Dominique Jean Larrey

Dominique Jean Larrey
Dominique Jean Larrey

Dominique Jean Larrey,
portrait by Anne-Louis Girodet de Roussy-Trioson,
Musée du Louvre, Paris.
Born 8 July 1766(1766-07-08)
Beaudéan (Hautes-Pyrénées)
Died 25 July 1842(1842-07-25) (aged 76)
Fields surgeon

Dominique Jean Larrey (8 July 176625 July 1842) was a French surgeon in Napoleon's army and an important innovator in battlefield medicine.



Larrey was born in the little village of Beaudéan, in the Pyrenees to bourgeois parents, who later moved to Bordeaux. Larrey was orphaned at the age of 13. He was then raised by his uncle Alexis, who was chief surgeon in Toulouse. After serving a 6-year apprenticeship, he went to Paris to study under the great Desault, who was chief surgeon at the Hôtel-Dieu de Paris. His studies were cut short by war.

Larrey was surgeon-in-chief of the Napoleonic armies from Italy in 1797 to Waterloo in 1815. During this time, he initiated the modern method of army surgery, field hospitals and the system of army ambulance corps. After seeing the speed with which the carriages of the French flying artillery maneuvered across the battlefields, Larrey adapted them as Flying Ambulances for rapid transport of the wounded and manned them with trained crews of drivers, corpsmen and litterbearers. Larrey also increased the mobility and improved the organization of field hospitals, effectively creating a forerunner of the modern MASH units. He established a rule for the triage of war casualties, treating the wounded according to the seriousness of their injuries and urgency of need for medical care, regardless of their rank or nationality. Soldiers of enemy armies, as well as those of the French and their allies, were treated.

Larrey was made a Commandeur of the Légion d'honneur on 12 May 1807. He was a favorite of the Emperor, who commented, 'If the army ever erects a monument to express its gratitude, it should do so in honor of Larrey', he was ennobled as a Baron on the field of Wagram in 1809. In 1811, Baron Larrey co-led the surgical team that performed a pre-anesthetic mastectomy on Frances Burney in Paris.[1] Her detailed account of this operation gives insight into early 19th century doctor-patient relationships, and early surgical methods in the home of the patient.

At Waterloo in 1815 his courage under fire was noticed by the Duke of Wellington who ordered his soldiers not to fire in his direction so as to 'give the brave man time to gather up the wounded' and saluted 'the courage and devotion of an age that is no longer ours'. Larrey was taken prisoner by the Prussians and condemned to death. However, he was recognized by one of the German surgeons, who pleaded for his life. Perhaps partly because he had saved the life of Blücher's son when he was wounded and taken prisoner by the French, he was pardoned and taken back to France under escort. He devoted the remainder of his life to writing and a civilian medical career.

He died on July 25, 1842 in Lyon.

Often considered the first modern military surgeon, Larrey's writings are still regarded as valuable sources of surgical and medical knowledge and have been translated into all modern languages.


  1. ^ June K. Burton, p.18-21

Detailed References

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  • James J. Walsh, "Dominique-Jean Larrey", Catholic Encyclopedia, 
  • Wangensteen, S D; Wangensteen, O H (1971), "Successful pre-Listerian antiseptic management of compound fracture: Crowther (1802), Larrey (1824), and Bennion (ca. 1840)", Surgery 69 (6): 81124, 1971 Jun, PMID 4931133 
  • Welling, David R; Burris, David G; Rich, Norman M (2006), "Delayed recognition -- Larrey and Les Invalides", Journal of the American College of Surgeons 202 (2): 3736, 2006 Feb, doi:10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2005.08.024, PMID 16427565 
  • Wilson, T (1997), "The ambulance - Larrey's legacy", Scalpel & tongs : American journal of medical philately 41: 823, PMID 11619525 
  • Wybieralski, A (1966), "Dominique Jean Larrey (1766-1842) On the 200 anniversary of his birth", Archiwum historii medycyny 29 (3): 31320, PMID 5335562 
  • Zimmerman, L M (1968), "Humanity and compassion in medicine (Ambroise Paré, Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey)", The Chicago Medical School quarterly 27 (4): 2334, PMID 4913343 
  • "The immediate care of the eyes in Napoleonic France", Anaesthesia 31 (3): 439, 1976, 1976 Apr, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2044.1976.tb12341.x, PMID 776029 

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  • Dominique-jean larrey — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Larrey. Dominique Jean Larrey …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Dominique Jean Larrey — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Larrey. Dominique Jean Larrey …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Dominique-Jean Larrey — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Retrato de Larrey por Anne Louis Girodet de Roussy Trioson (principios del siglo XIX). Dominique Jean Larrey (n. Beaudèan, 8 de julio de 1766 – Lyon, 25 de ju …   Wikipedia Español

  • Dominique-Jean Larrey —     Dominique Jean Larrey     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Dominique Jean Larrey     Baron, French military surgeon, b. at Baudéan, Hautes Pyrénées, July, 1766; d. at Lyons, 25 July, 1842. His parents were so poor that he obtained his preliminary… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Dominique-Jean Larrey — (1766 1842) cirujano que, en las guerras napoleónicas, creó el transporte por ambulancia. Tras un primer fracaso como médico naval, a causa de sus continuos mareos, fue a París para ejercer como cirujano ayudante en el Servicio de Desault (1744… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Dominique-Jean Larrey — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Larrey. Dominique Jean Larrey Dominique Larrey par Girodet …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Dominique Jean Larrey — Portrait des Dominique Jean Larrey von Anne Louis Girodet Trioson Dominique Jean Larrey (* 8. Juli 1766 in Beaudéan (Hochpyrenäen); † 25. Juli 1842 in Lyon) war ein französischer Militärarzt und Chirurg. I …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Larrey, Dominique-Jean — • Baron, French military surgeon, b. at Baudéan, Hautes Pyrénées, July, 1766; d. at Lyons, 25 July, 1842 Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Larrey, Dominique-Jean, Baron — ▪ French military surgeon born July 8, 1766, Baudéan, Fr. died July 25/, Aug. 1, 1842, Lyon       French military surgeon in the service of Napoleon; he introduced field hospitals, ambulance service, and first aid practices to the battlefield.… …   Universalium

  • Jean-Dominique Larrey — Dominique Jean Larrey Pour les articles homonymes, voir Larrey. Dominique Jean Larrey …   Wikipédia en Français

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