- Argentine American
Infobox Ethnic group
group = Argentine American
Argentino Estadounidense
caption = Notable Argentine Americans:Fernando Caldeiro -Lorenzo Lamas -Alexis Bledel flagicon|Argentina flagicon|USA
poptime = 90,864 0.04% of the US Population [ [http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/SAFFIteratedFacts?_event=&geo_id=01000US&_geoContext=01000US%7C04000US06%7C16000US0660620&_street=&_county=richmond%2C+contra+costa&_cityTown=richmond%2C+contra+costa&_state=04000US06&_zip=&_lang=en&_sse=on&ActiveGeoDiv=&_useEV=&pctxt=fph&pgsl=010&_submenuId=factsheet_2&ds_name=DEC_2000_SAFF&_ci_nbr=414&qr_name=DEC_2000_SAFF_R1010®=DEC_2000_SAFF_R1010%3A414&_keyword=&_industry=Argentine,US 2000 Census population] ]
popplace =Florida (mainlySouth Florida )·California ·Illinois · Northeast US (New York ,New Jersey ,Connecticut )· are the largest Argentine American communities
langs =American English ·Argentine Spanish Italian·German·French
rels = ·Roman Catholic (Predominantly)·Protestant ·Jewish ·Agnostic ·Atheist
related =Italians ·Spaniards ·White Hispanics ·Mestizos [ [http://www.clarin.com/diario/2005/01/16/sociedad/s-03415.htm El 56% de los argentinos tiene antepasados indígenas ] ] [ [http://coleccion.educ.ar/coleccion/CD9/contenidos/sobre/pon3/index.html CD 9 - Colección educ.ar ] ] ·French·German People · Irish·English • Welsh·Slavic people andArgentine Jew sArgentine Americans are raised and educated
citizen s of theUnited States although not all U.S born, from the southeastSouth America n nation ofArgentina .Argentines are just one of over 20Hispanic national groups —Argentina being the second largest Hispanic country located inSouth America afterColombia by population. While other U.S. citizens or residents with national origins in any of the Hispanic countries of theAmericas may be closely related toSpaniards andItalians in language and culture, Argentine Americans show as much Italian as Spanish influence, which is noticeable (for example) in theRioplatense Spanish dialect of the natives ofBuenos Aires and the southern littoral region. Unlike many regions in the Americas, the population of Argentina is mainly of European descent, [ [https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ar.html CIA The World Factbook 2007] ] [ [http://www.macrentravel.com.ar/frame_argentina.htm Argentina Macren International Travel] ] mostly of Italian and Spanish stock. There are also significant German, British, French,Slavic , andSemitic origins. Argentina, like theUnited States ,Canada , andBrazil , is a major destination for immigrants [Enrique Oteiza ySusana Novick sostienen que «"la Argentina desde el siglo XIX, al igual que Australia, Canadá o Estados Unidos, se convierte en un "país de inmigración", entendiendo por esto una sociedad que ha sido conformada por un fenómeno inmigratorio masivo, a partir de una población local muy pequeña.»" [http://www.iigg.fsoc.uba.ar/pobmigra/archivos/rc31.pdf (Oteiza, Enrique; Novick, Susana. Inmigración y derechos humanos. Política y discursos en el tramo final del menemismo. [en línea] . Buenos Aires: Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2000 [Citado FECHA] . (IIGG Documentos de Trabajo, Nº 14). Disponible en la World Wide Web:http://www.iigg.fsoc.uba.ar/docs/dt/dt14.pdf)] ; El antropólogo brasileñoDarcy Ribeiro incluye a la Argentina dentro de los "«pueblos trasplantados»" de América, junto conUruguay ,Canadá yEstados Unidos (Ribeiro, Darcy. "Las Américas y la Civilización" (1985). Buenos Aires:EUDEBA, pp. 449 ss.); El historiador argentino José Luis Romero define a la Argentina como un "«país aluvial» (Romero, José Luis. «Indicación sobre la situación de las masas en Argentina (1951)», en "La experiencia argentina y otros ensayos", Buenos Aires: Universidad de Belgrano,1980, p. 64).] and amelting pot of different ethnicities and nationalities. As a result, Argentines (just like Americans) don't take the nationality as an ethnicity, but identify themselves with both their nationality and their ancestral origins. The population includesArgentine Amerindians such as theMapuche . [es icon http://www.indec.mecon.ar/nuevaweb/cuadros/2/ECPI_res_generales_junio2006.pdf]US communities with high percentages of people of Argentine ancestry
The top U.S. communities with the highest percentage of people claiming Argentine ancestry (and/or born in Argentina) are: [http://www.city-data.com/top2/h151.html |title=Top 101 cities with the most residents born in Argentina (population 500+) |publisher=city-data.com |accessdate=2008-07-16]
Miami Beach, FL 4.4%
#Sunny Isles Beach, FL 4.1%
#Plantation Mobile Home Park, FL 4.0%
#Bay Harbor Islands, FL 3.5%
#North Bay Village, FL 3.4%
#Key Biscayne, FL 3.4%
#Deer Park, CA 3.3%
#Harbor Hills, NY 3.0%
#Surfside, FL 2.6%
#Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, FL 2.4%
#Acton, CA 2.3%
#Aventura, FL 2.1%
#Islandia, NY 2.0%
#The Crossings, FL 2.0%
#Thomaston, NY 1.9%
#Ojus, FL 1.9%
#Doral, FL 1.8%
#East Richmond Heights, CA 1.7%
#Lebanon, IL 1.6%
# [http://www.city-data.com/city/Mayland-Pleasant-Hill-Tennessee.html Mayland-Pleasant Hill, TN] 1.5%Notable Argentine Americans
Carlos Alazraqui
*Marcelo Balboa
*Alexis Bledel , Mexican and Argentine American actress.
*Fernando Caldeiro
*Andrés Cantor
*Julie Gonzalo
*Martin Gramatica
*Enrique Gratas
*Fernando Lamas
*Lorenzo Lamas
*Pablo Mastroeni
*Jacqueline Obradors
*Andres Oppenheimer
*César Pelli
*Claudio Reyna ee also
*Argentine British
*Hispanics in the United States
*Demographics of Argentina
*White Hispanic
*White Latin American Resources
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