Ribston Pippin

Ribston Pippin

Ribston Pippin is a triploid cultivar of apple.


Essex Pippin, Beautiful Pippin, Formosa, Glory of York, Ribstone, Rockhill's Russet and Travers.


This apple was grown in 1708 from one of three apple pips (seeds) sent from Normandy to Sir Henry Goodricke of Ribston Hall at Knaresborough, Yorkshire and the original trunk did not die until 1835. It then sent up a new shoot and on the same root lived until 1928.

Risbston is certainly a parent of the famous Cox's Orange Pippin.Also, the school, Ribston Hall High School is named after this delightful fruit.


The apple skin is a yellow, flushed orange, and streaked red with russet at the base and apex.

The yellow flesh is firm, fine-grained, and sweet with a pear taste.

Irregularly shaped and sometimes lopsided, the apple is usually round to conical in shape and flattened at the base with distinct ribbing. Weather conditions during ripening cause a marbling or water coring of the flesh, and in very hot weather, the fruit will ripen prematurely.


A vigorous tree with upright growth, its medium-sized ovate to oval shaped leaves are a deep green color and distinctly folded with sharp, regular and shallow serrations. The surface of the leaf is smooth and dull with a heavy pubescence.

It is very slow to begin bearing, and the proper pollinators will increase the fruitfulness. Lord Lambourne has been recommended for a pollinator, as well as Adam's Pearmain, James Grieve and Egremont Russet.

Ribston Pippin has one of the highest vitamin C contents; 30mg/100mg.Fact|date=July 2008

In literature

The apple appears in a verse by Hilaire Belloc called "The False Heart": cquote|I said to Heart, "How goes it?" Heart replied:
"Right as a Ribstone Pippin!" But it lied. [ [http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,859594,00.html A Belloc Sampler] at time.com]


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