Longwave radio mast Hellissandur

Longwave radio mast Hellissandur

Infobox building
building_name=Longwave radio mast Hellissandur

building_type=mast radiator insulated against ground
location=Hellissandur, Iceland
main_contractor= US Coast Guard
The Longwave radio mast Hellissandur is a 412 metre high guyed radio mast for longwave transmissions at Gufuskálar in the vicinity of Hellissandur on the peninsula Snæfellsnes of Iceland. This mast, which is the tallest structure in Western Europe, is insulated against ground and guyed in 5 levels by steel ropes, which are subdivided by insulators. It was built in 1963 as replacement for a 190.5 metre (625ft) tall LORAN-C tower, which was built in 1959, for the North Atlantic LORAN-C chain (GRD 7970). After the LORAN-C scheme was shut down on December 31st, 1994 the longwave radio mast Hellissandur was converted to an aerial mast for a longwave broadcasting transmitter of the Broadcasting Service of Iceland, for a transmission frequency of 189 kHz and a power of 300 kilowatts.

ee also

* List of masts
* List of tallest structures in Iceland

External links

* http://www.skyscraperpage.com/diagrams/?b1046
* http://www.fishing-boating.com/vento/sandur.htm
* [http://maps.google.com/maps?t=h&ie=UTF8&z=13&ll=64.906667,-23.921667&spn=0.026936,0.064201&om=0 Location on Google Maps]
* http://www.hi.is/~vilhj/album/langbylgja_gufuskalum/album/index.html

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