- Rogerian argument
Rogerian argument is a conflict solving technique based on finding common ground instead of polarizing debate. [http://www.counterpunch.org/dziamka05162007.html Just Shut Up and Listen to Your Enemy - Whatever Happened to Rogerian Argument?] By KAZ DZIAMKA, Counterpunch, May 16, 2007] [http://writing.colostate.edu/guides/teaching/co300man/com5e1.cfm What is Rogerian Argument?] by Kate Kiefer,
Colorado State University ]Origin
American psychologist
Carl R. Rogers propagated his "principles of communications ," [ [http://www1.esc.edu/personalfac/hshapiro/professional_communications/advice_outline.htm Outline of Rogerian argument]Empire State College ] [http://www.ucalgary.ca/~dabrent/art/rogchap.html Rogerian Rhetoric: An Alternative to Traditional Rhetoric] Douglas Brent,University of Calgary ] a form of discussion based on finding common ground. He proposed trying to understand our adversary's position, by listening to him, before adopting a point of view without considering those factors.This form of reasoning is the opposite of
Aristotelian argumentation -usinglogos ,ethos , andpathos -, which is an adversarial form of debate (enthymeme ) because it attempts to find compromise between two sides.In practice
This type of discussion is extremely useful in emotionally charged topics since it downplays emotional and highlights rational
argument s.In practice this type of argument is mostly used in written discourse.Fact|date=March 2008
Over the years a number of criticisms have been voiced. Such as
#It can be construed as manipulative.
#Rogerian rhetoric is too idealistic to be used in day-to-day life; people are too hostile.
#As it privileges co-operative construction of meaning over goal-directed persuasion as well as the building of relationships over the winning of an argument, it appears to fit neatly into the feminist perspective. Yet Rogerian rhetoric feels "feminine rather than feminist."External links
* [http://sitemaker.umich.edu/english225/files/barronclassicalrogerian.doc Classical and Rogerian Arguments] [ HTML]
* [http://web.syr.edu/~mdlattim/essays/rogers.html Furthering Appropriation: Trust and the Rhetorical Rogers]
* [http://academic.luzerne.edu/bpajka/slides/The%20Rogerian%20Argument%20102-004.htm The Rogerian Argument]
* [http://www.winthrop.edu/wcenter/handoutsandlinks/rogerian.htm Rogerian Argumentation]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.