- Geographically indicated foods of the United Kingdom
There are many geographically indicated foods of the United Kingdom. In
British cuisine , there is a custom of naming foodstuffs with reference to their place of origin. However, there are other reasons for this practice;Scotch egg , which was invented in London and Dover sole for example.A
* " Aberdeen buttery"
* "Abernethy biscuit " [http://www.nicecupofteaandasitdown.com/biscuits/previous.php3?item=26]
* "Allerdale Cheese " [http://www.churchmousecheeses.com/index.php?mod=product&id_prd=273&id_ctg=26]
* "Allerdale smoked " [http://www.churchmousecheeses.com/index.php?mod=product&id_prd=274&id_ctg=26]
* " Arbroath smokie "
* "Atholl Brose "B
* "
Bakewell tart "
* "Banbury apple pie " [http://www.allbritishfood.com/banbury%20apple%20pie.php]
* " Banbury cake"
* "Bath blue " [http://www.thecheeseshed.com/bath-blue-201-p.asp]
* "Bath bun "
* "Bath chap " [http://www.gourmetbritain.com/encyclo_entry.php?item=333]
* "Bath Oliver biscuit " [http://www.cornwall-calling.co.uk/famous-cornish-people/oliver.htm]
* "Bedfordshire clanger "
* "Belvoir Castle buns " [http://www.recipezaar.com/123801]
* "Berkshire jugged steak " [http://www.recipezaar.com/123255]
* "Blenheim Orange "
* "Blue Wensleydale " [http://www.wensleydale.co.uk/bluewensleydale.html]
* "Bonchester cheese "
* (Scottish) "Border tart " [http://thefoody.com/pudding/bordertart.html] [http://www.visitdunkeld.com/border-tart.htm]
* "Borrowdale teabread " [http://www.village-bakery.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=shop.vb_flypage&product_id=61&category_id=4&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=45]
* " Branston pickle"
* "Buxton Blue cheese "C
* "
Caerphilly cheese
* "Cheddar cheese "
* "Chelsea bun "
* "Cheshire cheese "
* "Cheshire soup " [http://www.soupsong.com/rcheshir.html]
* "Coleraine cheddar "
* "Chorley cake "
* "Cornish fairings "
* "Cornish Gilliflower "
* "Cornish pasty "
* "Cornish yarg"
* "Cullen skink "
* "Cumberland currant and apple pasties " [http://www.allbritishfood.com/cumberland%20currant%20and%20apple%20pasties.php]
* "Cumberland pie "
* "Cumberland sand cake " [http://www.greenchronicle.com/regional_recipes/cumberland_sand_cake.htm]
* "Cumberland spare rib pie " [http://www.allbritishfood.com/cumberland%20spare%20rib%20pie.php]
* "Cumberland sweet lamb pie " [http://www.allbritishfood.com/cumberland%20sweet%20lamb%20pie.php]
* "Cumberland sausage "
* "Cumberland sauce"
* " Dover sole"D
* "
Derbyshire fruit loaf " [http://www.recipezaar.com/138706]
* "Derbyshire medley pie " [http://www.allbritishfood.com/derbyshire%20medley%20pie.php]
* "Derbyshire oatcakes " [http://www.derbyshireuk.net/recipes.html]
* "Devon blue "
* "Devonshire mullet pie " [http://www.allbritishfood.com/devonshire%20mullet%20pie.php]
* "Devonshire onion pie " [http://www.allbritishfood.com/devonshire%20onion%20pie.php]
* "Devonshire pork pie " [http://www.allbritishfood.com/devonshire%20pork%20pie.php]
* "Devonshire squab pie " [http://www.cookitsimply.com/recipe-0010-0m2502.html]
* "Durham rabbit pot pie " [http://www.cookitsimply.com/recipe-0010-0p2505.html]
* "Devonshire splits " [http://www.cookitsimply.com/recipe-0010-02s890.html]
* "Devonshire clotted cream " [http://www.wiganworld.co.uk/stuff/recipe2.php?opt=rec&subopt=rec43]
* "Dorset Blue Vinny"
* "Dorset Drum "
* "Dorset fair gingerbread " [http://www.atasteofruraldorset.com/recipes.php]
* "Dorset luxury applecake " [http://www.atasteofruraldorset.com/recipes.php]
* "Dorset rough cake " [http://www.atasteofruraldorset.com/recipes.php]
* "Dorset tea bread " [http://www.atasteofruraldorset.com/recipes.php]
* "Double Gloucester "
* "Dundee cake " [http://www.inmamaskitchen.com/RECIPES/RECIPES/Desserts/dundee_cake.html]
* "Dunlop cheese "
* "Dunsyre Blue " [http://www.caleyco.com/get_item_huer002_dunsyre-blue.htm]E
* "
Eccles cake "
* "Essex meat layer pudding " [http://recipes.chef2chef.net/recipe-archive/30/164006.shtml]
* " Essex Pippin"
* "Eton mess "F
* "
Fine Fettle Yorkshire Cheese "
* "Five Counties cheese "
* "Flower of Kent "
* "Forfar bridie "G
* "
Grasmere gingerbread " [http://www.grasmeregingerbread.co.uk/]
* "Glamorgan sausage "
* "Gloucester cheese stew " [http://recipes.chef2chef.net/recipe-archive/16/094931.shtml]
* "Gloucester pancakes " [http://recipes.chef2chef.net/recipe-archive/30/164070.shtml]
