- Salarwala
Salarwala (سالارواله), is located in
Faisalabad District , Punjab,Pakistan . Longitude 73.28; Latitude 33.66. It is a town situated on theFaisalabad toLahore railway section. It is one of the oldest railway stations of prepartition days. Many people have used it as a starting point for a railway journey to all of thesubcontinent . It is 60 miles away fromLahore and 20 miles away fromFaisalabad .It was named after
Salar Sing , although some refer to it as Dar-ul-ehsan [ [http://www.darulehsan.org Dar-ul-ehsan] ] , a name given to it by Baba Jee Sarkar aSufi Barkat Ali .Nearby towns are
Sangla Hill andChak Jhumra . By road, Salawala is connected toShahkot (Pakistan) , Sangla Hill and Chak Jhumra.The most famous thing in Salarwala is its
Government High school for Boys . This school has produced many notable personalities such asChaudhry Muhammad Afzal Sahi ofChak Jhumra , ex speaker inProvincial Assembly of the Punjab . A famous personality was Baba G. SarkarSufi Barkat Ali who later migrated to DalowalSamundri .Nawaz Sharif , a former prime minister ofPakistan , was a famous follower ofsufi sahib and used to visit Salarwala time and again. The town has a multi-ethnic population of ten thousand.Much of this population is uneducated. Conditions of civil amenities are poor. A government hospital exists which was established in the time of united India. It has shifted to a new building and its old land has been occupied by land mafia.Fact|date=July 2007 A degree college for boys is under construction.Probably the biggest feature of
Salarwala is its game of Shooting Volley ball. As the legend goes this game has been played for 60 or so years. Some outstanding shoot strikers of Punjab were produced inSalarwala . The game is played in front of the Railway Station and can be seen morning and evening. Every spring there is tournament in which teams from all Punjab participate.Famous Players
Chaudhry Ejaz Ahmad Bajwa (late) Former Captain of Pharung Club.
*Chaudhry Majeed Kahloon Volly Ball player
*Khalid Bajwa (Senior)
*Khalid Bajwa (Junior)
*(Muhammad Rafique Cheema)(late)kabbadi player&atthlte
*(Riaz Hassain Miana) Kabbadi playerEconomy
The economy is meagre and agricultural in nature. Many people are employed in industrial operations and travel daily to
Faisalabad . A branch of UBL is in operation.3 A free eye camp is conducted by eye surgeons in Salarwala every year. This eye camp was started bysufi Barkat Ali 2 . The canalRakh Branch passes just one kilometre away from Salarwala.See also
Barkat Ali
*Rakh Branch
*Chak Jhumra
*Sangla Hill
*Faisalabad *
Barkat Ali
*139/RB-Ghammi chattha References
# [htt://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=story_21-5-2004_pg3_6-33k]
# [ [http://www.ubl.com.pk/locations/search.asp?regions=23&action=0-50k United Bank Limited Pakistan ::: Locations ] ]
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