- Vagaikulam
Vagaikulam is a small village in the southern most part of
India . It is in between the citiesTirunelveli andTuticorin inTamilnadu . The distance from Tirunelveli is approximately 28 km, and from Tuticorin is 22km. The village is noted for its domestic airport, which started functioning in April 2006. There is a daily flight service fromChennai run byAir Deccan . Apart from Chennai, other indigenous routes will also be operational in this airport in the near future. The ongoing development to make Tuticorin a Free Trade Port and the increasing number of companies establishing their manufacturing units in Tirunelveli and Tuticroin districts suggests that the airport will have international flights at a future date.Already the Highway NH7A between Tuticorin and Tirunelveli has been widened by two additional lanes. The extension of Highways goes up to Kanyakumari and
Thiruvananthapuram ,Kerala . This work is done keeping in mind the increasing amount of cargo handling by Tuticorin port to various locations. It is said that timber logs are carried to far off states likeOrissa ,West Bengal and other northern states, since the demurrage is less in Tutuicorin Port. Further the deepening works in port are carried out by a Malaysian company to handle bigger vessels. The area between Tirunelveli and Tuticorin has been increasingly industrialized, and especially Vagaikulam has become an ICD (Inner cargo container terminals) point.
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