- 1410s in art
The decade of the 1410s in art involved some significant events.
1410 : Starting point of the most celebrated decade inHubert van Eyck 's activity (approximate date).
*1410 : John,Duke of Berry , commissions "Les Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry", illustrated by theLimbourg brothers starting in 1412 (approximate dates)
*1416 :Nanni di Banco , guild member of the Masters of Stone and Wood, installs his “Four Crowned Martyr Saints” at theOrsanmichele guild center inFlorence
*1418 : InFlorence ,Brunelleschi andGhiberti submits plans for the dome of the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Flower.
*1419 :Filippo Brunelleschi designs theloggia of the Innocent dello Spedale inFlorence .
*1419 : The marble Fonte Gaia inSiena is sculpted byJacopo della Quercia Paintings
Across Europe,
fresco es andtapestries are painted.
* c.1410 : "author unknown" - "Madonna of Zlatá Koruna".
* c.1410 :Robert Campin paints "The Entombment".
* c.1410 :Lorenzo Monaco paints "Moses".
* c.1410 :Andrei Rublev paints "Christ the Redeemer" and "The Trinity" (Troitse-Sergiyeva Lavra ).
*1410 :Jan van Eyck paints "Nativity".
*1412 : A painting ofDemocritus is made, which will be exhibited four centuries later, at the Northwestern Fair inChicago, Illinois , onOctober 27 ,1863 .
*1413 : InFlorence (Italy ), Lorenzo paints his masterpiece of the large Coronation (in theUffizi ) for the high altar of his own Church of the Convent of Santa Maria degli Angeli, in Florence.
*1413 :Taddeo di Bartolo paints thevestibule of the chapel inSiena (Italy ).
*1414 :Lorenzo Monaco paints "Coronation of the Virgin " at the Church of the Convent of Santa Maria degli Angeli, inFlorence (Italy ).
*1414 /1418 :Jan van Eyck paints "Portrait of a Moorish King or Prince" (1414 or 1418).
*1418 :Matteo da Siena paints "The Slaughter of the Innocents".
*1418 : InLublin , the Gothic and Renaissance Chapel of the Holy Trinity is covered with Russo-Byzantine frescoes.
*1418 : Giacomo paints frescoes in the chateau ofPinerolo .culpture
1411 -1413 :Donatello completes "St. Mark", Or San Michele,Florence .
* c.1410 -1414 :Nanni di Banco , "Four Saints (Quattro Coronati)", at Or San Michele,Florence .
*1415 -1417 :Donatello creates "St. George Tabernacle" (c. 1415-1417),Museo Nazionale del Bargello ,Florence .
*1419 :Jacopino da Tradate executes the statue ofPope Martin V for theDuomo of Milan .
*1419 :Jacopo della Quercia finishes the Fonte Gaia fountain inPiazza del Campo , atSiena (Italy ).Births
1410 :Enguerrand Quarton , French painter (d. 1466)
*1410 :Vecchietta , Siennese painter (d. 1480)
*1410 :Domenico Veneziano - Italian painter of the earlyRenaissance (d. 1461)
*1410 :Joos van Wassenhove -Early Netherlandish painter who later worked inItaly (d. 1480)
*1410 /1415 :Albert van Ouwater -Early Netherlandish painter working in the NorthernNetherlands (d. 1475)
*1410 /1420 :Dieric Bouts -Early Netherlandish painter (d. 1475)
*1410 /1420 :Petrus Christus -Netherlandish painter active inBruges (d. 1475/1476)
*1412 :Piero della Francesca - Italian artist of the Early Renaissance (d. 1492)
*1413 /1414 :Pietro Vannini - Italian artist andsilversmith (d. 1495/1496)
*1414 :Shubun - Japanese painter in theMuromachi period and aZen Buddhist monk (d. 1463)
*1416 :Lin Liang - Chinese painter of plum, flower, and fruit works during theMing Dynasty (d. 1480)
*1416 /1417 :Antonio Missaglia - Italianarmourer (d. 1495/1496)
*1417 :Domenico di Michelino - Italian painter of theFlorentine school (d. 1491)
*1418 :Agostino di Duccio - Italian earlyRenaissance sculptor (d. 1481)
*1419 :Neri di Bicci , painter inFlorence (d. 1491)Deaths
1416 :Limbourg brothers - DutchRenaissance miniature painters (b. 1385)
*1416 : Wang Fu - Chinese landscape painter,calligrapher , and poet during theMing Dynasty (b. 1362)
*1414 :Niccolò di Pietro Gerini - Italian painter of the late Gothic period - (b. 1340)
*1414 :Jacquemart de Hesdin - French miniature painter working in the Late Gothic style (b. 1355)
*1411 :Melchior Broederlam -Early Netherlandish painter (b. 1355)
*1410 :Bartolo di Fredi , Siennese painter (b. ca.1330)
*1410 :Theophanes the Greek , Muscovite painter (b. ca.1340)
*1410 :Spinello Aretino - Italian painter offrescoes (b. 1350)
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