Donato Ndongo-Bidyogo

Donato Ndongo-Bidyogo
Donato Ndongo-Bidyogo

Donato Ndongo-Bidyogo (born 1950 in Neifang, Spanish Guinea) is an Equatorial Guinean writer/journalist and part of a movement of young Afro-descended authors who have contributed their African experience and traditions to Hispanic culture.



Some of his best-known books include Historia and Tragedia del Guinea Equitorial (1977) and El Comercio Español con Africa (1980), in addition to numerous novels, historical, cultural and political articles written in Spain and for the foreign press. In 1984 he coordinated an anthology of Equatorial Guinean literature and was a finalist for the Sésamo Prize for his work entitled "Las Tinieblas de tu Memoria Negra".

Professional activities

Subsequently, he has served as the adjunct director for "Nuestra Señora de África de Madrid" (Our Lady of Africa in Madrid) and the "Centro Cultural Hispaño-Guineano de Malabo" (The Center for Hispanic-Guinean Culture in Malabo).

Recently he has been a visiting professor at several United States universities.

In English

  • Shadows of Your Black Memory, translated and with a postscript by Michael Ugarte, Swan Isle Press (2007) ISBN 0-974888-12-5

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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