소겡
# round-tailed paradise fish, "Macropodus ocellatus" (Cantor, 1842) - korlink|버들붕어
# northern snakehead, "Channa argus" (Cantor, 1842) - korlink|가물치


# Asiatic ricefish, "Oryzias latipes" (Temminck et Schlegel, 1846) - korlink|송사리
# dwarf ricefish, "Oryzias sinensis" (Chen, Uwa, et Chu, 1989) - korlink|대륙송사리
# brackish halfbeak, "Hyporhamphus intermedius" (Cantor, 1842) - korlink|줄공치
# Japanese halfbeak, "Hyporhamphus sajori" (Temminck et Schlegel, 1845) - korlink|학공치


# three-spined stickleback, "Gasterosteus aculeatus" (Linnaeus, 1758) - korlink|큰가시고기
# Chinese nine-spined stickleback, "Pungitius sinensis" (Guichenot, 1869) - korlink|가시고기
# Sakhalin stickleback, "Pungitius tymensis" (Nikolsky, 1889) - korlink|두만가시고기
# nine-spined stickleback, "Pungitius pungitius" (Linnaeus, 1758) - korlink|청가시고기
# short nine-spined stickleback, "Pungitius kaibarae" (Tanaka, 1915) - korlink|잔가시고기


# pipe fish, "Syngnathus schlegeli" (Kaup, 1856) - korlink|실고기

piny eels

# ricefield swamp eel, "Monopterus albus" (Zuiew, 1793) - korlink|드렁허리

corpionfish and flatheads

# black rockfish, "Sebastes schlegeli" (Hilgendorf, 1880) - korlink|조피볼락
# bartail flathead, "Platycephalus indicus" (Linnaeus, 1758) - korlink|양태
# Siberian sculpin, "Cottus poecilopus" (Heckel, 1837) - korlink|둑중개
# Tumen River sculpin, "Cottus hangiongensis" (Mori, 1930) - korlink|한둑중개
# Cherskii's sculpin, "Cottus czerskii" (Berg, 1913) - korlink|참둑중개
# frog sculpin, "Myoxocephalus stelleri" (Tilesius, 1811) - korlink|개구리꺽정이
# rough-skinned sculpin, "Trachidermus fasciatus" (Heckel, 1837) - korlink|꺽정이


# stone flounder, "Kareius bicoloratus" (Basilewsky, 1855) - korlink|돌가자미
# starry flounder, "Platichthys stellatus" (Pallas, 1788) - korlink|강도다리
# fine-spotted flounder, "Pleuronichthys cornutus" (Temminck et Schlegel, 1846) - korlink|도다리
# "Cynoglossus semilaevis" (Gunther, 1873) - korlink|박대


# striped puffer, "Takifugu xanthopterus" (Temminck et Schlegel, 1850) - korlink|까치복
# vermiculated puffer, "Takifugu vermicularis" (Temminck et Schlegel, 1850) - korlink|매리복
# grass puffer, "Takifugu niphobles" (Jordan et Snyder, 1901) - korlink|복섬
# fine-patterned puffer, "Takifugu poecilonotus" (Temminck et Schlegel, 1850) - korlink|흰점복
# river puffer, "Takifugu obscurus" (Abe, 1949) - korlink|황복
# tiger puffer, "Takifugu rubripes" (Temminck et Schlegel, 1850) - korlink|자주복



ee also

* List of amphibians of Korea
* List of reptiles of Korea
* List of mammals of Korea
* List of passerine birds of Korea
* List of non-passerine birds of Korea

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  • List of raw fish dishes — This page is a list of raw fish dishes.* anchovies Europe, fresh or brine preserved. * carpaccio Italian very thin slices, most often made with swordfish and less commonly with tuna or other large fish, usually served with lemon juice (a variant… …   Wikipedia

  • List of birds of South Korea — This is a list of the bird species recorded in South Korea. The avifauna of South Korea includes a total of 492 species, of which 2 have been introduced by humans, and 170 are rare or accidental. 1 species listed is extirpated in South Korea and… …   Wikipedia

  • List of birds of North Korea — This is a list of the bird species recorded in North Korea. The avifauna of North Korea includes a total of 318 species, none of which are introduced, accidental or endemic. 1 species listed is extirpated in North Korea and is not included in the …   Wikipedia

  • List of amphibians of Korea — This is a list of amphibian species found in the wild in Korea, including the Korean Peninsula and Jeju Island. A total of 20 species of amphibians are known from Korea; this includes two species of salamander that were not discovered until the… …   Wikipedia

  • List of extinct animals of Asia — The list of extinct animals of Asia features the animals that have become extinct along the history in the Asian Continent.Prehistoric extinction* Sri Lanka lion (Sri Lanka, 37.000 years BP) * Steppe Wisent (north and central Asia, end of last… …   Wikipedia

  • List of rail accidents (1950–1999) — List of rail accidents from 1950 to 1999.For historic accidents before 1950, see List of pre 1950 rail accidents .For accidents from 2000 to the present, see List of rail accidents . notoc 1950s 1950* February 17 1950 ndash; Rockville Centre, New …   Wikipedia

  • List of Cumacea literature — Extensive literature list on Cumaceans. Contents: Top · 0–9 · A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A …   Wikipedia

  • Fish farming — Intensive koi aquaculture facility in Israel Fish farming is the principal form of aquaculture, while other methods may fall under mariculture. Fish farming involves raising fish commercially in tanks or enclosures, usually for food. A facility… …   Wikipedia

  • Fish sauce — Thai fish sauce Fish sauce is a condiment that is derived from fish that have been allowed to ferment. It is an essential ingredient in many curries and sauces. Fish sauce is a staple ingredient in numerous cultures in Southeast Asia and the… …   Wikipedia

  • Fish oil — A typical fish oil softgel Fish oil is oil derived from the tissues of oily fish. Fish oils contain the omega 3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), precursors of eicosanoids that are known to reduce… …   Wikipedia

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