Jingpho language

Jingpho language
Pronunciation tɕiŋ˧˩pʰɔʔ˧˩
Spoken in Burma (Myanmar), China, India
Region Kachin State, Yingjiang County
Ethnicity Jingpo
Native speakers 950,000  (2001)
Language family
Dzili (Jili)
Language codes
ISO 639-2 kac
ISO 639-3 either:
kac – Jingpho
sgp – Singpho
"Kachin language" redirects here. For other meanings of word "Kachin" see Kachin

The Jingpho language (Jinghpaw, Chingp'o) or Kachin language (Burmese: ကချင်ဘာသာ, [kətɕɪ̀ɴ bàðà]) is a Tibeto-Burman language mainly spoken in Kachin State, Burma (Myanmar) and Yunnan Province, China. The term Kachin language can refer either to the Jingpho language or to a group of languages spoken by various ethnic groups in the same region as Jingpo: Lisu, Lachit, Rawang, Zaiwa, Lhaovo, Achang (Ngo Chang), and Jingpho. These languages are from distinct branches of the highest level of the Tibeto-Burman family.

The ethnic Jingpho (or Kachin) are the primary speakers of Jingpho language, numbering approximately 900,000 speakers.[1] The Turung of Assam in India speak a Jingpho dialect, called Singpho, mixed with Assamese words.

The Jingpho language is written with the Latin alphabet. Jingpho has verbal morphology that marks the subject and the direct object. Here is one example (the tonemes are not marked). The verb is 'to be' (rai).

person and number present past
1sg rai n ngai rai sa ngai
2sg rai n dai rai sin dai
3sg rai ai rai sai
1pl rai ga ai rai sa ga dai
2pl rai ma dai rai ma sin dai
3pl rai ma ai rai ma sai

Jingpho syllable finals can consist of vowels, nasals, or oral stops.


Jingpho (Jinghpaw) language has five vowels which causes difficult to pronounce correctly for each words by non Kachin. Example:

Wa (high short tone) compensate Á Wa (middle tone) Teeth Ä Wa (high tone) father à Wa (Low tone) come back Ā Wa (Low short tone) Pig Ą

Usually the writing Jingpho has no vowel indicators, hence difficult to pronounce correctly by the non Kachin.


  • 景颇语-汉语词典 Jingpoyu - Hanyu cidian / Jingpho–Chinese dictionary, 戴庆夏 Dai Qingxia et al.
  • 景颇语语法 Jingpoyu yufa / Jingpho Grammar, 戴庆夏 Dai Qingxia et al.
  • Structures élémentaires de la parenté, de Claude Lévi-Strauss, devotes a chapter to the study of parenthood in the Jingpho ethnicity.


  1. Jingpho (Kachin) on ethnologue.com
  2. Linguistlist.org
  3. Rosetta Project

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