Rodrigo (opera)

Rodrigo (opera)

"Rodrigo" is an opera in three acts composed by George Frideric Handel. Its original title was "Vincer se stesso è la maggior vittoria" ("To overcome oneself is the greater victory"). The opera is based on the historical figure of Rodrigo, the last Visigothic king of Hispania. The libretto was based on the work of Francesco Silvani, "II duello d'amore e di vendetta" ("The conflict between love andrevenge").cite journal | url= | last=Graeme |first=Roland | title="Vincer se stesso é la maggior vittoria (Rodrigo)". George Frideric Handel. | journal=The Opera Quarterly | volume=16 | issue=2 | pages=299–301 | date=2000 | accessdate=2007-09-21] Dating from 1707, it was his first opera written for performance in Italy, and the first performance is taken to have occurred in Florence late in 1707. [Knapp, J. Merrill, "Handel's First Italian Opera: "Vincer se stesso é la maggior vittoria" or "Rodrigo" (1707)" (January 1981). "Music & Letters", 62 (1): pp. 12-29.]

The opera was revived properly only in 1984, in Innsbruck, after a lost fragment from Act III was found. Later productions have been given in London (1985) and Karlsruhe (1987).




Prior to the start of the opera, Rodrigo had deposed the previous king, Vitizza, who was corrupt, but then Rodrigo indulged in the same vices after he had become king. One example was his seduction of Florinda, who bore his son as a result. Rodrigo had intended to leave his wife Esilena, who was reportedly infertile, and marry Florinda. However, Rodrigo has not kept this promise.

Act 1

The start of the opera brings news that Giuliano has defeated the sons of Vitizza in battle. In spite of her husband's betrayal, Esilena stays loyal to Rodrigo. Rodrigo demands that Evanco, the last surviving son of Vitizza, be executed. However, Esilena asks that Evanco be spared, and he is turned over to the custody of Giuliano. Giuliano learns of Rodrigo's broken promise to Florinda, and abandons his former support of Rodrigo to make an alliance with Evanco. Evanco is himself in love with Florinda. Rodrigo tells Esilena of his infidelity with Florinda. Esilena is prepared to renounce the throne to Florinda if it will bring peace.

Act 2

At the military camp, Giuliano promises Evanco the throne if he will marry Florinda. Fernando has secretly offered his help to Giuliano against Rodrigo. Giuliano accepts the offer, in spite of warnings. Esilena offers to surrender her throne and husband to Florinda in exchange for peace. Florinda refuses, determined to have vengeance for Rodrigo's betrayal.

Fernando has captured Giuliano and taken him to Rodrigo. Rodrigo wants Giuliano executed, but Fernando and Esilena halt that intention for fear of stoking the rebellion. Rodrigo conveys through Fernando the message to Evanco that the only way he will be pardoned is to surrender himself. The only way that Florinda can save her brother is to leave the kingdom.

The army of Evanco then attacks and breaches the city. As they enter, they see Giuliano surrounded by Rodrigo's soldiers with Fernando about to kill him. Fernando presents Rodrigo's message, but it is refused. Evanco then kills Fernando and saves Giuliano.

Act 3

The forces of Rodrigo battle those of Giuliano and Evanco, and Rodrigo is defeated and captured. As Giuliano and Evanco are about to execute Rodrigo, Florinda demands that task for herself. Before she can kill Rodrigo, Esilena enters with Florinda's son, and says that if Florinda wants to kill the father, she should kill the son as well. This stops Florinda, who then offers to spare Rodrigo. Giuliano and Evanco want none of that, but Esilena persuades them to be charitable as well. Rodrigo has become humbled at this turn of events, and tells Esilena that he may punish him for his infidelity. She does not do so. Rodrigo is allowed to abdicate the throne, and to go into voluntary exile with Esilena. Evanco ascends the throne, and he marries Florinda. They intend to raise Florinda's son by Rodrigo as the heir to the throne. Giuliano becomes regent.

elected recordings

* Virgin Classics 7243 5 45897 2 0: Gloria Banditelli, Sandrine Piau, Elena Cecchi Fedi, Rufus Müller, Roberta Invernizzi, Caterina Calvi; Il Complesso Barocco; Alan Curtis, conductor



*citation|first=Winton|last=Dean|first2=J. Merrill|last2=Knapp|title=Handel's Operas, 1704-1726|publisher=Clarendon Press, 1987
id=ISBN 0193152193

The first of the two volume definitive reference on the operas of Handel.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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