* " Glory of York"H
* "
Hampshire haslet " [http://www.flavourofbritain.com/recipehants.html]
* "Harwich Kitchels " [http://archive.basildonrecorder.co.uk/2007/5/31/251380.html]
* "Hereford apple dumplings " [http://www.cookiemix.co.uk/hereford-apple-dumplings]
* "Hereford Hop " [http://www.cheeseboard.co.uk/members.cfm?page_id=241&CFID=3691&CFTOKEN=40938537]I
* "
Ipswich almond pudding " [http://www.justuk.org/uk/recipes/ipswich.asp]
* "Ipswich lemon pie " [http://www.kitchenaria.com/Ipswich-Lemon-Pie(English)/recipe_7080.html]
* "Isle of Wight doughnuts " [http://thefoody.com/baking/doughnuts.html]K
* "
Kendal mint cake "
* "Kentish cheese and apple pie " [http://www.helium.com/tm/574326/kentish-cheese-apple-piemuch]L
* "
Lanark Blue "
* "Lancashire cheese "
* "(Lancashire)Hindle Wakes " [http://thefoody.com/poultry/hindlewakes.html]
* "Lancashire hotpot "
* "Leicester pudding " [http://www.wiganworld.co.uk/stuff/recipe2.php?opt=rec&subopt=rec31]
* "Lincoln biscuit "
* "Lincolnshire Poacher"
* "Lincolnshire sausage "
* "Little Derby "
* "London bun "N
* "
Norbury blue "
* "Norfolk dumplings " [http://books.google.com/books?id=_XQEAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA234&lpg=PA234&dq=suffolk+dumplings&source=web&ots=FiUpmQplpP&sig=UJKwubZ35zlXteUQivCVc1UIIiw]
* "Norfolk plough pudding " [http://recipes.chef2chef.net/recipe-archive/30/164341.shtml]
* "Northamptonshire cheese cake " [http://www.greenchronicle.com/regional_recipes/northamptonshire_cheese_cakes.htm]
* "Nottingham pudding " [http://iccoventry.icnetwork.co.uk/0825lifestyle/0600recipes/tm_headline=great-british-pud--nottingham-pudding&method=full&objectid=12301005&siteid=50003-name_page.html]M
* "
Maidstone biscuit " [http://www.cookitsimply.com/recipe-0010-0122p70.html]
* "Malvern pudding "
* "Manchester tart "
* "Marauding Scot "
* "Melton Mowbray pork pie " [http://www.mmppa.co.uk/]
* "Merseyside meat pie " [http://www.recipezaar.com/117326]O
* "
Oxford sausages " [http://www.sausagelinks.co.uk/recipe_detail.asp?id=36]P
* "
Pontefract Cakes "R
* "
Red Leicester "
* "Red Windsor cheese "S
* "
Sage Derby cheese "
* "Scotch pie "
* "Scotch broth "
* "Scotch egg "
* " Selkirk bannock"
* "Shrewsbury biscuit " [http://www.biscuit.org.uk/recipe/shrewsbury.htm]
* "Shropshire blue "
* "Shropshire fidget pie " [http://thefoody.com/meat/fidgetpie.html]
* " Single Gloucester"
* "Somerset Brie " [http://www.lubborn.co.uk/content/chs-Pages.asp?id=75]
* "Somerset Camembert " [http://www.thecheesegig.com/rw_shop/ShopViewDetails.php?&dx=3&ob=3&itemid=3428]
* "Somerset chicken " [http://www.cookitsimply.com/recipe-0010-0346x7.html]
* "Staffordshire beef steaks " [http://www.slashfood.com/2006/05/30/staffordshire-beef-steaks/]
* "Staffordshire Cheese " [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/staffordshire/7018096.stm]
* "Stilton cheese "
* "Suffolk buns " [http://thefoody.com/baking/suffolkbuns.html]
* "Suffolk cakes " [http://www.myrecipefriends.com/recipe/78647.html?PHPSESSID=6c4e1ef6ab1dd056aa4cc8df2987e88d]
* "Suffolk swimmers " [http://www.onesuffolk.co.uk/Older+People/Recipes/swimmers.htm]
* "Suffolk fish pie " [http://www.astray.com/recipes/?show=Suffolk%20fish%20pie(english)]
* "Suffolk harvest cake " [http://www.onesuffolk.co.uk/Older+People/Recipes/harvest.htm]
* "Suffolk raisin roly-poly " [http://www.onesuffolk.co.uk/Older+People/Recipes/rolypoly.htm]
* "Suffolk red cabbage " [http://www.greatbritishkitchen.co.uk/recipebook/index.php?option=com_rapidrecipe&page=viewrecipe&recipe_id=1048]
* "Suffolk stew " [http://www.greatbritishkitchen.co.uk/recipebook/index.php?option=com_rapidrecipe&page=viewrecipe&recipe_id=1049]
* "Surrey lamb pie " [http://greatbritishkitchen.co.uk/recipebook/index.php?option=com_rapidrecipe&page=viewrecipe&recipe_id=1057&Itemid=2]T
* "
Tewkesbury mustard "
* "Tintern"
* "Tymsboro' " (Timsbury) [http://www.gourmetbritain.com/encyclo_entry.php?item=5569]W
* "
Welsh cake "
* "Welsh Dragon sausage "
* "Welsh rarebit "
* " Wensleydale cheese"
* "Worcester pearmains " [http://archive.thisisworcestershire.co.uk/2003/9/9/171371.html]
* "Worcestershire sauce "Y
* "
Y Fenni (cheese)Y Fenni " {Abergavenny)
* "Yorkshire blue " [http://www.shepherdspurse.co.uk/ourch01.htm]
* "Yorkshire pudding "
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