Deborah (Handel)

Deborah (Handel)

Deborah (HWV 51) is an oratorio by George Frideric Handel. It was one of Handel's very early oratorios and was based on a libretto by Samuel Humphreys. It received its premiere performance at the King's Theatre in London on 17 March 1733.

The story of the oratorio takes place in a single day and is based on the Biblical stories found in 4 and 5 Judges. The Israelites have been subjugated for 20 years by the Canaanites, when the prophetess Deborah foretells the death of the Canaanite commander Sisera at the hands of a woman. The Israelite commander Barak leads them into battle against the Canaanites and they come out victorious because Jael, wife of a friend of Sisera, assassinated him during the battle. Celebration ensues.

Dramatis personae

  • Deborah (soprano)
  • Barak (alto)
  • Abinoam (bass)
  • Sisera (alto)
  • Jael (soprano)
  • An Israelite Woman (soprano)
  • Chief Priest of Israelites (bass)
  • Chief Priest of Baal (bass)
  • Herald (tenor)
  • Chorus of the Priests and Israelites
  • Chorus of the Priests of Baal


Score of Deborah (ed. Friedrich Chrysander, Leipzig 1869)

External links

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