- Pacific Northwest Wrestling alumni
This is a list of professional wrestlers and personalities that performed in the different incarnations of the
Pacific Northwest Wrestling promotion from:*1925-1992 (as Don Owen Sports)
*1992-1997 (as Championship Wrestling USA)They are listed in alphabetical order of their
ring name .Wrestlers
*Brian Adams / Demolition Crush
*Chris Adams
*Adrian Adonis (Keith Franke)
*André the Giant (André Roussimoff)
*The Assassin / Top Gun / Cuban Assassin (David Sierra)B
*Art Barr (aka Beetlejuice)
*Jesse Barr
*Sandy Barr
*C.W. Bergstrom
*Brady Boone (Dean Peters)
*Tony Borne (Tony Osborne)
*Matt Borne (Matt Osborne)
*Johnathan Boyd (Barry Boyle)
*Bruiser Brody (Frank Goodish)
*Killer Brooks (Tim Brooks)C
*Haystacks Calhoun (William Calhoun)
*Colonel DeBeers / Mega Maharishi (Edward Wiskowski)
*The Destroyer (Dick Beyer)
*Steve Doll
*The Dynamite Kid (Thomas Billington)E
Paul Ellering
*Eric Embry
*The Equalizer (Bill Dannenhauser)F
*Ric Flair (Richard Fliehr)
*Mr. FujiG
*Terry Gibbs
*Mike Golden
*"Superstar" Billy Graham
*The Grappler (Len Denton)
*Chavo Guerrero (Salvádor Guerrero Llanes)
*Gory Guerrero (Salvádor Guerrero Quésada)
*Mando Guerrero H
*Billy Jack Haynes (William Haynes, Jr.)
*Curt Hennig
*Larry Hennig
*Dizzy Hogan (Edward Leslie)I
*Don Leo Jonathan (Don Heaton)
*Rocky Johnson (Wayde Bowles)
*Tom JonesK
Gene Kiniski
*Nick Kiniski L
*Tiger Chung Lee (Masanori Toguchi)
*Scott Levy RavenM
*Taylor Made (Terri Poch)
*Al Madril
*Magnum T.A. (Terry Allen)
*Rick Martel (Richard Vigneault)
*Mil Máscaras
*Moondog Mayne
*Bugsy McGraw (Michael Davis)
*Velvet McIntyre
*Tex McKenzie (Hugh McKenzie)
*Butch Miller (Robert Miller)
*"Mean" Mike Miller
*Gorilla Monsoon
*Pedro Morales
*Ed Moretti (Edward Giovannetti)N
*Kendo Nagasaki
*Nord The Barbarian (John Nord)
*Scott Norton O
Rip Oliver P
*Iceman Parsons (King Parsons)
*Pat Patterson
*Scott Peterson
*Roddy Piper (Roderick Toombs)
*Mike Popovich
*Tom Prichard Q
Harley Race
*Bull Ramos
*Steve Regal
*Rip Rogers (Mark Sciarra)
*Tommy Rogers (Thomas Couch)
*Buddy Rose (Paul Perschmann)
*Irish Paddy Ryan (Earl Patrick Freeman)
*Don Running Bear *
Coco Samoa
*Tama Samoa
*Haru Sasaki
*Dutch Savage (Frank Stewart)
*Joe Savoldi
*Bart Sawyer (Steven Stewart)
*Brett Sawyer (Brett Woyan)
*Buzz Sawyer (Bruce Woyan)
*David Schultz
*Scotty The Body (Scott Levy)
*Steve Simpson (Steve Cohen)
*Tiger Jeet Singh (Jagjit Singh)
*Sgt. Slaughter (Robert Remus)
*Jimmy Snuka (James Reiher)
*Doug Somers
*Stan Stasiak (George Stipich)
*Jules Strongbow (Frank Hill)T
*Chris Taylor
*Shag Thomas
*Billy Two Eagles U
*Greg Valentine (John Wisniski, Jr.)
*Vinnie Valentino (Vince Billotto)
*Jesse Ventura (James Janos)W
*Luke Williams (Brian Wickens)
*Bearcat Wright (Edward Wright)X
*Jay Youngblood (Steven Romero)
Tom Zenk
*Buck Zumhofe (Herman Zumhofe)Tag teams
*Jesse &
Art Barr
*Billy Two Eagles &Don Running Bear
*Bruise Brothers
*Buzz &Brett Sawyer
*Larry &Curt Hennig
*Latin Connection (Ricky Santana &Al Madril )
*Juice Patrol (Beatlejuice & Big Juice)
*Kiwi Sheepherders
*Matt Borne &Steve Regal
*The Clan (wrestling stable led byRip Oliver )
*Southern Rockers (Steve Doll &Rex King )
*S&S Express (Steve Simpson & Joe Savoldi)
*U.S. Male (Ricky Santana &Curtis Thompson )
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